Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/229

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`215 _ · rzjma 1. all- articles which are to bei used in the States and Territories not the l’aci1ic`· coast to be delivered and inspected at points dasiaaatetl in those States and Territories; and the advertise- ‘—,,,..,,;s for such Supplies Shall published- in nevgspapers of the Zvi;-img; (lf SH!} FI°111lC1$€0,.41I1-C311fo.I‘I11i1, Hlld pOIt1QD(1, ()l'€g0l], ,12,s.§3716.) ‘ _, _ ·-, ,__ 1203. Advertisement not required for purchase of medical .5a;»plies.———-So much of section 5 of Title 41 as requires adver- ,;,.,aa·llt before purchase shall not I. apply to the purchase or Hip }lt·lll(‘S and u1€diC°ff1 SUDDHQS ff)? 1119 }]._€(11.CZl1.Dté[)flf;1I1€jgllf Of I the Army. (Feb. 27,.1893, c.‘168, 27 Stat. 485.) . _ A · · _' 1294. Advertisement not required for purchase ofmotor ambulances.-The Secretarylofwar may, in lnisdiscretion, select ,,—,,,~e and makes of motor;. ambulancesffqr the·Army‘ and any- (;1,..;·i;a· their purchased without regard to the laws prescribing Q,.gt-t-;·zise·`x:nt>::t for proposals for supplies and materials for the _·_\;·my.' (June 5;-1920, c.'·240, 41 Stat. 967;) . o 4 0 —_ · 12,05; Purchase ·or procurement of supplies or serviceslin Y Open iuarket.—-—The purchase of supplies and-tlie`·procaren11ent ‘ ,.{ ,e·;·vict·s. forall branches of the Army iservice may betmade in `..;.t»n market, in the manner common among business men, when ' [;,,L he-gregale of the-a_mount‘required does not ezrceed $500; but t·v··_ry such purchase exceeding $100 shall bei promptly, reported I., the Secretary of .War_ for approval, under such jregulations ,.1 so my ;$rt»scriue.. »_ {Jane. 12, moe, e._ sore, sr stat. 258.) · - _ 1206. Purchase of horses in open- market.-When practicable, he»x·s4·s for public use in the Army shall be purchased in open

 maz·ket·at all military posts on stations, when needed, yyithint a

msxhan1n1'Dl‘ice` to be nxed by the Secretaryoi War. (June 30, 1422; c. 253, Title I, 42. Stat.`_731.} . _ _ K' Q ‘ i Y O. - 1207. ‘Marking supplies with name of cbntractor.—-Ex·ery_persha who shall furnish suppliesotany kind to the Army shall 1,,. rt-4; mark and distinguish the sameinjjth the name wli thect•ntract01‘·furnishillg such supplies, in such°manncr'as ` ella- Siwretary. of ·War may difcct ;_ and no supplies of any kind shall bedreccived, unless so marked and distinguished. · (IL @::7::1.) ~ " r  » D . ‘] ‘ 1208. Materialfor sacks for artillerycartridges imported f rce of duty{···—\Vheu, in theoplnion of the. Secretary of War, it is m*ct· purchase material abroad for the manufacture ·ox` sacks-f6_1‘ artillery cartrid;;es,_`it shall bei admitted free of "<laty._ {Mar. 15; 1898, c. 69,.30 Stat. 320.), i I ` ·Gt)NTRACTS REQUIRED '1`0lBE IN WRITING p g 1221. _Contracts` of _1 QuartermasterCorps.-—=\¥’henex·er con- _ tz·;lt·ts.ea»·luch are_not“ to be-performed within sixty-days are __ ._ma<le on behalf ‘of.`the Government by the Quarterxnaster Gen-

 lral, or by_·officers"of/the'Quartermas`ter Corps

I make them, and are in excess of $500 in amount, such; contracts -=—i:_all be reduced to writingp and signed-by the contracting parties. In all other cases. contracts shall be. entered into tmelcr sueh reguljlonsas may be prescribed phy the Quarter aaastcr General. (Mar. .4; 15015,-c. 143,5*1, 38.Stat.‘_1078.) · 1222. Contracts of Ordnance Department.—\\’heuex·er con, tracts which are not-toe be performed. within sixty days are madeou .behalfof the“‘Goyernmentby the Chief of Ordnance, or by omeersyunder him authorized°'to make them, and are in J ,t—x¢·t·ss kot $500 in amount, such eontractsshall be reduced tc ( uQritix1g*and_signed` by the contracting parties with their names. ' at the end thereof. In all other cases contracts shall be pre- ‘ 1¤=u·<·d under such regulations as_ maybe prescribedaby the .l`l1lf•l` of Ordnance; (Mar.`23, 1910, c. 115, 30 Sta`t._261.) _ 1223. Contracts of Signal Corpse-—4Wlienes‘er contracts whict are not to be performed within sixty daysare made on behali ui, the Government by the (Jhief·Slgnal Oihcer, or by otilcelrs oi , o the Signal.Corps authorized-to make them, and are in exeesr · of $500 lnamount, such contracts shallhe reduced towrltlng andfsigned by the contracting parties. In all other cases con- . tracts shall be entered into under- such regulations as may be

0.-3-azzair § 1251 » prescrilied· by the Chief Signal Officer. (Aug. 29, 1916, c.i,41S, §1,39Stat.622.)., - I. _ · - p 1224. Contracts of Medical _Department.-—Whex1everf\ con. —‘tracts which are not to be performed within sixty. days are made on behalf of the Government by the Surgeon General or by odieers of the Medical Department authorized to make "them, and are in excessyof $500 in amount, such contracts shall- be r_'1‘0d_l1C€{l to wr;_rmg. and signed by the contracting pa`rties,..but in_al1 other-cases_°contractsshall-_be'prepared`under such regu- `_ _lation_s as may'be·prescribed·` by the Surgeon General. (Aug.

29,_ 1916, c. 418,. §. StatQ‘)639.) O ‘ - I .

T .12125.; Contractsrof Air~Serviee.—When_e»·er contracts which · are not to be performed within six jmonthesare made on behalf of the Government by the Chief of Air Service Qor by officers . or the an st~rv1ce.aurno¤1zeo remake mem, auatic in ercess

 of $500 in amount,-_.such contracts shall he redncedto writing-

-and signed by the contracting parties. In all other cases contracts shall be entered into undersuch regulations as may be . _ prescribed by the Chief _.0f Air Service. (June .39, 1922, - c;. 253, Title I, ·42.Stat._ 731.). -· - g V r __ F · Y `) " SALESCTO SOLDIERS, VETERANS, AND CI\fILIAN` -~. '_ ) - V _‘ EMPLOYEES ‘ - j ~_ S `‘`_ _ _ _. 1231. Sale, `price of quartermaster‘snpplies.·—Authorized sales __ -of clothing and other iquarterinaster supplles»‘slx~all<*be—for cash · or hou credit. at U the average current Prices, plus; all [overhead. ·_ l costs, to be Ydetermlned and Hxed by fthe Secretary of War,. . (June 30,1922, c_."253,_ Title I,·42‘Stat, 729.) Us 0 _. _ _ _i1232. Sale of rations to ” omcers -in·§eld.+—Co1i1;nissioned oflir __ C-MS'- of the Army, Servtii1gYin.‘the field, may purchase··rationsT 0 for` their town- use,_from_'any qnarter;nasXter§ on credit,-` at cost

 prices; and Ytlie- amounts idue for such purchases shall be re-

`. popiéo monthly to the Finance Department.) (R. S. :5 11}.15.). l· A 1233..Sale..of” Nar!. stores toomcers andymen `of Army.?-— o TllQ‘.OfHC€1°S·&`ll(l ·the`enlisted men `offxthe Army shall‘b-e per- - mitted to-purchase subsistence supplies from,] the Navy and _ " Marine Corps at the sameprice as`·is charged the otiieers andthe enlisted men of the.Navy__and Marine Corps. (Aug. 29, [ ,1916, c. 418, 51., 3.9 Stat. 630.). “S " _ 1 `. " _ I- ‘ 1234. Sale of quartermaster property to oflicers of Navy { and Marine Corps for use in public service}-—A`rtic1es ofserv- Y- iceable quartermaster‘ property may be-sold by the Quartermaster General of the Army to=officers of the Navy and Ma-" rine Corps, for their use in the publicservice, in the same man- 1 ner as these articles are now soldito oaieers of the`~A`rmy. -· (Mar. 4,`1915,·c. 143, § 1, 38 Stat. 1079.) i ` r - ‘1235.·Sale of subsistence stores to veteransreceiving medi- - `0cal_ treatment.—-I—Io110rably discharged- ofllcers and enlisted men v of the Army who are being cafredrfor and are receiving medical L treatment from the _I?nbl_ie. Health Service shall, while under- r going such care and treatment, be [mrmitted 'to.»pu‘rehase sub- » sistence stores and articles of other authorized supplies, ex- · "cept articlesof the uniform, fronrthe Army, Navy; and Marine Corps at .·the same price as charged the ofhgcers and enlisted -- menof the Army, Nayy, and Marine Corps. (June 5, 1920, c. e 240, 41»S`tat. 976.).- ‘ I G, { · t _ _ _ _ . 1236. Sale of rnedical-suppliesto civilian.employees.—i——Civil·. n ian employees of the Army stationed at military posts may, r under- regulations to be made by the Secretary of War, pur- . s chase necessary medical supplies when prescribed by a· medical - officer of the Army. _"(A_pr. 23, 1904,·c.`14S5, Stat. 273.) l E. SALES, TRANSFERS,-.5ND LOANS-T0 CTHER I)El’A.RT-— _ MENTS, BUREAUS OR OR,GANlZATIONS._ ~

'franster of mounted equipment to metropolitan police, see section

~ 214 ot '1‘lt1e·5. . , " _ » . - E Transfer of motor vehicles- to branches .o£ Government service, see , section :213 ot Title 5. » ·` _ . · p . Q

· 1251. Transfer of surplus explosives to other ·depa_rtnieuts.

» of Government.~;—The Secretzu€y of War is authorized to turn s. oyer on request from other `executive departments of the Gov-