Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2409

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2395 1x1} 1; Pulnlic Printing and D0cu1n0nts——Continucd l t‘on;;rt-ssionul printin;:-·L‘ontinu0d l’uy1nt·nt for priming ‘urdvrcd by Senators or C•-»1:1·- QI'(‘S€i|l(‘I1,l[}.·]~{26. § 163 t Pnniphle-fcopins Ux·Si$l1Il1Q(’S. p. 1428, § 195 _. Postal ('(;ll\`(·‘l11iUll.S and trmties. p. 1428, §§ 191, 193 1’rizitin;: tiotjtinimnts not authorized by law, p. 1423, § 140 _ . _ · 1tt·printin;: bills. laws, and t·oznmitt0r· reports, D. 1423, § 1217 _ ~ Rvtiring ('ongre·ss1n<·n, right to domtnivnts. p. 1425, § 158 .1&uit—s and rt·;;11lutio11s, Joint ('unnnitt0e· on Printing nutliorikt-d tp in:1k¤·_ p. 1-123, § 136 l "Stmo l’('}!I2I'iill(‘l|t. nnnibbr of copies of Svnato z1nd· . 1Ion_s<— dovpnnonts supplivd. p. 1-123, § 138 i _ Stzxt<·ma·nt of a'ppropri:xtions, “ft(1(11'ii(l1l{11`111lI1)11t‘l‘."1 . p. 11;:3. § 153 ` ‘ St:tti•=n<·ry und blank books for _(`on;.n·0ss, p. 1-124, § 146 Stntutvs nt L:argt·.‘ p. 1128, § 196 "1'sunl 11'tlli11N‘1‘.’ to in- printed. p. 1422, § 131. · twngrvssionznl 1Ie·<·ord 3 ·.\l°l`&l·Il§l!11(‘11f.· stylin mul (·t•lli(‘iliS.’]). 1-126. § 181 I (‘opi¢·s fnrnislwd to tiovvrnor of Pliil-ippines, p. 1426, I § 164 4 ‘ i·}xr1mn::t· for forrizn p:n·linnn·nt:1ry 1'(*(‘t)1`(1S, p. 1-127. §§.1s’•:-IMS { ]·2ytr:u·t for ·(`Ul|L!`l’t’Sb·¥l1lt'!l with nmilin;: t·nyt·lop<~s furnisliwwl to S<·nn_tors, I1t»pr<·s011t:1tiws. and I>t·1•·gnt<>s. p. 1427. § 185 Grntuituus copivs. 1-126, § 183 1nd<·xt·s. p. 1426. 181. 182 '. Sulisvriptioiis, pricv. p. 1426. § 183 " I'nl»ounil vopios for (?on`gr¢~ssint~11, p. 1427. § 184 l`o·nsulur r•·ports._ mnnliur of copies printvel. p. 1 132. § 251 , 110pnrtnn·nt:tl printing, svn l$Xt·t‘1lI1\`(’ und d<·_p:irtn:<·ntul printing. iufr:t ‘ . ]`7t‘]l{l1'1111t•il1tli. rvports, soo Ext-<·utive and (]t*[lZil`illl(‘l11{l1 . 1•rintiu;z. infra l . t . Unputy I’ul·•1i<= l’rintt~r. nppointngvnt and duties. p. 1417. § 30 jtiislmrsing; ¢·lt·i·k. :nlvnnt·t-s to pay for work und- inutvriztl, _p. 141s. § 52 1 A _ . Disposition of rovnipts for work dono. p. 1422. § 120 lristriliution of public dot·u•uonts._ p. 14111, § 71 vt snq. District .ol' ('olunnbtu lwultln oilit·<·1‘. i·t·ports, p. 14213, § 263 l•¤»¢·nnn·nt rooms for Sonata and llousv of 1{npr0s<·11t_:1tiv0s. p. -1426. § 165 i . }·Zdu•·ntion t‘oxnniissione·r°s rvport,“`numb0r of copies printed,

¢2. 1 :::13 ‘

l·Jlt-¤·trotypin;:. wlwn untlmrizcd. p. 1421. § 112 linzrnving e·ontrm·ts.‘ duty of I’ul»1ic l’rintvr. p. .1421. § 113 1‘:]1iit‘11I{‘l'1S. munbvr of copies, p. 1,432. § 254 I‘Z?<(·t·1l1i’.'e· nnd dt~p:1rtmt·ntul printing .\Q`l‘1t'11ii1l1’2I1 ]1t·pzn·t111t·r1t. rvports dealing with bontsugnr industry. p, 1432, § 242 _ . I .\;.:ri<·ulttn·nl Ire-·pan·tnm·nt· reports. form and mnniwr of oopivs printvd. p. 1431, § 241 ° .\ni1n:el lndustry Burétnu reports. (1isi1‘11»l\11u'1l of copi<‘·s. p. 14::2. § 244 _ ..\muml reports,. limitation of iunnbcr to 110 printnd, p. 1-129, § 213 ' .\nnuul rvports of t>xt·t·utiv9 ofli<·e·rs. style of printing, p. 1-130, § 222 .\]1]1l'0]il°11l1it1l1$ t·1n1•·;.:<·:¤1»lt· xx it ln printing mists, p. 1429, A 1 214 — . -\]I])l`(1]11'1il1_1·UN,{OP printing not to he ¢·xct·0dt·•l, p. 1429, § 213 _ _ . 4 Bills und rvsolutions, copios to be sent to ouch ft0purtment and c·x<·t·ufiv<· <·i1i¤·0. p. 1430, § 215

'X Public I’l’illt·ill{.f and Docimncnts—·—(‘1111t111111—11 Executive :11111 (.1t'[1El1'lllll‘111111 11ri11ti11g—·C1111111111911 Bu1‘1·:1u of ]"U1'Q1gIl :11111 I)11111rstic U11111111rrr1¤, :111111111l re11<11#1s, 11. 373. § 134 1.., ‘ ];=l1I`(‘1.1ll- 1·01111ris, 111ri11ti.11g 11i¤1-rrti11u:1ry wi11.1 111·:1c1s of d0p:1r1111c·11ts, 11. 1420, § 213 I CL‘1‘{111CZ1I£! ui 11ec0:<sity :11111 v>=ti111:1te of cost. 11. 1-122, § 117 _ (.'1111ies for 11i1¢tributi1111 by 11r11:1rt111<»11t:¤ to 111~sig11:1tr11 dr1111sit11rie·s :11111 1i111·:1rirs, 11. 1430. § 217 ])1~1111Sit of two 1:1111ies 001-11 in 111111111;.; 1*1111111s at I.i111·:1ry `11f U(1ll;§I’£';<S, [111430. 217 ‘ ~ ])0(’111)1€'I11S {for 01111-1:11 use. 0I)(1€I‘ for c1111ic>=, 11. 1130, § 215 ‘ · F11r111 :11111 siyle of work for 11011:1rt1111~111_s. 11. 1430. § 216 1·`1·:111ks for 1111111111;; 1<1~1~11s by Agrir111:111·:11 I1r11:1r1111r11t, 11. 1431. § 226 ` 11111111rts :11111 rx,11r1rts, :1111111:11 s1:11r111r11L by S01:rr1:1ry uf (`r111111rr1·Q.·11. 373. § 187 .11111r11:11s, I!1£1Q`$1Z11l(‘F. r11·.. 1·011111r1»:1 for 11r11:1r11111—111:1l uso. 11. -1-130, § 220 X1111111rr of (‘0|)1(‘S :1ut1111rizr11 i>=»11rd in -0110 r11iti1111 111* i11 i11St:111111r111s, ‘11. 1431. § 224 . -1’:111rr :11111 (‘llV(‘10}1('S for 111111:1r1111r111>< :11111 0st:1l11is11· 111(‘1111< 111 G11v1=r11111011t. 11. 1431. § 225 I`1'(‘S1(1(’ll1`, 1)l`iutE11g :1111.1 \}iI]di11g 1‘111·. -11. 1420, § 211 ]1r11111‘fs 111111 10 110 11ri111r11 unless 111‘110rr11 s11rri:111y, 1111111111`11·:11i1111, 11. 1-130, § 223 1{r11111‘ts of 11<·11:•1‘1111r11ts. 11. 1420, g 212 ]:1‘[1()I'1$ of 1111111irz11i1111s: issucwl 1111ri11g·iis1·;11 11·:11·. 11. 1130. § 221 · · _ 1i1?·1111isi1i1111 by 111·:111 of (14‘11{11‘1 1110111, 111·<·rs;=1ty, 11. 1120, § 213* _ ]:l`$ll`i('ti(|uS 1111 1111111111; 1`rr rxrr11tiv0 t1(‘1>111`1I111‘111S, 11. 1-130. § 210 S1···1·•.·1:1ry 111I Agr1r1111111‘1·. rr1111r1s 111` 11§1`1'1¢‘11111\1'211 ox- 11rri111r11t \\'U1‘1{, 11. 118. § 41% _ ’ S11l_)I}l.i(‘S 111 110 f1l1'111Sht‘(1 by l’ul11ir 1‘ri111rr to L‘X1‘1‘1l11\'i$ 111>11z1r1111r11ts, 11. 1431, § 227 " With r1111111li111r111s" 111stri1111tir11 11r1111i11itr11, 11. 11Ii·1. § 218 . Exim 011111114 11f 1111r11111r11ts. 111·I11ti11;: :11111 Silllf, 11. 1421. § 114 I·`111.11i11g r1111111s for $011:1111 :11111 I11111<r 11f Rr11rrsr11t11tin-s, 11. 1426, § 166’ ‘ l·`11_rri;.z_11 rrl:11i1111s. 1111111l1rr 11f 1-111111-s 11ri11tr11. 11. 1132. § 230 (11-11111;:11111 s11rv1·_1’ r111‘11i1·;11i1111>. 11. 1133, 211112112 - G11vrr111111¤11t l'ri11ti11g“U11i10 $1-11 :11011 1‘l1h1iL' 1’ri11ir1·, i111`1·:1 A(;('¢|1l1l1>. S(‘lt1t‘|11('111' by (11*I\111`·¥111fI (°l(`1`k, 11. 1113, § 51 ]$l’1ll1(’11('S i11 rxrr11tir1~_11r11:1r11111~111s, 11. 1-110, § 111 (.`1•}1}'l‘i;h1 (rf pU111i<·=1,Ii1111>= 1_11‘i111r11 11*11111 (111]1111‘2110 111:11011 $111111 11y 1*1111111- I’r1i1tr1·, 11. 1413, § I11~11:1rt111r11t 111*111111;;.: 011ir1~s :1s [11111 of G111rr11111r11c . ·1°1‘i1l1.111§L` 0111111. 11. 1418. § 60 1.)(‘11l1lS 0£`(‘lI11110_}`(‘t‘S 111 rxrr11lirr d1»11:1r1111r111s 111* rs— 1:1111i:<111111—111s, 11. 1417, § -17 Dis1111rsi11g r1<·rk, 11111irs. 11. 1413, 50 52 1)1l1)l11‘1ltL‘ 111:1t1·»=. sale. 11. 1418, § 53 l·li;:11t 111111r 1:1w.111•111i1·:11111·. 11, 1-117, § 43 I·]11111111y111r11t111* w11rk111r11, 1111ty 1.1fb1’1111!ir 1’ri111r1·. 11. 1-117, 40, 41 .1‘:X11l1l1Y11ll2,' 1111:1111, 0x:1111i11:11i-111 111` 11:111rr 111111 11111rr 111:1— 1(‘l‘11l1 111111 r1111i11111011t, 11. 1418. § 40 _ l‘:¥Z]_1(}I1N(‘S of (»[N‘1'2|11Ul1, 1111111131 (‘S111ll1l1L? 111- l’1•111i.,· 1’ri111r1·Q 11. 1417, § 37 _ ({U\'t‘l’11*\(‘l11 111:1111: 1'11r111s, 11r111t.i11;: f11r $:111*. 11. 1421, § 01 G¢)\'(‘l‘llIIlO11t w11rk 111 110 110110 :11 G11vrr111111·.11 1*11111111;; 011100, 11. 1421, § 111