Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/249

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235 TITLE 10.- _ my mustcrs` SIS QD. 0H1¢c1‘_ Orlsvldier si peréoxiywhn id pot such (,;f§4·q·z‘ O? _SOhfi€I°• $h8u_b€.diS1!li8S€d {mm fhg ggrvigg gudgufgrt Su,·;i nine: punishment $8.-8 ¢0¤rt·martia} may direct. (Jung ' 4 ;9;2¢_•. c. 227, subchaptexf II, § 1,`_ {11 Stgt, $00i)a ·_ .1529. False mtmfns; omission to .r¢¤dcr.ircturns (article 5;)_-r -;·;vQry ofiicey- whose dqty iris t0‘I€Hd€l' tc the War W;·gmm;: or `othér Superior autherity grcturgi-of thegstatev of mx {mbps under his wmmaud, 01{ ·¤f the- gyms, ammupitimx, · Cgiggghxm, funds, or other pwperty.-t11ereu¤to_»be1o¤ging,‘ who f ° ;{,Q»—\»·s»m!y mékes Q false return theréci shall be dismiss ` fmm molscrvicc mid sufersuch othexipunishmeulz as a_ court- 1* mgifliill may di¤€*0f§ . Arid any ciiicer who, mroqgh neglect qw. ·¤1M;4¤.-¤1n1it§ to rendersuch return sha1}_ be punished. as a _ V, ..`. mmma-rtiixl may direct. (_J}m¢ 4,_;19?.0,‘ c. 227,.su}>chaptgn II, ‘_ gz. 41 Sm:. ‘ " [ ` ‘ E B. Dm&n1¤0N;__ABs¤Ncm YVITHOUT Lmjwm 133%%}. Iieéérfibh (artide 58).-;··Axiy= persQ}1 .s_ubjéqt tu military 5 my.- who ‘d`£as<—rts orfattempts t0_desc1;t the service of th• United · smvw: shall, if the odezase becommitfed in timgofwar, suffer` 3 (p·m1¤ or such- bthér puuishngeuths &.C0l1lft—Hl&l‘ti8l may direct, A " M1. if we offense bcyccmmitted at-any other time, any punish; . ·

n»._·m,‘•»xc<epting death, tha}; Q courvmarfihl xhay direct; (lime

.;_ 1€·2<_v§ ¢;. E, $u'bchapter._II,'§.·L_41_Stat; 800.) . .

 1331. Advising or aiding anoihcr to desert (article 59).——-4 ¤

jx¤¤;.· pux·s<»n subject to miiiqiry law· w110 advises or persuade$·0r ’: ·ku·.v.fin;·gof HSSi$t8'·8H~0ul£lT to desert the sérviceof thé",United · smm éhall, if the ofténsc be commpittediu timé of 4w}1r; suffer 1 mmii misuch qthezf punishment, as aqiurt-martial mayndirect, · _ umlt if the dtfeuse-be committed af guy other time, any punish-- _m¢·m.‘ exvepting death, {hat a -c0i1rt;-m¢rti¤l`may direct. H (June .

 4. 11;:0. c. 227, subchapter II, §‘1·, 41 Stat. 800.) { F. — » -2

1532., Entertaining: deseyter °(nrfiqlc 60).-—:Any otiiceiwho, p , amp-.; having discoveréd ·Ch&t_l·i0]di€l‘ in_his commaind is_ a_ 1 d··>;m·tnr from t,he`militgry or ngvql service or froxyythe ·H`§'fiiiéY__ Y E ¢‘¤»x·;»=.. icetains such dgégxtér @1; JHSICOUIIQRDGN witbout, int01jm· ,. mu superior authority of the commander bf t.hé’0rguniq9.tiim‘- ‘ m which the degertcxmbclpngé shall. be punished as u_c0urt·—· inzmiizl may direct,__~_»(3une 4, 1920, cs.227, subchapter _II, 5 1, " 4} Stat, "_ I . ‘ ‘ ° __ * ·I533. Abse¤¢e Vwitlmintlenyc (drticle 61).-——-A_nY‘pcrs0¤ sub# · — jmt t0`mi1ftary law who fail; to repair nt the Hxed time to » may pmperiy appointed plécc `ot. duty, pr. goes from Qhe ‘sameQ withmxt proper leave, `ot absent: himse1t”fr0m_}iis` Cbhimlilld, y = ·$!mzrd», quartérs, éthtiop, or (!Im})·Wi{h0?1t proper leave, shall ho punished as a courtqxphrtiai may direct. (Juqc 4, 1920, ¢·. 2:.22, .·sutiéhap¢e1·‘II, §·` {,_ 41 Bta¢.<801.) j ’ ‘ _ _ C. Dxsnmrpcr; gusvpcwmyrxou; Mbxmf _ . ‘ 1534. Diarespcct toward the President, Congress; Sccictary pf Wm-, governors, legislgturv (trtlclc 62).---·Any ofticer who _M¤•·s ccmtexpptzmus qt `disrespectful _Wbrds .°agul¤st‘_ the Pl‘&$i·· ‘ <!··nt‘,·-V{ce President, the Ocmgrcam of the Unijccd States, the , $~:m·<»iary ot Wancr tl§e‘g0vcx·m>r or legiglaturé- of any Stab,. ` _ '1`*;rritc;·y, or pthét possession` qt the United States in which he i—~ qamrtcréd shall be dismissed~fr0in. they service or suffer such Uzmgr punishméut as in écixtbmartial direct, Any other-° '1·¤·¤·»=mn·suhjei:t td military lawrwho so otféuds shall be punished . =¤- :1 cerurbmartinl may __direct. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, syb- ¢*»:¤pt_0r II, § 1,41 Stat. 801,) _ "_ I s 1535. Dismspect tcsnrd superior d¤c¢r (articla 63).—;·~A¤y ‘ 1·· won subject ;0 military law `wl;0 behaves himself with <lia» ¤‘#·~1>vct* tow;xrd his superior omcer bball be, punished asja <‘··¤¤‘t—m:1rtial mhy direct. (June 4, 1920, é; 227} subchapter II, I M, —11 _Stat. 801.) ‘ . ·_ _ U ‘ ‘ ’ ¥536..Assaulti1i§ m· 1Yillfully dielcbeyihg supérior exmcer (nrtiele 64).-·~Any persgm Subject to military law who, on any

.-Maf gt 154,3 pretense `whatsoever, strikes his superiorymlcer or draws or lifts up any weapon or offers any.vio1ence against him, being in the execntion ot his .oiIlce, or willfully disobeys any lawful commando! his superior officer, shall Zsafer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. (June 4, 1929, " c.{227,<_subcl1apter II,—§ 1, 41—Stat. 801.) , I ” - ‘

 1537} Insubordiuate conduct toward 1r<mcommissionedeo$cer

(article 65).-+Any soldier who strikes or assaults, or who attemptsor threatensto strike or assault, or willfully disobeys the lawful order Tot a_ warrant ofllcer or at mmcommissioned officer while in the execution ofhis omee, or uses threatening; Ei insulting language, or] behaves in an insabordinate or dis- ` respectful -ma1mer_ toward a warrant omcer or a noncommis n sinned oflieer WIIIIQ `in the execution rot. hisfo§ice,.;sha1l be punished as a court-ma?cfal‘may_direct. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter II, § 1,_.41" Stat. 801.) ‘ ‘ I i " .2 .1538. Mutiny or sedition (article 66).->Any person subject to military, law who attempts % create or who begins, excites, · causes, or joins in any imltiny or. seditiou inn any company, party, post, camp, detachmen—t,_‘§ua_rd; or other eonnmaud shall suffer death or such. other punishment as a ·court-martial may , direct,. `(June —I,‘ 1920, c. 227,_·si1bchapter_°II, § 1, 41_ Stat. 801.) 1539. Failure to suppress irintiny orseditiea (article 67);-- Any officer or soldier who, being, present at any mutiny or sedition, does aotbuse his utnnost endeavor to snpprem` the same, o1·,1mow1ng` or ihaving rwson t0_ believe that a mutiny ‘ or sedition is to take place, does hot. without delay give information thereof .to hisgommaadlng omcer; mall suffer death or `su<·h· other punishment. as ja court-martialrmay sdireet. (June 4,_1920,"c._227,`subcbapter II,:§ I, '41 Stat 801.) A 1540. Qaarrels; '.fr;ys‘;` disorders. (article .68).-4All otllcers, rnembers of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant omcers, Army Held clerks, Held, clerks, Quartermaster Corps, and noncommissioned i_otHeers— have power to part and quell all quarrels, fra§:§_·‘ and <Ii§o`fi‘iei·s”`a`ii¥6rT%§Y`p"e`r§o”rf§ I subject to-· military law and_ to.order· oillcers who takeypart in the same.`iato‘ arrest, and otheropersons subject to military law who take part in the same into arrest -0r confinement, as cireumstances may require, until their proper superior olhcer is acquainted-_ there- _ with} And whosoerer, being so ordered, refuses to obey such oftlcer, nurse, ·_band‘ leader, warrant omcer, Held clerk, or new commissioned `omcer, or draws a .weapon npon: or othdwlse threatens ·or_does”,·vio1ence sto" him, shall be punished I as a_ courbmarttal may direct. (June 4, I920, ep 227, subchapter II, ge 1, 41 Stat. 801.) · A " " D. Ansrzsr; CONHNEMENTU ` 1541. Arrest ‘ or con§i1eme¤t.(artiele 69).——-Any person subject to_ military law charged with crime orwithn a`- serious offense under these articles shall be placed in confinement or l1r arrest `as circumstances may require; `but when charged witha minor offense only such iierwn shall not ordinarily be place;} in·con_ilnement. Any person plated in arrestunder the provisions of this article shall thereby be restricted to his barracks, qtisrters, or. tent, unless such limits shall be en—— largéd by properauthority. — 'Any omcer or cadet who breaks his arrwt or who escapes from coimnernent, whether before or after trial or sentence ang] before he his set at libertyfby proper authority, shall be dismissed from the service or suffer spch otherlpuaishrnent as a_ eourtsmartial may direct; and any other person subject to military law who escapes from eenfinemeht or Who breaks his, arrest, whether before or after D trialor sentéuce`and_ bedare he is set at liberty by_proper authority, shall` be punished as a_ court-martial may _ tfirect. (Jima 4, 1920, c. *227, subchapter II, §_1, 4l_Stat._ 802;) ' 1542. Charges; aetioni upon (artlcle 70);é——Clmr;:es“_aml spewi- Bcstions must beisigued by a person subject to military law,