Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/25

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li TITLE :,—»— TH§ CQ ,,.,,§,,,,·,;,,3 gg m perfarmaé an Jxme %, 1§® by the Supez·i ¤t~snd· I4!

 tgt ttm Llkmry Eaiiding a¤d;Grwuzsds shall be perfcrmeé Cgtmg
 gm giregitaa at the Lihmrtau at Congress, wlm shall mgmt

,, the emgtlvyeés ··# 0 ry Y"i&}`€f§I’. (Mme 29, 1922, ¢. Ptzm

 §   42 Stat. 715,) 0 , 0 Lilm
$3, G§im af ¤·dmini§1*atl¥e astsistaxxt and éisbmsing efficlar KK ¤

,,, Lgtxmry of C¤¤gf¤@‘cr€nted; apwimmem; éaties; bqnd.-~·~ €€’H€~'*

  _  ,t,;»¤§tit}:2,, ci administratim assistant and disbursing o»iiict;z· dégtf

s, ,,~,};tw;t ia the Library at Ccagmss, Agpclmzments theretsx €· gg

   tm made lay the librarian. Thetdministrativé assistant 13

, ,tt-t,ms*;s»;ing @i§#i:€1* shall disburse the éppmmiatimxs for ttm Thi?

   ttf C—¤ngr~&® mté the Bctaslic Garden sm] shall perigmn m Sl
   ¤,wx·*it¤;~s in cmaectian with the duties impssmi by ss;~ct,i<·>n$ smh
   $43 Q! mis title upmz the librarian as hg may dirqzcrt, “Lim'
   étatt give bmté payable to the United States in the wm md
 >,;§2,aé¤;$G,, with suwtia aglpmved hy the Secretary of the and
 wtgsgy fw thi? faithful discharge of his dmies. (June 29, Sha}
   2,:21, 5 1, 42 stm. "i'1§.)¢ 0   0 § ti

2 stpprapriatians far Library Building and`Grmmds.——.&ll gg};

:t§<®1*:s made to the Architect of t11e)Capit0l on account AU
 I,§ttm:·y Btxildibg and Grmxmzis shall be diabumed for of {
 ;ttz;·;;·Q¤~s·~c in the same magnet- as other 3p}3?€}pI'i8.t.i{){lS updera to t

é lttwzttrttl, (June 13*22, c, 2.51, 5,3,042 Stat. 715.) 0 Subj tit. Ceapics of Statutes at Laxjgc,-———Ten of thé copies of the exc, +r·~tt;t2tt»¤$ at Large, published by Little, Brown & C0., which 15

 <,§t,»;t»,z~,~,sitt2d ing the Library plrier to February 5,01859, mm
 Ike mta§:1e¤d, by the llbmrian for the use of the justices mm,
 tml béupmme ,(,1*m1rt,_ during the terms of cgmrt. (R. S. Lib;

L- 0 ner H3. Cupies af Jcumsls and dacumeznts.-·Tw¤> cqspicsl cat the , Sm gtwztztits ami I)acument,s, amt at each bmi: printed by either men

 ttf Congress, bmmd as prmsihed in mation 110 éf Title 44, · Bm
 tmtr Pzttawxss tum Dccmmsws, shall be deposited in the (*3**

g and must not be taken t,hex·et:·»nm.` (B. S. § 97.) W ' été?. Depmit af Jammals of Senate and House.-—————Tw=enty·§ ve {Hit t {sf the publig Qaumaig at the Senate, and of the Hcmse , Hb!

 ltlvrttmntatives, sm}! be deposited in the Library of the

%‘~%wl States, gt the stat at gslvammeut, to be delivered to can `¤€»:t,t;t»¤r¤s·: at Congress during any session, and to all ether fm

 #—<t§~t authmized by law ta use {lm backs in the Library, bx?
 tlwir gpplicatima ta the librarian, and gijsing their respon- me
 ssamigtts far the same, in like manner as for other books; ha

tz; iss.; " go? li?. Bosmd volumes fmm Elm af, Hquse of Representm-F 3,] 2%»,,$~¤.~»~Ttze Clerk gt the Hcmge of Repres=cntatix*cs0is autlmrlzed I ct? ti dimstcd tc: dalimr ta the Librarian of Congress all bound gm ¤~%azm»€s cg original mmm, general petitions, printed mgttcr, gm tt Mitts, and manuscripts mx, Jtme 6, ln, cr, that may T1., fiftttezattér have came mts or may come tum, the was or the Wh

  • mt;—,=e, whtchem his jxadgmmt manet requlrw to be retained ma

2;: me immediate cusmdy of the me clerk; and it shall be the CO, ·%t$t,zr ci the Librarian nt Cqngress to caxme all such matter so later ,2~»2t·¤.·&md to him td w, pmperly classmcd by Gmxgrgss and Em in tzzxxgad fm: preservatlcxzt and ready teiergrica. All at Buch, Sm mtter tc be as A part ci the mega! House at Bepm·— the iwtxtatlveg, subject to its orders and rules. 0 (Jtmé 0, 1900, nat c.79l,§1,81Stat.B@.) ~ _, tm ` 148. Transfer ta Llhruy of backs fmm executive depart- 191 meats.-»-·-frm head otmy extecuttjs*e ; depart@t as buréau hr my lf l t‘ 1

   “"t”` ({5$Ei·H@¤t is Quthsarizm kam time to me
 time to ttgml éver m the Librarian nf,   , fp: the · ·>th4

ig? af, the Library at any maps, pr lather by material ig A the library at the demrtment., human, at com- ttln xmsaiant ::0,, [imager ,medcd liar its md In the judgment of tha me Libmrim M Gbagrem appmpriaté to lthaf of the ex ,Lihx·m·y at n (Feb. 25,;,1903, ei. 755, { ,·»t 1, 32 Stat. 865.) 5 lm

N <1RE’SS 155 3. Transfer of books to ether lib—raries.»-——·-'Fhe Ieitxrezien ef tees may frem time te time trezxeierp to ether gevcmeel librerieé within the District of Columbia, mciuding the ic Library, beeke and materiel in the pcezeeeeiee of the ery ct Gcngreseimhig judement xm Eeeger neceeeery te eee, but in the jmignzeet of me ceetcdiene of each ether crimes likely to be useful to them, eee may dispose of er te? such materiel as hee become eeelees. (M21,r..4,i 1%*.5), '5, 5 1. 35 Stat. $58.) e `_ — Q. Saie of cepics of card indexes and ether peblicatiem.-~—· cieihmxéan of Ccmgreee ie h—ereby netherizcd te fumieh nah inetituticns or indivitiuemces may desire te hey them, cepiee of the cmd indexes endether pubiieetimte of the ery as may not be required fer its erdérxery tmpsectieps, charge fer the same e price which wiki eewer their `ccete ten per centum added. and ell meeeye received by him { be deposited in the Treaeery. (June 28, 1962, c:. 1361, 32 Stat. 480.) ‘ e p il. Smithsonian Library.-———'fhe library celtected by the thscneism Institution undeztthe provisions ei the Act et ust 10, ‘1té·~&G, chapter 25, and remeyedc {rem the huildieg that institution, with the consent of the Regents thereef, he Libraq? of G<mgres¤s,` shail, whfie there depesiteé, be ect to the same reguletiens as the Library et, Congress, g rpt ee hereinafter provided. _ (R. S. §’ $9.) t p $2. Same; how kept and esed.—e·—The Smithsemiee Instim— . shell have the use thereofinrlike memset as before its eval. Ali the backs, mem, and charts et the Smitheemizm sary shall be properly cared for and preserved in like maeae are thosebf the Cengreeeicnel Library; fremewhieh the _ thscnien Library ehallrmt be removed except 01; reimbm·seet by the Smithsonian Institution tdthe Treasury of the ted States of expenses incurred in binding and ie taking 2 of the same, cr upon eueh terms emlpcetaditieue esiehell mumeliy egrecd upcehy Congtess and the Regents of the tituticm. (R. S. §106.> p ‘ f ‘ E tp t 53. Centre! of library of House of Rep£·ese11tatives.——'1‘he my of the Heuée of Representatives shell be under the tml and direction of the Librerieneecf Ccngrew, who shall vide all needful books of t reference therefor. The libmrism, t » ge tent librarians, and assistant in the library; sha!} appointed by the Clegk Eff the"_;Hg:»use; with the eppreval ef Speaker of the House of Representatives. · Ne removals all be made from the mid pcsiticue except ter eettse ted tee end, approved by the Committee en ·Ru1es.· (Mer. L901, c. .830, —§ 1, 81 Stat.964;) p t c ‘ t c c .54. Library of Cengrese Trust Fund Beard; tmerehers; mpc; seal; rules sm! xeguletiensq-A A board ie hereby creé d and eeteblished, to be kB0’WT1 B.S thejLibmry ei Congress, ust Fund Béerdp (hereinafter ‘ referred to es the board), ich shell consist of the Secretary of theifxeeseryg the chair- ,11 of the feint Committee cm t119_Libl*&I‘Y, the chibreriah ef ngrees, and two persmie eppcinted by;eue“P»~esme¤;p for a_ m (et, Eve years each? the téret &.pp0ihtme»¤tecbeix1g·dfcr three .~

l~!§ve years, respectively); V_'11‘hree memhere of the board

all constitute n` quemm for the tmnsectien et b\1SiB8SS,¤8Hd ep shall have en cmcial tseehjwhich ._eha1l"bejt:dic~ielIy ticed; ‘1‘.‘he` m¤¤1ifmqy adept rules p and :·egu1edenst inp_regard , its procedure and the comluct pt its busixiex. (Mer, 3,, _ &, c. 4%; I 1,43 Stat. 1107,) p `p  » tp c [55. S§me; exp駧eQ·+Nc compensation shell be paid toithe embers ct the beard for their? services as such members, t but _ ey Shall be Itseitribtirecd cfcrithe expenses nece@erx1y_"inct1rc;*etl them, etwet thetngomet the ftxndrer made in ccxmcce p m with which epch expenses are incurred. The voucher pt _ et ehairman of ctheebcard shell be eumcient evidence that the

 ne properly allewable. Any pexpmm ct the poem,-

shading the `ceet of tits ce : 1, not cpmperly chargeable tc the p