Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/29

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gj TITLE 2.-—-——THE r`m;·:or 8.·--·FEl)ERAL GORRUPT PRACTICES.

 floliszéflonn, _ \ (K
 Cimiysuao and ¥:%s:arcx· of goiitioalocommiiioo; duties as to zonxriimtioos; accounts and receipts.

T ; _‘x<¤;*msnts of Gouilriixullons received. te ·: 2<z:as·:·mcots by trasurcr Sled with Clerk of House of Representa- 2*9*. - · l

 :~¢o;;:~—2z1onts by o¥§so¥·s than po3§t;lc$l committee §led with Clerk of S1
oiiousv of Ro§s*os¢·ntativos. 3 _

Smigssxcnis by <·;·méidute>s fo? Senator, Réprésrntatlvo, Delegafe, a pros Rewideut Commisisonor mod with Secretary of Senate and bg Cioric of House of Reprvsontatives. B yo; s:¤»§w:»·»¤¤zs; wriéamiou; dimgypmwrvaxggon; inspection. a_ ~ .;` iogamzetion xxpoo amount 01 oxpomlltures li? candidate.

,1=o ?§‘+o§;;i¤0s 0I` }§;i¤i§EgF$ by C#!l§¥l{}§fil?. lf

y » }iX§"><*§(}lYlll`€*S to lnfkwnce voting. C1 o;_ ¤‘~zm·ilm:io¤s by national banks or other Federal corporations; gg 3-:. % ;;o‘;;§;}oe11ali§os forlx·io1atioos.

`»fZ_ }iiX;éz*i}s4‘S of P§£*¢S?'£i43§ L#0ll(0S€S. rl

jot, S;‘;z§i>_élaws not afieifled, ll jig Ysrtizzl lmmlldiiy. _ H ju, Fixation. Section 241. Deénitionsr-—Who¤ used ip this chapter- [1 {:1} The term ‘*oloction " inch.¤lo—s"`§ goooml or spe~cis1lVolec— r. mai, ami, in the cave of ll Resident Cqpmiowoner from tho. 11 !*hi1i;»;»ioo Islands, no election by the Philippine Législaturo, lem doo; not include a primary oleotiou or convé ion of A E political party; A \ $1 As} {Pho term "cax1dldnte ” moans ao- individual whos=o name A, is pxwooizcd at on election for election as Senator or Repro- L sontotive iu, or Dclxnto 0: Resident Commissioner to, the d mngross of the United Stntw, whether or not such individual d is 0l€€{€d; l 1 . tl (es) The term “po1itlcal committee " includes any (committee; tl a>:z¤ooiati—on,- or organization which accepts coutributioxxs Mot makes expmdimres for purpose of induenoing or ¤ttempt· c· mg to iufluwoe the 1 of candidates or pr&identla1 undo tl vivo presidential el 1 ${,1} in two or more- States, or (2) S s,m»;>thor or lxiot ip more than one State if sgml; committee, assog c< oimioo, or organisation (other them a. duly organized State or lmal commlttoeiof n poiiticaljiaxfty) is a bran¢ os subsidiary 4; of a natl®i committee; l:l iIlti0i1,. or orgnnlntion; · V lp id) The term {“co1mio¤1.i¤¤ "~ lnclwm {Sift, sulyocription, ` loan, advance, `ofdeposit; of ououeyg or anything of value, ~orid· c· i:¤:iu<l&· o, contract, promise, or agreement, whothor or not ~ logally ontomosblo to mote a contribution; _ _ o V y fj ~ (Q) Timo tom -" éxpmdltore " l¤clud@_ n payment, dlstribu- v xiongloau, advance; qleoosit, or-gift, ,o£·m011éy; or my thing of " b value, and inclodés n éo:1tr·o.qt, ptomloso, or agreement, wh;ther p or not lmally··ontb1·éonblo, to moto no oxpcnglituro; _ » l __yL o {t);Tlic‘torm j"pc1'm”`l11cl¤des‘a11oi¤divldim1,_ partnérsbip, 0 oommittoc, oosoclatgion, corporation, and (soy other organization mi

    • ¥' KY0¤D"0f l M on l i l o V. l W `

$(g)_·Tbe~to:‘m “Gl¢rk"o mcaiaytho Qlork of tho House of o Iiopreséutatiyeo ot tho Unltéd- States; ~ . V · Y » (h) The torm—" Secretary "fmea¤$,the Secretary of the- Son- lsi atc of the UnitedStates; " 1 'vd- V V ’ . 1··

( 1) The tons; ¥‘*Btute`” iocludw Territory and pomossluu of li

¥holUnited' Staten. (Juno 25,1910, c. 392;.-$[1, 3, $6\Stnt. 8%: f· A11;. ’1Q,_1911, c. &, l 2,*37 Stat,. 26; 1912, cg 849, 3'I? L Stat{3§0; 19%, cg &8, Title III, { 302, 43 Stat. 1070.).-; tl 242; — (mai;-mm newer of oonnitteea d¤:t& 6 as to contributions; swoon; reeelpti;-#-(d,) Evoryy politi— 1 oai committee shall have a chairman md g treasurer.; No l yoxatrlbutio;1 shall accepted; bpd no expéuditum madég- by or W on behalf of a political oommlttee for the purpose ofinduonolng tl on election until ouch chairman ond treasurer have boon ch0ξ 0 ` (b) It ohgll be the duty of tho treasurer of a political c0m» n mittog whoop na detailed and exact- account of-- A l “ otl

CQQAFGRESS J 245 (1) All contributions ‘ma¢io to or for snwtw mnxmittoszt (2) The name and address of every [verse:} making any smh mtrtlmtion, and the date tlxeroof ; (3) All Gxpemiimres mad? by or on Ewlizzilf of suesk =m;ur11ii— zo; and W {4} The nantm and addzoss of ovorg gmrpctpn to whom any xch expenditure is made, and the date thereof. (0} -It shall be the duty of the troasazrer to {mmm and hoop mcoipted bill,"sst:1ting the partieeulurs, for every vxpotxditure · 5; tm? on behalf of a ¥.iti¢T=&i cepmmitwo exceediag iii) in moxmt. The troas¤ l mesorvc all mceiptcd bills and ccmmts required to o opt by this section for a period of at east two years from the date of the Bling of the statement ontaining such items. (Jtmo 25, 1910, sr. §§ 2., 3. 36 Stat. 23; Feb. 28, 19253, wc. 368, Title III,<§ 363, 4;*; Stat. 1@??..; 243. Accounts of contributions 1·¢ccisred.~»·~Every perszmz who aceives a contribution for a political committee s~haH, on Wexand of the trc:.1sm·er_, and in any event within Evo days after no receipt of such contribution, render to the treasmenxa etaifod account thereof, inclnelixng the nameinnd addrm of ¤o person making such (1‘€}RU’ibl1ti0D., gm} the date em which eceived. (June 25, 19lO, c. 392, § 4536 Stat. %; Feb. 28, 925, c. 368, Title Ill, § 304, $3.Stat. 1071.) · 244. Statements by treasurer Sled with @6: of Home of lepresontativesr-(a)` The troosurgr of o politlml eommlttec hull §le with the Clerk between the lst andtwth days oi {arch, Jupe, and September. in each yar, and also between the Oth and 15th 'days; and on the 5th sky, next preceding the ate on which a general election ts to M held, at whioh`c·a.ndiatos are to be elected in two or `mom States, am:} ohio on he lst day of January; a`state.meut coatainiu, complete; as of. he day next the date ot. mlm- · (1) The name and address of each person who has made a . outtlbution to or for such committee in ono or items of ue. amregato amount or value, within the calendar year, oi _. 100 or more, togéthor with the amount and date of stack ontrlbution.; » o é . ° . (2) Thetotalsum or the contribattom made to or for such ommittce during the calendar year and not stated under vamoh uy; _ _ t o ~ t _(3)· The total sumof all c0ntrib utions made to or for such ` cmmlttee during élendar year; o » (4) Tho mmenna addrcm ot ash person to whom aa vexoodittxro m one or more items of the awegato ammo: or alue,`wit.h1nVthooca1éndar yur, of $10 or more has Inggdo gr or on behalf of · auch committee, and the, amount, date,

  • \l1’p0S€ of mol: exmditure; tl V W _ · · \ i

(5) The tmal sum ot all expenditures made by or on beh¤Lt I ·sucht committee during tho calendar lyear md not stated

ndor_poragmph (4); t . t _ ~ _ l ,..

j (6) _ The total sum of oxpcnditumo made by or my behalf ` t su¢¤t¤¤mmmeg during the calendar year. j . t _ t -.(b) Thélstatements requlrcd.tobo Hled by subdivision (a)l hall be»cum·ulatlve. during .tl1o`"éoIo¤dar year to which they elato,·b—;;;t_ whore there has been no change in on item rop•[>r_%od_ n` n, pxjovious statement only the amount need be cax;x·iéd orward. ‘ . · .; \ _  » (c) The statement Bled on the lstdhy of Jammi·y‘shall cover ho _ procéding calcndaroyoar. (June? 25, 1910,}:. 392,`§§t 5, >, 86 Stat. 8%;_Aug.l19,.1911, cg`33, § 1_,_·37 Stat. 25;_Eob. §S,, 025, c. 368, Titlo III, § 305, 43`Stat; 1071.) j l l _ . { t 245. Statements by other!- than political committee §lcd~ rlth Clerk°of_.Hoi;a¢ of t Roprea¢¤tativea.+-·Evory .._on (other ban og political committoé) wholmokes an expe lmre iojono ` r more items, other than onuymncrztuueron to at political kummltteo. aggregating $50- or more within your for be purpésél of ihiluenclngv in two or more totes the election