Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/305

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Em TITLE 12.——B4NK.S ,;,,,;; mt apply to nseoclatloins which are taxed under and by ( . ,,,m,~ of chapter 2 of thisrtitle, (RFS. § 3417.; Feb. 18, 1875, g L_ an 5 _1,_18·Stat. 319; Mar. 3, 18S3,'c. 121, Ii 1, 22 Stat. 488,) -_ ; .;:0. lasolvent banks as exempt from tax.-—#Whene*ver and t - yale- my bank has to do busineas by reason of in- ·,,,$.,·;¤,·y or bankruptcy, no tax shall be assessed or colletited, I h,.`,,ai4l into the '1‘reasnn·y of the United Statesnon account of ’

 5, mnlc, which shall di1n·in_i:gsl1 the assets thereof necessary ·

g_ ,- me full paymexxt of all its deposltoré;/and such tax shall

 zlmsod i‘rom"sueh national banks as are found by the z

,,, ,_,;·u·ol§r·r of the Cnri·pn<`·y to be i_nsolyent·; and the Cominis— L ‘~m,.H- of Il1l(·l‘i1aI Rexjeilue, when the facts shall .so appear to ·;r;,,jiS antliorized to remit Sornuch of said tax against in-* C » in nz Stale and savings haake as shall be found to affect the G l· new of their depositors. (Mar, 1, 1879, c. 125, §· 22, 20a State C

 ; _ Mm:. 3, 1883, c. 121,_§ .1, 22 Stat.    

t‘¥¤a;·t¢·n· 5.-CRIMES __.- AND OFFENSES. I t IN ·Gn.»:1i;n.~xL , —· » ; J lmimzlsorizecl issue of circulating notes: ·§ _:.>;:_ R¢·t·eipt of United States or batilrnotee as collateral, II - :.5;, iayof word _" nationalf'; penalty for,unautIhorized' use. · I I `;·;;1_x·:xz.xL RItSl’2R\'E. AND'. MEMBER BANKS, OFFICERS, ·· E 5 , . Ex11·LQ_YEBS, AND EXAMINERS ‘ » ;a ·;.;·l_ l`lll2lW’{lll_¢Ql‘{l}lCl1ll¤)Il of ehecié. W ‘ I _, I _€ — f.1·;.‘ Embczzlement, etc. , Y rm, LQIIIIS anuaratulties. - - . _ I _ {

.e·a—’na¤k esamlaenr performance or other services for-‘ cpmpens~a· i

‘ tion; disclosure of inforrnatiou. ‘ e ‘ . » g.; 1, ullierre, directors, and employees;. commissions and giftst for' c procuring loans, etc. _ { ‘ .· C I I ’ CRQ§S‘_REFEREX€E I _ ,5 § st-, al»<o"1?itle 18, 'Cmxmn. Conn. 4xo—Cnuu;ur. Pnocnonnnn ‘· I ` · . li _ , IN Gl•}NERA.IQ gi, Section 581. Unauthorized inane of circulating _ notes.--No ‘I

~ai¤···`¤* acting under the provisions or chapter _2 shall coun- ·‘

zl·;_·~ign’or deliver ·to—any national banking assoc1ation,_or‘to `( az¤y·_~1laer company or person, any circulating notes contein-_ l _;l2;m•1l by chapter 2,, except in' accordance "with the, true __ iment and meaning of its .provlsions._ Every oflieer who vio¥ ( §;:f¤·5 this section shall be deenxed guilty of a high miodemeanor, t tml shall be lined not more than double the amount so counter- ¥ ~a:m·tl and delivered, and lmpriéonedlnot lean than one your and not inore than Efteen ywrs. SF} 5137.}. I ‘ A ° 582; Receipt of United States or bank noteens collsternl:·——· E No national bankiug·aésoclation shall hereafter oEer or receive C 1 nit<·¢1‘States notcaor national-bank notes as security or as E m1l:lt4»ral security for any loan of money, or for a consideration F nerve to withhold the same from use, 'or omer .or_ receive the ¤·¤2>~t<»dy,or prominent custody-of such uotw as S»Qcuf_itY,,01' 88 1 I{»·lI1lateral aeenrlty, or consideration ‘·for any loan of money. * Any Iaasoeiation oiending against the provisions of this section C ·;;:1ll»l>e deenfed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be tlned, ( yo:. more than $1,®0 and a further sum equal to one-third. of I

l.<·‘;1ml1¢·y so loaned, The oilioer'orI'oil‘lcers of any association` z

iziau anal! make any such loan shall be liable for a farther < nm equal to oixequnrter of the. money, loanedfand any {flue i

 penalty ineurred" by a violation of this section ahall be re- {

=»»x·t·l-able for the beneiit of the party bringing auch ault. (R. S. E SZWTT.), , ·° ·- ·g _· ’ 2 583. Use of word." national "; penalty for unauthfirikod use.--? ¢ \.ll banks not organized and transaeting business under the C t’:xtioxntlIeurreney,layva,’ or under ·Chaf1tor 2, and all i>e·rS0hS ( er g·ornorat"i{Z}:§_ doing the bueineas of, baukers,_brokers, or nav- S ings institutions, exocpt aavings banks authorized by Congress < iw IIN? the xyord " national " as at part of their cornoratenatno, 1 are prollibitet1.from’ using the word " national " as a, portion s

r-AND BANKING 593 at the name or title or such bunk, corporation, firm, br purtnership; and an-y vi<;»lutio'u of this prohibition shall subject the mrty ehnrgeuble therewith t0° a penalty of $50 for each day ’ luring which it ié comhxitted or `xjepeuted. (R. § 5243.), FEDERAL RESERVE AND ,MEMBER BANKS, OFFICERS, , " ‘ EMPLOXEES, ANI} EXAMINERS ` 531. Unlawful certiiéaticn/of checks.—#A<n5 0ilic·erQ director. 1§;vnt;`ux·_ employee of {xw Federal reserve bunk or nzexznlwr mink who ghall willful}?. violate the provisions of thié see;ti_<>_n md séetion of this title, or who shall restart te may device, »r receive any ilctiti.0uIé1-0bligati_0n, directly or cullaterully. ~in »t·t1ei·· to letade the [provisions thereof, or who shall certify. a check abefoxje the &ll10{1Iltet]]€l‘€()f shzxll have been reggulzuly entered to the`cre<lit*0f-the clrawer upon the books of the bank,

h&11`be deemed guilty. of a misdeineeuer and shall, on cenviw

Yion thereof invnny district court of thellnitexi _Stute.s, be lined mt mere than $5,000, or __shal1 beixnpriscxxed for net mere thaw ive yéurs; er pdth, in- the discretiouof the euurt. (H. S. i 5208; Sept. 26, 1918,,0. 177, § 7,- 40 Stat. 972.) _ l _ ` 592. Embezzlement,.’etc.—Au5* officerg `direetor, agent, er Jloyeé of guy Federal, reserve bunk, or··0f any, member bank ls deiined, in seetiené 221 to 225 ot this title, who embezzles, abstracts, or willfully misnpplles any of the moneys, funds, or rredlits of such Federal reserve bénk er membe; bank, or whe, vith0ut’au_tl1¢irity` fmm the directors of such Federal reserve mnk or member bank, issues or puts in circeiulaticm any of the notes qt sueh Federal reserve benk or member muh, ur Who, without such `authority; issues on puts forth any certmcute uf] leposit, qlrauis any ordenor bill of exchange; malta any acceptance, assigns ;any·in0te, bond, draft, biHj0J[°€Xt(f}18Ilg’i?,·m0£€gi$?» udgment, 01?`(]9C§;€€*,-01‘ inakes any false entry m any book, repqrt, or statement of —°· ·Federa1_me¤erve bank ur member w.nk,`with inteuttn any case teinjure oedefiaud Federal ·e§erie _~bm1k `br member bank, 01: any other tecmpémy, body . mlitic er. corporate, or any individual ·persi<>n, er to deeeive any ImC8l:Z0f_S\1Ch Federal reserve bankyor member bank, or the Doignptroller Jott the `Currency, enemy agent ez exeminei.·$apminted to exunilne the afnizig of such Fegleml-reserve bunk or'. nemberbunks, -017- the Federal Remrve‘B0ar<1; Rnd every rereiver of grnati01t1ul'·bunking ussociutiem whuwwith like intent — ,0 defraud or injure, embezzles, abstracts, purlcim., or willfully _ nlsepplies any of the moneys, funds, or essets of ble and every person $*116, with like intent, aids or abets amy omeer, llgjecter, agent, exnployee, or_ receiver inf any yielatlen of this section shall be eleemegl guilty offe misdemeanor, and upon fonvlction theije0f_ in any district court et the United States shell be Hnerl`11€>t mere thunk $5,00061; shellbe imprisoned fer wt 'more than live yeats, or both, in the discretion of the cpurt. · Any Federztl reeerve`uge¤t, or any agent or emnloyee of éuteh Fédetjul reserve·ugent,~ er `0f° the lfeclerul Reserve Beard, whoamlmzzles, ¤bstracts,"or willfully misgpplles any monejs, funds, · »i· sect1rities·intru§ted td his cute, er without complying with >1·_ in vielutibu of the DI;0V_iSit)l)S' of cjlmptér 3, isSues ur_ puts .n circulation any Fegletalmeserve notesy shall be guilty ef 1 misdemeanor and umn cnnvicstiun int any l clistriitrt court 1f. the United States; shall be tlneclf not more than $::,000 exu- ,mpt·ls0n“ecl {01* not ,nim»·e than five years, ut lust}:. ln_tl1e"di¤;- rreticxn of the court. ° (R. S, § 5209; Sept. 26, 1918, c.-1‘?7,`-§ TQ lo- smc, 072.) t , t - _ e M , 593. Loans and»gratuitie$.-N0,nwnxber bunk uml. nt»°ulllt·e”·x·, 1ircétur,.<lr`t5m;>l0y0b “fll(’1j(}¢)f shall lnureaftur rnuke any luuu lregrunt any gratuity tu guy bunk §.~xumim>r. Any html; {.>ilil:ur,’ lirector, gr employee violating this provision skull be elut·uu·¤l· guilty of a txniudlizmennur znntlshull be imgariwnetl nut e>x<~t·u¤lin;; me year ur flujcll not. mnie than $5,000, or btithy and may le ‘ ined nl further sum equal \t0 the-uw_nu§* uu luuuecl or gmtuilry

iven.. `" - ” _ ·