Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/307

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j_?j“`%j§ TITLE 1.2.~—» -·—- Z§.¤1..W£S mee; bzmking epemtiens may be Qmsried 011.* (I`>€><r. 23§ 191fE. 1 lr $2, § 25, 33 Stat. 273; Sept. 7, 1*316, cz. 461, 39 Stat. 755; Sept. *5 ai. liilih c. GU, § 2, 41* Stat, QSGS) l ~ b {@0:2. Reports- and examinetiens.~—Ex·ery ITIEVIY/i€!I}ill b:mkiug· ii §2*·—€5(‘i§H`i€31} opersztiaxg foreigix branches*shz1l1 be YG(({l1il‘Q(1_{(d) fur- .t ride infm·mati<m` c0n<·erni11;‘.·; the condition of such `bI‘H!l(°h(3S c

 me (r‘<>mptm11r·r efthe Currency upon demziml, and every yl
m»mi»¤>s· bank as defined in setjtion 221 of this title iuvestirzg I

gr the czxpitul stock of banks cr corporations d€S(?l'ib€(1 in the I r;r;~m~·4¥izz;;* seet.i<m sh21ll— be required to furnish infm· ;i 1

·1aiz1g· the ceomditiam of sufch banks or eorpomtimxe to the

1—‘Mir>:·:zl Reserve Beard .up0n (1€1}Htl\d,'8l1(l ther1•`edem1 Be- i N · Iiezml nxagv wmler special exam1i1mti<ms of the said. N ésgmvhee, Lmrxks, or cbrpomticns at such time OI""ti111L‘S as it J

»—s_z· deem best. (Dee. 23. 1913. c. 6, `§ 25, 38 Stat. 273.; 1

sept. Tr 1916, c. 461, 39 Stat. 7523; Sept.··1?, 1919, c. 60, § 4, 511; i Six?. 286.) , "°" M - _ H ‘ 2 603. Restricqcns imposed by Reserve Beard on banks pur-_ rheéingz stack in corporations doing foreign businesss.$——lieftmre i mq: mgiimml bank shall be permitted to purclmse stock in any 1 mz;¤»z·:1‘ai<»1s des<;x·il•e<l in wrtiun 661 ofthis title, the said cme. t

m¤m shall vmer into exxlasgreexxxenwor nnmlertalaingz with the <

l"s~§ié*i‘2l] ue¥»»m·e Board to restrict its ·¤—;»é»»·¤tm¤S or cmnduct its `] · m·im»:<s in su<·h’ nmnuer orunder suix limitations and rest1jic~ C zmw {xs thessaid hoard may prescrééfor the plzzée or pluces· 1 —,¤$¤·x·<giz¤"s1u·}1 business is to be wud tted. If at amy time the `s i~`r·d¤·¤·:aI Re><ex·ve Board she1l":1scerta`i;1 that the wgnxlzxtioxrs pre- ‘ ¤·,·;·i&»<··*l by it are not being; compliedwith. said board is hereby‘ I

mshm·ized and empowered todinstitute ad iI1\’€;?•fi$.'{}lfi01l of the ‘

mm€=r and to Send for perezuxiss and papers; suhpwnu witnesses, 4 md administer oaths in errxlvr tu satisfy itself as to the at:tual_ ·!f§¢i¥Ug}`(• of the traus=m·ti<»ns- referred um. Should Such i11ve:;tig::1- i sm. r·es11lt°ix1 establishing the failure of the xrcmmratiun ixr

»¤¤·szim1,-er of the national bank 0i· bitnks which may be ,

—<z¤»;·klwiders therein, to ggnmyily with the regulations hii(lxd0\\`I1·· L5: the s=_aid` Federal Reserve _Beai‘rd, Such natiqnql banks may I d'? I’<*{]l}fl’£*(l to ¢lisp<~»se.¢>f z·<m4·k h¢\l(VliIl§ZH in the sajd <j0rp0i‘a1fi0n · xzpmxa :·t·n>gmmhle'netice. " (Dec. 23, 1913, c. 6, § 25, 38 Stat. 273; M

<t·;»z. T, 1916, c. 461, 39 Stat. 755.) · _- ° ‘ ‘ g
 604. Accsmnts of foreign bra.nches; ·pro6t and Ines.-———Everg‘ 4

zmziunai- breaking association operating foreign branches shall J i·<·mlm·t the gcmuzats of each foreign br·auel14ir1depe11dex1tly of . me zwgieuxute uf! other foreign braxncslnes established hy it and M its lwkrw efdce, and shail at the end of each decal "period

mm·=f¢·r te its genersil lwlger the premt 01: less accrued at each

‘ m·:m<·h as a seperateritem. (Dec. 23, 191.3, c. 6, § 253, 38- Stat.; _ 273; Sep1Q 7, 1916, 0. 461, 39 Stet. 755.) - 605. Interlocking 'directers, 0&eers, and employees.-——·Any dim;·ter er other {nicer, egent; or employee or any member bark muy, with the approval of the Federal .Re.~:erve Beard, be `a. e , riérectrwr or ether otheer, agent, or employeecf auybmnk or cer-" p·€»a·z1tien in thepapitul etock of which such member bank shalt l have irxveetedhs hereinmfere prcwided without being subject to the provisions of section 19, title 15, Commerce and Trade. tlfmc. 223,.1913, c. 6..§ 25, 38 Stat. 273; Sept. 7,, 1916, Ac. 461, A/N_§§?`¢ Stat. 755.) d 0It(};\NI.Z»§TI(_lN OF CORPORATIOXS TO DO FOREIGN R BANKINT} ‘ A i 611. Fermhtien authorized; Eecal agents;. depoeitaries ~ in" insular p¤s ¤;1s.—~C0rp¤>ratiens to be ergzmized for tlge pur- · p¢»=e_ of emzugiug in Lutemétienal pr foreign hauki g crether ixgtemetismai or foreign iiuancizil 0per~eti»0ne,_ dr ifanking er utherr iimmetal operations in a. dependency erinsul possession of the United States, `éither directly mi ‘tm·<:{ugh the agency, ownership or control of localwiustitutimxs in fereign _COLlI1{l?f€3§,` qr in such dependencies ur insular possessions as provided by'

A11) tLL1;\'f<ifiA’(,€ l” » @14 his smrtiwnt {md to awt whoa rt>s;t:$`ir<»d”¥>y tim Sm·1*si#t:1;~;: wi fhg f_·<2;;sury as fism} z1;2:e>nt:~; of the ifnétvd §%t;1ts ~:~e, “iE321§’ be f?>.:·zm»d »y any m1mbe·;· of IQ1§itU1’IJ.l ;>ee;·s<>u:~;, not less in any c:zs¢· mgm ive: Pr0·a··idczl, That xwthiizg in this :~zs?~<·tis>1: small me <;·c—mstrm><1 _ 0 deny the `right of the S:a<;:·e·tm·y of uw Trm1sm·y tm? use my TOI'{)()1`fiUl)@l OI`,"§{Il}i4Z(*§1_”Ul}(l£?l` this smtetipn as dcz;me;itzm<¢es in Pzmama and thé Paxmma (_§zm:1l Z<,»nc>, me in the I`ihi1i;>;1ina slgmds and other insular p0s:<cs>£i<ms and dc;mmI<=»x1<•i@s of the Suited States; .(I)c·c. 2}, 1919, c. IS, 41. Stat. 372-2; Feb? 27, ,921, c. 73, 41 Stat. 1145.) . » 612. Articles of association-; c0ntents.————The ;¤—>z·;<cm5 ¢`ic§<:ribe»d 11 the_Dre<`·0ding»SQction shallnenter into afticles of assoreiatiem vhivh shall spea·i°fy in gczicral terms the objects fur whivh the LSSU(:i21ti(~)IriS "fevrmcd énd nm); ccntain any utlxer prévisicns lOt·~iI1(‘()HSiSt(‘Ht with law which the assoc-i$1tir>¤ ma§"`se<> Ht to adopt for the ragulati<>nfof‘its business and the conduct of its xffhirs. (Dgac. 24, 1919, 0.*18, 41, Stat. 378.) . A _’ t 6l3.fSjgnii1g of artjcles of §$s0ci3ti0xi;‘forwardi1i{g to and · Ring by Federal Reserve_B0ard; organization certificate; com

$nt§.-S1ic·h articles of association shall be signed by all of

he persons intending to participate in the 01·:an_izati<»n of the ‘(JI*[`N)I`21;iOIl)HH(l. thereafter, slmll_1_ be foI"t\’{1l‘df‘(L to the Fede»rai ltcéerxjc B0ard.:1n;1 shall be tiled and pmservcd inm its omca. The persons signing: the said a£·ti<4es of·bas.<m·i:1tian shall, antler fll(}il°_h!1l1(lS, make..a11~nrgauization carti_fier:1te whiéh mall specifically state: ‘ _ l _ Fi1;st. ,The¤ngme assumed by such corporation, \\'hi('hJS1}&1H be subject to the approval of the; F(}(l€l'8l Reserve Bogrd. t Svvmxd. Thé place or_p1a<:c°s vyhere itsiupératiuns are to be . rarricd uu, — _ ·· { · · . Third. The place iu. the United States whe·i·a its hemw utfiva is to the located. · _ " __ · - __Fourtl1. The amimut of its c·a¥>ita1 stock and the mxmbor pf shu.res'intu which the same shallhe divided. N _ Fifth. The names and plaezzs of lwusirxess or 1je~side·m·e of the persons ¢x¢;·<·uti11g the <·ertiii<;·ate and the xmmhms of shares to wl1i<‘·I1 each luis st-rI>s<·rilSed. _ é t _? t _ " ~ Sixth; The fact that- the ée~1=tifi<·nte is madé to eextxatvlé the pémuué sutxsctibing the same, and all other pcrsems, firms, ¢e0111pg;mit>s, and corporatiorhgs, who 01* which may thereafter . subs<:riht:‘t0 or »pux·cvltigse slnares of the-capital stuck of smh cmarporation, to avail =thvms=e·lves ot; `the advantages ofu this S€¢;ti<)llQ· ’(_Dec. 24, 1919, c.' 1S,_41 Stat. 378.) ~ · _ 614._Oxjganizsttion gzertificateg acknowledgment; forwarding tc, filing; sind appmvaltby Ifcderal Reéewe Board; permit to do business; ¢0rpémtc;.nminc; seal; corporate suééession; contractsjsuits; direc.|;_0m, ¤§cem, and employ `s; by- law§.—-—·The ‘pex·S0n signing.; the 0l.'gtl*I1iZ'·£lYZi()l1 ee;·titiq·a§; shall dttxly uckxxowleelgé the e·xg<·utima thereqf before a judge of Se»_n1c__ court of reéérci or notary publicjwho shall et·é~rtify the·:·e»ti» ugulew the seal of such court br n0tm·y,·m;d thereafter the c·m·ti2i ·;m· shall be forwarded t0‘thi>· F£:?{lt*X;f1l I{e*esé·1j__vz2 Boarel tu he tiled and Iirézscrved in itxé oflice. (fpm: duly"m3kin;.: and tiling: a1rti¢·1us of assoqiatioiy and an ¢_»x·:a11iz.uti<·h <·t~·ra,itic·a1té, and .afte·r the 1·`c»<lcra1’1{es=erve Buard_lx:1s np;u·Q»u·<tl Um sauxne and i>:sm·d zz pt·rn1it to b<¥;.:*iu business. the fi>§>¤€}(?ié(i<`){\~*Sll&ti! becoxne and he

 lmdy_ <i'(>I‘]_lO_I`iit€{, and us Su¢;l1 and in th€»i!£Ill19id(’$*i§,`lk$1\€·<l

tlxomixn slnzxll have powet to adopt and me ax corporate spank, wlnich may be chaxugédat the:‘_pl¢*as¤1re > of. its board bf di1·<;c:tug>= to have .succésst011‘.fof a period of ttventy years lllll€*SS~Sj)0l\t?l; dissolved by thehct ,013 thé sliarelmIciex·s»mvning twemthirds Nuf the stuck or by :¤m·Act of Co'x1gre·ss or lllll¤.‘F:~§ its fr:1u<r11is0s h¤<?0¤l€·* foPf<*if<·d by $**111*3 ¥`i0!8YiUl1 Hf haw ;' to Iliflkt}.tt(}IltI’2l(j{:¤vQ ~ tu suc sind be suud.V<:01nph1i1;, anel»_<lqfe»11d,i1xmay court of law pri equity; to eléct ur appoint dil’f.;*L?{¢}l‘¤,‘&l[l·()f whom shall be `citizéus of the UH‘i[€d`StE1t€S;¢Rllltl, by its.b<mr·d of ¢lirect<u·s, to appéiut such officers 9.nd·en1p1oyce¤s usfmuy be cit-m_uet1 pnwpgr,