Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/310

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§ 627 TiY§’iL1§' 12. ~ ~1:, w. F1;;~s EG p€§1; <3<~nt111n of its capimi siock, (} )»`=v. 2%, ,15319, Q. 218, #11 ? t Siam §§?$.) _ Q ci 5237. State. taXat.i0n.—~~,X:15’ c·m·pm·:zti<m {>rg:zuizs,~J 1.lI1dt?l’ tha az

1>s of this m1E>divi>:i¤m of (}h2l]_}{01` Q :411:1.11 bc subject to { 1

mx by {ho State wiihin whiclx its home miicc is 1ucat;c>d in -th¢;· g L same m.—zmm>r and to the same extent as m‘I101~ (?(>I`]_)()I‘&1Yi€}l1% x m·;·&z;i:au: of that Smic which `nrc traxnsaxctjug t zysizxzilar <·11z1ract<=r of business. The shares of stock in $u<:h ,i <·é¤1*;;¢;i>rati011 shall 21150-}3€`Sl,`ibjt?(?{ to tax :1s’th‘€ pcrsoxml prop t. €·1‘i’y of the uwmwrs or h<>E<h~rs tiI(‘I`(’(`)f in the émuc mmzmgr and g { to} the Same c:;i<~m ag the shares of stock·i11 similgnj Stain A e <;:*·;>1*;¤»1‘:1ti<»11s. (Doc:. 2-},1919, 0. 18,.41 SmL.‘378.) c 628. Extensioiz of, corporate/exis£ence.—-—Auy C01'}_}Ul`8U,0I1 v targxmizvzl I1!1({Cl' the p1·0£‘i:~:·i0ns»0f this Sllb(]i\'it<i0lf of clnapteér i 6 may z1t.:my time within the two years next previous to tnhé n date fif the (’X[§i1'H.fiUl1 of its <·0rj10ra;te existehcc, by tl `voic of c the sl1m·oimidcrs owning twmthirds of its stock, apply to the 1 1—`<~dc·ra1 Resowe Board for its approval to extend the pcribd an of it1*§‘,C(}1‘]}0I'2it€ existence for Q1-TCPIH of not lli01‘Q_tH31l1 »twcnY;y I

s·ears. and upon certiiied approval of the Fcd}21·
11- Reserve l

Bmxrd smzh wrp9rz1tioi1 shall 11§1\’€·itS C•_»I`b{>1‘£1t€ exist0nce'i’0r t sucfn extended D(31'i{)dvll11lL{SS éuoxwr dissolved by the. act of the l ` shareholders owning. tW0-]hiI‘dS of its sfmjk, ur by an Abt. of k. Congress or unless its fxjmmlxise becoxhczs fU1'f(2it€(1` by `somc 2 violation of law. '(Dec. 24, 1919, 0. 18, 4f §tat. 378.) c _ 629. Conversion of banking corporations into` corporations 1 “ authorized hyjl1is`subdiw·ision; pnjocedure;-eAny bunk u1·‘ba1xl<¥ 2 ing institution, priuc+ipal1y emzagvd in forcigix busimzss. incur-K $ pomted by special luw of any State of of t11e_United States or 1 organized uixcler-t1i?a_g011c1·:1l 12`l\\`S;Uf any State 01·‘0f the United ‘€ `Stétes i11l(l_]l&1\’i1lg 1111 ll}fi1}l[)$1_i1`£‘(1 ('{l]liI2ll_Sllm('i_€I1t to entitle it · in becmxm :1 corpomtic, 1 ur cr thé provisions Of. this subdivi-_ i sim; may, by this vote Qf ‘s}1arc11i>l¢lvrs owning not less tli:111 .¤ t\\’k}·t1§il‘dS of the vupital stocrk of suvh bunk embitnking a:~:s0cia· i tion,. with lthe approval of the Iiemleral Reserve Bozird, bc. con- Y? vcrmd into a·’I:`0dc»ral c·0rp0r:1ti¢>xg of t1{(3,kiI1d autlmrized by ¤ this sul>diyi»si0z{ withemy llillllfl approved by the_Fcderal Re- < _serv•;a Boai*d_:.‘Prry*~i1lcd, Imegrezqér, That said coxnveréiurn shall ¤ nm; be in §‘(}l1tQ}'}IVt‘hti()ll uf.- the State law; In such case the tl a}·ti<;l<;~}s of asscwizxtimx and orgzgi1izz1tiu11 <·vrtiti¢·:1t<: may hé 0xe# * zeutvd by :1 majority of the°’d_ircc·turs_0f the bzmbf or banking Z ixmtimtieira, 2ll1(l'Ul@ certiiiceate shall ¢l0clare.t11§1t the owners { of at; ]f321S{·{\’\'<_¤·thiI'd§5 —oft}1e‘ papitul stnpla lmvef authorized the dirvct¢>rs to make gauch 2‘91‘tifiL‘hY€ and to clmpge or l50l1V€I"t the i bank me lmgalaixxg institution inlto I1 }:‘<a¢l01·: 1ly <;0rpm·zitim1._ A majority ufjlxc (u1’£‘{{tU1‘S, after executing the articles of Egséo- ` ¢;i¤t.iui a am} the m·;:unizati4»u 4·c1rtiiic·a1te2, shall `lmvé power to * cxwutc :111 other papers z111dJi;0'd<» wl1atcve1·‘1x1z1y b€»1;€}(]\.1il'£}d fu make ite; ¢irgm1iiat ion perfmst and ·(50l11[)l(3{t! mend Fcclcrai q `c4.1·;,•<»mti¤>11. {The slm're2s"uf any such C01‘}_}U1`l1fi1Ql)"llkily cpu- 1 tiuma in bc for the sanxxu :um»uK11t mush as they were before thé C(»l1\`Ql'Si41}1,· and th@ directors may 4:ux1ti1¤11e >· to be ’(]ii°t?C{OI;:5 of.; the L‘0]*i)4)1‘Llti·0l‘l until otlncrslam elected ur zumuixntéd in :1.cw1‘ml: aww with the provisions of this senrtiugx. W}1e;=:x1 the 1·`(·d¢:ml ·• i1:e ·»;érw 1%<m1·41 hm; given. tolsxwh <:ux·ps»1·:1tiu;1 11 cci*tiiicate` tlmgt »' the .prm‘isim1:·a of this 5ubdivi>·ai¢•1i of 1.·lmpt é1‘ (i'1x uv€ been (3Qllr ` ‘ pliwl with, mxuh. corporation and all its stbcklmldcm, 4»t1i¢·cx·¤:·, . uml (*}l\] )l(»}'t?£·‘.*%; shall lmve bhp :<n11;e‘poxw1*:s and ]')1‘i\'H{‘§.{t3=$,' and; w » shall be zgubjcct to tlw mum dutims, liabilities, zugd 1*L?g\ll)t1ti()11S, in} gil i=<.·:s;•m·t¤·<.— as >s}mll }x:.u·u becu‘ px·g·s<·1;il»le¢l by 11415 subdivi>;i<_m of g·1m;»mi· ·G fm: ¢·4»rp·>n·z1Li<»11s. mjigixxally apxgamixed hereunder. 4 (Dee:. 24,191.9; c:. 18, ~11.SLz1t. 378.) j '_ ‘ 630. OB`enscs by officers of corporation; punishme¤t.éy»E»·c¤·;* - 0i1i<·¤¥;·,,diru·t¢>r, c1<-x·k. employee, 01°.8gQI1t!l§£ may <IQ}»`l}0I‘£U.i(}Il 0x·g:miz;.ed fuudvr this subdivision of chapter Bkwho Gxubezzlcgé; ul»¤;m<·`t.~s,_.< »r willfully 1l1i2<21[}])l=iQS·5il))’ of the moneys, funidps, ¢;rv;lii>%, S£3L‘\1!'iI·i(3:¢,' cx·i<l•.»m-usmf indebtedness Qr azéscts of any chm·:.nctcx;u£ such wxyomtiuu; or who, without uuthupipy from +

AKD .li.t.\”.l`zCf..\'{} fill} he directors, issues or puts i’03‘ili Hill? €?l*!“iVlil<’ili£3 of ¢it»;},,,.g;, lrgatvg any ol‘¢.lt*t‘ o1' blll H1 €.‘Xt‘}l1lil?»?£ti, llitilitiwi ally ile<;epl;;;;,·.._ tsslgns any note, liontl, tiel>t=ntm‘e, draft, bill of exeli,ns.», nort’ga;.;e, _}H(l§§lll€lll, or tlemroe; or who makes any l=~;g..,. gntrydn any rel_m1‘t, or Stillitiililwilil of allen eorpor;l;;,,,, wth 1l*it¢»1@tht>r <;ase,»to mjlife of deffimtl ‘su¢,,·l1, eo;·j,;e;·,,, ,n»nJm· any other colnpany, btitly politic of €01‘pot‘ate, or gm; ndiyidual person, or to de¢:ei\’€ filly officer of stlell eor;nn~;;,;§.,,;, he.Federal lteserve Board, or any agent or examiner an lointied to examine the affairs of any such corporation; ani; gvgyy ;·ot·oive;· of any such C0l'l1tlK`£1[i0ll"£1lld every elerl.; my employee of 'such receiver who shall emlrezzle, zllistrnef, my villfully xnisapply orwrongfully convert to his own use inn; nlineys, funds, credits, or assets of any character wlnen nmrome into his possession or under his control in the exerntits; if his trnst or the perforxnanee of the duties of his exnploy. nent; and every snvh 1‘et·eiVe1‘ 01* Clelik. or employee of sue}; ·ece·iver who shall, with intent to injure ordefraud any person, >ody politie or corporate, or to deceive or mislead the }·`e{lernl Reserve Board, or any agent or examiner appointed to 0Xtlllllllt* l1e‘affall‘s of such ret·ei·ver, shall make any false entry in any look, 1'€[)()l.`t4, oirreeord of any matter eunnected with the elution lfsuell receiver; and every person who with like intent aids or lbets any officer, director, clerk, employee, or agent of any orporation organized under this subdivision (3ll£l[}t€1`*($,”<zi* receiver or. clerk or employee of such I°€(;’€l\`QI`¢llS aforesaid in 1ny·yiolation of this section, shall upon conviction thereof he .lll[)`l'iSO·11Qd for not less. than two Nyears nor more tl1an» ten rea-rs} and may also be 'tinetl not more than $5,000, in the elisrretion of the court. (I)ce..2-1, 1919) e. 18, 41 Stat. 3.78.) 631.°False representations as to liability of United States; For acts of corporation; ,pnnishment.———\\’hoover .iiei»ig t·‘.»n· iected in any capacity with any corporation organized under this sub(livi,sion or chapter 6 represents in £l’llY,\\`8.}’ that the United States is 1ial•le_fo_r t1l€.Q•]ltl_§'lll€1l,t”0f&LlY bond or otlior »bli_;.;ation, o1j~t_l1e intt·r_est thereon`; issued or incurred by any corporation organizetl hereunder, ontlgrt the_-._United States incurs anyrliallility in respect ufany ac or omission of the eer- · I l' M { \ ’ I 'D ( _ . poration, shall be punished by a tlne of not ngorethan Sliljijltl md. by in`1priso1unent for not more than five years. °(Dee. 21, [9].9; c:. 18, 41 Stat. 378.) A » Chapter 7.--—FEI}1*}RAI1.F.*\Rl\I LOANS. · IN'l`l¥QBl‘CTORY ` 641. “Federall Farm Loan Act " ; `adnxlnisuation by Federal Farm Loan Board. " 9 V _ . “ .342. “Fl1's$l;'lll0l't;;&§,0°° and ." farm loan bonxls-" cielinyd. ..

 . ,r .i·`lll.ll·2llAL AFARM LOAN ISUAILD I ,

Ll51.“Il‘ederal Farm Loan Bureau {creation; supervision by board.- . 352. Composition oi lloaixl; llllllll)•}l."0f xnenllwrs; appnintniont; salaries ;f expenses. M _ ._ 3533. Terms of `oiilueg oath ;~ farm loan cenimissionen. . liZ»4`."l·Jliglbillty of nwrubers; restriction, on right to engage in otlwr _~ ebusiness. ~ . · ° . F ’ .. 8.35. Filling vacancies on board. 656. Ilealstrarsjappraisers, aint eicanxiners; appointment; r<·stl·it·fion on U _ right to en;x:l;,i~ in other business. »· B5?. Salaries and expenses; provision for payinent. _ B58. "Appralsers nn¢l··ins_pectox·s; compensation; manner of payment. 859. Attomeys, experts, and other `ennployeese; emplo;.—nn·nt; salaries ” and fees. _ . · , N " 560. St;atoments_ of salaries paid hy land banksi 861. Annual i·e·pm·t. , ~ _ Bti:}. l·lxarninatin,ns and reports; appl·alsal“s.o£ farm lanid; amortization ~ tables. . · _ · · * tiliii. Statvlnents of condition of loqm nssnt·ia·‘ti•ms sind land lnaulis. ($641 Bulletins and circulars. "" _ i 4 _ ORGAXI-ZA'1‘ION QF I#‘l·Il¤i€l» L..\NDh B;;Yi{S - ’ _ '*. li‘l’1.`l·`e<ieral land bank districts; lgonndaries. _ _ •’··· i . 672. lllstahllshment; titles; hranehes; l’_orto_ Rico and Alaska; loans ’ byhrancllen. . · _ _ y. . 673. 1`etnp0n·£u*y directors; bonds; olneers; attorneys and employees. < . { . _ A