Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/332

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§ 1691 { TETLE. i£.—>-·~13l4.§¢’.§I`é heeled of {liz·eee;ers duly reeerded in ite mixmtee, obligate iteelf te beeesee liable en xlebemeree and other seeh obligations ee gmvided iz; this eeetien. (Mar. 4, 1923, 0, Title I, § 2, 42 Ste; 1453.) , l · _ _ { j · EXAMINATIQNS AND BEFGRTS 1d§L. Ceeddentiel infermatiee ned exeexinetiees by jCemptreller of Cmreaxey fer Credit; Banks; examismtiexr ged audit ef Credit Banker-le erde1··te enable eee].: Federal Intermediate likedit Bank te carry eu: the purpose — of this chapte: the {3eze;}terel1er of the Guxrremsry is hereby authorized and directed,. epee the reqeeet of any Federal Intermediate Gx·edit.Baml:, (1) te fazmieh fer the eezlfldentiel eee of such beak each reports, xieeerds, eed sether ieferieetiee, as he may have available, rel letixzg te l-the ldxzeueiel eenditieel of natlenel · banks through or fer whied the Federal Intermediate Credit Be,uk_1ms zeede or eeetempletes making .diS{?0i}!1tS, and {2). te make through his examiners, fer the ezmildential use `cf the Federal Intermediate Credit Be:1k,’exemi11atiees of etgenizetieue through or .fo1· ivhieh the Fedemf Intermediate Credit Bank has made or eentempletes mekieg discemxts er leans: Provided, That B0 such. Wesemieetiea shell be made lwitheutl the ccmsenit of such 0:5 · genizetiee exeept where suéh exemieetleu is required by law :l Pmvi-ded, Thet imy ergzmizetieri, except State banks, trust eempeeiee and savings eseecietlcme, shell, as a condition precedent te eeeering xtedisemmt privileges wit}? the Federal Inter-Q mediete Credit Bepk et its district, me with gueh bank . its _¥v’I'itt€H `eeazseizt te its examination ee may `be directed by the Federal Farm Lode `Beerd by lend beak examiners ; 'and. State banks, trust companies and seviege e&eeietie:1s may be in like meener teqeired te. die their written eensem: that reports of their exemieeden by eexiastltuted authorities Quay be‘iurz1lsh ed by such authorities epcm ·re·qeest· to the Federal ~Il1®lfID€di8tB, Credit Bank of thei; dietyict. Each Federal Intermmiiete Credit " Bee}: shell be examined and 'eudited et least ence éeéh year by th Federal Fam Lean "Beerd, and the results of such `exem-Q ieetien and audit eliall ·be.`mede public by boaxidq (Mer. , 4, 1§23, e, 252, Title I, § 2,) 42 Stat. 1458,) - °" . M l , 1392. Reperts te Federal Farm Lean `Besrd,-—-Every Federal ‘ Ietermediate Credit Batik shall make to the Federe1F&rm Loeb Beard not ieee then, thtee teperte during web year ae reqemted by the beerd and according to the term which may he » prescribed by the bmid, veridm by the oath or emrmetiou of the president, 01; secretary, or treeeui·e1·,_— Federal Intermediate Credit Beixk and attested hy the eig¤at‘¤i·e‘ of at least 1 three et the dixecters. Each report shell exhibit, in detail and W; under epmepriete heads, the _\1‘éSOH1‘(.*€S and liabilities of the ’Fede1iel Intermediate Qxiedit Beef: et the clese of‘bl1§il1€SS·0I1 l any pest dey speeiiied by the Federal Ferm~Leaz1 B0e*ijd`within dee days {rem the receipt cf, a request er requisition therefor {rem the h—0ard, end in the eeme form in wtxieh it ie made te the Federal Farm, Leee Beard shell be- published in e` news l paper published le the piece where such Federel Intermediate Credit Bank is established, er lf there is ne eewemper in the place, thee ie the eee published nearest theretq, in the same ‘eeex1ty, et the expense of the bank; end each preef ei pHbllealien shell ee fumiehed ee they be requized by the Federal ~FermJLeee Beard. _, The Federal Ferin Leen`B0e%d shell elec have power to eell for special repette from ep; particular ‘ Fedeml Intermediate Credit Bank wlaeeeverle its judgment the ,S{1lll€*3i1'€ neeeeeery fer e full end complete knowledge et is ,[it:;}‘ eemlilien. {Mer. 4, ¢1923,· e. 2,52, Title 1,, @2; 42 Stef, 14§8.)‘ _ é J 1993. -Ievestigetie:ik aedreperte by lend heh geppreieers. . for Credit _Be:n_ks.—=-—=— bamkdpemieere are `eutherlzed, u'peu;` the retgueet of any Federal lixtermedlete Credit Bank and with the app:-eval et-the Federal Farm Lean. Beard, teinveetigete em} makee written I`€*§tl1;l. upon the p:·0d_ucts covered by were-

l AND B.MiE`1§G . 3},8 xmm rcqeipts m- ghipping dccméents, atm the lim smqgk gmumd by mortgages, which are security for notes or éthér mtv;} obligations repregggting any Qlcsn to any crgaxxization, um}; this clmptcr. Lang bank exanzinam are autbérimd, upon lhs; ttrequcegizlcf Eazy Federal Intermediate Cmdit Bmk and with tm gppravgl of the QFEGQPHI FHIIH I-}0&!§ Bémd, {$9 éxmxximz git;} make a`·wx·itte¤ report upon the "eontditigxx ali any crganizatitm, exceptenaticnal banks, to which the Feqéeml Intermlssliate Cwiiii Bank glroutexlzplates making any such lean, (Mar. 4, 19%, c. 2;;; Title I, $*2, 42 Stat. ‘145SL) · ” ·. , YN l J V 1094; Cmt of¤i1;ati¤n$.~Thé Federal Fam Ima shall asseés-_the· cost of al1.examj.uQs.ti0¤s made bi: thé éxmxiimars of thé bbéid lmdcr the pnjofvisicm of this éhaptar, xxgm the. bank, trust company, savings i¤Stit¤£i&¤, ar »0rganiz;;stim§ investigated, in accordance with the rmuléticsus my b·s’ ;»¤·l» scribed by.thq. board. {Har. 4,; 19%, ¢. 2a’i2,·Tit1e I, §_2, 4;; » sm; 1458.) » Q . ‘ t t - l RULES AND_;REGULATIONS 12101. Authority of;Fc;!era} Farm I@ Bcar¢¥.———4Th2 Fexlem: E‘m·m_Loan Board is guthexiizedi to make Such rules ami regimtions; not ihconsistéht with law, 881 it deems rié<:essaryg:tm· mg efficient execution of the provisions df this chaptexa · (M:12·Q`4§ 1923, 0.1 252, Titlg I, _} 2, 42.Stat.‘1459.) ° _ I A ' TAX EXEKPTION . 1111. Enmmémtiem of éxemptia=¤s.#—-The privilegeé e of `tzzx exemption: accorded uudcrh senden $31, aw}; aalsc to eatelr Fedéral —Iutermediate _C1’édiI`B8I1k, mcluéing its cgpital,‘reserve, { or surplus, and the inccme derived therefrém, and detwmi ttureS.`i8Sued·¤nder this title shall be ta be · t iustruméiitalitics of the Governmextf and @103 the mma

 tax exemptions nas arcxamordéd farm lqa¤_bcm1si¤   sectitm. l
 (Mar. 4, 1923,;:, @2, Title I, § 2, 42 Stat. 1459,) ·

‘ PENALTY PROYI SIGNS .. ·_1121, Emnpueritlhh of vsrims by é§mrs nr empiayecs of Credit made aimws; smear, {fi- 4 `wétor, agent, or empléyae af 3 Fcdeml t» tl lm lt tél C¥edit·Ba¤k who) cmbgzzles, abstrgcts, purioins, ar mimpplies aéy af ‘ the mouejsi funds, O1" credits of such at mm, without authority Itrom such bank, draws my order dr bill exchguge, ~ makes- any qéceptapce, `issuésg puts forth, or assigns ugy mate, debenture, b0nd,.drnft, bill at- exchuggg, M H; ut, lorj decree; 91* who makes any. Jalsc. entry in my repext, _ l or statemént of stick MQAWMA imtent in my mw to injure or (iefmud such bankgor :1 y - other cmpazxyj ar EMR, or YG deceive any cxwcer of such bank ar the Fedarxl Farm Lllalit ‘B0m·d, or any agent or eiaminer appointed tc examine the ` affaim of such bank; spd cvagy receiver at sack bank who with like iixmnt to dgfmixd or injure cmbgzzlas, abstracts, purlaimz, or willfully misapplies· any at the ma1mys;—_f;xnds,_&1* awctsq of such bank, and eyery perison who with like intg_x.1t aids or abets any ofdccr, director, agent, employee, er receiver in §¥;lZ.¥’ _

 violatixm of this section, ushall be deemed guilty af a_ misdemeanor, and \1]_}(1B`(f(}I1\?”i(lfi€>§f1 theré~0f' is auyfdistriex céurt af the

United States, shall be mixed :1gét~mi1re·th5,n“$5,@!.Qr shall » be imprisoned fof not mam than Hvg years, mi bath, at t}1c"`dis·-·_ tcretion of the ccurt. `(Mmr. 4, 19%, cg 22;·Tit1e I, §»2, 42 Slat. -1459.) B22. False statements to Credit Banks;punishment.-—\\'i;<>— e;·ve~r"né1akes miy statcmeeht, kncwing it tdbe f&‘ls%:,_fm· the; pm·— ··p0se· Qt `cbtainixlg for. I1ims¤;·lf 01·—for mxy`0t1mr· persgtx, iirm. ~c0rD0mtion,_ or assulciatimx any édvance, or pxtensiorg cr: Y0- HBWSI of an advance, or any `reloasa or sub.stitut'icm‘¤f s€€m‘i€S from such bank; or fdr the purfmée bf mm; cmgliixlany -0th€1' waylthe action of stick bank; shall be [vgggzhcil bya ilnc of not mérelilmn $10,000, or `by impx·isui1~mm1t: fp: mit more than