Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/344

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§ 21 TITLE 1 Section- 21. Time and place of taking.--—A; census of th populatiop, agriculture, manufactures, forestry and forest proe uots, and Hlill€`3S'§1l1(1 quarries of the United States ahall I taken by the Director of the Census in the year 1920 and ever ten years thereafter. The census pfovided for in this scctio shall include each State,»the District of Columbia, Alaékz Hawaii, and Porto _Rico. A. census of Guam. and Samoa sha be takeu in the same year by the respective governors of sai islands aud at census of. the Panama Canal `Zoue by the Go emot of the Canal Zone in accordance wi-th,plans prescribe .or approved by the Director of the Census. (Mar. 3, 191 cQ_ 97, § 1, 40.Stat.f1291.) ` 22. Degexmial census per$od.—Tl1e `period of three years b gixmia-xg the lst day of July next preceding the census provide for in the fore;.:·oin.g section shall be known as the decexmial censu period,. and the reports upon the inquiries provided for in Sai section shall be completed and published. within `such perio (Mar. 3, 1919,‘r;. 97, §_2, 40 Stat. ·1292..)Y _ ` H 23. Employees during census period; appointment at prefercnces.—During the decexmial census period, ·and_ ‘1 longer, there may be employed in the Census Office, in addltlc to the foyce provided fo1·__by_ the `Act ma};ii1g·‘app1¥opriatio1 · for the Departments of (State ‘-and Justice and for the judiei:11 and for the= Departments of Commerce and Labor `aud f· other purposes for the.`ilscal year immediately preceding tl clecezmial census period, au assistant `director, S. who sh: be an experienced practical statistic-ian; a chief statis clan, who shall he u person of known and tried experience statistical vtjorlt; a disbursing clerk; ari appointment clerk; private secretary to the directo1·;—four ster1ographers·; elg expert chiefs of division; 3l1d-t€ll.St8fiStiC{l_l experts. The sx slstaut director shall be appointed by the President, by su with the aclvice ?\lld"(‘0ll‘SOYlt of the Senate. The chief statis clan, thellisbtnrsinnggolerla, the __appolx1tn1eut· clerk, the chiefs divialoas, and the private s_ecret:1ry’ to the"diroctor shall ` appointed without examination by the Secretary of Comme; upon the re&;;·omn1endation· of the Director of the Censuey T` S statistical experts and the steuographers Shall bé apwpoinited conformity with Sections 632, 633, 635, .637, 638, 640, 641 an 642 of Title 5, EXI;ICU'I‘IVE_ Ijl·3PARfl`IMEN'1‘S urn Govzaxummr Om cans AND Em·1.oY1·:1¤:'s,· and rules thereuuderz- Pr0v{dcd, Th whenever practicuble`»vo111en and llonerably discharged soldlé and sailorsj shall be employed in the positions herein p1·0vldfor in this section. .__(Mar. 3, 1919, c. 97, Q 3, 4,0 Stat. 1292.) 24. Duties of additional employees; diabursing clerk.-——T¤ assistaat director shall perform such duties as may be pu ‘s<·ribed by the Director ot the Census. In the absence of t director, the assistant director shall s;erve°as'direotor,~—aud the absence of the director and assistant direetof, the chi clerk shall serve as director. ‘ · ‘ ` Theappotaatmeut c1erk,shall.ber£0rm the duties assikned he by the Director of t11e'UenSuS:» The dlsburalng clerk of t Ceasue Omoo shall, at the beglmiing of the decennlal ceus · period; give bond to the Secretary ot the Treasury ia the sum $100,000, surety to be approved by tha_S0ltclt01‘ of the Tréasua wl1it·h_bond*shzn1l be conditioned that the sam odcer gh: i’QI`l{](?I;, quarter yearly, a. true and faithful account to t ·(}ouex·a1 Accounting O&ée of all moneya and` broperti wh-ich shall be received by him by vim1e.ot_his omce dm'! tlie._said_decc1mie1l census period. `Sucb bond 1 ¤ha11 be Bled the oiilce ot the Seereta1*y`of‘th,o Treasury, to be by him put _sult upon any breach of the condition; thereof; (Mar. 3,19i o c. 97, `§ 4, 40 Stat. 1%2; June 10, 1918, lc. 18, |-304, 42 Stat. 2e . 25. Compensation on piece-price basis.--Employees exigag _iu the eompilatiou or tabulation of-statistics byl the use mechanical devices may be compensated ou a" piece-price ba: _ to be flxodby the directot. (Mar. 3, 1919, c. 97, { 6, 40 .St» 1292.) ° · ‘

3.·-—CE1NSUS é 330 te 26. Examination and selection of empleyees; transfersss 1- The additional clerks and other exngxleyees employed in tho le Census Otllce during the decennial census period shall be snl»5e·t ·y to such special test examinations as the Director of the (‘cn»=;{t »n may prescribe, subject to the approval of the United Statestjivil a, Service Commission, these examinations to be conducted by Tllcz ill United States Civil Service Commission, tohe open tc, all ·ami_ ld cahnts without regard to political party afdliations, and to to hm v- at such placesin, each State as may he d€Sig¤ated by tho r*g·,-gl gd Service Commission. Certifications shall be made by the vg,-gl 9, Service Commission upon request of the Director of tlnc·{‘··n»u< from the eligible registers so established, in conformity with the Q- law of a_pportion‘ment as now? provided for the classlhed sorvi¤·4· ad and selections therefrom shall be made by the Director of the as Census, in the order ot rating: Provided, Thatthe requ‘irem<·nt ld asjto conformity with the law of apportionment Shall not apply. d._ to messenger boys, unskilled laborers, and charwomen: And provided further, That no person afflicted with tuberculosis nd shall be appointed and that each applicant for appointmpm 10 °shall accompany his or her application téith a certiiicate of an health freixn some reputable physician: And provided rurtl»?~r,§· ns That in no instance shall more than one person be appointee ry' from the same family; And provided further, That when the or exlgencies of the service require, the.director_ may appoint for he temporary employment, not exceeding six xnonthsf duration from lll the aforesaid list oil eligibles those who, by reason of residomeo ti? or other conditions, are immediately available; and may iu, also appoint for not exceeding six months duration persons · a h_aving`_had._p1‘evi01ls_expérience ln operating mechanical opht pllauces in census work whose efficiency records in operatns- E ing such appliances are satisfactory to him, and may a<·<·•»p; and ¤ such records in lieu of the civilserrlce exanalnationz And prot_i· I vided fm·the1·, That employees in other branches of the tloporz- _ of mental classified service who have had prerious experience in be census workimay be transferred without examination to the ace Census Oince to serve during the whole or ‘a part ofjtho do he cennlal census period, and at the end of such service the omin ployecs so transferred shall beeligible to appointment to postnd tions in any department held by them at date of transfer ro_ FI- the Census Office without examination, but no employee so at transferred shall within one year after such transfer‘ro<·oivc ers hlghersalary thanhe is receiving at the time of the transfer: ed And provided jurtller, That during the decennlal census period and no longer the`Director o`! the Censasjrnay all vacancies in he the permanent force of the Census Omce by the promotion or re· transfer of clerks or other employees employed on Qthe tomho porary ‘force authorlzed by the precedlng section: _Aad_ prog ih vided- ft¢rther,·That at the expiration ot thedecennlal census lef period the termot servlceot all employees so `transferred and » ot all other temporary omcers and employees appointed under tm the provisions ot this chapter shall terminate,. and such omwrs he and employees shall not be eligible to` appointment or transfer ans into the classified service of the Government by virtue of their ot examination or appointment under thisechapterz and provsd··»! ry,·. farther, That: ln" theselecflon of the additional` clerks and cini all ployees employed; ln the Census Omce during theAeccnxii:1l‘ he `ceusus period the`Dlroctor of the Census is authorized to new les so far as, is practicable, —the`rcegnployment registers cstahllshwl ng by Eétecutlve order of November 29; 1918; so farjas the same . in applies to permanent appointments by competition. (Mar. 3. in 1919, c. 97 ; §`7,_4Q Stat. 1293.) ` ·’ " · 19, Scope of decenalnl census; statistics; by whom co!-· L). ·lected.——·-—The Foarteenth Census shall be_resta·leted to__inqui_riv¤· red relating to popi1lation,·to’agric»t1ltt1re, to manufactures, to fw of eatry and~ torest products, and to mlrrgsfuand quarries. ~'l`hl.> sis schedules relatlng‘ to population -_sha·ll in. de for each inhn!»¥·_ at. tant the name; place ofabode. relationship to. head of 1imnil>’· color, sex, age, conjugal condition, place of birth, place of