Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/349

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3353 S Trrrm :.1

 Foeglefation ef·Commlss!ouer of Internal Revenue.

—·m—. Publication of reports. _ — _ _ 6,, jicfhgdg of acquiring infomation. __ e . COTTON STATISTICS ` Tl. Collectlou mid pnbllution. ‘ ,_ TLB, ejentents nad distribution of reports; publication by Depirtmeuj of Agtléulfuft. · . . c * _ A _ · ‘ T3; information as cquhdentlal; penalty for dincl0sure. _ `TJQ iluty to furnlsl: co:·1—ect·lnfomx¤tlc¤; pentlty. Ti. Foreign cotton Statistics. · _ t t ‘_ n;. Simuttaneous of cotton re§rts.` ’ 77. Cotton greduetion stgtistlck; Weekly bulletlnsc l COT’1"0l€3@D STATISTICS, 5 $1, Collection antlpubllcgtioe. __ · - _ V -- ‘

·—:. information as eoxmdentlal; penalty for dléclosure.

ss; Duty to hmm mrnct lpaformatloaz el. Explosive and medicated cotton "pxéduetc. ` HIDE AND LEATHER S'1“ATl8TlC§'. im. Pollecticn and pulslicatgionf F . _‘

¢;;, lufermaticrrns ccuddentlali penalty for disclosure
· . ‘

$42%. Duty- to furnish <:0rtcct_i¤form•tio_tx ;_ penilty. ‘

 - nuvrus Aisui nmlyrizs _

gm. Axinpal collection ot lvltnl studatles: cnmpcxsationc . I r · . nxscmnmgumus STAl'lSTICS'· ~ 321. Special statistics; age¤ts,`_ (. ,. " lz:. Statistics et manufactures, etcy -· n T'OBAGCO_ STATIFIXIQS, ·. ` · Sectieu 61; Sepispnunl mpu¤·tp.-The·Dlx·ectox of the Genet;}

__is ‘autl;0rlz& sad to collect and statistics 02

the quantify ¤£"le¤i tabaccchi 8u‘5,f§}K¤I l¤‘thb_U¤lted·StStel in the i0¤ who ore or gmnufoc ` turers, ether than the Bl'iIi»BI¤1`$0W¢X‘UaG£ mbtcco, marized and xet¤mcd‘b¥ the t¤`tb¤ Director of the (msu; ettllé daté 6(_9(£t&! 11 aud LmH_1 of etd wer, provld& the ei énll net h tmuixegl to cellwtstatlstlee at let.! from manu m¤·1u?e: ot totem who in the ing to the the KMHBQI Revenlli mlmufactzired lem than fifty t.bousaud,p0m1da d tobdem. 0; fI`•!lIl_·&I1§.¤l#§!I:&R1"§ at who, the pt¤¢ediIl1 vaieuslar yes: had thu two Qhunéted and ifi; theueaml eign, or- from Any of wth during the pmeedlw enlédar; yes: nlmiutnetured me than m1e=millle¤ at from shy éehler ih lest WM eu the avergg,Zh|d`1e¤a ~D¤¤¤dS ln SWS! .¤t the, enm 01 the tour quarters of the eqleuds seen-, and every ·mauutactu¤jm· at ‘t0mce0` who, in the prewdlm . mlendar year, aeeordingto the return et the Commlésloher e - l¤m_·x·ual Revenue, manufactured IBQTB thxm Stty theusam ' lumnda ot tobacco,. and every manufacturer ot cigdxs whe , <iurmg_the mecedlng caleudu yar, manufactured more thm two hundred and Etty thousand ci.gars,`nind,eve¤y manufacture nf- ciatjetteg who, dun-ini calender year, mama f¤l_<;:tured_ more than due million. clgsmttu, and every il er l'll8.ll\1§RQhl!€! .,01- lea.! ‘ wbecm ‘Wll0, ion Sh? nvexme, Sittin; »il1e.,pr®edlug“ eelentlitf year, pod m thm Kfty thousam pounds ln stock, at theends ct tlie igquumzs of the pre wgllnxx calendecyear, shall, under oath, make written report ¥·!' the amounts held by them, IQ .pmvl®d in sections 61, 6E and (Apr. 30, 1912, c. 102, 5 1, 87 8tat.·1%.) — ’ l . 62. Types of W 56 `¢|¤&$; Dlrwtc of the Owns Shall I$Bcif! 6!'t9¤¢$0it9 bei! eluded lg th• reizerts et the holders-.%ee!, ond be thai Svecifv the eqeyexnl Um separately. la} makiis his mmm

r,mGENSUS § -68 " In secming_rep0rts_by types, the Director of the Census shall . follow SI¥&t8_Hti&uy·'tb§ classiflcaiiori pj? )gene1fa1 i types as recognized and adopted by the Department of Agriculture. The Director of the Censm shell prepare &ppmpriate'blanks `upcm whiéh such reports shall be mania and shall: send a cbpy _0t sainé toimy person subject to mgke reports under sections c, G1 and 65, not mqreithah Bttecn nor less than {ery days prior tythe 1sf days of October and April inieach year, `together " v thi u written; or printed demand that such petsmz maketbc report required., (Apt. 30,.1912, c. 162, S 2, 37 Stat. 10T.)! 63._ Report required; penalty fof faihrc.—-—A11 apersons sub- · ject t0?the pmvisiouscf sections 61 and 65 shaft, within ten ·— days after the lst day `of October. a.nd‘_1st day of April in each year, make- writfcxilrepoft to the Dii·cet0r_ of the · rthe number ot_ pcuhds or &ch of the several types of leaf tobacco owned by him as cm the said dates, respectively; It any sud} person shaft fail tqfmake said report within the ti_me_°‘ ‘ preserib€¢, he shall be gtrjlty of a misd 01', Mid Upon 0m1· e victicm shit!] be heed net less {han $00 or more than $1,000g

 11*-any such person sa Dame to make such reports shatffnil to

jisake thé same within the dntesxébqve speciéeé, aiu} tbereattexj the `Directot go! the. Census; shall edemaud Keucli mpext in wx-it-_ ` ing, which demand 3};.;]},*};% maj], then e if _ sinch pcmcrn shui} tail te math smh urpnrt within twenty wys aftenimw demnié ee mdb. M else be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, and upw coaviirtion sha`lI be for M ‘ not; Qéfé ti;am·six méntbs, in the et the éourt. he “ ¤lthee¤et1cé—by‘t1;e-ebirectcr of the GEMIE in any

 pest cmu 'shdll be hem Q be_prma facie   pg me cekivl
 erjy or   qoqee   the holder at tobacco, {resi which date the

{period of twentydhys bball to mn. me preddeet, gen-· ! eral manager; er ether chic! meh clan; wrpataticnjgiling to · 5 _ make such ravens as by 61, Q 65 ehau ¤·· be toethé same mama: as are pwribed in this`scc4 rw tiange (Aw.&, 1912,c. 1@,·Ie3,37 8tat.10¥.) ._ ‘ B e 64. Penny em- me zepqi.-¤-——-Any mmm wm mnt mee ¤ L, mise report to tlm Dimeter of the Oénm sp tethetypcs er B’ l Q·9f_{0hl¢Q9 hehe: owned By him ¢•¤ bcgixiltyefa r·— L ¤&@:¢¤¤:, nd web mavictioa éiklbs by i- merge ¢ix¤m&s,i¤th¤dta¤·e¤cn ettgé =.. manga, er @¤· 0&¢1‘_QY any. r me .` repnrtwhaki be subject tdme s penalty a•_ pr¤sczthed` ip (Apr. 30,:1912, V c.1£B,IQ.37 St•t.1¤‘?.)·` “ _ ew G5, "*P¤»¤” ¤ord\“perm¤" as medi ¤· the B tem sncdéis wall be held to embrdee slap any partle nemhip, ,cerp<§mt.ic¤,..0r ameistten. (Apr. 30; 1912, c. 102, 5 5, hi mesm, 1ev.).— ‘ ‘ ~ _ _ _ » _ »-· r ‘ 66. an ¤se·0f_i1gf¢rm•tiqn.—The intugmation tm--

msdn the d mwns 61, 62, 63; and 65 shall

~f bedmed only ter the stgtLstim.§ Icrwhich it is supplied. 6 eN0 publicetioxyshall be made the Dimcr at the Census ». whereby the dgta-iurnislged by any par ar establishxgente n bam be idmttméd, not shall the Director pt th¢·(}c11Sqs permit r anyone `ctlier than me sworn employees et the Census (mice 1- te examine Fbeindividuel mwrts. ·(Ai>r.. 30, 1912, c, 102, § 6, a 37 Btn:. 107,) ‘ , j _ 5 $7. Ceqpaatieg of Conmiaimzek of Internnl Revenue.:-——-The d et Ethee have aceem Qte thetécords ot the n- C0mm¤i@é1iM et Iizteruslkevenus for the purpose et obtaining eq intermntiqn reqzxireél in mcticna 61, @,· H, and; 65, and the I, of Inteinai Revenue shall cooperatg with the Dirmtcxyet the Cmnt in eHectmt!¤g the purposg gud pm; >r visions of actions K1 to 63, i¤¢l¤¤iY¢· (APL $0. 1912, c. 102. •-_ U, 8‘f'Stst.·107.) ‘ · _ -_ e ‘ · W tl ‘68.` Publication of reports.-~'17he Director of fxhe Census shall ~ |._ and péblisb his nportr under sections 61 to 68, inclusive,