Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/356

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§- 30 TITLE 14.-¥·¢ such points on the Atlentic and Pacific consti, the Gulf - 01 Mexico, ahd up Great Lakes asv lie may deem advisable, `apd to detail for nvietiop duty in connection, tperewith (meets end enlisteqi [men of gthe United States Ooaxt Guard, At one oi thm smtions there moy be instituted I school for the purpose of special ixietxgixction in aerommtics, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized `to employ one expert iustruc tor in p.ero,nautics,` at B,S81&lrY·0f $4,000 per eunum, and one assistant `fjnstructer, also skilled in aercnautics, at eg sal, V- ery of $3,000 _ per annum. _ (Au§.· 29, 1916,`.¤c. `417, 39 ;Stat 39. Uniforms, eeeouterpeiltq, and equipment for o§cerh c•dets.——Unifor:ns,:` accouterménts; and equipment Shell, upo; the request of pn}? W officer of the Coast Guard whi1e;'operatiqj with the Nevy or cadets at; the Cohst Guard Academy, be tut nished by the Government at cost, subject to such. restriction: end regulations as the Secretary of the Navy mxy prescribe (Jaxi. 12, 1919, c, 8,40 Stat. ,1054,)Y _' · — l — 31. Purchase, of _ quarteimaster sup_plies;¢——0tHcers a11d__ex1 listed then of the Coast G11a1id·sh1;Il be permitted t0·purcha>;¤ qunrtamester supplies IMM the Army, Navy, and Harm

 gt the mpxe priee as is charged the omcers and enliste

men of the Amiy, Navy,. and»_Mari¤e G0i·ps.` (Mar; 6, 1920, 1 94, 5 1,741. Stat. 506.) ·` _‘ _ . ._ - 32. Sales of eration supplies to oⅇ·s? messes.—Rz;tlori. su; plies hay be by the cabin,. wardroogn, and wdrxam o§cei·s’ messes and payment therefor made- in éasb to the cou miepary omeer ; the prices to be charged for suéh supplies sha! not be less than the invoice prices, mid the cash received frm sqeh @1eé `shail · be accounted for op the arhtion return an may be expemed for the g€ll€1‘8.1_ mess. ‘ (Aug. 1, 1914,- e. 22 _ § 1, 38 $tat. 620.) _ = - . 33. Contracts for rations.-»'1‘11e Secretary, of the Treasur may coun contracts to be made for the supply of: rations in the officers nndmen ot the.0oest Guerdeutters. (R. S. § 2758. '34. Detail of wlisted mea for duty iq District of Cohan bih.—···Not more than ten enlisted men at one time may 'be d< tailed to duty in the District of Columbia; (June 5, 192 c. 235, § 1, 41 Stat. 879.} .. _ _ . _ . · 35, klided mein; term of enHst¤ent.:-—All persons compo ing the éeniisted toreeot the Coast Guard shelf be enlisted te e term not to exceed three years, in the discretion ot t1 Secretary ot the 'lkeasury, who shalt prepare regulations go emiug ouch, enlistments nind for the general government · the serviee. (May 26, 1906, c. 2558, §_1, 34_ Stat., 200.) 36."_Amma.l report by eommendnntvz-The Copqniaudn tint tl Coast Guard shell submit to` the Secretary on the cgeosur for transmission to Congress, an annual report of the expend tures ot the moneys appropriated for the maintenance of tl Coast Guard and ot the operations: of the Coast Guard durin the year, `(Jeh; 28, 1915, c. L20, {5, 88 Stat. 802.) . . " 3*1. Report by Secrahry to Congres•.····-yTl;e Secretary ot t1 Treasury `eh al1' submit to Congress at the beginning ·ot ew regular i0l1 thereof a` detailed steteuieizt of the expeni tures for the Coast Guard, ‘(0ct. 2, 1888, c. 10®,_ 25_Sts 511.) , .· · ‘ ‘ · " ~ 38. Lum relating to Life Satin; Sertiee md Revmie ter Service mule epplieable to Coast Ggnrd.-———·meept°u the: after wiied, 'nll laws existing mhlllll Q, 1915, rdsdn either to the Lite Saving Service og- the Bevmm wttéz Sent shall remem ot tome es tar as npplimble to the Gout Bm? ` and the emu, positions, operhttom, and Bama uml) in 1

  • T¢®¢¢ts he held and construed to impose he CNY up

h' the pomtious and their incumbmts. in the Goat G¤•td·`|.n we I imposed January R 1915; upon the and ipcumbents in the mid two organisdeq eti@·J;¤u -28, 1915, (Jug 28,_1915}_20, 2. 8 NAL Y p 1 _ l"

70AST GUARIQ 342, E' GUARD CU'ITER8;` l 51. Authorlty ot Secretary ot Treasury as to use et vessels for- proteeg`. tionotrevenuc. . _ `_1_,. ., V "_· _‘ 52. Use of vesmls for protection 'ot revenue; authority ot President, ' 53. Detail ot Coast Guard vessels tor. patrol duty. · , ` `· ? 54. _®angs ot stations et vwsels, etc. v '. · — . -5 55. Veselsi torjuae on Mtsitmppl and Ohlc Rivers and ‘trihutar1e¤Q B 56. '1‘rnnsfer`ot·uaval vessels to Coast Guard. · _ 57. Building Coast Guard vessels at navy. yards. ’ 58. _Omcers_ and crew ot. vessels. _‘ ‘·-_ T _.

59.··Detall ot sur3eons,_etc., Tel Publiejleelth Service bu CoasfGuard

l 80. Aid 'to°veasels on lakes. ` · `81. Aid to fishing crews. _ - · n _62. Tug to aidveasels on north Pacltlc coast. - '· { 63. `Vesaell for removal ·ot derel1cta,.etcL _ . ., _ ·., JM. and pendantawfor ‘Coaat Quard cutters, etc.; .Wl'0D§fllI& B " display by_otuers; penalty. ·· _` _ _ _· ‘ 65. UB0.0[ YESSEIB DHYSQO D\1l'p058$ {WBAR] fO!' Wfongflzl UBC, ’s 86. Customs duties of omcers ot cutters. . — _ .; . 67. Additional customs duties under dlrectioc eif·Becretary et Treasury. I. .68. Stopping vessels; immunity ot Coast `Gnard o¤cer. _ ‘ B 69, Sale ot ueelesscuttera. ·’ _ ` .' 8 .70. Reports to collector of customs, etc} 5 d· Section·_51. Authority ef_Secretary sl Treasury as to use ‘

. of vessels for protecthu of \Sécretary ot the
 Treasury may direct   performance Q any service by the

>- Coast Guard vessels- which, ns his judzwt, is necewry for lf. W¢e» protection of the revenue. ·(B. S. { 2758.) A l n- 52. Use of yeasels for-m·otectiq.•f of ll· President.-——The Bresidentmay, Ior the better coln lection ofimport 61* to&e duties, new to be. m d many of the Coaat;Gua1§d_c¤t§&I Rltwi! be to be 3, employed for the protwtion of the revenue, the ¤ ~ wh&I · shall be paid out otsuch aa shall heanncally appropriated .y for the Coast Gxrdr and not (B. { $37.) W 53. Detail of Coast Guard rmela `fer duty.5-The _) President may, when thei Q ties of service pamit it, ,.— cause any suitable number ot public vemis to the g. purpose to cruise upon the coaxlu the season ot severe wuhr 0, and toadordtsuch aid to_,dlst d navkaton as tm: circumstances mu! require; a _ such public remls no to S. ‘f\1UYkD!;€P&l'8d to rend ranch mistance. · {B.~B._§ 1586.) me · 54i._ Change of of vessels, etc.—§-The ot.-the ,0. Treamry is authorlsedtroru tlmeto time to §ak¢—su& trans Y- _ _1’er· 'and change of tations ot Coast‘Guard eutteriaa he may ga deem desirable for the best interests ot the service, and in his discretion. `auy`G0ast..,Guard`icutter to cruise in any M waters to performs the · duties `O ot the Coast Guard Service. ly, (Apr. 21, 19lO, c.`1&, S 2, 36 Sta.t.`8%.)·, . * [1. 55._Yesse1s for use an §&aippi and and my `—‘tributaries.·-··—The_ Secretary oi the Treasury yauthort@, and gg purchase or consuuct and equip three `lightjdiaft 3 rlyer steamboats, including lliebmts and such other lifegsering he appl1a@ and equipment as may be nemary, to be w in gh rescuing livesand property and in food and clothing gg;. tomarooncd people during `dood times on the ltisdwippl and tt, Ohio Rivers and their trlbutarlu, patrolling said wetcrs _· `tor the enforcement or navigation and motor-boat? laws, and tg. for rendering aid to resseh in dl@•_. (Au:. 29, 1918, e. 411, ·q...39Stat.®1.)_ `_ { _ _ _ sg 'hansfer orgnaral yeaeels to Coast Guai1|··—-·-·’1‘he Scorer m tary ci the Nav! in authorised to_ transfer to the Demrtment d, ot the Treasury, for the use ot the Ooast Guard, vmsels all od, the Navy, with their outiv and armaments, as. can bc an and as are adapted to the use of we Coast rs _ (Apr. I1, 1924, `e. IN, l 1, Stat. {G5.) · ' as `_ 5'lr |n¢ Guard rmek at navy yjsrds.··-·’1he ry_"tary or tho Navy, at the request ot the Secretary or the ` is awhorlssd to build any dean Guard vessels