Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/362

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§ 1691 · mzrczc 1L4.·-· tc may incident of service, and its decision shall be approve " by the President, the officer shallbc dropped from the scrvic (Apr. 12, 1902, c, 501; § 7, 32 Stat. 101.) ‘ 169. Disabilities in course of duty cr from age; xtssignmen to special dutics.—--Wllen ax board hud.? that axifcmcer is ing: pacitatcd for active service, andkhat his ihcapacity is the 1* suit: of an iixcidcixt of service, or is due to the intirmitics of ag or playsicalpr mental disablli·ty,_and not his 0wxrvici0us‘ habit and such decision is approved by the President, he shall bc ar tircd from active service and placed upon a retired list. O rlcers thus retired my bé assigned to such duties as they ms lie able to perform, in the discretion of tllc·Secr€:tm·y of tl Treasury. (Apr. 12, 1902, c. 501,;§ 6, 32 Stat. 101.) “170. Rctiringboard; proceedings gcncrally.——·-The Sccrctax of the Treasury, under the direction of the President, sha from time t0_time assemble, a Coast Guard retiring boar composed of ofliccrs of the Coast”Guard and medical officez bf the Public Health Service, cqinsisting of pot less than ilu’i0ucd officers, tyvo-fifths of whom shall be select; from ’medical officers of the Pgblic Health service,. for tl purpose of exiamining and reporting oh such nfficerg of tl · Coiast Guard as may be ordered by the Secretary of »tl Treasury to appear_,beforc_irt; and the members of said hom shall be sw0r11,_ix1 cverycaée, to discharge. their duticshmiesti and impartiallyh the oath to be administered to the mcmbe by the president of the board, and td him by the junior mm ·l>cr or I‘€·(301'(1(3I';·8Ild- slich board shall ixnquirc into and detc milne the ‘f$1cts touching the nature and. occasion of the di ability of any officer who aiwpcalrcto be incsipalile 0£.pe‘rfurz ingnthe duties of his otiicc, aind shall have such powers as mg ho necessary for that purpose; and when the board finds. S 1 0$cer incapacitated ‘for active scrviccxit shall, aléo find dit report the cause which iu. its judgment has Jproducéd hir: i; capacity, whether such cause ican incident of service, whcthl duc tolnis cvyu vicious- habits, or the irxhmiitics of age, 4 physical or mcnmldisability. The proceedings and decisiéu of the board shall be trancmittcd `to the Secretary of tl Treasury, and shall by `him be laid Jbcfurc the President fe his approval or disapproval and his orders in the case. (Ap 12, 1902, c. 501, § 5, 32 Stat. 1w.) . l 1,71. Retirement for failure in physical examination for pre mctio1n.——-—Ii airy commissioned officer shall fail in his physicz cxaminatioxx [fdr promotion ahd be fou#i1¢l _ incapacitated fe service byrcasun of physical di~sal»llity.c<»utracted in the li: uf duty,'l1c sli:1ll‘bc retired with the rank to which his scniorlt entitled him to be promoted. -(Jan. 12, 1923, c. 25, Q 3, 42 Sta 1131.) ° ‘ · . 1 . ` 172. Retirement for disability gcncrally.————W,hcn any com xulssicncel e,.»iHc~cr,`w*arrant omccr, or enlisted manlms bacon in<.·upa1l>le,0f performing the diztics ct his <;»fHcc hcshall bc cithe plmfed upmi the retired list: or dropped from the service by tl I°l‘t*Sltl(2llf,· as lxcx·ciuaft¢~·‘r provided “in this chapter. (Apr. 1 190*2, c. 501, § 4, 32 Stat.100»} , » _ · — · . ,173. Retirement, cm Account of agc.————\Vl1c§ any comxxxlssiime ciiiccr, warrarit oiimcr, ur cnlictcd man in the Cccaét 'Guard he ,rcachcd the Eiga of sixty-ftn11‘_ycar$ hc shall bc. rctlrcd by tl Pl’l‘Sld€}l"lt_fI’t;illl uctlvc.·scrvicc‘. (Aim 12, 1902, 9. 501, 5 4, E Slut. 10U;) [ · F ‘ V y h ’ — - 1.74. Retirement of commissi0;rcd ¤$ccrs mr fcrty ycara length of scrvicc; cdycucc in rank.——··-—Wl;1c11 a commissions ciiiccr of the Coast Guard who has had forty }*cars’ scrvit ‘ shall re·tirc_, hc shallbc placed on the. rctircd list with the rm and rotircedpay of one gmdé above that actually lucid- by b.l1 ` at the time of retirement; and, in the cme of. A captain. th rank and rétircd pay ot one grade above shall bc themnk < cezimumdorc und the my of :1. commodérc in the Navy `cnth rciircd list. (Jang 12, 1923, c. 25, F8, 42 Btqt. 1131.) l

ectmsr GUARD 3elS ed i 175. Retirement cm thirty years’ service; pay; assignment gy to special duties.---·A cunxmissipned office1·,_ warrant 0iH{;g;~_ ,,, egiisted man who has serwjed thirty years, upon suitable ¤,—,,,;g it cation and as to commissioned officers upon approval by n- Secretary of the Trwsury, may be retired from active St*i*\‘i¢·»~ eg and receive 75 per ceutum of the duty pay, salary and incmte . e, qt his, gradeor rating: Provided, such comuiissimleeé

s, otjiicer, warrant otHcer, or enlisted man `ma·y“ be aseignm ,,,

e—· such duties as he may be able to perform. (Jan. 28, 1915, ,·_ ” ·f- _20, { 3,38 Sta1t.'801.) · ” M · "" ny 176. Pensiims generaIly.———N0‘ pension shall be allowed M- ne paitlfto any commissioned officer, warrant_ qmcer, or enliezwe l man in the Coast Girard either {m' the active or retixm y list. (Jen.! 28, 1915, c. 20, § 3, 38 Start. 801.) lll 177, Disabilities received in cooperation with Navy; pe,}- . cl, sion.-—-1`he utiicers and seamen of, the Coast Guard, who lun rs been or may be wounded or disabled in thedisciaarge of time re duty while cooperating with the Navy by- order of the Preeé- gd dent, shall beentitled t0~ be placed on the Navy pension liet. ne at the same rate of pension and under the same regulntimle le mid I'€Si.l‘i(2(i0I1S as are provided byiflaw for the 0@cers um ie ‘ S€i1IIl€II`0f the_Ne1vy. (R. S. §.4741.) _

 Chapter 7.g-j---MEDALS~ AND HONORS.

rs SEC'. · t ° I n_ 191. Modal {pr heroism of omcer. - 192. Volunteer crews; compensation for saving life; metla-ls. 1* 193. Medals for saving life generally. ° .s·- 194., Bestownl of medal of second class. t _ H, 195.;Additi·oual tokens of honor for repeated sets of hemlsm. ly 196. Bestowal of métlal on pgrsonbtlner titan member of Coast Guzml. nh . Section 191. Medal for hcreisr1;,cf,o§e¢r.=—-The President et nd the United States is lmrebyeutpoweretl to girepare a. suitable ni medal ot honor to be awarded to guy csweer at the Caaet Guard er who shall have distinguished himself in battle br, displayed or extraordinary `hemisrn in the line of his profwmlne. (Mer. 3. ns 1915, ce. 83.38 Stat. 931.) . K · l ” , . M3 . 192., Volunteer `crews; ccmbemqtigm fer saving life;. ¤1‘ medalese-—The Secretary of the Treasury may accept the sentieews »r. of w}olux1teer_crews gt Elly of the life-bmi: statiems authorized.! . who shall be subject to the rules" and regulsnticms geverninsb 5- the Coast Guard; and a list: of the names of mee crew sslmll U be kept ih the office of the Secretary 'of the Treasixry; Saleh lr ” l volunteers shall receive a sum of not mere than $10 each for ae everyawmsion upon which ther shall have bm iustnxmemal ty in saving huxixsm life, and such of the medals as they may he .t. entitled to under the provlsiems of this elmpterk Prozsidtd. ‘ ’ That rm payment ehnll be—m:1de_t0-any person who gslmll nut 11- ‘mwe~¤ctu¤11y participate}! in%.t,lie emnjté tdeave time life m- l€· 'liycsrescued; (lime 20, 1874, c. 344, 5 6,18 Stat.~i27.)f ~ er » 193. Medals fdrjeaving life jeneraellyle-T&e Secretary, at the le Treasury is directed to cause to be prepared medals df h<m··r, 2, with suitable devifceé, to be distingtziehed ae llfesaviixxg meelesls of the first énd second glass, which shall he bcstmved upon ·w>‘ ed gmeotue who shall he_reefter endanger their own lives in Savinzi. ts or endeevoring toeave lives from perils of the een, within the ne United States, or upon any America; vessel: Provided, Tim $2 the medal of the first célasls shall be cqntined to cases of wg-· treme and hercicdaring; and that the medal of the secmztll s' class ehall be glveh in cases net eumeiently distingujehetl nl =d xlwerre the medal of the mst class: I*r¤eidc*d_clse, That xm ae · naward of either medal shall be made to Any person until :+11% .k_ Helen}: evidence. df his deeerving shall have been tiled with- the m Secretmwoi the- Treasury dud entered tipon the recerds of. the te `department, (June 20, 187*4, e. 3-14, 5 7, 18 Stat;127.) " · ‘ >i’ 194. Bedcwnl of ted:} of sccmd diss.-—-—··'1"he Secrretmjv mf te ,,ma·€L‘renm·y‘ss authorised in bestow; the ,life·egving mma or the class upon epwscms making such exertions