Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/371

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$57 ,TITLE_15.~OOH& have authority to employ and Rx the compensation of smh ggm;·n€<ys, special experts, €X3mi§€I'S,` clerks, and other gpm pltlyees ag it may from time to tlmé §t1d ngcessary for the

¤·t>;¤er performance ot its duties; and as may be from time be

time Japprepriated, fc: by Congress. · 1 # With the exccptigm Gt,-the S8Ci'€t&1‘Y,' s._clerk to web. cqmmls t,m;a·r,. the attcmeys, and such special éxperts and examiners

 me c0mmiSSi6n H1$Y fmm time to time End xxecemglry for

ilw ettmduct of its work, all employees of tha, commission sim! 1% a part ,§f_ the classiécd civil service,`_a¤d;sha1l enter the .,,.,·t—lce under such rules and regiilaticns as may beprescribed 2;;.- me commission and by the Civil Servicg Commission. All of the expesses of the commission, including all necessary l~».;;;>:zses‘ for trgnspcrtaticn incurred by the ccmmissiéners 01

  1. 5,;.- mcir employees under theigr orders, ln magking any iuvestzl
5;1fi1'm, or upon c$clal busiuws in h¤_y_9the1·`p1aces thau‘in’the

my of Wéshtngtoxja, shgll begllcwed and paid on the preseqtamu of ltemizéd vouchers thérefoi approved by thé commission Until btherwisa pmvided by law,. the cemmissicxr may rep} I miséblé owcesvfor its usc, _ F __ ‘_ n , 1 t · . 'ltixe General Accounting 0Ece-Mslmll receive and examine ali zzmtmnts of expc1aditurm‘0t·the.¢0¤1x)1issi¢>¤. (Sépt. 26, 1914 l· :~:11,‘§ 2, 38 Stat.·718.;`Ju¤e—10, 1921, cl. 18; § 304, 4.2 Stat. 24.) 43. O&ce` and place af meeting:-—Ql‘he principal cmcg of thi

  • t‘i)11lHIi%’i0B shall be in. tpecity of ‘Wné·shiugt0u, but it m%Y.,mee1

and exercise all tts powers at maj Gthér place., The commissiox amy, by one or mcrécf its members, or by such éiamlmers as if may designate, prosecute any lnqulty necessary to its duties in may part of the Ui!1iI¢d_S£€tBS. 26,1914, c._311, § 3 ‘Ji?‘~‘,St&t.· 719.) " _ k ·- _ ` 44. De§:nitim1s.··-—-The words 'demxed ih this section shui? lama the following meaning when found in this subdivision ol llkis chapter, to wit: _ · ~ , · . » ·’ ·‘ tlommbrce " mmm cqmmercg among the! samral States, 01 mah fklmign nations, or in amy Te1·;·it0z·y.0t "the Uxzxited States ~ lm in étlneé District of Golumbia., ¤1··bétween any suchiferrttorg zsml amtlxgr, cx- lpetwéeu such 5Darrit0ry_and' any State 01 1`»»;·t»i;;n xmtiau, or between the District of Columbla and an; ><::,m: lm·.Te1·:lt6ry cx- tmréigu imtlou. ‘ _ Y . . W 4 ‘* tZ‘< »rp0z·atfi>n " mums guy company or association incor

»u,et1 or xmlnéorpgrategl, which is organised to carry m

mmxzcss 110:* prom and has shares qt capital or `capltnl stock umd {may lctsmpany or a%0<#i&ti<>u, i.nc0rpQrat—ed mi? . gmand, without shams ci capital or capital 'stock, except part mersbipg, whlclé i organised to carry cm lmsinegsa for its om profit QI mBB}b€¥$» E · V »# * g “Dmumntary evidancp " mans all documents, papérs, ani ll cm·éesptmde¤c& $,$ existance oa and alter September 26, 1914. Wlcts te regulate commerce ”_ mam chapter-1 of Title 49 .’1`1<A3*S£’0§‘¥ATXON, mad 1],1 statutes supplementary thereta. ` "Antitri1st Acts " mama; wcticm 1 to 11, mqiudve, and tim; 15 of this title. (Sept. 26,1914, c. 311,, S 4; 38 Stat. 719 Oct. 155, 1914, tz. 323, 5 1, 38 Sta·t.·7&0.) _ · 1 1 » 45. Usafailr mcthm of mmpetiticn unlawful; pmventimn bg ·cammissi¤¤.·;—Uufair azcthedz of ccmpetitlcul in _•:Qmmerce gu declared ulalawful. — " ’ ° j .}*0 war to proh£6£tt.··-—-The commissinu is empowered and dl mgled to prevént pctsaaa, partnerships, cr ccrporaticqs, excep hawks, and étamimn mrriars subject. to the Axzts to regulétl mmmercc, {mm using tmmir methqdsloi competition in com xuerce. . _ _ { , · l U Q. Frccgdurc by ¢omp:,¤.—¤Whe¤¤s*¤r the sha] W13 vg ramen to beiimre that may such lpersaa; ;mrt;nm·aship: ,6; l (*(1I’B0l$£ZlG{)¤ hgs_ been cr is using any unfair QI BGM wtlticn in cammgreé, and it it shall appear ta tha ccmmlswm maha pmsseeizling by it in' réspectftlm t would be tc. gpl ‘ interest hi the public, if shall lésue and serve umn mséh pgrson · partnership, cr corgoratitm a cotxiiulalut stating its chgrgea li


that fésllecf, and containing a notice of e hearing upon e dey

- and at a pleize therein Hxed at lwet thirty dere after the r service et seid cemplelnt. The persen, partnership, or eerperw v tion so complained of shall here the right te eppeer at the pleee and time so nxed and show eense why en eréer rhenld net be entered by the commission requiring such person, partner-· r ship, or corporation to cease end desist from the vieletlen et l the law so charged in said complaint. Any person, wtnere l sl·rip,~_or corporation may make eppiieetien, and upon. geed, r cease shown may be allowed by the eenzxmlmien., to intervene I and appear in,eald.p1·0ceedlng by counsel or in pereen. The testinieny ln any such proceeding shall be retlueee te writing F end Bled in the e@~ce of the eemmlseien, Iiepon sneh,heer— e lng thecommieeion ehall be of thegopinlon that the method ei — competition in question is prohibited by this enbdivieien of ai this chapter, it shell melee at report in writing in which it shell z - state its Endings as to the feets end shell; me o. ’ to be served on such persen, pertnezrslzgip, or cérporationm an L~ order requiring such person, partnership; er — corporation te grease and clwist {rom uslng mathe? efeenrpetitlen. Until ” l e transcript ef, the record in such. hearing. shell here been nléd , in e circuit court of enpeels of the Uiitecl States, as Hereinafter Y ‘p_1·0vided,' the `mmmxsrlen may et any time, npen eneh netlee l and in such manner es it shell deex preperf medlty er seteside,} l in whole or in pert, any report or any order made or i$nee» by l n~ it under this section. ‘ e a . Enforcement of erderer-—-If such person, mrtneromp, er eer· ‘_ s poration fails or neglects to ebey sealy order of cene l é rlon . while the same is in eEect, the ée@lenien may te - circuit court of appeals of the United Sthtm, within any elrenlt ‘ l where the method of eompetition in wee were E. such pereon, partnership, er cerporetien er iektrrlml en Y businge, for the enforcement ei order, and elm} F and with its application e. transcript of the exmre 5_ in the preceeding, inelndlng all th testimony ‘ tekma and the ? report end order et the mmmlsrmie Upon elmo of the lf application end transcript the court shell F' to be eexwed npen seen persen; partnership, err or and · therenpon shall here jnrlrélct:len_ of the end of the —· question determined therein, and ehellfhere power make and x. enter npon the plmdlngs, teetimeny, end nge fertlx , in such transcript e decree &l®r en ¤g, m<¤ilfY  ; o o, M S¤€fi¤&i wide ·· the erqler of the commission. The Bndlnge of the w e len · aes to' fects, it eupnorted by testimony, eee}! bvleonelnnre. i 1 either party shell apply to the eenrt for 'lwre te science neil-? _ ._ l_ tional evidence, and shell shore to the setiefacden et the cenrt l that such additional evidence is meteriel eee there were l ‘ reeeeneble gronnds for the rennrege 'edclnee seen evidence

  • .` ~ the proceeding before the cemmlmlen, the eonrtmny eréer eee}:

additional evidemgel to be taken lpefere the cemmiselen eee te ‘·- be edduced upon the- hearing in seek manner enc; nnen ence $— terms and tgconclitlene er to the eonrt may preper. The cemmlmien mey modify its Endings ee to the fleets, e er make V new Hnclings, by reeeen let the e¢ldltie n el· evldenee ee {taken. S and it shell Hlevetnrh medmeé er- new nndingeg W'hi€h,- if enpported by teetlrnenj, shell be cenclgsive, and its oeeclew ·-· tion, it any, fer the Wmdieneetien et setting mee et its erlglnel t order, with the return of meh adclltiennl evidence.? The jndg·—· B ment end decree of the court ebell be Qnel, except that the

 ennie shell be subject to review by the Supreme Geert upon

`, certiorari, ee provided in eectien 347 et Title %, Jqmeun 1 Arm Junxpxnsr. l ” ‘ , r` Ap9I€ee°¢·£e·n~ to set —es€de.order.—»Any perty required by ench =-» erdex; et the eexnxnieelon te eenee and desist {rem neing ence m tmethod_ ot cemmtltten may ebtein e review et encnercler in a mid circuit eenrt of enpeelel bylmlng in thecenrt A written L, petition praying that theerder et the eomxnleelen be set aside. an A copy of such petition elmll be foimhwithl served upen 't_herc2etn-·