Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/376

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§ 81 J TITLE 15.-0OM; Chapter 3.-5TBADE-MARKS. . : GIQNERAL PROVISIONS FOR REGISTRATION o J Sec. . ,, % . · _ _ *. ' 81. Registration autlmrizcd; application therefor; fcc and other r·

 ‘ quiz·czncnts.. Q · . . _ · .‘ .

82. D£?Cl31;11ff11ll accoxppmxyixxg application; verification thereof. ‘ 83. Ilesigmation by foreign applicant of person tot-scrvice of proce: or notice. R ‘ _ » _ ‘ . 84.. Effect of previous application Vfiled in foncign country; proviso. 85.'Tmda—mark`s which may be registered. _ _. 86. l·2xamina`ticn of application; uoticcof opposition; certificate issu< _0rx·cfusejd. ·_ ._ K I 87. Examination of inte·1jfcrcnccs;.refusaI of registration. l I 88. Appeal Lrom decision ofcxamincr. _ — V $9. Appeal trom decision of Commissioucr qt Patents. "90. Assignmoxuts. · · _` -_ ` 91. _Ccrtifi<· of rog§stration· and record thereof. 92. Duration of‘c<·rtiiicatc· of rcglstrzltiong and renewal. · 93.·(‘anécIlation of·rcgistration,_ ` · ‘ ` 94; Fccs; rates. Y _ . ‘ · ‘— ST5._ Foes; motlo of payment; mfunding. — 96. Evidence oi ownership; infringement, and damages therefor. ‘9T. Juyisdiction of suits, ‘ A ` 98. Rgvicw bi Supreme Court, _ - 99.- Injunctioss; recovery and asscssmentpf damages. . I 100. Destruction of infringing labels; .scrvic_e of injunction, and pr cccdiugsfor cni'm·ccmo1ft. . . · _ _ - { . · 101. Restrictions on actions for iufringcmenti _- _ » 102. Suits involving —irm·rfcrins; rcglstcicd .tradc-marks. 103. xistingwiglnts and x·cmedles.presérv¢ed. - l _ ‘104. Iminagcs from registration procured by fraudulent means; 105; Regulations for l'€giStI‘8,`tEiOll:· . ‘ . _ _ _ 106. Articles imported, simulating tradaname ot trade-mark, not in nilttéd to cntry. . . _ , . U . · 107. Notice of registration; notice of infringement. · 108. Construction; definitions. 109; Repeal. . { V I. IN'l‘ERNATI0NAEL REGISilRATION AND MARKS NCT REGISTE ` · 4BLE__UNDER· PRECEDING SUBDIVISION -` 121. Registration of international and other trade-marks. 12:2. Cancellation of rc·gist_ration. - - " - `_ 1::3. False designation of origin of goods u'nlawful._ 1*24. Liability for using a·noth_ci·’s tr:1de·mark. . . 125. Notice ot registration: notice of infringement. 126. Application. of·`other piovision-a. ` -127. Copies of records as cvldcu’dc.» _ 128. Foes. _ ‘ • _ ECIISCELLANEDUS. PROVISIONS.

 Classes o_fm:~r<·l1andise for pug·p0se'_of registration. .

132. Owners of trade-mark having factory in United States entitled l‘0gi8trMio¤.· _ _ ‘ “· . _ 133. Mistake in mgistration of trade-mark;_tcertiBca_te thereof °issu . by Patont Omoo; Meet. ._ · 134. Etfect of other statinte. ` ciaoss R·El·‘EltENQES_ For provisions withxcspéct to copies of, records relating ta tra: marks as ·evid<enc`e, see Ima 28; Jubxcxan Coma “AND Jumcxsmr, st tion 673, _ A . · · - ·· ·_ ‘· _ For provisions forbidding. importation of foreign goodsbcarlng true .mark owned audjegistcrcd ju United States, scc Title 19,_ Cvsxox burma, sections 141 to 143, inclusive. . I _ ‘ [ GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR REGISTRATI_ON_ .. Section 81. Registration authorizod; application therefu foes and other _rcquirements.—Thc owner of a· `tradc·m_a 11sod.iu commerce with foreign nations, orainong the savor States, or with Indian _·trihos, provided such owner shall domiciled within the territory of the United States, OP resid __ in or is located in a¤·y.rm·sn.·¤ country' which, by treaty, cc · vcntion, orj law, affords similar privileges to the citizens of t 'United States; may obtain registration for spch trade-mark` complying with the following xtoqulrcments: First, by iillng the Patent Oftlvc an applic:1tic;n·th¢·rcfor, in writing, address to the Commissioner of Patents, signed by the applicant,.spe tying his name, de>mivile·, location, and citizenship; the class “mcrclmndi-so and-the partiuu1ar‘deécripti0u· of goods compris

MERCE·AN‘D TRADE 362 inlsuch class to ldwhlclt the`trade{mark·is appropx·inted E :1 stormment of the mode .111 which the same is applied and aiiixm. to l goods; and the length of- time during which the trade-mm·k ls:-as e- been used;_a description of the ·tmde·m`at·l$ itself shall bit iu- _ cluded, ifdesired by the applieaiTt'6r required by the coxmlfis- 5, siouer, provided_suclrdescripti<m is of a charactennto meet tht. .appr0js·—al· of the commissioner. ‘With this statement slum 'bo 1 Bled;. drawing of the trade-xnark, signed by the applieom or _d nis attorney, and suchéuumbep of speclmeus ot the traiiie-mmlq "

 asraetually used as may be required,-by` the Commissi¢»ne»r"oi Y

y. Patents. Second, by paying into the Treasury *0f the {mgm; ‘ States the sum of $10, ‘ and` otherwise icomplying with lh,. requirements of this subdivision of this chaptorand suvh xwu- ‘ lotions as-may-be prescribed by the Commissioner of IP;1t;Q·n{S_ · (Feb. 20, 1905, c. 592,- § 1. Stat. 124: May 4, 1906, c, 202%}, § L . _ `34 Stat. 168; Feb; 18, 1909, c, 144, 35 Stat. 628.) _ ·

 82. Declaration accompanying ‘ application; Verification

' thereof.-Tl1e application presgcribed in the foregoing `sotwm, ‘ in order to create, any right whatevelt in favor of the party- , dling it, must be accompanied by. a twnittenh declaration veritioq _0_, byn the `applicant, `m.·‘ by a `memxm of- the_m·m or an onm-r or I . the corporation or association applying, to the etfectthat the applicant believes himself or the firm, éorpoxration, or asgoviution in whose benalt hemakes the application to be theowner , of the `trade—mark. sought to be registered, zand that no"otlwr -_ person, ilrm,·bm h•,tqr association, to tbefbest ot theoptel- plicant’s knowledge and belief, has the rlghtto use such t.r%ult—- mark in tll€·Ul)ltt€d-`_S[8tB8, either in the identical {cfm or in , such jnear resemblance 'thereto as might be calculated to doceive ; that such trade·mark is, used ln commerce among theseveral —State§,°_ or with ioreign nations, or with Indian tribes,. R' and that the description. and drawing presentedtruly repn—st_;nt ‘~ the trade-mark sought to be reglqtered. It the appllcant’resi·lt»s - or is lqqited in 21 foreign coixutry, the `statement required shall., — in addition to the foregoing, set foxgtlr that the trade-mark has lmenqegisterod by the applicant, or that an_ application for the ~ lregistration thereof hus*heen thed by him Vin the foreign country _· . d in which he resides or is located, and shall give the date otqsnivlt registration, o1·Qtl1e“appllcation therefor, as the case may l»e._

  • · exceptthat in the applleatiou. in such hcitsea it shall not he

· necessary to sitatedtllat the mark has been used ln_c0mxneu·e» _ with tl1`e_United States or jllllbllg the States thereof. The veri- ,t° .tl<:a-tion required bjr thi; sgtion may be made before any person led wgithin the United Statglantborized Iby law to administer oaths, . or, when the applicantresides in a foreign country, before tiny — minister, cl1argé_d’aH irés 0;* consul tickling commission unelvr the Government- of the Ynited States, onbetorc any notary pulp n lic, juqgé,·or magistta ha—ving' an otlloial seal and authorized

  • °‘ to admlniéter oaths in he foreign country ind which the appli- _

°°` cant may be whose au orlty shall be provedby a éertlllcnte of jc- a diplomatic or} con; ar omeer 01,the United States, .(Feb.‘ 20, _ us 190.5, c. 592, 2, 33 Stat., 724: Feb. 18,1909, tz. 144, 35 Stat. 627.) n 8_3. Designation by foreigmnpplicant of .l)€‘P¤0{\ fol: service 0f_ process or. notice.-—-Every applicant .for registration of u trade-mark, oxifor renewal of registration of a trade-mark, who _ »i·; is notudomiclled within the United States, shall, before therk issuance of the oertltlcatpe of registration, as hereinafter pm ral vided for, designate, by_ a notice in writing, tiled in the Patent be ofH<.·e,.s0me person residing within the United States on whom les process or notice of proeeedinga aifepting the”rigl1t·0f_owmw-‘ ln- snip of tha trade-xnark of which such applicant {nay claim to bthe tho owner, ·i)1'O\lg11t undef the provlsionséaof this subdivision mj by thiachapter ot under other lows ot tl1o Urilted.Stntes, may M In served., wjith the same force and effectaa if's0i·Yed up0n~tlu»· · ed applicant or registrant in pergon. For the purposes of this sunci- division ot this ghapter it shall be deemed sunleieatto servo of dsuch not_ice`upon such -upplicant,` registrant, or reprzesentativv sed by leaving a copy of such proéess ornotice addressed to nlm ut