Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/381

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ZE}? TITLE .I5.~»—~»GQM,M. tom<‘·d to be used upon or ln connaction with the aalo of inor—l mamtiae of substantially the same <lascriptis*a—pro;>ox·ties as glo-so sbt forth in auoh registration, and? Shall uso, or shall have uml. am-ln reproduction, qmntorfoit, copy, or. colorable imita- ,;, H in t·omn1@rce among the several States, or with a foreign mama, or with the Indian tribes, shall be liable to an action ,·,,,» ,lmnag<·s therefor at tho suit of the owner theroo.f;‘ and ai§e·nox·t·r— in any such. action a verdict is rendered for the plain-· g§$'f"1ll0 court may enter judgment therein for any sum above gizcgiliilflllllt found by the verdict as the actual damages, accord ia: to tha <i·it‘cumst__anoas of the case, not exceeding three tinfias ,:,,· axriotuxtt of suchirerdlct. together with. thocosts. (Mar. lik HMP. c. 104,_§ 4, 41 Stat. 534.) - ° · .’ _ ‘ `· 125. Notice of registration; notice of infringement.·———It shall lar me duty- of a registrant under this subdiwiisirin of this chapy at- nf fl mark falling within class (a) of section 121 ofthis r·l;;a;m·r. to comply withthe law of the country ixt which his ~a&·:2nal' registration took place, in respect to giving notice to alia public that the tradt->·m'ark is registered, in ·c0zinccti¢m with mo use of such tradc·ma‘rk in the United States of·America,- mal‘in any salt for infringement by -a· partyzfailing to dmthyisl, nl. damages shall be recovered exccpfo11 proof that the dofeimlatnt was duly notifiéd of the infringement and continued mo same after such notice. ‘(Mal‘.·19;1920,_c. “104,_§ 5, 41 Stat. $:24.) · _. , , ‘ ` 126. Appliontiom of other Qproviaions.-——-·—Tl1a proviaixms of atmona 95 and 97, to 107,.inclusive,b of this chapter (as to <·?:¤<a‘ [bl? marks only), and the provisions of section _131 of gm chapter, are mada`app1;eab1o to marks placed on the reg—· Mor 'pmviédod for by section 121 of this chapter. (Mar. 19, 1€¢l‘(l, c. 104,5 6, 41,Stat. 535.) Q - . ` ¤ — _ 127, Copies ‘_of remrda as évidenc¢,-Written or printed, ¤·<·pi<·s of any records, books, papers, or drawings belonging to ` mo Patont·`Of1'lco anwrolating to trade-·marka‘fplag:ed on tho msiator provided for by this subdivision ot this chapter, when '{2ll¥h(*l"l€i(2&(€d— by the aaai of the Patant”€)$co and cortidvzd by ’ tlu·*<?r>t1‘tmi&si0Il€r1‘ théreot, ahall be ovidoncafin ·all·c»aaea wherein tho originalacould bg-evidencqand am? person making applica-

i··n· therefor and paying the foo required by 1aw;,_shall have

‘¢·•·¤‘1ifiod copies thereof. _ e.(Mar.· 19, 19?0, c. 104, -5 7, 41.Stht. nix;.) . ·-.· . 128. .FoosQ.—-—;?~Tho same toon`, shall be required for cortldod mmol unco¤·ti§ad copioa of papers and for raéords, tranafora, and 4-mor paééra, under this subdivision of this chapter, as ara

 wqairocl by law for ancl; eopioa ot patents and for recording

_ ::¤~=i;rnmonta°an.d other papiara relating- to patents. ’ · _, fm sling as appeal nndar this aamivlalon of this chapter zo tho Commissioner of'I’atom:a fromtho doclaicn of tho ex—· ominar ln charge 'ot lntortaraucaa, awarding ownarahtp ot a zrado-mark, canceling or refusing to cancel the rogiatration of , a trado-mark,ta tea ot $15 shall bapayablo., (Mar. 19,,1920, c. 304, § 8, 41 Stat. 535.), C d W { ' °‘ ·Ba1SCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS`, . 131. _ Claaaoa of morchandiaé. for purapaaaof rakiatrqtiom.—--·· The Commiaaionor ot Patonta aliall oatatéiah clasm of mar-· chandiaa for tha pnrpoaa of `tradomark registration, and shall ¤lotoi·miao_tho particular, dmdptiona ot goods; comprised ta auch class. (An Wa ainglo application for mgiatration obs. tradarnark tho trado—mark`may ba rogiatarod attha optioa of tho applloant for aay or all goods upon which tha mark haa aortaally boon aaod comprised in a alnglo claw ot marohandiaa, Provided the particular doacriptlom of gooda be stated, . (May ji. 1906, q, HB1, § 12, Stat. 1%.) ` ‘ _ `

 132, Owners `of tradwmark Having 1 factory in ·Unite€‘

Statca ·mtitled» to mgiatration.——Any ownor of a trado-mark whoaahall· have, manufacturing oatabllahmont- within tho torritory of tho U$lted Statoa ahall be accorded, so far as tho 1

zmcxo AND yooow § M2 - registration and protection of troélomorko usod oo tho produooo of oooh ostoblishnxonts oro ooooornod, the oomo rights ond privi- 1 Iégosnthat oro accorded {Z0’{}WH}€IS of trodomorks domioilod `wjit11i11’tli1o territory of the United Stotos by ooctéons 81 zo i 109, inclusive, of this éhaptor; (May 4, liiiéti, c." :£(>§%1, § 3, 34 —srat. 169.) " ‘

133. Mislako in rogistrgation of "tmdé-mark; ccrti§coto,

thereof issued by Patent 0$ce; oii'ccl.——\\'t¤onox·or 21 mistake in o trade-mark rogistrotion,`iucixrrod through the fault; of tho Patent omco, is clearly disclossod by tho records or files of ‘ tho otiico, a corjtificmc, stating tho fact and nature of such mistake, signediby tho Commissioner of ·I’atooto; and soalod . with the. seal of tho·Patout Omoo, may be issued, without charge, and rocordéda io tho records of_'tra<1o-marks, ond a . ,`pvlr;€ed copy thereof attached to oooh printed copy of the tradcomark registration, and such certificate shall thereafter be con~sidorod_ as port of tho original, and ovary trodo-mork registration, together wifh such certificate, shall have the some: oiect and operation in low orrthe trial of all actions for cousos thereafter arising as if. the same had been originally issued in such [ corrected form. All gsuch certiiicatos; issued prior to March 4,) 1925,.iIl accordance with the rules of tho Potent Omoo and tho trodc—`mark registrations to which, they oro attached shall haré the same force and effect os ifsuch cortiticates haul been spocidcolly authorized by statute. (Mar. F1, 1925, Q.-‘535, § 1, 43 Stati:1268.) . “X - _ ` 134.6 Effect of other s£atuté.———No£hiog in sections 488 to 492, · inclusive, df.Ti;tle 5,, Exzctrrxvm Dm>A.o*rm·1N·rs Am: Govmxusxr Ormcms mn Emrmrmrs, sholl_bo so construed oéto ropool tho provisions of section 94 of this chapter. r (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 370, 5-5, 37 Stat. 498;) f A _ - r Chapter 4.-—OHINA TRADE ACT. Q

  • So<;. ·

141. Citation of chapter. Q2. Doonltiouso _ · __ J _ _ 143. Registrar; designation; station; supervision by Secretary of · · Comozxorco. , J · _. ` M4. Incorporation; articles pbusizross prohibited: subscription to stock., 145. Cortmcato of incorporation. ‘ ( ‘ ,148. General powers of corporation. 147; Stock; iosoanco ot por-value. , ~# 148. Stock; payment io rool orporsoool proportyr -149. Bylaws. · Y — o 150. Stockholdoraf meetings. 1§$1. Directors. , . _* 152. Ro ros; rocordo for public inspection, 153. Di$&o¤ds.` - .* , » 154. Invoatigntiono by registrar; revocation of certificate ot incon- _ pomtiorh _ _ `. · 155. Aothorlty of registrar in obtaining orldooco. 158. Dissolution ot corporation; truotooo. . 157. Rogulotious and tooo; diooooltioo ot toes ood ponoltioo. i58.',Fa,loo or troodoloot stotomonts prohibited; peuoltioo. 158. Uoloutlxorisod uso ot Iogond; penalty. ` 16Q. Maintenance ofogo.ot for norvico. 161. Altorotloo, omopclmont, or ropool. , · 162. Creation of Chino, corporations restricted. Section 141, Oitotion of choptor.··———¢Tl;is chapter may be oitod soothe “China§T"mdo Aot,,1922." (Sept. 19, 1922, sz. 346,*5 l,- 42Stat.849.)o A » .· . VQ _ ¤ · 142. De§x1§{tio¤s.—·;——\$'ho¤ usod in this choptor, uoloos tho con— foxt othorwioo indicate;-—-._; . A _ ‘- . f {

 (o) Tho torro "porsoo" inolucloo individual, portnorohip,

corporation, and omlotion ; ‘ _ N , »_(b)·Tho term "OhimsQ"` moons (1)..Chiuo,iool°uding Mou- `olmria, Thibot, Mongolia, ooo any torritory Loosod Chino to may toroign g0vorn`m?oixt, (2) tho Crown Colony of Hongkong, ond (3) tho Prgrinooot Mocoo; , · (-c) Tho terms·"ChfWo Trodo Act oorrmration” and "oorpo»- ( rotiorw moon ,a corporation cliortorod uoclortho provioiono of this chapter; ( h a