Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/392

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§ 262 urns, 15.-e-oouuneol foreign nations, and such order may be modlded from time to pro time, (Mar. 19, 1918, c. 24, § 1, 40 Stat, B0.) , Y _ » · esta 262. Duty to oliserve standard time of ·ienes,—Within the A"4, 1 respectire zones created under the authority of this snbdk Cir vision_oi‘ this éhapter`th`e standard time of the zone shall govern · ' th_e movement otall oommoniearriers engaged in commerce- be- tween the several States of between ai State and any of the 272 'llerritories of the Un1eeu—_sea•;es;·m= between a State or the .273 Territory of Alaska and any of the insular possessions of the 214 United Statesornany foreign country; In all statutes, orders, rules and regulations relating to the time of performance`ot· 277 any act by any oilieenor depfftsnent of the United. States, 375 whether in the legislative, executive; or Jllidlttial branches ot- 279 the Goyernment, or relating to the ‘time¤within which any. r` ts shall accrue or determine, or within which anyact shall _ ighall not be‘,performed_·.bj any person -·s1ibject to the jurls-. ‘ ·. E notion of the United States, it shall 'be understood ·-and __in·-· — We tended thzit the time shall be -the United States standard time ‘_0f of the zonewithin, which the act is `toobe performed; (Mar: 7 19,19I8,‘c. 24,‘§‘2, 40 Stat. 451.) _· a · _ _ _ _ ‘ cox 263. Designation of zone‘ standard times.-§4The standard thi time of the first zoneshall be known and designated as United HW Statw standard eastern- time O; that of the second zone shall be UM known-and designated as United States standard central time; Cbl that of the third zone shall be known anddeslgnated as United fm States standard mountain tlmei that of theiourth zoned shall amt be. known and designated as United States `standard Pacihc ·i¤ time; and that"of the fifthozoné shall be known and designated, C0] as United States standard Alaska time. (Mar; 19, 1918, -cQ 24, lm § ‘4`, 40 Stat.»451.5.` — ·_ _ ‘ ° · G *6* _ ZM. Part of Idaho in third mne.—y—In the division of terri- W! tory, and in the definition of the limits of each zone, as pro- _ ‘ vided in this subdivision of this chapter so much of the State ex of-·Idal1o·_as lies south oi'_ the Salmon River, traversing the_ St State from east to west near forty-five degrem thirty-minutes U! latitude shall be embraced at the third gone. ‘ (Mar. 3, 1023, of tu 216, 42 Stat. 1434.) _ ·- ‘ W ’· ‘ = -· · _ __ St 265. Transfer of pertain territory._to éaindard central-time thzone.·-—The Panhandle and Plains Sectionsof Texas and Okla- 1‘€* hoina are transterredto and placed within the United States oo: standard eentrabtime zone. _ _ _ o _· tif The Interstate Commerce Commission is authorized and directed to issue. an order placing the wjwtern boundary line Sh ot the United States standard central-time zone in so. far as Ml the same, adect Texas and Oklahoma as follows: — O V'i= Beginning at a point where such western boundarytime zone fu line crosses the- State boundary` line between Kansas and in °f Oklahoma; ihenoe westerly along sald `State boundary line th to the_northw`est eorner of the‘State of Oklahoma ;` thence in av M southerly direction along the west State boundary ·line of in Oklahoma amlthe west State boundary line of Texas to the bu southeastern eorner of the State of New Mexico; thence in a 5 westerly diroetion along the State boundary linehetween the M States ot Texas and New Mexico to the Rio Grande River; thence down the Rio Grande River as thei boundary llne' beé ml tween the United States and Mé1l.§!0£'P!fo0{d®,K That the Chicago, Rock Island and Gulf Railway Company and the¤ PS Chicago, Rock Island and l’aci§e Railway Company may 8] Tucumeari, New Mexico, as the point Q at which they ohange H froxn central to mountain time and vine versa; the Colorado O Southern. and Fort Worth and Denver City Railway Cone B1 ponies may use Sixela, New Mexico, as auch changlngopoint; U1 the Atchison, Topelca and Sante Fe Railway Company and a `other branches of the.Santa Fe system` may use Gloria, New au Mexico, as spell changing. point; and those rallwaii C4 into or through El Paso may use El Paaoas anehtpolnt: 1Q Proéided further, That this aection shall not, except ai ham N

¤ Ayn TRADE _ SYS vided, · interfere with the ndjustmént of, time zones ag nblished by the Lxterstate Cqmmerep Commission. ·(Mzu·_ .921, `c, 173. I 1, 41 Stat; 1446.) _ - aptcr 7 .-5-THE BUREAU OF STANDARDS. fl Bxiréatt established.  » i. Functions of bureani. t _ · li Fuuctionnifor ybom exerciged. { . T. Director; powers n¤d_ d¤ties;Amport.. L. .gpp01ntm¢¤t. at 0$GCl’I_-@116 employees; a. Fees. _ _ 1 t, '. Regulations. _ a. Visitiug`.¢puimittéo.` k. Absence of directdrg ‘ . ». Appréntic¢s;_p4·0m0tio¤. " _ { _ 1 .. Testing materials for Diptriqt of Columbia. Seéticn _ 271. Bureau egtnblidnedr-—·Thc Oihce bt Stzmdaimi gights and Measinres shall be known as the National I%umu`n Standdrds, (Maj. 3, 1901, c. 872, Q 1, 31 Stat. *1449.) 372. Functions of .b¤re£u.5·Thg functjoné of the bureau smit- 13ist‘in the custody of the stapdiutds-: the ceirmpardstm uf z sthndhrds. .111 scientidc in-vgstigatioxxg engineering, mqfacturing, gommcrce, aud; edumti{mal institutions with z. stargdards adopted or rekxognizedpy the Government; nbc HSt1111Cti0D,`Wh€D necessary,. _0f standards, ;`th€il’ multiplps tl . sixbdiyisions; the` 'testing and caiibtdticn lot stgmemrel aaétiring abparhtus} ‘.t.hc_ sclqtich 0£_ p!·0bl@ which arise coxméctipn with standards; the détcrqmtnntiqn 01 physitml -1 nstantgs dn`d.· the properties of 'materia1s,»ivhen such dam,. é of gréut importance to scieritiiic 0l"`.III&lIHfICt\1l‘i{lK inresté and are not to be obtained of pmurncy elm 1cre.°.`XMar. 3, 1901, c.· 872; § 2, 31'Stat. 1449.) 1 · · 2731VF¤ncti¢ns; for {hom exercised.-—The tiuregur slum _ crcise its tunctiqné for thé_ Govemmentj ot the _Unim1 gtésj atc} hny State or municipal goyemment within me nited States; or tot gny scientiiic society, educaticml insm tion,. firm, .·corpqmtion,‘ or findividual witpin the United atcs engaged lin` manufacturing or bther pursuits ‘requirin¤;_ - me we of standards or standard measuring inntmmeixts. AU quests torj the services dt the buxjuu bé made in aq rglnnco with tho` rules ¤.x1d.· regulations establqhed in secma 278 and 277.t. (Mar. 3, 1901, c.` 872[ { 3, 81 Stat. 1449.} 274; Director; hovers _ d$c•;- repwt.-—'1Y§ne dixyector all be `abpoiuted _·b3? the President, by and with the advice id consent of the Scnnté. He shalt have the general sugwuz sion of the bumau,`1ts. eqtiipmeut, and the exeréise otizg nctious. Héshall make aim anmml report to the Secretary Gommerce, including an abstract ot the w0rk`dc4nc·duri;zg e`yea1··a.nd,£ Hnancial statement.`_ Ilia. may mug, whpn -. mssary, tbulletixis tor- p1,1blic·d1pt.:ibution, c0uti1niug··su<·h_ _ formation as may be ot valueto the-_puhlf>c dr facilitate the ‘ nreuu inithe exercise of its functions. .`(Ma.r. _3, 1901, c._S'£‘2.~ 5, 81 Stat; 1449; Ifeb, 14, —1903,;c,`552,. §— 10, `32_ Stat. é>29;_ an _4,?1913, c. 141;; § .1,*37 Stgt. 738.) . _ · .2 275. Appointment `cf ¤@c¢rs and cmP¥0Y¢¢¤···——Thg qmcerg ndcmployées of the `burééu, exqcpt the director} shalllm upninéed by the`·Secretax·y of Commerce nt·mich» time ns th¤·i¤·· spcctive·servic% may becomé necessary. (Mar. 3, 1901, c.

  • 2. I 0. 81 NIL 1459: Feb. 14, IWS, c. 1552, 5 10, 32 Stat. 829 2.

hr; 4, 1918,—c. 141, U 1, 87 Stat. 736.) j U 276. Fees.-·—-For all cbmpariéons, calibratiqus, tests, or inyos- {ations, except those performed for the 1 Government qt they nited Stawmor, Stgte governments within the United States. ranwnnbh fesdnll he charged, gccordlng to g schcdulv nbmitted by the diroctor`¤¤d.nppr¤vqd by , the- Secretary of mmmhrca. (Ihr. 8, 1901,-c...872,`|~8,_81 Stat. 1450: Fab. 14,

 ·c. 5&·|10, E Sttt. @; ltr. 4, 1913, c._141, { 1, 87 SCM-

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