Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/395

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331 “2·11·LE 15.·—~OOMME[1 Qitm of the United States, and shall ‘remain" th€1‘€i¤~ for use, me, or storage, shall, upon arrival in such State, Terpitory, y p;·:q·ict,.<•r possession, be Subject to the opération of all thq _» laws of slick. Stgte, Territory, pigtrict, or possession of the 4 {Milt-¤·tl States to the same extent and in the same manner. as 5 I tzmigli such artivles of —me1·<éhandise had began produced in Such · ' smc, Territory, District, or pdssessibn, aud shall not be exempt. .;imx·frux11'l>y reason ·0f beipg introduced therein in originhf

·;4t-lgugus or otherwise. - (Juhe 13, 1906, c. 3289, S"7, 34 Stat. 4
.s2.,> ° · ‘ g 1

t4»·zm,.¢¤»__9.-urn \VEA'ITHER` BUREAU, Ltzf1-:tr;¤¤:ssu¤1e¤tQ " - { y

_ vhiot and cmployegs. _ S

.3::. lmtics of chief of bureau. v ` 4;;] l’r0m0t—j0:1s. P ._ · $13, (`h3.I1;:€•S 01* &SSig!1!IlQ!1`t to duty. _ file;. 'iiraveling expenses. ‘ .

17. Appropriations aiid estimates. 3

{aw, §\'¤·athqr‘sig¤n!s on mail cars. _ -’ _ .° xw, wmtizig. - = - · ‘ ` xw. Sale ot maps or publications. _ ·

221. Destruction of old tclegmms. ‘“ . ·_ 4

·Section_ 3_11J Establiéli¤e1£t.——T1n0 ctvilizm duties prior. t0· = I ut·mber 1, -1890, performed by the Signal Corps of the Army mnit devulve_ tgpbn u' bureau to: be ’kimwu as the Weather ..14:-zx·eaa1, which shall be established in and attached to the De- i

»;u·1u*1_eut,0£ AgYiCUltUf€..` (Oct, 1,_1890,'•cQ 1266, 5 1, 26`Stht. =

osx.} , · N ‘ . »_ . ‘_ · ‘1 · $12. Chief and émpl0yeép.—-—J.‘he Weather Bureau shalll con-* I sis! of png Chief of Weather _Bureau dud such civilian emé ‘ p1¤ya·es as Congress. may annually provide for audm as may be necessary to pr0pcrly_.perfo;·m the dutigé dcvblving on sgid- { bureau by law, and thefchiet ot gaid bureaq shall be appointed Q by the Presklgut, by and with the ad·vice and consent of the 'S¢·¤»nte~.”_ (Oct. 1, 189Q, c. 1266, § 4, 26· Stat. B53; Juiy 8, 2 MSS, N0. 57, 30 Stat,. 752.) I . ‘ _" _ · . » I 313._.Duties' of chief qf·`buren¤.¢—-The Chief of the Weqther _Z Immun, under the direction Of the Secretary ot Agriculture,. >1;:1ll have charge ot the forecqstiug of weather, tlie issixc of .: »am·in warnings, the display ct weathe; andghcod signals for the be11eHt _0£ agriculture, commerce, iand navigation, the Q _ xiaugiug pug! reporting ot rivers, `themdmtenancé `and ‘0pcra- ` mm of Seacoast telegraph lines and the collecting: und trans- : mission of marine intelligence for thé beneht ot ·c0mmercc * und ,_1mvigat1‘0¤, _ the reporting of temperature "and miwfall _ c·»uditi<;»11s for the qotton interests, the display of f1;0$t‘and

¢··»1d·wava lguals, the distribution of xnetecrclogiybal informa- 1

mm in the interests ot agriculture and commerce, und the tak·° ‘ ing ot such meteorologibat observdtious as may ba necessary. " iw establish and record the cltmatic couditiems of th¢‘ United ; _, muws; or as ye essential for the prcgior .execéu~tion of the fore- :

.:·»ing·d1iti®.· (Oct. 11,~1890,·»c. 1%% Q 3, 26 Stat. 653.) `" _· *

314. Pramctionns.-—’I?lie Secretafy of Agriculture is_uuthm·ized , in make pmmotions in themscrvice without prejudice to those ~` ·u·a11mf¢rx—ed from the Stgngl Service of tha` War_Depa:tment,· (Aug. 8, 1894, c. 238,,28 Stat. 273.). » . Q . t 1 _ 315. Chaiages *`ur mignmcqt to duty.-1-The Secretary of .\gricu1tuw is authorized to make' such chqnges br assign- mont to duty i¤` the personnel ot detailed torce.0f _ tha. Weather .4 Iznnrcaq for limitiing or reduéiug expenses as he may deem 11l’C(§S$8.1‘y. · (Mar. 2, 1895, c. 169,28, Stat.‘73B.) , 316, Traveling expenses.-—Omciala and employees ot tbé » Weather Bureau, when tl'&DSf81'PB§ from one station to another : ` 1`wrhmcial duty, ghall be allowedgall traveling efpenles n¤thd1‘·`· ized Eby laws existing on Mgxreslf 4, 1918, applicabla to Bald l»uyéz1u, notwithstanding any chaugesln appointments that may ‘- gv mquired by such, transfers. _(Mar.‘ 4, 1913, é. 145,.37 Stat; 1 WO.) ` ‘ ‘ ~- . 1

2010 AND TRADE § 331
 317. Appropriatiogig aml4§:stimates.—-¥The appi·6pti;a;i¢ms for ·

tlge support of-the Wcatkiar Bureau Shallibe made with those ot the other bureaus of the Departme1;t_ dt Agriculture, and it shall bc, the du-ty of the Secxjctury of Agxjiculture to prepm·e_ future estimates for the Wéatghcr Bureau shall be specially- developed and extended. in theninterésts of agriculture;. (Qct.e1, 1890, c. 1266, § 9, 26 Stat. 653.ji  : ‘ -318. Weather signals on mail cars.-——-Thé Secretary 0i"Agri— culture, in Qoopergficu with the? Postmaster General, may urmugea plap by whictrthere shall begiisplaycd on gl! cars and other c<5nveyances_ used for tra1'1§p0rting United _Stateé_ mail; suitable Eggs 01'.‘ other isignals to iI1d iC&tQ. weather forecasts, colrbwave warnings, frost warniugsfaud sb forth, to be fur; nished byf the Chief of the Weather Bureau. _(Ap1·. 25, 1896; C. 140, 29 Stat. 108.) _ { _· ‘ — · . ' 319. Pri¤ting;4N0 printing shall the dope by the»_Weather Bureagnj that —cau· bé globe at_ the Government Printing 0Ece without impairing like service ot ·mid bureau, (Feb. 10, 1925,

 4§ Stat. 826.) - · Q- i _ n

BQUTSS-ale _0f maps or` publicaticns.-—The__Sécret:1ry ot. Aggiculture is authorized to sell any surplus maps or ‘publicnti¢msof the Weather Bureau, _ agd the monej receivedjrom such sales; shall be deposited in th¢._Treagsury ot the United States. (Mar. 4, 1907., c. 2907, 34 Stqt,1258.) . · ‘ . ' 321. Destruction of pld tclegrnhsw-Ai] telemms pértai¤· ing to the business, of the Weather·Bureau‘may be destroyed after they are three years old, and` the accounts baseyl thereon have been settled " by; the Treasury Depu¤tmex1t."`·(May 25, 1900; c.` 555, 31 Stat. 204.) ‘ “ ` Chapter 10.-WAR FINANCE OORPQBAHON. ?‘ ._ ; . THE CORPORATION , SPCJ · · V , - 3.31. C,reation.0f corporation; compoaitiqu. 332. Capital stock.- 333. Directors. 334. Salariespt directors. 335. Omce; brangh omccs. _ 336; Seal; cprporateupowers. · · _ ’ _ _ 337. Ads·a.uccs‘ to persops, tlrms,. or ccrporatloms. , 338. Limitation of aggregate amount of advances. 339, Purchase ot bonds ot United States,. _ BQO. Bonds of corporation; issue, etc. . _ 341. Discount by reserve banks of obligations of megmber banks secured ‘ bybouus., ‘ " * . » 342. Authorization to commence businéss. ` . ‘ _ 343. Mnneyn of corporation; depyosit sind disposition thereof; liquidation. . ‘ _ ‘_ _ . 344.. Bonds and property of ··cox·poration; excqption from taxntiim. 345, Liability of Unitéd States for bbiigatiqn of ccx·pora`tio:i.. · §{46.`O£fenses; puniahmentp · 847. Repcrtsp , , . _ "Y . , , · 348. Advaugcs to banks, gtc.;—fina¤cing—ugricu1tzxré1 projects; purchase , Jo! naceptgnces. · . _ _ _ '· ·. 3,49. Agg·ri·gat¤' amount of advances, etc., unpaid. . 350. Definitions. . · " _· _ 351. Reporty furnished by. Comptroller of Qurmncy .t0_fu<:ilita1te ad-

  • vamtes. _ ‘ · .

352. Interest rate on Ioqns by peyscms receiving advances. P . BHSCELLAXEOPS PRO\’IS10N§_ 361. Odenses; punish¤}en‘t·. ` 362. Partml invalidity. ‘ 563. “S_ecur1t1es" degtmed. ‘ 364. "Bcx·sm1" dcfiped. jk . _ 365. Amendmgnt or repeal. _ _ #> ’ ` . · ‘EXTE§ISION PROYISIONQ ‘ BTL Exterision of time for advancés and··pui·chasc:s. `· 372. Extension of tmia lor payment. _ _ 1 _ 378. Activities ct Wax Flmnca (j5¤x·po;·ation~ re·»·ivc·d. M B _ THE CQRPORATIQN _ `Secticm $81. Crentiqn of catpbraticm- é¤mpositio¤L——y—The Secretary ot the Treasury, the. Secrétary qt Agricultum, and- · tour additional pétsoxm (who shall be the directqvs girsc up-_ * \