Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/404

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§ 8 _ TITLE 1G.·——CON»S

 f8. Roads `anid trails in national parks and monuments; con-. m

struction, §tc.———Tho Secretary of the Interior, in hisinclminis· q1 tration of the National Park Service; is itutlnorized to construct, $1 roco11struct,_snd improro roads? and trolls, inclusive of necessary l>ridgos,\in tho national parks and ngonnmc-mts under tho V5 . jurisdigtion of tho Dopartme11t_of’t—ho Interior. . (Apr. 9, 1924, tl

 86; §,—1,`43 Stat. 90.) S. . · _ _, _· _ " to

9. Exchange of motor vehicles and equipment as part com tl sidcfation in imrclmse of n équipmeuu-—-Tl1*o’National Park tl 'Sorvicétansy exchange; as • _ ·consider;1tion,, in the purchase re . of now equipment, `motor vohicles,` and tony other equipment 3`, for use in tlné national parks; (-Jan. 24; 1923, g:. 42, 42 Stat, ' 1215.) _—— _ _ ‘ _ A * , ‘ 1* 10. Arrésts by em·ployecs‘ of park service for `violations of ill ` laws and regulations}-;——All persons employed in the National · Bark Scrvice.of‘_thé Uhitsd States shall lxavoauthority to. make ’Sl arrests for tho violation 'of thé laws and regulations relating oz to the-Wnattional forests and national pgrlcs, and any person al so arrested `shall be taken before the nearest ‘United States St commissioner, within wlxosc jnrisdiction the nationwl forest, .p1 0r»nstio1ml.pqrk is located, for trial; and_uf»0n; sworn informa- M tion by any conmctonttpcrson any United- States commissioner N in the proper. jurisdiction ·sh"al1 issuo process for the arrest re of any pérson " charged with the` violdion of said layvs and li regulations; but nothing herein contained shall be construed as preventing the arrest by any officer of the United States,. cc wit.lmut·-process,-of_ onytporsou token` in the nctgof violating iS said laws andregulations. (Mar. 3, 1905, .c.»1405,‘ 33 ‘Stat. fc 872]) .- . _ · .N ‘_j — - ·tl _YELLOWSTON_E NATIONAL PARK . t~ 21; Yellowstone Pnrk;_cstablishn1ent.——The "troot of loud in to the States of Montana and Wyominh, lying near tho headwaters oi of,t·!1o¤Yolloo·stone River, and described- osfollows, to wit, co1n— ct moncing atthe junction of (§arglinor°s River, with tho Yellow- 1E stone River, and running oost to tho meridian pqssing to‘n frnllcs - to thé eastward of the most eastern point of·Ye1lowstouo Lake; m tlgouco south "o.long·s_sld mériellun to tho parallel ot latitude w passing ten miles south of the most southorntpoint of Yellow- on stone Lako; thence ivost along said parallél ·t~o tho meridian fr passing fifteen miles west of the mostswostorn point of Madison` W Lake; thence north along sold inerldion to the latltudoot the oi junction of the Yellowstone and Gardiner°s-ltlwzérs; thénco oust bq tofthoploce of boginnln‘g,~i,s reserved 'and withdrawn from stat- on tloment; occupancy, or solo under tho lows ot the United States; st and dedicated and oct apart as u public pork or ploasnriuz bg ground £or`»tl1o bonoiltond onjoymont. of tl1o_.pooplo;· and all sl pomons who loczjto, or sottlo upon, or occupy any port o£_tho` da land thtis scbopart as a public phrlo oxoopt os prox*lded’in tho tlc tollowing section, shall be considered troégossors ond romovodf oi therefrom.- (B., S. §·2474.) o ‘ , " · . . , _ Lt! 22. Same'; control by Sccrotnry of tho Interior; removal? of it trospnssers.-—·—Snc1x ‘pnl>lic park shall be under tho oxcluotvo on control · of tho Secretary of tlxolntcrior. In nddition to tho ve powers ond duties enumerated in section 8 ot this title n‘ot. ln~· sl t,oonsiz§tont with this section, ho shall mokow regulations provicb fl lng for tho promrvotion, from injury or spollation, ot all tim- M bor, mineral 'doposlts, natural curloslttgs, or wondérs, within 'bi thofpnrk, sndtlxoir retention- ins tlgoir xmtnral condition. The `ox Secretary may, in l11sdiaorotion,·grsnt lonsos for building pur-; A poms for torinsnot exooodlng twenty yéars, of small parcols of cc ground, at such places in tho park oslnmy require tho orootion bl ot bulldlngsafor the accommodation ot visitors; lla shall pro~ oi -virlo against the wanton destruction of tho mah and gognofound ne within the pork, and against thoir‘coptm·o or dostruction`for1 oi thro purposes of morohandiso or prodt, Ho shall also couso sll rn persons trospnssingnpon tlio same to po removed thérotronn, and rc generally is authorizod·to tako all such nxoasurm ns may no vpa

wz: VA TI ON ” ‘· 396 · ecesssry or p1.·op<>r'to fully carry out the objects and ;nn·;·>ospS ? this section. (R. S. § 2475; Aug. 25, 1916, c.— 498, § 3. 39 tat. 535.) I _ _ r · _ 23. Some; deta·il~of tioops for protection.-The Secretary of fur, upon. the request of the Secretary of the —Interlor, is nunofizecf and directed to make the né‘cesénry·dotnl1s ot troops; » prevent trespessers of intruders from enteriugthe park my ne ,purp0So’ot destroying the gsme or opjects ot [curiosity nerein; hor for anyotlxer purpose prohibited by law, and to amove such persons from the- pntk if found thexjelu. (Mor. 1883, c. 143, § 1, 22 Stat.”627.) § _ ` 24.~ Some; jurisdiction over park; ftigitives Hom idstieee-. he Yellowstone National Park, as its boundaries now are donéd, or ns they may be hefésfter defined or extended, shall 5 undef the Soxegunus exclusive jmiisdiction of the United hates. Alf the laws applicable `to-places under the sole·snd’ el tqxusivé jinjisdictlou of the United -'Stutes, shall have {orce ud etfect in said "pnrk. Nothing in,_this·sectiou shall be couxned to forbid the service in·tho`purk ofjany civil or cwtiminnl ( rocess of any court having jurisdiction in the Stntes of Idnho_ iontana,.and Wyoming. All {ngitives from justice taking efuge in said punk shall be subject to the same laws ns - zfugees from justice found in the State of wyoming; (May T, @94, c. 72, § 1, 28 Stat. 73.) ·' ·. _. _` 25. Same; 'criminallhws zpplitable.———If `nny offedse shall ho >mmfi;ted in said Yellowstone NationalrPsrk,‘ which offense , not prohibfted_ ox;. the punishment is. not speciolofprovial0d” >1‘ `bj any law_of the United States or·by nnylregulation of ne Secretary of the. Interior.,-tlno odender shnll he subjeot to nesume punishment as the lawsoi thejStste of"\Vyoming· in · ujco at the time ot-the commission of the offense ina; provide m 21 like omense in the said State; and no sul;sequenfrepcal 5 any such law of the Stateot Wyoming shall affect any prose- ` ntion for sold ol't"euse' committed- within said park. {May T,` 694, c. j2__,_ _§ 3,`28 Stat: 73:)_ _ d 26. Same; regulations for hunting and Eshing in; punishnent for violgtionsf forfeiturese-—&Al·l huntlngQ ‘01f the killing, minding, or capturing at hnjr time of any hlrdor wild animal, {cept dangerous amlmsls, when it ‘is`nocessary‘ to prevent them om destroying human life or hidlctlng an injury, js prohibited lthin the limits ot saidfpdrk; nor shall any Hshjbo taken out E the waters ot the park by meunsot, scines, nets, tiaps, or 7 the use of drugs or any explosive substances or compounds. r lu any other wsy than by hook' and line, and then only st ich seasons and in such tunes and manner as mdy bedlrected - v the Secretary of the Interior. The Secretary ot the Interior . _”’ tall mske and publish such mlm sndsesulstious is he may . sem necessary and proper} for the management and here ot · ne, park and tort the protection .ot the property therein, espe-. _ olly for the preseriation from injury or spoliation of all · mber, mineral deposits, nqtursl curioslties, oxnvirondértxil ob1··· ` »cts· within said park; and for than protection ot the animals .. nd pirds in the park, from capture or dutiuction, or to; pre- - ent cthehj bolus frlshtenedh oidriven from the pork; and he ` xall make rules and iegulstionsjgovernlng the taking of ssh rom the streams oi 14k&·?in the pork. Posmslbn within the ltd parkot the deed bodles, or any p§rt‘the1·~é'ot, ot any wild _ lrd lor animal shall be prima tsclev evidence that the person `

· persons having the same are guilty ot violating this section.

nyporson or persons, or stage or express conapuny or railway nnnahy, recelvingjnr transportation any of the said animals, -. irds, or Jlsh so kllledQ token, or csnght shnllebe deemed guilty · E s ”mlsdem`eanor, snd shall he Hood for eyery `such offense at exceeding Any person found guilty not nlolstlng any E the provisions of this section or any x·ulé“`or regulation that ley he promulgated by the Secnfetary ot the Interior with- ·forence to the management and care of the. park, or for the rotection ot the pisoperty therein, for `the presorvutiomfrom >