Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/41

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 t’im:=’·‘¤° » - sec' Ch

I *:x;»v:smNs Ar1·L¤cABLz T0 nu1·As·m11!:x@*s_A:~:n OFFICERS (mug -8. 餤·¤¤·¤»v .»».~-»~ W- .*. ,---é . 1 9. q I;j·p_\§§T}!F]NT ·OF7STAT¥:';·•—•-———-•·•¥-•-— -—·- ·•—·-··-·--··-·-··•~·····•-• 1-0•

 ;iw;,§;·;·;;»:xT OF `WAR-..., . 5 ...¤...”... 181 11.

{ ;m·_*_;;#;·;u;:;¤r or Tremsuuv ... .;..-v .”.. _ ,. . 241 12. 37 ]u;y_`g']`}iE§NT OF VJUsT{CE--..-· ---·.-. --.. . ;.-...q,-·-...-- 13. _;‘_ _;·;,`—1— m·;.·w¤ _1 H·l1‘ART»§{l·2NT .. ,--°- . 4-- ..,..__ 361 14, ·;_ ;m»gm»;;p:s·r_0»· Naw .. ;---`---; ¥ ,.-— 41;* 15. (‘h;a;m»r l.-—PRO VISIONS- ‘APPLICABLE _TO DEPART- S9 MHNTS AND OFFICERS GENERALLY; · 1. .x;>;»lic::tion of isrovisions df qhapter. _ _

_ mm! ·‘degmrtm1f·nt."- - . 4 64
2. s;zi:u~i<·s of heads of CX_€(‘ilU\’€ depaiftmeuts. · - 6L

.4_ x’;H·mx<:ieu in ohiée 0_t_ dépagitmcut hcqds; temporarily gilllng. 61 i._ \'¤¤·;m<·ies in§u1mrdin;ate otiices. . ` ‘_ _ ‘ A 6J ·:_ 1»iscrr·ai¤mary éuthority of President as to vacancies. 7, T··mp·>rary appoiptmehts- to vacancies limited,. _ _ ,_ » 6· ~_ ii~m·ieti•»n' 0I[ _§ll2l!}!l€*I'40f·t§7m{}0PHl‘Y appointments to Hllvacmxcics. » (I —1+._ §1xmawrumpcnsmioxi for duties performed while Hl“`ll§_,VA&lC:1l1Ci0S. 64 j.a_ e‘¤m:mi:<:<i0nS4. _, · > 6 xp s;mw;»nf1°§<+ers numfor .Sccx·0turic·s__ 9f departments. 1»~_ 0 1:. Fame: iu¢licial utiiérers and other 0BceréV under Attcrnvy General. · G' 3;:. Nmiticatinn ofupp0iu§m¢·ut§. _- · A 7 1;. ?<!»1i¥i<:zstiun=.0f nominations br»r¢·jcctions. . 1;, iiisahiiity iuximsvd by'tlw fuurteg·uth amcndxment removed. `Y`7 1·$_. (mah. of ollice. [ · ‘ · ~ . V ‘ 17, Sssmé; rcncgvullby Depnrtmentof Agriculture employees. 7 tx. Smxae; who msiy administer. » ’ 7 1:», Sumo; chief gclerks of w.-depuptméxnte Lo administer without ¢0m·_ » 7 .- gwraswaiiou. . ·_ V - N · _ -· ‘ 7

 QM. rézmw; .m vrup1o5·<·es administered without conapcnsatloxx. 7

It S;un<»; custody cf. _ ‘ · `

+·;>:1 Tr!n1g¤tnl regulations;. _ _ T

21;. Sup;-rvisiugi of suhurdim1h· clerks. "_

 ill; 1•1»n·i1»utie»x¤ n{·duti»·é. ‘ ° ~ ’   7

133 lfuty of chief qu receipt .0f report. _ 8

t·> lAh»u¤·»• of busim·ss.. " ‘ _ V 8

, 1T. l:u¢·¤»»rd`iug clocks. _ _ , _. —· . -

5, ¢`l4¢·si1•gA¢epartmén1t on d<:c0z1sc ·0f_cx-Oilicinl. 8
i·) Hours gfhbur in executive{apartments. 4 8

¢2‘=; l.e·:u·¢~s of absence; amuial icm‘c;‘_. sick have. · _~ · 8 Qs. Xiumhly reports ais to condition 'of‘ business; extension of hours _ S W ‘ of s·u·rvicc gfjgmplqyecs. Y · · — . ° _· " 8 A ’ i$;.`Quarteriy~ropu:·t s as to cqzgditibn of business. · E ISIS, Wmm@n· qlqarkg, ‘ _' V `_ __ _ Q5 342. ltmstornticu to pozétloiai of Féuféoyeeé called Into active nsmftury } 5 ‘ service. Q ‘ ·’¢· ‘ _ . _ ~ - Q _ · Q _ :;:3.; I°r+·fe·rc¤cé °i§‘ appointments to hgmcrgbly discharged spldlen, A 2 “ 4 Mailers and nuiriiies; and wldqws and ‘wivé·s therxcotg W S

i a, 1·2mpI¤3’na€nt40(—wiYc§ ui soldier; and sailors. — · *2
7. l•imimzti¤»njor increase of dimybcf of clerks,

Z1—. lnemils of wears, Vm;»1¤ye¤, at clerks within department. W _W {

 sm. :4;sme;V eastside District fas duty within District;     _ i

. W. >iau¤e°; »de~tai13 i'o;· duiyjiu Treasury Department. l Q _ » { 425 Same; detail of o&cem_¢5f Coast Guapd. ., ‘· '_ W M ,€ 4:. Sumo; persons in blssésined aervicc in Disfrlct {or service ohtside MS ‘ · District. -_ ~ .» ‘ »-Q l - U J V _}€ 43, Authoriiy to employ clerks arid, 0thecMe:r£1;9l0yeet."» 1( U! hisloursiug clgszkgg R · ” _ — f U 4:. xmuéers. cieriii, and einployeesi . _ 1* +i?- l{a)‘mént for gigrvices from appropriation! fof »cq¤t£’ngcx;t expenses *1*

 _ orfur specwc or geneml purposes. ” ·   11

i’?. Wuulty {ar vimations, at section; and 46 nf this title. M. Ima! assistance in -exa.m1¤Atl¢n 0 W[L{I\¢|I9I•` »” · 14 W f?¤¤1>1¤yr¤ent_jcf_¤tt¤»»rneys.o: caumsei; * — _ 1e an ixigpositicn of mcmeys accruing {rom lapsed salaries or unused 14 _ ,¢.i>D:‘0·pristions {br salaries. " 1e 32, lixtrg éoixépcxnuticnn ta clerks. . ‘1Z 3:. \I;uuut 1a¤rIzed_¢~¤¤e; xm ssalary toxw A __ . _ 11 rh;. .1 >ew¤ctivé agmcy·cmp1qyee» nat to ba employed., 1 · 1L .53}: lfublicity experts mt to be employed withmrtl spccldc appro- _1i — __ pxflitiaii., - " " , J £ » - ” ‘ » ‘ 1C @3. Experts; egmpeumted vitheutjpecidc provision for; I1 9**. Salaries to mrmin reccsé appointems. ‘ *"' 1 {VZ »\pp0x·ti<mm·.;·n·t al `¢0m§é¤sn§i0n. ’ V IT

S, Ol·‘PICl1}RS, AND EMPLOYEES § 1 »VERNMEN;1‘ OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES apter . \ Soc. nménwunsm or Imrmucu , .. ,... Q ., ,..~ V,. ..~. 481 DBPARTMiNT on- AGRICULTURE ., 1 ~ Q., 511 DEPARTMENT or Ccmamzcs . 1 , 591 DEPARTMENT or Lnbn _ . ..1-..; ... ..-- 611’ Cxvxx, Smavrcn Cosnusstox Am: cmssn··n·:¤ cum. ssnvxcz , 631 Cr.Ass11·*`xcu·10N or cxvrunz rosvrxous . · ..,... 661 Rxarrnuémnxr uw crvm smwxcs mumoxgzss “ -- * .691 Comwxsyriow ma xxxqgrps TO s;»1rx.0¥n¤s cv Umnzu Swums- 751 c. _ _ ·— 1 B. Dbubleosalarles. t . _ _ .

 Same} ‘exccpti<ms;- retired. 0§cer¤ aind enlisted men at Army,

_ ;Nuvy,_ Mariqq Corps, or Ccastt~Guard, or omccrs and eniistcd ·- mcndfmilitiat · D. Same; exceptions: employees of Llhrdry of Congress. [ 1.- Same-; schcbkténchers gud-employees in District of Columbia,. 2. Holding qther fucrat»Xvc"08ice. _ . ` ‘ _ 3; Same} Tetired bthecrs of Army or Navy employed `on raver and` · A harbor mgprovéuicntsn _. __ _ ‘ 4. Same; retired 0&ccrs··¢1f‘ Army, c·tc.,·i¤ Buremxot the Bmigct. _ 5. Same; employees bt Library of Congress. _ ‘ ` 6. Regeiving salary f;·0m _3_du1‘cc` other than United Statés. t 7. `SumQSv0n1pl0yéeS 0·f Departmentof Agrlculturctiud Forest Service. A BQ Same}immigrgtibnpitheials, ‘. A ; ‘ ,5 -‘ 9[ Extfa services, 4 ·` ;` ‘ W 0. Extra allowances. _ · 1. Extra compensaticu or'perquiéitcS.j _ _ 2. Additional coxizpensatiou to persons employed under general or. - tiumpesum gybproprinticn, ’ · , 1 — ‘ ’ 3. Actual trnielfng expenses only allowed. 4. Expenses for s¤bsiéteuce;"trave1l¤g on duty. t 5; LSa‘mc; engaged in. held work crtrgveling cm (metal business. · G. Free tuition in isclxoolsior children oi employee; of United States. 7. kcétrictions onpayment of expenses of carriages pr vehiqies for

 . pepsonal, or otiiéidl use. _   4 · . F   Q

8. Restrictions on payments for purcbaie or operatitm of pancngcre A caxixwing vehicles, · _ ._ . ` 5 9. ;_StU1lQ»§ river and harbor improvements. . @0. Same; field workof Department of Agri¢ut!ture. _

1. Same.; vcliicics {tansferred »by Secretary of Wnfto Secretary of

Agriculture, · ~ · * 1 · ‘ Q ° `·

2. Otiicers in arrears. »;·» t . ’

l3.· Itcutrictions on pgying fsck or dues in societies. ‘ ° I4. Annual gr monthiy compensation. ~ J 4 i ‘ t $5. Compenshiou for clerks or secretaries of ltetked 0Qcials. ¤6; Roudays; {pr per them employem t IT; Sams; Lghor Day. 1 ‘ R8. 1te¤1¤v&l..Qf‘0Q€¢;‘_ t 1, ._ . · R9, ·Pre¤arvntfo¤ of cgdpies t_c£ Statptes at Large. { »0. ‘_8tamt·e·¤ tumiahgdtjudgés to remain pubtic property. 1 D1. Evidencg futnishegl by dqp•ttmex1t.s in sditn in Court of Claims. r2. Taking oaths or acknowledgments. 1 534 Oath: tqxwitneues. — h4. Subpesas to witnesses; 1 1 — v5. Witnegms} tees. ·`_” · §6.`_C0mpe11in§ testimony. _ I1; Oatlgs to expense gcmunts. V— 18; .01+1*1 pensiqn mill [§ifQ¥1§bit€d·» _ , t 1 · 1 H). Enoméers or emplayees not to prosecute claims in dk~p.·xi·tgnents._ )0;iPr0ncnt¥§n of c1ai¤•* fax suppligs fe? Military Establishment. >1...Adv9:it1si¤g practice befwé departments or oixc ¢¢,Gave;nmwt; · 32’. Ex~pén&!`t;u”m•· for newspaper:. A `_ 1 t t . t B ‘ 33. Expenditures for tx·ansp•rtAt!`0p of remgim at Qccctasgd employees. . 34; Annual ot expenditure of contingent funds. » M"` J5. Reports pt travelihg expcnges ot gmagqs audtempkayées at Wash- . _ D6.- Thug of maktxif snhugl Jreportn. D7. Dbpattment 1jgp01•ts;Y£ur¤i¤hi¤g to printcrl _, _ D8, lnveatctim of property. " . 1‘ 1 » _ __‘ D9. Oagiy tar annual r¢~:pox·t¤.nd ncc¤mpa.uyiug Qqcumentts. - 10. Tania: Qt m`is¢eHa¤•.s¤;:g_};ooks»tt¤ District Public Library _ 11. _Cust¤é;.n! tiles and ot 1rm*·age¤cigs.. tj 12; twmcsttbg ol usekéss Queers.  »~ » . A , 1 ‘ 13. Pmhitaitinn of contrimitions arpreséntn to` superiors. M; Fareign dacmatmns. · 1 .:_ · 1 15. Same; delivery through State Department, _ 16.‘.Mndals £¤:··.qci·vrces; duplicates mi 0;- destruction. ‘ _ [T; United States Geogrighic Bcmrd; payment of ¢·xpcnditure$.