Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/413

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399— TITLE 16.-CO He shall reside within the exterior boundaries of said »Monnt Rainier National Park, atwn place totbe designated by the court making such nppointmenty All fees, costs, and expenms, col-" looted by the commissioner shall be disposed of as provided in section -104 of this title. (June 30,-1916, ci ,197, 5 9, 39 Stor. 246; Feb. 27,,1925, c. 364, 43 Stat.- 1029.) _ . · ‘ 104. Same.; Enos and costs; dispoétion of.—-—-All fines. and mats imposed and collected shall be deposited by said. cornmis-· sionerof the United States, or the marshalof the United States, _t·ol1octing_the ssmeywith the clerk of the United- States District wort for the Western District of Washington. (June 30,· 1s>1o,c. 197,511, 39`Stat.- 246.) '·_. · ‘ , · - Q- 105. Same; fees, costs, and expenses chargeable to United. States.-—Al1» fees, costs, and erpenses arising in cases. under sections 95 to 104 of this title?) ond properlyichargeable to the __l’nit0tl States shall be certtned, approredyand paid as arelike fees, costs, and expenses in the courts iof the United States. ` <.Iune 30, 1918, c, 197, § 10, 39 Stat; 246.) . , - , 6 106. Same; donations 0{ patentédilnnds or rights of way;-5 The Secreéry of the Interior isanthorized to accept patented o lands or rights of way `ovér patented; lands' in the Mountl lminier Nationnl‘Park-lthatdniay be donated for park purposes. { (June 12, 1917, c. 27, § 1, 40-Stat. 152.) I _' ‘ · __, MESA V'ER_DE` NATIONAL ,PAR·K o 11l.` Mw: Verde National Park; boundaries.-·-There is re-. n»rved‘fr<>m‘settlernent," entry, sale, or other disposal and set npsrt ssa public reservation, all those certain tracts, pieces _ and parcels ot land lying Hand being rsitnrated in the State of Colorado, within the boundaries described as'!_o11ows: - · ` o Bcginningnt a pointbon the north boundary of the Southern? ,Ute Indian Reservation in southwestern Colorado where the] north quarter corner of unsnrveyed fractional section 2, town- , ship 34 n`orth,·range 15 west, " south of the Ute bonndary,"·’o intersects the same; thence south to the south quarter corner of unsurveyed section 26, said township.; thence west to {the { southwest corner of nnsnrvexed section 25, township 34 north, range 16 vgest; thence north °to‘ the northwest corner of unset: vcyed fractional section. 1, said township and range; thence · west to the southeast corner ot tractionalvsection 12, township 34 north, range 16 west, -" north of the Ute boundary "; thence north to the northwest corner of sectton 19, township 35 north, range 15 west; thence cost to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter ot section 16, said township; ‘ thence north to the northwest, corner ot the southeast quarter of said sec— tion; thence east to the southwest corner of the norrume, quarter of section 13, said township; thence north to the northq .west_ corner ot the northeast quarter of said sectionpthence U cast to the southwest corner ot section 7,* township 35· north, range 14 west; gxence north to the northwest cor.ner_ ot said section; thence enstto the souothwcst corner ot. section 5, said townshtp; thencenorth to the northwest corner of sold section; thence east to the northeast 'corner° ot said, section; thence south to the southeast corner of.“the_·northeast quarter of said section thence cost to. thenortheast corner ot the southwest quarter or section 4, said township; thence sonth··to` the northwest corner oi thesouthenst quarter of motion 16, said town- E, ship'; thence east `to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter. of (sold section; thence,sonth to the*no‘rthwest,corx1er of section 22, said township; thence east to the northeast corner of said section; thenco south to the northvéest corner of section 28, said township; thence east along. the north section line of section 26- to the east bank ot the Rio Msncos; thence in a southeasterly direction along the east bank of. the Rio Mnncos to 'it$_il€1tttES£*t![i0I1. with the- northern boundary line of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, thence west along said Indian reservution,l>o11ndnry·lto its intersection with the range line between rangm 14 and 15 west, theplace ot beginning;

NSERYATION § 12] ' Said. park shall be known as Mesa Verde National Park. (June E, 1906,,0. 3607, §§ 1, 2, 34 Stat. 616, 617 .; Jime 30,1913, ‘ =e.4,§1,38Stut.83.) - . ., Y , /1l2. Same; control of; regulations; prehistoric ruins.-—Mesn

 Verde Nati_0na1_Pnrk shall be under the exelusiye control of

{ the‘_Seeretary of the Inter—i01·._ ·In addition to the duties and { powers enumerated in section 3 of this title not inconsistent

 with this seetion, he shalleestnblieh, sucheerviee as be may

l deem necessary for the care and management of the same. l Such regulations shall provide specifically for the premrvetion I f1·0n1_injury" or `spoliation of the ruins_ and other works and relics of prehistoric or_pri1nitive man within- said park. (June _ 29, 1906,c. 3607, § 2, 34 Stat. 617,) _ ~ Q . `113;- Same; examinations, excavations, and gathering objects of iuterest.——Tl1e_Secret31ry_foi the Interior is authorized to permit’ex&_i11inations,` exeavetions, and other ghthering of objects of interest within eaid park by any person or persons whom he may deenn properly quuliiied to‘eonduet such examine-. tions,_‘ excavations, '_ or gatherings, subject to such rules and regulations at he may prescribe. But the examlnetions, encavations, and gatherings shall be undertaken only for the benedt of some reputable,mnsei1m,`unliversity,, college, or other rec0g·. nized scientlnc or educational institution; with e view to in- _crensing the knowledge of such objects and aiding the general ·advancement.0f archwologicnl science} (June 29, 1906, c. 3607, §3,34Stat.617.) · l " l __ - _ 114. Some;. removal, disturbamee, destrdction, or nolesta-k tion of ruins.-—-Any person eg persons who may otherwise in any-manner willtullj remove, disturb,. destroy, or molest any of the ruins, mounds, buildings, graves, relies, or other evidenees- of an ancient civilisation or other property from said parlrQ?ail be deemed, guilty of a mimemeener, and upon con-, victi before any court rhaving jurisdiction ot such o¤enses shall be Hned not more then $1,000 or imprisoned not genre than twelve months, or such person or peréons may be tlned and imprisoned, dt the discretion of they juke, and shall be reimired to restore the `property disturbed; if possible. _(Jime~ 29, 1908, c.. 3607, § 4, 34.Stat. 617.) t . _ e . 115. Same; leaseg and permits; prehistoric ruins not in-· eluded.-—·Tbe Secretaryfot the interior may, upon terms condltione to be fixed by. him, grant leases and permits for the use of the land or development or the ·reso¤.rcee'thereot, in the Moser Verde National Park, and the tundeoderived therefrom Shall be covered into the Treasury-not the United States. Such , leases or grants shall not include any of the prehistoric mins in said perk- on exclude the public from free or convenient meeee me¤·e¢¤.‘ (tune zu, mo, c. ess, as Stat.'79G.) T 116. Same; donations of lands or rights of way.-—The Secretaryef the ·Interlor Ls authorized-to_ accept patented lands 01.- rights of way over patented lands in the Mesa Verde Na— tional Park that mey donated for park purposes. (June 1;,2, 19;,7, c, 27, { 1, 40 Stat,152.) ` I CRA'1fI:}R LAKE NA,TIONA.L‘ PARK ,121. Crater Lake Nhtional Pork; esta.blishment.—--1‘l1e tract · of lend bounded nortbiby the porttllel fortpthree. degrees four minutes nor`tl:x·1atitude, south by forty-two degrees torty-eigbt minutw north latitude, east by the merldien one hundred and .twenty-two deggrceg weet longitude, and west·by,t11e nxeridien one hundred.- and twenty-two degrees sixteenminutes west longitude, having an areajof two hundred and !or ty·uine equere ' xniles, in the State of Oregon, and includlng_Crater Lake, is reserred lmd withdrawn from settlement, occupancy, or eele under the laws of the United States, and dedicated and set apart forever as s pttblic park or pleasure ground for the benétlt of the people- ot the United States, to be known as Crater National Park. (May 22, 1902, e. 820, { 1, 32 Stat. 202.) ` ` ` t