Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/414

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§ 122 g’lTLE 16.———l 122. Same; control; x·egulations.—Cratcr Lake Nations Park shall bc umlvr th<*·c·`011tr01` and custody of the ,Sccretary”c the Interior. In addition to the powers and duties enumerate `in S€‘(‘t_i€}ll 3 of this title not inconsistent with this section, la shall cause adequate xnvasuxwa to be taken fm- the preserve lion of the xnaturgzl objects within said park, and also for th ]}1`%5l`&’Ctl{)1l of the tiianher from wamlion depreciation, the prescrv: lion of all kinds of game and fish, the punish-ment Of ue: · ])§1SS(‘l`S.jfll€iI`GIl10Vf1l of unlawful occllpants and iz1truda1··s, ain the prexjoution and ektiuguisixnxent of forest fires. {May 22 1902, c. S20, § 2, 32“Stat. 202.) · . ’ 123. Same; settlement, residence, lixmbéring, or bixsinea within, punishable; admission of sjisitcrs; m$i1gg claims.--] shall bv unlawful for any person to establish any settlemer

  • or :·e;r·si¢icl1·;·e· \\l’ltlllll Craltcr Lake Nati01mlIPa1‘k, 01* td engag

in amy luxublmiug, oxfofficr eh'tel·p_rise' or business occupatic zhorl·l11, or to mater-t—herei11 for aziy speculative purpuge wha aver. aizdaxny person `viclating tlxé pmvislcms of this Scotia or :~e<:ti<uls 121 and 122 of this title, or the rulés and regu}: tions established t_ll(‘l‘(‘\ll1(l(‘I‘, shall be xiuuishcd by a. fine ( not woke than $560, or by iu1pris<mmc11t_for not nmrc 'tlla mm year, and shall further be} liable for~ all destruction < giiul>v;·‘ur c»tlwr property of the United States iuconsequenc of any such malawful uct. Crater Lake National Park sha .be aspen, mnda:6 auqh ragulatim1S aa tha" Secretary of tl: Interior may prascrilmo. to all sciemtists,. €‘Si0___§i§fS, an pleasure seekers and to the,l0C·21’ti0'n`0f mining claims and ll; · working of tho same. · Restaurant ·liIl(l·Il0t€2l keepers, upon :1} plicatian to the Secretary of the Interior, maybe permltte by him to estal»ll>=l1`;>iag·es of t*[1t91‘l8lIllll€ll·C’\“Vltlll$l1 the_Cratc Lake 'Nallmnal Park for tha &iCCO!lllll0(]&lTl0l1 of visitors, Ls pla<:c.·s“ and uadcr regulations hzgod by tha Secretary o£·_t l: Intbrjicr, and not otherwise. (May 22, 1962, c. 826,·€ 3; 3 Stat. _ 1 K · " M 124. Same; jluriadictlan by the UnitedStates; fugitives fron jasti¢é.—~—-——S0le and exclusive jurisdlctipn is assumed by th _United` Stalw avaxj the tarrltcryl embraced within (ha Crate Lake Natf<mal I’m·k, savlng,£h<5waverQ tc the State of Drago tha,1§ht‘t0 serve civil al- criminal proceaa vyithiathallmlta ¢ 6 the aforesaid park in suits mr prosecution for- or on accaux of rights acquired, ébllgatioqs lmsugred, or c•rlmea_ comniltle in said State but outside afaalglg park, and saving turfher t the Said State the right gtrtux persons and corporations, the franchises and property, mx the lands laéludad in said par] All tha laws applicable go places nlmdat tha sqla and'excli1sl°w jarlsdlctlau at the United States shall have farce and affae la said park. All fugitivas from jmxsticejukilag rcfugé in aa! park almllba subject to ltlnalsama laws as `rcfugaas from Justll Icmld la thQ’S(&£Q of Oregon. (Aug, 21, ..1916, c. 368, $· 1, 2 St1lt.5»21.} _ ‘ " * _ · 125. Salma; part at judicial district for·_0re:0n; jurrladlatio af district, ¢martd.—¢—·-Pratar La ka Na21l2l0H8._l Paxtk shall caastituq ¤.` ya:·1:` _0t tlia Uggltad sean-as Eiudialal district 10: Qragqa, an lad district court of tha United Staics la and for Oregon sha havé jm·iadik:t.l<m of all c&anaas°_al;mmlttad within SaldMb<mn`• _m·irs». (Aug. 21, _1916, é. 368, § 2{36 Sta:. ,522.) _ ·‘ 126.% Same; oEe1u¢_l§.·-——If_a¤y affansa shall bé mmimttcd 1 i the Grate: Lake National P*ark, which tmanlaaa is not pmhlhlte or tlya pxmlal;m¢>ut_for· wlsiuh is nat apabldcally provided mr b aa law at the Uuitd States, the offender al1al`l»ba·s11bjc&rt 1 tig punlshmceut as tlnalawa at the Sluts df Oragcin I · farce at the tlaxa at tlm cdaxmisslmx at tha affeasaé may pmvlé _, tag a llké aftaaaa ia said Sfata; and n¤= asubwq€e¤frapeal·¢ ` . aay g:c¤a1aw at thé Stateéot Oregon spall affect any proaacw `tloh fctnaaid clfaasa ccmmlttad withla and park. (éuéa 2

  • 1916; és @8. S 3,·39·St&ii· 52%) ‘ ~ _ _ ‘_

127. Same; hgintlag nad. Belling; rule; pad. `iégahtlbnl §ll|\l8h§€l\L”·—·-··Al_l hanging or the killing, wcundlug, or caplu

UOLVSERVATION 4% nl ing at any time of any wild bird or animal, oxcopt daxnagoimf/. »f animals when it is uoc<-zssary to provont thom from dosstroyin; tcl human lires or inflicting injury, is prohibited within tho limiét to of said park; nor shall any fish be taken out of, the is·an·,;», 1- of the park in any other way than by hookand line, and thm no only at such soatsoxxa and in such timos uudamannor na ml,}-b 1— be directed by the Secretary of the In·tori0rL That Secretary or s- the_Intorior $12111 make and publish such rulés and rog11latim:\, d as he may deem necessary and proper for the management um 2, care of the park and for- the protection of the property tlaoroéa, { especially for'·tho__;>résorvation from injury or spoliation of lull

  • 3 timber, mineral deposits other thauthose legally located prim-

[€ to Aughgt 21, 1916, natural curlositios, or woridorful olxjm-to 1*; within said park, and for the protection of the animals an}!

9 birds in tho park from capture or destruction, amlto proven:

·H their being frightened or driven from tho park; and he shall t- make- rules and yogulationns governing the taking of fish from lll ° tho streams-or lakes in the park. Possession within sai‘d`parl; i-_ of tho dead bodies], dr ally part thereof, of any wild hirll ln-· Jf a animal ahall he prima facie evidence that tho porsoa or pw- ,11 sons lmving the same ara guiltyof violating this section. Any nf person or- persons, or stage or [express company, or railway 30 company, who knows or Ima. reason to bolicvo that they vvoro ‘ U taken or killed contrary to the provisions of sections 124 m lf? 134, inclusive, of this title and who receives for trausportati·>n ld any ot said animals, birds. or tial; so killed; caught, or taken,

  • 9 l or·who‘ shall violate any of tho`othor provisions of such aoctiozns

D- or any rule or regulation that may bé promulgated by tho Sol--

  • 0 rotary of the Interior with réteronco to tho management and came `

!1'· {ot tho park or for the protection of tho property therein, for the at preservation from injury or spollation of timber, immoral done posits other than thoselogally located prior to Aagust 21, 1916,‘

  • 2 natural curioaltlos, or wonderful objects within said park, or ,

· for the protéction ot the animals, hirdsj or Rah In the park, or

  • ¤ who shall nzlxhiu said pnarleoamlt any damage, injury, or
  • 8 spollation to or uponany building, fence, hedgo; gate, guidoer post, troo; wood, undorwood, timber, gordon, cropa, vegetables,

»n plants, land, springs, mineral depoélts other than tlxoaa legally lf located prior to August 21, 1916, natural curlosltles, or othor ` ant matter or, thing growing or being thereon or altnato tthorein, ld shall be doomed guilty ot a mlsdarnogxnor, anglktl basnbjeot m to a tina ot not more than $500 or Fmprlsonmont not eiooodlng h` six months, ortboth, and be adjudgetl to payfall coats ot tho k· proooedingaw . (Ang. 21, 1916, o. 3%, ,5 4, 39·Stat. _522.)—, ’ le 128. Samet hunting: and Baking; forfdtnren or seizures MV of ginns, traps, teams, ¢t¢.,· for vwsting reg¤lhtim.·—— kl -All gona, trapé, taama, homoo; or nxénnaot transportation o€_ 3* ovary nature or closcription by _ any pomon? or persona l? within salclf-park linxlts when aégaged in kllllhgwtrapialng. onanarlug, or capturing auch `wild boasts, htmis, or animals

  • ¤ shall be forfoltod to the United States and may be aalzod by `

to the o&céra in said park and hold pending the prooootttion of ld any portion or péraons arroatod parlor ohargo ~o£t ¢vlolatlng—,tlnrall prorlalons of exactions 12a an 134,‘l,nolualyo, of this title, and I YL upon conviction under jsnid aevtions ot auch pgraon or persons ‘ualn§ said guns, traps, taama, horses, orothar `moans of trana ill, portation,_`·anch fonfféltnro shall be adjudloatodas a ponalty to Pd addition to the other pixnishmont provided_·horoin. Such for- »¥ faltod propartyahall be disposodot and aocogpted for by and W tlllldél tho authority of tha Secretary of tho Interior. `(Aug. 21. in {1916, Q,. | 5,% Stat, 523.) , I ‘ · , Ia 129. Same; . commissioner; appointment; powers and >f d¤tt¤·—-———Tha Ualtokl Stat® District. Con rt for Dragon shall tx- appoint a oolnnrilaaionar www anon raaida ln tho, pnrk· and évho, 1, shall h&Y\Bi jurisdiction to boar and act _ ppon all éomplaints ‘ mdilo ot any violations of law or ot the ruios and rogulationa n; made by tha Secretary- of thollntarior for tho government of » r- tho park and for tho protection ot tho animals, birds, and ish.