Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/423

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7409 TITLE 1a—-vozv gawaship 30 north, range `5 east,`__o.nd sections 12 and 13, town- 4 snip 313 north, range 4 east; thence west on section line to sec- _ I zion corner common to. secnons. 11, 12 13, and·14, townshib 30 1 Earth, range 4 east; thence south on section line to section_ 1 Wgzer common to sections 13, 14, 23, and 24, township 30 y .:s»rth. range +1 east; thence west on section lines to, aeulon Q armor common to sectloas 15, 16, north, l zsnaéfe 4 east; _ 'thence~sorrtH”on'"*ls{ection line to section corner · rmzzlxiitii“fow§ections 21,22, 27, and.28, township 30 north, range -_1 4 east: thence west on section lines to range line, township 30, a , swan, between. ranges 3 and 4 east, at section corner common 4 In aeetitms 19 and K), township 30 north, range 4 east, and · lemons 24 and Qéjtownsnip 30 north, range 3 east; thence l herein on range line. to section corner- common to sections 18 and l9,;t{>\%§11&§l1ip`30 north,. range 4 east, and sections .13*and 24. tmrnnslhlp 30 north, range 3 east'; thence vyest on section lines to section corner common to sections··1?l, 15, 22, and 23,

nvnsl1ip·30 north, ranze_3 east; thence north oa section line

an ~;eeiion‘i·orner common to sectionSQ10, 11, 14; and 15, townssip 30 northerauge _3 east.; thence west on section lines to- _‘ 1·;mge.linc at section corner 'conunon to sections 7 and 18, · xorvaelaip 30 north, range 3 east, and- sections 12 and 13-, town-· »nip Bonorth, range 2 east; thencenorth on range llne to section eomer comnnonn to sections 6 and 7, torrnshiv,30 north, mnge 3 enstpand mtions—1`nud 12, township Z;}0` north, range _2 east; thence west on sec_tion,'line to section corner common · lt?-?f{,‘1§fi0I1B 1,,.2, 11, and 12, township 3U` north, range 2 east; nhenoe north on, section line tovtownshin line, at section cor- 5 Lyn? eominoznto sections -35 and 36, township 31 north, range

  • :2 east, andsections 1 and '2, township 30 north, range 2 east;

{trance west on township lineto the northeastbeorner ot township 30 north, range'-1 east,”tl1e place of beginning. s (Feb. 426, 1s¤1o,.c.-4}, § 1, 46 Stat. 1175.) » Q ‘ · ‘ 222. Sdée; administration, concessions, and_privileges.—¥·The_ adnainlstration, protection, and promotion ot_ Grand Canyon National Park shall be exercised, under the direction of the ctseerelfry of the Interior, by the National Par·k"Service, subject to the ia·¤»·1s1¤ms. ot aectionsll to 4 of this title. All concessions, for hotels, camps, transportation, and other privileges ot every kind and nature for the accommodation or entertainment . of valsitm emu ae zerat prune bidding mane nest and most responsible bidder. ..( Feb. ,26, 1919, Tc. 44, 2, 40 Stat. 1177.) 1 223; cS¢¤e;_righta of Hsvasnpii Indiana.-Nothing contained in sections 221 to 228 ot tlrls title shall] aftect the rights of ' que Havasnpai Tribe of, Indians to_ the use) and occupancy of the bottomllandsoi the Canyon of Cataract Creek ‘as_~described ln the Executive order of March 31, 1882, and the Secretary of the I»ntorlor_ is authorized, in his discretion, to permit individual members ‘ot_ said tribe to 'nse and occupy other tracts ofiland withinlsaid park for agricultural purposes. ._ (Feb. 28, 1919, {:;.4.-4, 5 3, 4Q`Stat. 1177.) _ I . _ ` :

 Salma; entries under land laws; toll roa.d.-·—·-Nothing con-
 tained in. sections 221 to 228, inclusive, ot this title shalljaffeet  

any valid claim, location, or entry existing `tiuder' the land Y laws ot. the United ~ States, prior to February 26, 1$19, whether for homestead, right oi way, or any.,other pnrpoae whatsoever, oroehall atlect the, rights of any such _<e_lai;nant, locator, or entryman to the full use and enjoymexitor his land andrgthing contained in this chapter shall affect, diminish, for impair the right and authority ot the county ot Coconino, in ‘ the State _·o£ Arizona., to levyjaud collect tolls for theepaasage ot livestock over and _ upon the Bright Angel . Toll Bead. and Trail, and the Secretary of the Interior is . "anthorized. to negotiate with the said county ot Goconino for the purchase of said Bright Angel Toll Redd. anda Trail and all rights therein. ,—(Eeb. 28,:»1919, c. 44, Q 4, 40 Stat;. 1177.) 225. Same; larva applicable to. park; easements and rights of ,Wnya.j~···-Wheneyer consistent with the Vprlmary purpos& of

'SERVATION 345 Qrahd Canyon National Park sections'i'9,'419, and 522 of this title, and subsequent Acts shall be epplieable to the lands Included within thelpark. The Secretary of the Interior may, ln his discretion and upon such conditions as, he may deeni groperg grant easements or rights of way for railroads upon or s1ci·oss'the»park. (Feb. 26, 1919, e.'.44, § 5, 40 Stat. 1178.) _ 226. “Same; development of ·mineral resonrces.——¥Whenover consistent iwith the, primary purposes ot said park, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized, under general regulations ‘ to be prescribed by him, topermit the prospecting, development, and utilization ofythe mineral resources of said perk npon such terxns and for specified periods, or otherwise, as he may deem to be for the best interests. or_t11e..Unitod States, (Feb. 26, 1919,1:. 44, § o, 40 stat. 1173.) · ‘ . J . 227. Same; reclamation projects.--—Whenéver eonsistent with the primary purposes of said park, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to perrnit the uglization of areas therein which may be necessary for the development and maintenance offs Government reolamatiofn project, (Feb. 26,. 1919, c. 44, § 7, 40 Stat,1178.) - ) .- .

 228. Same; buildings on privately owned lnnds.4—-Where pri-V

yantgly owned lands within the said park lie within three hundred feet of the rin; of the Grand Canyon no.bnilding, tent, fence, or other structure shall be erected on the park lands lying between said privately owned landsand the rim. (Feb. 26, 1919, c. 44, § 8,··10 Stat.*1178.) ' LAFAYETTE NATIONAL PARK, ZION NATIONAL PARK, I *AND MOUNT MCKINLEY NATIQNAL PARK . _ 341. Lafayette National Park; establishment; lands in—· cludeg1.———The tracts of land, `-easements, and' other real estate . known before February 26, 1919, as the Sieur de Monts National Monument, situated on Monnt Desert Island, in*the_ county ot Hancock and Statefot Maine, are declared to_ be a national mrk and dedicated as a public park for the benent one enjoyment of the people imder the name of the Lafayette National Bark, under which. nanre the aforesaid national. park shall- he entitled to recelye and to use all moneys heretofore. or hereafter appropriated for Sieur de Monte National Monument. (Feb. 26, 1919, e. 45,1 1, 40 Stat. 1178.) _— . , · 342, Same; administration.-——·'1§he administration, protection, and promotion ot Lafayette National Park shall be oexereised under the direction of Secretary of the Interior by the National Park--Service, subject 'to the profisions of sections 1 _to. 4 of this tttle andsections additional thereto or annendatory thereof. (Feb. 28, 1919, c. 45, 5 2, 40 Stat. 11,79.) " . · 343. Some; acceptance of property on Meant Desert Isl•nd.——¢ 1 The. Secretaryrpf the Interior, is hereby authorized, in his _ i discretion, to accept in behalf ot the United Statm such other I property on said Mount Desert `Island, including lands, easements, Ixbuildlngs, and moneys, as may be-donated for `the extension or improvement of park. _ (Feb. 26, 1919, c. 45, i °3, 49 Stat. 1179.) _ °1 . · [ _ f _ [ 344. Zion National Park; ereation; msin"tenance.—»The Zion Nationale Monument, in the county of Washington. ..State of .Utah, is declared to be (national park and dedicated nsfsuep for` -the henedt and enjoyment of the people, nnder the name of the Zion National Park, under which name the atoresaid'9 national park shall be maintained by allotment ot funds here··‘ tofore or hereafter appropriated for the national monuments, until such time as an independent appropriation is made there- -- for' by Congress. (Nov. 19, 1919, c. 110, ·§ 1, 41 Stat. l356.)— 345. Same; .¢dministrntion.——'I‘he adnxlnlstration, protection,. and promotion of said Zion National Park shall be excrolscd `uuder the direction ot the Secretary of the Interior by the National Park Service, subject to the provisions ot sections _1 to 4 ot this title, and laws additional thereto or`amendatox·y t thereof. (Nov. 19, 1919, c._110, 5 2. 41`Stat. 356.)