Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/43

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gg ·_ TITBE 5.--EXE€‘UTlVB DEFARTXEI 0 _ ‘ ” .

g31t¥§?l"~ ¤¤°€¢¢ ¤¤! USN. dm!. claim, obligation, er wealty •

,.,,r; ;eg an- 1ocerfe¤,,,¤¤_or_be1ore* Hq 13, 1%; mam and ¤ _ ,,,eee·eo& rivet, d¤¤· otll ebll¢¤¤¤¤» ¤¤<l»v¤¤¤l¤lS¤#1l be A T;,,,,,e;, triedmné de`é·j¥or¤l¤¢d, nod shall be zlveh, thereto, i;;,{$1£A§U¥@ if wlrsvwtiout Md ncobee 4 (Ii. §§175$»l17$7$ Mi! R 1$4» ¤·o?$& S} 2.3, H 222) J

·;, Sane
$1 B¤N@¢ of Azriwhrfr »¢¤- =

p;,,}e€.§_..,Emple3 , ot ythe ,_ ef- Agriculture wing, ,,,,,,,, ,_e·igi¤a1_;ppei¤me¤t,, have subscribed to tw Teeth or o£·_ ra hm,} ,·,·q¤i;ed’by of this title shall not be required to J lyyeew the Sl? BIIK V-b¢¢8¤8§‘6i*§¤y `chh-.@e`ln Astatue long H,} sheirserviw unless, ia _ the opinion of the l 5£,·,ee1ery. of- Agrictilturqt the ‘p1¤blié.· intemts require, such reg Q ugxtiil. (Jan.; 31, _19%;:tc4 ,124, {3,-,43 `Stat. 803.)

 18; Same: whe §|»[, •·····Th9 cethect pjiice required t
  • (5.;,- geeriou 16 of thisjtltle mf be- taken heiomelanyr omcerwiyho, “

· is eetherlsed either by the lhws of the United, States or py) j »__ *1.eel terinieitmtj law, to administer odthsyine the,State, Terri-_ '

.e~;·, er District when Suchroath {muy be admiuietered.~*_— (R; _

§rr¢»S.> e r - e · >< — t . 1 19. kung; téicf clerks of dépqménts to adeainisteiwithout y eeeapertoatioh.-Eve chief clerks ot-;me;sevem1,,__exeeu,tive`_ de? L p;e·mieets· ertdiof the various bureaus {-and · thereof 1.;; · ‘_ \s’;;>;hizagtou,, District » ot Coltzmbie, are authoriged grid tuaieeteq,. _ on appl_ieation"_·g.¤d£-without compensation therefor, to gdminig/-~' _ _ ;,·;·‘ee1hs ot required to be“_take;1_0t1 their

s}_s§;•}i11£ll}0lit»-*0f promotion; i(Aeg."2§),, 1890, ec. S20,
£6'Stat,· ‘

37}.) ·»“n·_;_ , _‘ `Q- ·_ _` ` 29{Saie; to ~empIOY¢cs”·¢dh1i¤istered'Wvithoixtl ·ecmpensa~· l tio¤.—<=§0 olllcer, clerk; or embloyee ot any executive department · wise is :11:30 at Qhéféfy ’P¤b}i¢ m-fomeriomeer/¤um,qr1zea‘ to ·ad·* - minister-lbetha,, shall charge or receive mrylt fee or cbm{x·1i.sa_-·_ tion fer idmiqisterihg baths of office to emplojees of Sueh de- N pumzheot required to be taken on- appoitxtmeut or `premotioxr- Ttlwreiu. (Aug; 29,.1®0,.`¢Q 820, 26 Stat, 371.) , ·’ V, V l , . , 2L stm;) @$£0d] oft-·—¥’Ihe’oa1_th of <.>iiice_tz;kenL-b5‘li1n$* person pm·suent_ to the reqt11remehts,0t’_seeti·tih _1t§ of this title, shall t he delivered iu·by·.hlp to be presers*ed_ amongtqthe. files of the _3I·»usc of Congress, department, or court to which the mtice in ’l`€‘5ll¢?CC to which theeath is made mar iappertaiu, _. (R. S. S ·1‘:s2•.) c " · —

   · 22. [Departmental regialations}-=-Tlxe `heudof each depu rtment

is t gnuthorizédr to- regulations, rmt inco1z,.~.;,i:—ste¤1t.xs·'ith lzesw, for the gmjernment et hi; ‘depart1iwut, the conduct of, its e oiiiwrs ged glerlte, ”_dist'ributi_0u _ and, perforuia1_mjc_f Of its l _ °l,=u.sirasa¤4s,W audrthe custody, use, gud preservatlota of the fecérds, - .;·u;¤·rs.,_ andpmperty epperteiuing-to it. l (B,. S, G 161;) _  » Q n `

 23. .S¤pervisinn of puhordixute clerks;—-eéljlucla chietw clerk, in-

, the V:—;es·ere1 depgrttueitts, and ·bm·euu:.»:,' .ar1d` other 6vH‘lces'_ cen? 1, u··4:ted srithilne de;£artm@1ts, shall s=qpervise,ltu¤der the·diPec·l tim of his `lzmuedinte superior, Lhe tlutiesfof theether clerks, `i?;·{x·¤·in, eaahf we that they arefteitbfully performed; ·(R, S,. §173;).· ’ l _ “ l N 24. Distrihgttiogl of ,dtitie•;—·>·—Each chief clerk shell take care, fmnn time to time, thetgthe, duties 0(lthe; other clerks are dis- - tributed- with equality and iir;itoi·mity,g accordl11g;.t0 theiuature - 4;; the ease., He shall rerisedeuch; distrlbtutlcrh {rom time to ”1i:sg<·, for the purpose or eorrecting euy-·teudci1ey ttfuhdue ac-· ¢·4¤z¤¤ulatie;; er reduetieg of dgties, whether erislng from imli· l ,\’i<lu:1l_ uegligehee or ’iue§qcity, or from ·iuer , dixpiuutloh j·~ . <·f pmfticuiar kinds ci He monthly tq his`

 . t >j==q¤·rier mmgeeguy exigtigg detect tmteebegtay   Aware  
 Nw zgrrtmgemenf or dispatch 0£_ busi$1e»sgr.· (R. 8. ·§ 174,) "   °

» ” 25.__D:aty efeihief, of 1f€‘§B!'tl·····E&€b hesdgot a de-’ _ o_ 1·=,u·tme¤t,·ehie£ of Q lmreah, or stspérior, omecr, ~ . umm receiving each monthly, report of his chic! clerk, irenderw

x·~4uaut tg -th€·[}l'@§{]l1],g.·$I}¢{fl(}I1, exuplné (acts stét&l"

t tix:'·r•.·iu, and take such measures, in the exercise of the powers,

i / mrs, 01·*1··1c1xzs, AND ry1=LoYEEs §·31 conferred; upon. hire by lee, esvtnay he neceiesury hurl proper to ameudnny cxistljng defects in the erreégcment or dispatch of dimlosed by-such report. (R. S. M} 175.) ,25. Hours of @iness.·———Eroru the xt dey ot October until the let day othprll, in each year, all the humane eerigomceg ’ lh the St¤.te,.Wer, Treasury,. Navy, mid Poet Ofllce Deglertrmelits endin the General .;Len<l _O®ce, shall he crm for the trensac-§_ tion} of the while btrsinem at lust eight hours in each day; and from thelm day ot April until the lst day ot October, in each yehr, st least ter: hoursln. each dey; except Sundays and dayszlydeclered holidays by levvy (B. S. § 162.) V2?. .clocks.e-Q-No recordlng_clo~cks for recerdlng time of clerks or, other erniiloym in any of the executive depertments at Whshlngton, shall be used in gny of such &partn*mnts 8t·W&dhingten. ~’ (Feb. 24, 1889,c. 187, { 1, 30 Stat. 864.); ‘ S 28. Clocinggdepartmeit on deeuieof exe%•1-—-'il;‘he executive departments or _Government..»shel1 not be elmo as s marli to the memory of hey éxgo§cisl. of the United Stet@.#_g.(}Ier.h 3,.1893,c.`211, { 4,21 Stat. 715.) i · - ·~ _ _

 *29.° H¤¤;¤‘er wm ,i¤¤ eee¢ive»aep¤¤c¤eete~1c heron ne the

di1_t‘y;of-,the heads of the several Cexwhtivev depqrtments, in the interest otfthe public; service, to require eteell clerks deed other employees, yof Wh8t€Y€l'_·Kf8.§}8_0? class, r@ective dc-, parmie¤:s.°·rtot seveh hours or labor eicil eq, exept Sumleygs aud daysklecla~red ptubllc hollden ildvner Executive 0rdég.'°·_"The. lieedsjof y, by hepeeiellorder, stating; they reason; further ‘ excels the heme of hey clerk or einployeeliu depurtmx{ts,'·vresmctlvdy ; but in ot an extension lt shell be withoutceddltionel; eempeuxtion. _ (Har. 3, 1893, c. 21l, l§ 5,.27,Stet.17l5_;vcMerQ{l§,l1®8, c.h6S,j§ ·7, 30 Stut.316.) ( _ Q ». ~‘ “ p _ _ c y ,.30. Leavee of ohxencc; y Ietve; sick ie•ve.-trim had . of any department may great thirty ¢lg_ys’i larvewith pay in any one ymr to es& mrk or enr§~oyee, léve to be exclusive of Sundays hud leglfholldays. Where ·ime1nher" rl: the mmeairze many or ¤ véierr or employee rs with e coutegiohs disease nnd requires} the care end ettendince orsuch employee, or where his or her §1’®6$1€%\i¤ ee would jeoperdizeithe hehlthet tellowclerks, lnexceptionhl and meritorious cases, xvhere a clerk or 駧}0$€·&. is rm, and when to irreimiie annual Sleeve, to thirty, our in any one calender yehr woi.1ld.worlr..peculior it gms: he o extended, in the discretion o£\the__he§d;of_ with [ phy. not exceeding thirty days in _-any! one been obin eny che calender year. This sectiogi-shall hotvbe to prevent the#·_l1e_ed§of any executive deriertrneut ·fron1 `thirty `dav’ annual leave with pay`ll_; spy one yep to a-clerk or cme ployee, hotwithstuullng such clerk or eihployee may have had .during_such· year.not;excceding thirty »days’·l&ve` rvith pey on hccount otcickuess. ·Nor shell itebe lconstruedltelmcen that so long; hs o. clerk oremployeefls borhe¥upoh°__the` rolls ot the de—· pertmeht rin excess of the time herein provided for or gimlltetl that he or sheslmll be entltledjtoipy during the fieriod of such excesslve_ absence, hut that the shell stop ttpon the expiration of the granted ieee, (Mer.`3, 1&3,c. 211, 5 ,5, 27 Stat. 715; hier. 15,f_;l898, ”c;o6S,y§ 7, S0 Stet. 316;; July 7, c. 571, Q il, 30 Stat. 653; Feb; 2-1, 1899, c. 187, { 4, 30»Stet. 890.) F v g . 31; Monthly repuisisi to `cméitien of extensiou of honrs ofservice of empioywmvlt shell bethe duty otitlim head of eech executive dephrtment to require monthly reports to be medetoihhn as to the condition of —the—p uhlie bhsmess in" me several bureous or omces of his Ld€[)Hl’tll1€§C, &lZy`V8.ShlRgCt)1l§ landhlneech case vrhereoghcli reports disclose thnt1h¢ Dublicf

 is lh arrears, theghwd of »the`depertmreut· in which _ _  

huch arrears exist she?} es provided l1ereit1,_!ln `extem plone! the hours of service to such clerks or employecses may be uéeceseery to- bring up such] erreersc ot `l public business. (M¢1•.·1§,<1898, 1:. Q, I 7, 30 Stat. 316;) vt { S S S i