Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/441

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427 ·- name IS.--Ot auy petson taken ie the act of violating mid laws and regulations. (Mar. 3, 1905, 0.1486, 83 Stat. 812.) A ~ ‘ __ 569. .Use. of tinber fo; lines fer ire proteetiom-~ ‘1‘he~8ecretary ot Agriculture, whenever he may deem lt neces! eary for the .p;·otecti0¤"` df the national tomts fiom nre, may a permit the·¤Se of timber free of charge for the ponstructiou ef telephone lines. (Har. 4, 1913, c.·145, 37 Stat.- 843.) 561. Ttaaéfcii Q tde iappliesjo Demrtxixent of Agri- _ culture for use of Fqrest Scrvice.5-·—The kcrétary ot War is tlmhorimd and di;·ected’ to traiasieri to` the Department ot Agritueture, for the use of the Forest Service, such telephoue sup- · yiies pertaining to the Military Establishment which have me found to be surplus and no longer pequired fox·_ military.

§m·poses and are needed for the present use of the 'said service.

l~‘:·ei¤ht_ charges incurred in the transfer of the property l)l1'(l· sidetl for in this sectioxtshall inot be defrayed by the ·War myiartment, and if the ·.War· Depqrtmentfshall load •any of. mid property for shipment the expense of said loading shall Q hw reimbursed to the `V&1'—`I)€D8l’ilI10l1t by the ·déD&l‘tmeut to which the propekty is transferred by an adjustment of the

gpp1·¢»;»rlations of the two departments. (Mar. -15, 1920j 0. 100,

gw 3, 4, 41 Stat. 531.) . ·» ° · t ‘ · 562. Forest experiment `statiou in Califomiar-—ln, order to {éewrmiuc and demonstrate the- best methods for the conservasive management of forest aud torestlauds end the protection nf timber and other fcreetciproducts, the Secretary of Agribulamrc is authorized aud directed (1) to establish and maintain, ‘in moperatiou with the -'State of.QallIornia xmdswith the suv mumling States, a forest experiment station. at such place or pleees as he may determine to be most suitable, and (2) to t·m;duc—t, independently or in cooperation with other branches of me [Federal Govemmeut, the State,s,`· uuiversities, tolleges, munty, Yaud municipal agencies, business organizations, andindividuals, such silt·icultural, dendrologlcal, forest hre, economic, and other experiments aud liweetigatiolxs as .may bemweseary. 1 (Mar. 3, 1925, c, 424, § 1, 43 Stat. 1108.) . · 563. (looperatiou with States forjtje pnotection on private or State forest lands upon the watersheds of navigable rivers.-·—Tbe. Seerctaiy of Agriéulture`is'dutl10rize<l, and·-on such conditions as he deems wise, to stipulate and- agtee with any State er group of States to cooperate in the organization

m_d‘ maintenance ot ay ystem of tlre protection on any private.

. or State i'erest'lande within euiéh State or States and aituatedi uium the watershed ot , a navigable river. No such stipulationer agreement shallibe made with any State whiclghaa not provided _ by' law for a system o!_ forest-¤_i·e protection. flu no vase shall the amount expended-in any State exceed in any iiecallyear the amouutapproprlated by that State for the same purpme during the same uscal year. (Mar. 1, 1911*, 12..186, $2, so sta1:.ee1.)` , _ . . t 564. Cooperation by Secretary of Agricultufe with State of1· Whciqls as to; reemmemlntiona of eyatemn of foreot ire pre-·‘ ventien suppre¤giou.—-·-The Secretary ot Agriculture is alithorlzed aud direcmd, lu cooperation with pppropriatejemcla-ls of the·various States or other esultable ageueles, to recommend for eaieb forest region of me United States such nystems of forest Hre prevgtion aud suppremten as wltl adequately pro- ‘ tect the timbaed and cut-—ove1·_ lands;·eln with at ylew to the pretectloe i ot torest and water remutces and the gcontlnal lousy production ol timber on laude cme?. suitable, therefor. (June 7, 1924, e. 348,1 1,.48 Stat. 653.) _ — ,_ ` ‘ 565. ll b e aeration by Secretary of Agriculture iltb Stateof- `bcials in of timbered {west-ivrodmtng laude from tire; limitation on amount of expatdtuni ity United Statu.-;-·I£ the Secretary ot Agrlhltuxe shall tind that the Eyetem and practice of toreat Hre prevention-and iup to¤ .·o· vided by any State substantially promotes the obiecta described in the foregoing eectiou, he la heteby authorized and direeted.

DNSERVATION § 5§,8‘ under such comlitionsas he may determine to be —fair and A equitable in each State, to cooperate with appropriate omcials ot each State, and through them with private and other agencies therein, in the protection ottlmbered an·l forest-pro duclng" lands from m·e. in no mae other than for preliminary investigations, shall the amount expended by the Federal Government in_any State during any fiscal year, under this _ section, exceed the amount expended by the State for the same purpose during. the same nscal year, including the expenditures of forest owners? or operators which are required by State law or which are marie in pursuance of the forest pro- `·tectiou".systcm of the State under State supervision and for ‘ which in all cases the State renders satisfactory accounting. _In the cooperation extended to the several States dueocm1sieleration shall be given to the protection of watersheds of navigable streams, but spch coopegation __may,‘in the discretion of the o`Secretury of Agriculture, be extended to any timbered or forlest producing lands, or watersheds from which water is se- } cured for domestic [use `or irrigati·on, within the cooperating

  • States. (June 7, 1924, c. 348, 5 2, 43‘Stat. 653; Mar. 3, 1925, c.

,447,43_Stat.1127.) . ‘ _ _ ·- ” ha · ' · 566. Expenditure by Secretary of Agriculture for stady of o eiccts of tax laws, antso forth, upon forest perpetnation, , and- so forth; appropriation.-—·—Thc Secretary of Agriculture sha1lPexpen·d such portions. of the appropriations authorized hereinias he deems advisable to study the eHects of tax laws, 3 methods, and practices upon forest 'perpetnation, to cooperate Lwith appropriate otheials of the various States or other suitable agencies or such investigations and In devising tax laws , deslgnedrto encourage'the_ conservation and growing of tiwber, and to investigate my proaxote practical methods ot insuring standing timber on? growing forests from losses by are and other causes. There is authorized to be appropriated annually, outot any moneyin the Treasury otherwise awropriated, not more than $2,500,000, to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out the provimons of this section and sections 564 y and 565 o!· this title. (June 7, 1924, c. 348, § 3, 43 Stat. 653.) t $$7. Cooperation by Secretary of Agriculture with States in , procuring, and so,forth,· foreshtree seeds and plams;·li¤itation on- expenditure; appropriation.--The Secretary of _Agricultureis authorizedand directed tocooperate with the various

 States ln the procurement, production; anelfdistribation ot for-

, est·tree seeds and plants, for the purpose { establishing wind— breaks, shelter belts, and farm woodlots upon or nonforested lands within such cooperating States, under such o conditions and requirernentsas he may prescribeto the end that , 3 torest·tree seeds or plants so procured, produced, or distributed shall be used errecuvéxy for planting _ denuoed or nouforestcd t landéi in the/cooperating States and growing timber thereon. The amount by the Federal Government in cooperation with any smeeoonng any tiscal year for such purposes

 shall not exceed fthe amount expended by the State for the
 same purposes during the same Bscal year.: There is authorized.
 to be appropriated annually, ,out,of any money in the Treasury

not otherwise appropriated, not more than $100,090, to enable y the Secretary oi! Agriculture to carry out the provisions ot this

 section; (June 7, 1924, c. 348, §· 4, 43- Stat. 654.) · · · ·
 568. Cooperation by Secretary of Agriculture with States
 in eatabliahlngg and so forth, wood lots, shelter belts, windbreaks, and so forth; limitation on ‘expen&ture; appropria-

.tio¤»-·-The Secretary ~ot Agriculture is authorized `_and—,_directed, ln cooperation with appropriate omcials ot the various _States or, in his. discretion, with other suitable agencies, to assist the` owners ot farms in establishing, improving, and renewing wood lots, shelter belts, windhreaks, and other valuable forest growth, and in growing and renewing useful timber y-crops. Except for preliminary investigations, the amount ex-

  • pended by the. Federal Government under this section- in coop-