Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/464

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§ 2 TITLE 17.-»»~·€'OI ment of the royalty provided for by this section chan frac the

  • articles or dcvicos for which .SI1{§`l1 royalty has boon paid from oi

.fm·tho:· cozmtrihmoion to the copyright except in coco of public C· pcrformazatc for profit. (It shall be the duty of the copyright at owner. if Mhc uses tho. nmcicoi ‘comp~ositio:1 himself for the pz mo;mfo<·tm·c of ports ot instmmcxats serving to reproduce me- cc chzmic:;ll3:` the xmxsical work, or licouscs othero to do to tile w izotitcctlxcfcof. accoxaafxaxxiod by rcoording.fc_c. in the copy- w right oftico. and any failure to lilo suchdmiice shall bc_a: .001%}.- ln pioio tlcfesnso to any cuit, action. or procecdixzg for amy infringe- ft mom of such copyright. it ~ ‘ · _ » cn Ia msco of that failxiro of such mzmufa3ct·m·or to pay to the cl c~o;;yric·ht pmpriotor within thirty daysofter dcxnéud in writ- 01 ing tho full stm; of :·oyalti<>s duo at said rate `at the date of 3i such dcznmzd tho court may award taxable costs to the plaiutiE asm at x·oosoual_»k~_counsel fcc, and the courgmuy, -iu its dis- pw cretiou. outer jud;;·mo:1t théroiu for any sumlxgl addition over 0] the amount found. to be duo as royalty ixi accqrdaxice.-with the: ct terms of this title, not exceeding three times- such amouixt. .1;; Tho reproduction or rendition of a ipusicali composition by w of upon coin-opemtod macl1i11es,sl1all not be aeemeq a ptxblic ° ty

so;·fomm;1cc for profit uialoss a. fee is chargeda for admission to sy

the place .whoro such I`9}ll`0{lll€ti€lI1·Ol; rendition occmirs; (Mar. G 4.°1ix39. c. 320.`§§ 1. 64, 35 Stat. 1075, 1088.) · Y .. _ I p _2. Rights of'-author. of proprietor of unpublished work.- p; Nothing in this title shall be construed t0‘_ axmul of limit the ri right of the author or p1·0priet0r·of an unpublished work, at 5; common law or in equity, to- ;$revent;».tl1e copying, pttbll‘catioi1,~· p; or use of such uupubliglacd work without his consent, and tu. tl olatui:1 damagés therefor. (Mar. 4, 1909,__c. 320, _§ 2, 35 Stat. ‘]_¤ 1676.} ` ‘ I “V . t . { 3. Protection of component parts of work copyrighted; com-.· p posits works my pcriodicals.—-lfhe copyright provided by this tg title shall protect all the oopytightablco component parts of the C. work copyrighted, and all matter therein in which copyright tt is alfoodyitsubsistixzg, but without extending the duratioiyor- tj scope of such copyright. The copyright upon composite works is or pcricotlixols shall give to the proprietor thereof al1°the rights I in respect thmécto which he would Have if each part were indi-- “ vidually copyrighted uudcr this title. , (Mar. 4,1909, c_. 320; 5 3, 0; _35 Stat. 1076.) ‘ _ ~ · . · “I 4. All writings of author included.-—-——T1‘l1a works for which 0 copyright may be secured uuilcrthis title shall include all the; C, writings of on author. (Mor. 4, 1909, c. 320, 5 4, 35- Stat. 1076.) ty 5. Clasoiécation of 'works_ for rcgistrationrwlho application ig for 1‘{*glSt¥3tlQ11·Sh3Il specify to which of the following classes U the work in which copyright is claimed belongs: `· 0; (:1) Books, including composite and cyclopcdic works, direc-‘ t, {cries, gazcttcors, and other_c0.mpilations; _ ‘ ‘ {I (b) Pcri0<,.incl1;ding newspapcfs`; 9 U (cy Lectures, scrmoos, addresses (prepared for `oml delivery) ; (cl) Dramatic or dramaticomusical compositions; ‘ ‘ h ‘.(o) Musical compositions.; 9 l 1; (f) Mano; . » . ti (K) Works of art; models or designs for works of art;‘ (I1) gleproductiouo of u work of art; ‘ {1 (i) Drmvingo or plastic works of a scientific or technical 11 character; ‘ { ‘ ‘ ti _(j> 1’hot0gmphs;;f 7_ P ‘ p (k) Prints and pictorial illuotmtfonsg 0 (1) B*iO£l0Il·}3l(5U11‘€' photoplays; · _ 4, 9_(m) Motion picturw otherlthun photoplays. l » 41 E ~’1`hc above spcciocations éhall not be holdto limit the subject matter of- copyright as doHnd an section 4 ct this title, p not shall any error in classmcotion iuvulidatc or impair the ct copyriglxt protection socurcd uudcxrthis title. (Mar:. 4, 1909, c. d 320, § 5; 35 Stat. l076; Aug. 24, 1912, c. 356. 37 Stat. 4%.) R cw

’YIBIG·LTS . 4.50 6. Copyright on compilations of works in public domain or f copyrighted works; sobsistiag copyrights not aHcctcd.—»——- ompllationsor abridgments; adaptations, 'arraageaaents,’dranzeetiztltions, transllationa, or other versions of works ia¤ th., ublic domain, or of copyrighted works when produced with the msent of the proprietor of the copyright in such works. or works republished with new matter, shall be resisarded aa <}3€’*W orks subject to copyright _1llHl€%1' the provisions of this title; ut the .pul»licati_on of any such new works shall l10{m§§€€§lLQ the woe or validity ofany susblstlng copyright upon the matter mployed or any partthereof, or he construed to imply ance. insive rightlato such use of the original u·orks,.0r tolsecurc r extend co`pyrigh_t ’n such original works. (Bia:. 4, 1909. l~»_ 20,,5 6, 3:3 Stm:.»1o%.·) l “ A ‘ . l ~ · t ~ 7. Copyright not to subsist in works in public domain, "or ublishecl. priorato July 1, 1969, and notlalready copyrighted, r- Goyemment publications; publication by Government of opyrighted material.-——No copyright shall sahsist la the erica al text of any work which is in thepnblic domain, or ia any lork which iyas published in this countryor any foreign come ry prior to` July 1, 1909, and has not been already copyrighted 1 the United States, or in any publication of theilnited States overnment, or any reprint, in whole or in part, thereof. The T u_blication‘ or republication, by the Govermnent, either sepaatelyor, in a public document,.of any material in which copy- ight is subsisting shall not be taken to causeany abridgnnent r annulment of the copyright or to authorize any rise or ap! ropriation of such copyright material without the consent of _ he copyriight proprietor. (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 320, 55 Y, 64, Stat. ° 0*21,1082.) ..· * ‘ ‘ " 8. Authors or proprietors, entitled; aliens.-:-The author or , roprletor of anywork made the subject of copyright by this Ltle, orlhis executors,. administrators, or assigns, shall have opyrlght for such- work under the conditions and for the arms specitledln this `title. The copyright secured by "this ltle shall extend to the work of an author or proprietor who ya citizen or subject of a foreign State or nation only: t (a) When an alien author or proprietor shall be denzieiletl within the United States at the time of the hrst publication thiswork; or i ° _ _» l ‘ (b). When the foreign State or nation of which;,such'autl1or r proprietor is a citizen or subject grants, either by-treaty. onvention, agreement, or law, to citizens of the United States he_benetlf of copyright on substantially the mais as to zs own citiizens, or copyright proteetion,*suhstantial1y equal to ° he protection secured to such foreign `aagzm under this title r by treaty ;_ or when such foreign State or nation is a `mrty

» ‘ International, agreement which provigiesl for reciprocity
1 the granting of copyright, by the terms of which agreement

he United States may, atits pleasure, become a party thereto. The existence of. the reciprocal conditions aforesaid shall e determined by the P`resident_ of the United States, hy prooxmation made from time to time, eas the purposes of this ltle may require. (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 320, Q 8, 35 Stat. 1077.) 9. Publication of work` iirith notice.-——Any person entitled hereto by this title may secure copyright for his work by pub-» Lcation thereof with the notice of copyright required by this ltle; and suchl notim shall be a@xed to each copy. thereof ublished or oEered. for sale in the United States by authority f the copyright proprietor, except in the case of- books seekdg ad interim protection under section l of this title. (Mar. ,1909, e. em, lei so scat, 1077.) _ ~ 164 Registration of _ claim and issuance of certiiicate.——·Sucl¤ erson may obtain registration of his claim to copyright by omplying with the provisions of this title, including the eposlt of copies, Hand upon `such compliance the register of A opyrightsl ahall issue to him the certificate provided for in