Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/465

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451 n rrrmr xv. geerion w of this title. (Mer. 4, 1909, c. ,02lx | 10, 86 5m 0 *8. e , ~ · . iaigjeworks not renrod& for a•1e. ht may also less of the works of an mother, of which copies are wt NT! eseed for sale, by the d@sit,` with daim of copyright, or e ommplete copy of meh work if it be a lecture or dmilnr pa ’, (motion or n drnmém, ·m l, or dreinntico-musical compo nes; ot s title and mcriptlen, with one print taken from ea gene or act, if the work be ai motion-picture photoplay; of photographic print lf an be a photxraph; of a title al ee-eeripuon, with not len than two prints taken from diltere eeetions ot. e complete motion, picture, if the work be an motil

 picture othu than e pho y; or of a photographer oth

,isentifyin,g rmrodnction thmreof, if lt be, etworlt of art or plestlc work or drswln;. Bnt the pririlcge of registration Copyright secorcd hereumler shall not eiempt the copyrlg proprietor {TQM C18 deposit of I8¢ti0!1S‘ 12 IDG etthis title, where thework is later reprodnced in copies 1 elle. (Mer. 4, ww, e @0, { 11, as Stat. 1078; Aug. 24, 191 ,·.s$e,s·r_e;z.4m>. _ j ·_  » e 12. Depent of copiu after pablicah; action or proceedh fer infringemw.-After eopyrlght has been secured by public lion of the work with the. notice of copyglght ns peovidcd section 0 of this title, there shall- he promptly deposited the copyrkht ommor in the mail addremed to the register t··e·pyrighm, Washington, District of Columbia, two comple espies of the hmedition thereotthm or H the wo is by,1u nnthor who is `a citizen or mbject ot u fordgu Sta or nation and has been published in a foreig country, one coz plete copy of the bm edition then published in such forei; country, which copim or ,;:0py, if the work be n or pei odicsl; shall here heeu orodnced in_accorda.nco with the men metering prorlsions meclned in section 15 of this UUQ; or such work be a contribution to a. for which cont bution mcial registmdon is one copy of the iss or issues contribution; or ifthe, work is n reprodnoodein copies for mic tblueahall he deposited the eo; pri11t,`phot0g‘rnph,’ or. other identifying mprodoodon provid by section 11 of this title, meh coplm or copy, {gint, phot graph, on othq reprodmtion to be accompanied in each ca ‘l•y s, claim of copyright. No action or l¤g shall , .·n1alutnlned_ior infringement of moyright in work until t provinons of this title with respect to the deposit of cop! sud remstration of auch work new beeucomplied Wil (Mar. 4, 10(D, e. W. f IZ 85 Stat. 1078; 28, 1914, cle §1,388tat.811.)_ . _ · ·· ` Y 13. Sanetfsilnre to doped; denand;_`peaalty.¢-·Should t Cvvles celled to: byaection 12of this title mt hepromptly At l><>sited·•s provided in this title; the fwidcr ot oopifiéilm at any time after thenublication of thwork, upon em notice, require the proprietor of the coprrkht to deowit the sudsfterth¤n¤id;lem¤d•ha.llhavehe•¤mQ,’lndefa.¤lt thedénwtofmnluof theworkwithlnthreewthsfrmn part ot the United Statgu, except an outlyiw pn session of the United {States, or within sl! from U outlying territorial pomndon d the United States, or from m foreign country, the proprietor of the shall be lhl to •,· one qt tloojmd to pgyito t.be_Llhrsry at Goo& twl W6 amount 1*éh.H_F¥i¢0 of thehen edition of thewox and the (Mar. 4, 1000, e.¤ §13.85Bt¤¢·197$·) ,· h `. · , · _ 14. Same; pednestab recdpt; tnuxala hy nail wit ont D¤‘m& to whomane delimed tm `srtld

 doe e receipt therefor and shell mall then tem

dosdnstion without cost to tbe,o¤D71‘i$ claimant. _ 1909. c. 320, { 14, 85 Stat. 1078.) ·

,-ooprmonrs § 18 st. 15; Mechhnical work; t• be Gone & Uniten. St•tes.—·—Ot the printed hook or periodical @I¤ed in section 5, sub ns (ay, be and (b) ot this title, mcept the original text ot n book ot ion ro- elgnyorlgin in s language or laxuagu otmr than English, the ne text of ° all copies accorded protection under this title, except ro·. as below provided, mall be printed {rom type set within the si- limits ot the United States, either by hand or by tm aid ot any & kind of typuettiing machine, or from platw. coibxle withirf the ‘e limits of the United States from typeset therein, or, li the text nd be produced by cllthogrnphlc procm, or photocngnving process, Ent `then by s procm wholly performed withm the limits. oi the on United States, and the printing of tm textcml binding or the ter- said book,. shell be performed within the ot the United no n Swim; which requirements shell extend elw to the illustra- ot tions within a book consisting of printed text and illuxrntiens yhf produced ,. by lithographic procem,. or @t6·<-engraving procws, 13 and slso to separate lithogrnm or photo-ewnvings, except for where in either snhjects remcsented are loaned in a gz, · foreign country and illustrate ‘a 'scicntihc work-'m• reproduce o. — workot art;`but they shell-notrpply to works inrnised chartm. acters for the use of the blind, or to books oitoreign orign in gg- a language or languqes then English,_or to books mab- 1;;- lished abroad- in the English language seeking oc interim proin tectiou·under` this title. (Mar. 4, *1909, c. M, Q 15, 85 Stat. - of 1078.) _ _ l · · · _` _- . · { · gm 16. Ahdavit to sccohpany copies.--In the use of the hook gk the copies so deposited shall be accompanied by _ an s$dnrit, [te under the omcial ot any lpmcer authorized to sdélnistw m- oaths within the Unite: Smtes, dply H. moon claimgn lng copyright or by his duly authorised agent or rwr®e¤t•¤re pi; residing in the United Stats, or by the printerwho has printed ¤u,“the_book,.settlng`Iorth_th•t the have been it printed from type set within the limits of the United States or ri- fr6m` plates ninde within jthe limits of the United States from ne bpd setthereln; or, it the text be produced by lithogramlc Lot or photo·e@ving procws, that procew Q!. wholly performed within the limits of the United Butw and ed thattheprinting‘otthe_textsnd°hindingo1‘thenitlbookhnve_ to- also been performed within the liznlts of the United we Such a&dsvit shall state also the place and the eetsbbe lishment éremnnsnmnes in which such type was set or plates he were made or lithographic. proc$,··e:1graving process ies or printing and binding, were performed and the date ot me th. ·_ completion of the printing of the book or the date ot publicat7, tion. (Ihr. 4, 1990, c. @0, i·16,.%_Stat; 107&) . A 3 ` i 17.· Mskipg false •&davit.—Any person who, for the pm-pom he ot obtaining reglmmtion of n dalm to copyrlgt, shall kmwle-_ insly make • time smdavltcs to his having eomwea with the ay above conditions shall lm guilty of n misdemeanor, and ml Uupon conviction thereof &all be phy n Hne of not more m, than $1,000, and `all of his rights and prlvilxcs new said copy- ot right shall woreofter be forfeited.- {Mar. 4, 196%. c._ 8%, § 17, ny 35 Stat. 1079.) p t __ on 18. Notice: form.--The notice of copyright rmnired by secny tion 9 of this title shall consist either ot me word “Copyright " ny or the abbreviation “Qopr.", accompanied by' the name of the ale copyrlwt proprietor, and it the work be n printed literary, lee `musicnl; or dramatic work, the notice shell induce also the ik, yedr in which the copyright was scoured by publication. In the B0, " csu, however, otcopies of works specihed in subsections (Et) to . (k), inclusive, of section 5 of this title, the notice may consist In- of the letter 0 lnclosecl within a circle, thus: ©, accompanied les by the initials, lmouogrsm, mark, or symbol of the copyright H ¤l'*¤9l'|¤W. On some n&!ble portion otsuch copies or ot the slr margin, back, permgnem: base, or pedestal, or of the snbstance 4, on which such copies shnllbe mounted, his name shall appear. Bot in-the case of works in which copyright was subsisting on