Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/480

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91, E TITLE 18.-·»—·CRIM’INAL CODE A; W ment or paper eonnected`w`ith the prwdings, with intent to 1 defraud delay, or j_`IBjd11’& the United States or any cnptcr or 1 claimani €3f·`SiI{'!fl property, shall be Hned not,m6@`\@§n$10¤O00, · < or imprisoned not, mo01`&·t11&I1` Bye years, or both, (B. s Mar. 4, 1999, c. 321, § S8, 35 Stat. 1096.) ., ·· A e 91. (Criminal Code, section 39.). Bribéryeof United State - o$eer.-—-Wheeyen shall promise, offer, or give, or cause for e procure to- be promised, QHEIBG, or given, any money 01* other < thing of value; of shall make or.ten,dé1* any contract, unde1*tak4 2 { ing, apligation, gratuity, or security- £0r`the-payxnent, .1 or for the delivery or conveyance of anything ot,yalue,‘to any < edlcer of the United, States, or to any person acting for or on behalf of the United States in any o@cial function, under or by. z authority of any department or 0tlice~ of the Government » thereof, or to any ofdcer or person acting for or on behalf oi —, either Hence of Congress,_i;p,· of anyscommlttee pf/either House, ~

or both Houses thereof, with intent to influence his decision or i

action on any question, m`attc1·,-- cause, or proceedirig which may ‘ at any time be pending, or which may bylaw be sbrouglxt before X him in-his ofdeial eapaclty,*or in his place of trust or prodt, or » with intent to infiuencehiml to commit or aid in committing, or L to collnde in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity forfthe; » cofnmissi_en— of any {rand, on the United States, or to lndnce e

 hire to do or omit to do any act in ViOl&ti0D`QfhiS· lawful duty, l

shall be Bnednot more tnan three times the amount of. xnoney or value of the thing so offered, promised, given, `xnade, or tenudered; or caused or pressured to be so offered, promised, given, , {made, or tendered, and iroprisoned not more tlian three years: g _(R. S. § 5451; Man: 4, 1909, c. 321. 5 39, 35 Stat. 1096.) ~ ~ 4 ”`92. (Criminai Code, °scction~’€ 4§;)_ Unlawfnlly taking or 4 using; papers relatmgrpto c1ai:ns.—Whoever‘shall take and carry l away, ’{withont' authority from the United Staté, from the place l _ where lt haslbeen Bled, lodged, or deposited, or where it may s tor the time being actually Y be kept by authority ot the United l States, any certiilcate, andavit, deposition, written statement f - ot facts, .·power of attomey, receipt, Voucher, assignment, or other document, !‘&CO1'd,_ die, or paper, prepared, dtted, or ln-, s tended to be need or ’presex1ted in order to procure the payment _ at money from or by the United States, or any_' omcer or agent o l thereof, or the allowance or payment of the whole or any part tot any claim] account, or demand against the United States, wnether the samwhas or has not already been so used or pre—· . sented, and whether sneh claim, account, or demand, or any- wpart thereof, or has not already been allowed or paid; sor whoever snail ptesent, use, or attempt to nee, any such document, record, me, or paper so taken and carried away, fiu order to procure the payment of any money from or by the United States, or any omcer or agent thereof, or the dlowance e or payment oi the whole si any mrt of any claim, account, or demand the United States, shall be Sued not more than n 85,000, or imprisoned not more than teneyears, or mth. (B. B. Qi 5454; Mar. 4, 1969,%:. 321, 5 40, 35 Stat. IMS.) o , 93, (Criminal Code, section 41.) I¤termt& persons actin: as Government agents.-———-l·€o omcer or agent of any corporation, jolntestock company, or association, and noinmémber or agent at any mm, , or person directly or indirectly interested in the pecuniary pronto or contracts ot such corporation, jolnt-stock` ` company, association, or arm, shallobe employed or shall act as t an omcer oragent of the United Statw/for the transaction of; possess s with such corporation, jolntetock; company, association, or mm. `Whoever shall violate the provision of this secetion shall gbe nned not more than ,$2,€l00 and imprisoned not, naoreetlzan two years. ”(B.. S. 5 1783; Mar. 4,1909, e. 821, {A1, as Stat; los?.) , . , , s 94. (Criminal Code, section 42.) Enticing desertion yfrom Army or Navy;»\\’hoeyer‘ shall entice. or procure, or attempt or endeavor to entice or procure, any soldier in the milltary service, on any seaman. or other person in the naval service of

xm oamrwanaernoonn was 466 the Unit& Staten, or who than been recruited for such service, to desert therefrom, or shall aid any auch e&dier, seaman, or other person in deserting or in attempting to deport- fronreneh eeryioe; orwhoever shall harbor, conceal, protect, or amet any such gaoldier, seaman, or other person who may have deserted from auch seryiee,·'k;10wing him to have therefrom, or sh/all refuse to give np and deliver auch: ·eol•dier, seaman, or ‘ l other person on the demand of any omcer authorized to receive him, shall be imprisoned not xnorethan three years. and need s not more"/than $2,000. (R4 S. H 1.553, @5: Feb. 27, 1877,}:. 69, §“1, 19 Stat. 253.; Mar. 4, 1909, e.i321, ‘§ 42, 35 Stat. 1097.,) 95; (Criminal Code, section 43.) ‘ Entieing workmen from arsenals or armories.»———-V$’hoeyer shall procure or entice any artincer or workman t retained or exnpioyed in any arsenal or armory to depart from the same during the continuance of his engagement, or to lavoid or break his contract with the _,United»` States; orwhoever, after due notice of the engagement of ahch workman or `artiiicer, during the continuance of each engagement, {shall retain, hire, or in anywiee `ernploy, harbor, or conceal- such. artiiieer oxjworman, ehall be naw not more than $50, orimprisoned not more than three months, or both. _ (B., S. 5 1668; Mar. 4, 1909,c. 821, Q 43, 35 Stat. 10¤{.)` - ‘ .- 96; (Criminal Code, ‘ section 44, amended.) ° Injuries to fortifications or Q harbor defenses; jnrisdiction of o¤ensea com-· mitted withixr I Canal Zone or `defwsive ees areas.——Whoeye1· shall , willfully trespass upon, injnre, or destroy any ot the works or property or material of any submarine mine or tory pedo or tortincation or harbor-defense eystm owned or com structed or in process of construction by the United Btat@ or shall willfully interfere with th€`G§>€1'8€l0§‘01l nw of any snob » submarine mine, torpedo, toritineation, or harbor-defense. eyetom, or shall uo¤5?i¤Sl!.`wi1II¤liy, or `wantonb vioiateany duly . authorized and promulgated order, oe @Lation of the Hwdent goyerning, persons or vessels theiinrim ot defensive

 areas, which defensive sea areas are hereby authorized to

be established by order of the Prmidentfrom `time to time- as may be necessary- in his discretion for otenationd dofense, shall be pnnished on conviction thereof in a district or circuit court of appeals of the United Stem t for the dinuict or circuit, me which the oHenae is committed, or into which the oitender is Brat brought, by a nne or not pore $5,696, or by impriaonnient for a term not exceeding dye years, or by both. in the Mecretion of the eonrt. ‘ ORensea` hereunder committed within the Canal Zone or within any dnensiye sea areas which the Prmdent in authorized to eemblieh by this section, shall be cognimble in the District Court of the Canal Zone, and Jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon said court to hear and determine all auch more unda this section and to the penalties herein provided for the violation ‘ of any ot its provisions. (J'n1y 7, 1@S, e. 576, { 1, 86 Stat. 717; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 821, I 44, 85 Stat. 1097; Har. 4, 1917, e, 1w, w Stat, 1194; May ¤, 1917, c. m, kl 19, 40 Stat. w.) _ 97. (Criminal Code, section 45.) entering military reservation, fort, or araenab-Whoever abaH go upon any milftarye rwervation, Army post, fort, or arsenal, for any purpose prohibited by law or regulation made in pornuance ot law, or whoever shall reenter or he found within any angh reservation, mt, tort, or arsenal, after `ihaving been removed therefrom or ordered not to reenter by any omcer or person in command or charge thereof, shall be nned not more than $500, or imprisoned not more than aix months, or both. (Mar. 4, 1909, c. $21, { 45, 35 Stat. 1097.) 98. Poeaemion or oontrol of property or papers ixgaid of foreign governxnent designed or intended for violating penal statntea, treaty {rights or obligations of United States; or rights antler law of nationnee-Wthoever, in aid of any ioreign government, ahall knowingly and willfully have possession of or control overany property or papers designed orlllntended