Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/492

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§ 245 TITLE 18.··—GRI§IN4L~GbBE A omcer, or other person has in his custody any prisoner by virtue of process issued under the" laws of the United States by any court, judge, or commissioner, and such marshal, deputy, marshal, ministerial omcer, or other person goluntarily suEe_rs sucha prisoner to wcape, he shall be ined not more than $2,000, or imprisoned not more than two yetrs, or both. This section shall apply not only to cases in which the . prisoner who escaped Wwas charged or found eguilty of an offense againét the laws ot the United States and to eases in which the prisoner may be A in custody charged ofenseé

  • against any foreign government with which the United States

have treaties of· extradition, but also to cases in which the prisoner may be held in custody for removal to or from the Philippine Islands as ¥provided by law. (R. S. 55 5409, 5410; Eebj 6, 1905, c. 454; § 2, 33 Stat. 698; Mar.; 4, 1909, .c. 321, §§ 138, 139, 35 Stat. 1113.) »- - - j . ~ · 245. (Criminal Code, section 140.) Obstructing process or assaulting oEcer.—Whoever shall knowingly and willfully 0b· struct, resist, or oppose any oiilcer of the United States, or tether person duly authorized, in serving, or attempting to serve · or ezgecute, any mesne process orwarrant, or any rule or order, or any "other legal or judicial writ or process .. of any court of ’ . the United States, or`. United States commissioner, or ·e shall assault, beat, or woundanyzofficer or other persongduuly authorized, knowing him to be such officer, or other permn so duly authorized, in_Mserving cor` executing? any such writ, rule, order, process, warrant, or other legal or judicial writ or process, shall be fined not more than $300 and imprisoned not more f than one year. (R. S. § 5398; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 821, I 1;i0, 35‘ Stat; 1114.) _ We _ ‘ ‘ - W, 246; (Criminal Code, section 141.) . Rescuing prisoner; con-h ccaling person from arrest.-Whoever shall rescue or attempt to rescue, from the custody oth any ogcer or person lawfully ‘ assisting him, any person arrested upon a warrant or otherprocess issued under the provisions of any. Raw of the United States, or shall,.di1tect1y or indirectly, aid, abet, or assist any person so arrested to escape from the custody ot such officer or other person, or shall harbor“·or,conceal any {person for whose arrest a warrant or process hasbcen so issued, sons to prevent his discovery and arrest, after notice or knowlwge of the tact thataaewarrant or process has been issued for the, apprehension of such person, shall" be lined not more than $1,900,01* imprisoned not more than mx months, or both. (R, · B. §§.M01, @510; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, { 35 Stat. 1114.) l as 247. (Criminal Code, section 143.) Rescue of prisoner.- Whwver, hyd force, shal1,set at liberty or rmcue any person { who, before conviction, stands committed for any capital crime; . or whoever, by force, shall set at liberty or rescue any person t committed for or convicted ot any oitenee other than capital, shall be ined not more than $500 and imarisoned not more , than one year. (R. S. 5 5401; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, I 143, 85 Stat. 1114.) I Q ~ » < · A “ 248. (Criminal Code,. section 142.) Rescue at execution.- _ Whoever, by force, shall set at liberty or rescue an `person · found guiltk indrany codrt ot the United States of an; wpltal “ crime, gwhile goihg to execution or during. execution, shall be dned £%t more a @an $25,000 and imprisoned not Znore than twentybve yea . (R. 8. l 5400; Mar. 4, 1909, e. 321, S 142,, 35 Stat. 1114.:35 ¤~ ~» ` 249. (Crimi dl Code; section " 144.) Rescue of dead body of executed oE%ender.-—Whoever, by force, shall rescue or attempt to rescue, from the custody of ¤¤y,, m¤re1m1 or his o&cers,· the dead body of an executed oqender, while lt ia being con-; 0 veyed to a placebo! dissection, as provided by mtion 548 ot this title, or by force shall rescue or attempt to rescue such l a body from the place where it has been deposited for dissection. I in pursuance ot that section, shall be ¤I1€dL110t_!¤0!€ than $100, K " .

QH ,GRI1fINAE*PROOEDURE 478 or`imprisomd· not more than one year, or both, (R, 8. t§ 5402; Mar. 4, 1909; `c. 321, 5 144, 35 Stat. 1114.) » [ _ 250. (Criqinal Code, section 145.) 1 Eitortinn by informer.-ewhoever shall, uzrder a threat of Jiuformiug, or as at consideration- for not informing, against any violation of any law, of the United States, · demand 61’, 1?§ any money er other valuable thing, ehatl be mud not more man $2,000, or 8 imprisoned not more than ~01YB year, m- both. (R. S. 5 5484 ; Mar, 4, 1909, c. 821, 5145, 35 Stat. 1114.) _ 251. (Crin;hraltC9de,,»section 146.) of felony.-- Whoever, havi¤g____@e/wledge of the actual commimion of the; crime of murden;/of other felony cognizvble by the courts of the _ United States, conceals and does not as soon as may be discloge and make known thesame to some one of the judges or other persons civil or militaryhuthority under the United States, shall be fined not m01‘€\ than $500, or imprisoned et more than three years,,or both. (R. S. § 5390; Mar. 4, 19093c. 321, S 146, 35 Stat. 1114.) Chapter 7 .e-OFFENSES AGAINST CURRENCY, COIN. VH

   Y -

See. _ _ 261. “0bHgatio1i,or other security of the United States " defined.- 262. Counterfeiting seeuritiu. f _ 263. Couaterfeiting national bank notes, _ A 264. Using plates to print notes without authority; distinctive paper. 265. Uttering forgedbbligatioua. ‘ ( 266. Tziklng impressions of tools or implements. 267. Unlawful posaemfon of fmpresasom. 268. Dealing in eosmterfeit securities. 269. Soercting or embeultng tools and materials for printing securities. 270. Counterfeitiugt foreign securities. ° ‘ 271. Uttering counterfeit foreign securities. 272. Counterfefting ¤ot'€s of wrap hun. v ‘ 273. Utteriug counterfeit notes el ferdm banks. 274, Possession of counterfeit foreign ucuritiea. _ . 275. Possession of counterfeit plates of foreign securities. 276. Conéecting parts of diterent bugs. 277. Cnunterfemag got! or Alva coms or ban. 278, Counterfeitiag minor coins. * 279, Falstfyiuz, mutilatiu, or lightening coins. 280. Debésing coins by omcers or employees of the Mint. 281. Making or uttering .cot¤¤ reaemb1t¤g,.m¤ey. 282. Making or uttering devices of nfnerwcoim.

 Codntarfettinz dla tm- United States coins.

284. Cduuterfeiting dies foraforeigp coipa. · -285. Making, importing, or pogaeminy tokens similar to United States ° · er foreign coins, - * ‘ 286. Forfoitnre not counterfeit obligation!. etc.: umn; to deliver. 287. Search warrant tgi suspected eounterfeits; forfeiture. 288. ‘f gov·emm@t" dedued; _ 289; Circulating bills of expired banks; circulation permitted. 290. imitating national bank nocuwvtfn advertmenta thereon. 291.1£uti1a¤¤g national bank gates. " 29;. imitating securities or printing advertisements thereon. 293. lagging ¤ot,es_1ess’tba¤ $1. A _ ’ _

 261. (Criminal Qde, section 147.) “0blig•tion er

other security of the United, States ” ddw.-4iThe words " obligation or othereaecarity of the United ’# shall be held to xpeau all bonds, cetddcaw of tudebted@ national bank currency, coupons, United States mtu, Tmasury not& gold certihcates, silver certtdcatea, f!K!!t10l1I1,B0t& eertmeates of deposit, bills, checks, er drafts for money, drawn by or upon authorized omcers, of the, United States, mmps and other mpxwtatives of value, of whatever denominatiozmwhich have heeaermaybeiss¤eduuder¤nyActofC .(B. S. { 5413} Feb. 18. 1875, c. 80. { 1. 18 Stat. BW? Eeb. 27, 1877, c. 69, 19 Stat. 253; Feb. 28; 1878, c. 20, { 3, 20 Stat. 26; 1909, c. 321, { 147, 3g5°Sttt. 1115.) . - _ g N2. (Crinhnl section 148.) Qmnterfcithe i· des.-Whoever, jwith intent to defraud, shall fnksely make, forge, counterfeit, mor alter any obligation or other security of the United States hall be fined not more than $6,000 and img \