Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/495

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431 TITLE 18.———GRIMINAL GOQE oillées of the Uxtited Sugor in resemblance or Bimilitude of any foreign gold or silv pom which by law ls, or hereafter mzmbe; cogent in the nitod States, or are in actual use and om-ulatiou aszixnonoy within tho United States; or whoever mall pass, utter, pujsjish, or sell, or attempt to pass, utter, pttltltsh, or sell, or bring into the United States or any place tmljoct to the jurlmictioxx thereof, from any foreign place, Lggmving tho sums to be fam, forged, or counterteit, with mom: to defraud ani body politic or corporate, or any persop (-1- persons whomsoever, or shall hare in his possession any vm; false, forged, or countorioitcd coin or bars, knowing the > to be false, forged, or oountorfeited, with intent to dofsmicl any politic or corporate, or any person or persons ¤·2t··msoovox·, shall be Hnod not more than $5,000 arid imprisoned

2..t mom than ten years. (R. B. 5 5457; Jon. 18, 1877, c. 24,.
» Stat. %; Mat, 4,'1909,·c. 821, 5 163, _35 Stat. 1119.) ·

2?8.,(Cg;imi1tal Cody section. 164.). 'Counterfciting minor e·oins.——-Whoever shall falsely make, forge, or counterfeit, or "" t·.tu<o or procure to be falsely made, fgtgod, or couuterfcltcd, .·:· mall willingly aid or mist in `falsely making, forging, or` mmxterfeitingl any coin in the resemblance or slmtlitudo ot )c`;;x;y of the minor coins which have boon, or thereafter may he, ( mot] at tho mints of thoilulted States; or whoever shall ytixs, utter, publish, or sell, or brl¤g,i¤to the.United States or may place subject to the jurlgdlcticq thereof, from any foréign. pmo, or hairs in his lposmsion any such false, fonged; or coun- ·.;·s‘t·itod coin, €vith Intent to defraud any person whomsoever, >l.:zt1 be Bnéd not momthau $1,000 hud -·tmpz·isoned not more lmwm thréo years; (R. S. 5 $158; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 821, { .164,

.5 Stat: 1119.) t 1

2'I9. (Criamal Code, section 165.) Falsifying, mutilatiug, oo lightening coins.--Whoever, fraudulently, by any art, way, or moa¤s,_shall dehcé, mutilaw, impair, diminish, talsity, scale, or lightxéu, o muse or procure to b dulei1tly dofncecl, mutilated, l.¤:Li¤od, diminished, talsi¤ed,'soal3d; or lightened, or willingly aid *6: assist in traudulfzzltli détaciug, mutilating, impairiug, talsitylug, swung, or lightening, the gold or silver coins which hav€`~bee¤, lor which may hereafter no, coined at tho mints ot tho United States, or any tpmlgn wld or silver ooim nrhich are by law dado cufrout or are ln actual ooo or clrculationwas monéy within the United States or -1n may place subject to' the jurladictlou thereof : o1•l`whoow*é.rT ¢~?.z 1l1 pus, utter; publmh, or sell, or attempt to $8.88, uttger,.pub¥· mh, or xsoll, orybrlng into tho United States or any placo dub- · Jett to M Juvlmictloo thereof, from any foreign place, knowing tho samé to be dofacod, mutilated, impaired, diminished, ·m1siQed, scaled, or llghteued, withjntont to defraud any pormm whomsoever, or shall have in his pogoession such d°h·· i':wod, mutilated, impalréd, scaled, or li;rhtone~d.» coin, knowing tho same to be dofacod, mutilated, imhaired, diminished, amlcd, or llshmned, with intent to tlormud any person whomsoever, shall be mod not more than

 'aud imprisoned mt more than Hm yours. (R. S. { 5459;

{lm-. 3.,1$7, c. 877,% Stat. 625; Mar. 4, 19w, c. 821, { 165. 85 Sint. 1119.) M". , , 3 Vl · 280. (Cdminal Code, section 168.) Debashsg- coins by 05-- cmzs or omployooa of the Hl¤t.——It any ot the gold or silver coins htruck or coined at my of thojmlnts of tho Unitéd Btam shall be debasod, or made worse as to the pgoportion ot gold or hoo www (]18l'd¤`¢0Rt|]@,61' be ot loan weight or value than hm ought who, tt t tokw, ox it any or the scales ofwolghts mod at any ot- the mum or suny ot- ) Hoes of tho Gnltod Stntoo shall hi defacéd, altered, lnoroanx, or climlalnhod through thelfault or Gi IB! or mma mployod at tho aid` mlm: oa: with a trauclglont tntmt: or it my muh omoer or _PQ¤Q§. shall ambozzlo any ot tho metals at any tim to his chute qos: tho purpm ot holug ¢0iH6d,_01‘ anrof tho coins struck or 862T0°·—-2$—-—-81 ' o.

Am; CRIMINAL paoamaozw » · § 285 coined at the said mints, or any medals, coins, or other moneys of said mints or assay ,omees at any time eomnaltted Fto his charge, or of which he may have assumed the charge, every such omoer or person who commits any of the said offenses shall be llned not more than $10,900 and imprisoned not more than ten years. (R. S. { 5460; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, { 166, 35 Stat. 1120.) _ . 281. (Criminal Code, section 167.) Mahingenr uttering coins resembling mon¢Y.-—Whoever, except as authorized by law, shall make or cause to be made, or shall utter or pass, or attempt to utter or pose, any coins of gold or silver or other metal, 01‘~ alloys of metals, intended for the use and purpose of current money, whether in the resemblance of coins of the _ United States or of foreign countries, or of original design. o shall be flned not more than $3,000, or lxnprlmned not more` than hve years, or both. (R. S. 5 5461; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 167, 85 Stat. 1120.) . _ ‘ 282. (Criminal Code, section 168.) Making or uttering do vices of minor coins.-—·Whoever, not lawfully authorized, shall t make, issue, or pass, or cause to be made, lmued, or passed, any coin, card, token, or oevleeixn metal, or ite compounds, which may be intended to be used as money for any 1-cent, 2-cent, 3-cent, or 5·cent piece, now or hereafter authorined by law, or for coins of equal value, shall be hned not more , than $1,000 and imprisoned not more than Eve years. (B, B. § 5462; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321; 5 168, 35 Stat. 1120.) _ 283, (Criminal Code, section 169.) Counterféting dies for United States"mins.—Whoever, without lawful authority, shall make, or cause or procure to be made, or shall willingly aid or assist in making, any dle, hub, ei mold, or any wrt thereof, either of steel or plaster, or any other substance whatsoever, in likeness or dmllltude, as to the or the inscription thereon, of any die, hub, or mold desimated for the · coming or making of any of the genuine gold, silver, nlekel, bronze, copper, or other coins of the United Btates, that have been or hereafter may be -colned· at the mints of the United States; or whoever, without l/awful authority, shall have in his possession any such die, hub, or mold, or any part thereof, or~shall_ permit the same to be used for or in aid of the éounterfelting of any of the colne of the United Btatw herelnhefore mentioned, shall be dned not mote than $5.000 and imprisoned not more than ten years. (Feb. 10, 1&91, c. 127, { 1, 26 Stat. 742; Mar. 4, 1909, e. 821, S iw, 85 Stat. 1120.) · At 284. (Criminal Code, section: 170.) hmterfeiting dies for foreign coins.--Whoe%·er, within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, without lowful authority, shall make. Qt cause dr procure to be made, or shall willingly gid or aeelst in making, any die, huh, or mold, or any part thereof, either of steel or of plaster, or of any other substance whatsoever, in the likeness or eimllitmle, as . to the design or the inscription thereon, of any die, hub, _, or mold designated for the colnlng of the genuine coin of any foreign government; or whoever, without lawful authority, shall have ln his ipoasesalonany auch die, huh, or mold, or any part thereof, or shallieconeeal, or knowingly suffer the same to be umd for the counterfeiting of any foreign coin, shall be lined not more than $2,000, or imprisoned not more than dye years, or both. · (Feb. 10, 1891, c. 127, 5 2, 26 Stat. 742; Mar. 4,, .1909. c. Sm. I 170. 85 Stat. 1120.) l t 235. (Criminal Code, section 171, amended.) Making, importing, or p lng tokens similar to United States or NMQ coins.--·-—·Whoever within the United -··States or any,

 nubjxt to the jurimletion thereof shall make, or cause

or procure to be made, or shall bring therein from any foreign country, or shall have in posmsion with intent to sell, give, away, or in any other manner use the same, any business or profeutonal mrd, nedce, placard, token, device, print; or imm.·¤&on, or any other thing whatsoever. in the likeness or