Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/510

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§ 422 wzrna ls,-camzzmn cops, , slave trade,. or being at the crew or shlgfs company of any vessel owsatl wh0lof01·_i11 part, or aavigatsd for or in behalf ct aa}; `citissn at th8A.Ul1if&d._St&tBS, forcibly ccmmxas or detalns as tiaard such vessel any person as a s1av;a,_0r, on board auch vssssl, ,affars, or attempts to sell as a_ slave any —su'ch5pars0n, at- as tha high seas, as auywhere an tide water, :f1'&IlSf€1"S or dslissrs to any other vessel any auch person with iatczlt to malts (such person a slave, c1·`jlands.or dellvérs on sh0re·'f1¤0m

 as board {such vessel any ypsrsoa with latent sto make, sale

af, or having previously sold such person as ‘ a slave, is ·~a pirate, aud shall be imlirisoasd for life; -`(R. S. Z5 5375;. Jan. 15, 1897, <§:Q 29, §”2, 29 Stat. 481; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 32l,_ { 246, 35 Stat. 1138.) ‘ · z · · _. . _ ‘··- ‘ ‘ 422. (Criminal Ccdeyxssction 247.) · Séiéing slaves du fonaiga shares.-——W'h0ever, beiug· 01** the crew or sl1ip’s éamtlarly {bf any foursigu vessel éngagedj in ‘the_ slavehzradé, O1; beihg of the crew cr ship’s {company of aiy vessel tmwrixadi in whole or ~ is pst, or l1&Vig`&téd`{Gl‘, 01*131 behalf af, any citizen of the Uaitstl Stams, lands- from such vessel, aud, ori any _,forglgi1 sltsss, seizes `asy parsmxv with -i¤—tént to, make suéh person, a slave, br decoys, or faréibly brings, or cafriés 0: feceives shell psrscm on board, such vessel, with ,1ike intent, is a piraté, and shall be imprl st>aed~.—fo1·»life. (B- ZS. .§ ,5376; _.'fa'u. 15, 1897, te. 29, § 2, 29 sm. 43*25; Mali 4, 1909, c. 321, Q 2-17; 35 sm, 1139.) _423,.< (Criminal (kids, setting 248.) Bringing slaves into United Statcsr-—-\\’hban·er‘ brings within tha `jurisdictloti of the United {States, is any ‘mam1ef whatsoever, any person from any fsrsigu kingdom or country, or from aaa, dr holds, sells; or (othsswiss dispcsas of, any i}€I'SOI1`SO Brought da, as at slave, sr ta ba held tcscrvicc of labor, shall be iined not more than $10.000, one halt gto the "usc of the United States and the tzthar half tb the usé of the 0 gjarty who prosecutes tha ins dictfssat to s1’fé<:t;·aad, `mpreovér,. shall be imprisoned not mars than swan years. (R; S. 55377 ; Mar, 4, 1909, zz. 321, § 218, Stat. 1,139.) »' of ,» , * ‘ ‘ ‘ 424. (Criminal Coda, section 249.) Equipping vessels for slave .t1*ads.·——·-—·W’»,h0s»‘er’ builds, fits out, BQ\1¥i[)S,.l0$l(lS, or 0_the1·— wise psspasss, or sends away, either, as master, factor, or oimsr, any vessel, iaaay-·p0rt or placs within the jurisdiction at tha.U1iitad Statés, sr causes such vessel to sail from any port or place {whats ever, within, such jurisdiéctirm, for the pm·pass of ;5t·dcurig1gi»a¤y param; from anx, foreign kingdom m·‘ccuaiix·y ts bé transported ts any port O1'-[l1i&CB,Wh&tSOOVl&f, to , be said, said, sr ?0the17wise'.¢d1spqsad at as 5a slave, ori held to sarvics cr labor, sl1all_ba__§nsd mtg more than $5,000, one ( zhalf to the use af the United States and tha other halttot the ass of the z[)€1`S0H pmsaputing that indictment to eEsct;__ and shall, moreover, ba,imp1:iscned not mma than seven years. E {H. S."§ 537S;s Mar. 4,1%*9, c. 321, 5 .249, 35 ,Stat.,1139.) _ 425. (Criminal `(`Ms, séctioit 250.) Ttansparting persane twbé held as slawcas-—Wh0avar,0 within the 3mrisdictiaa~ ot the Uaitscl States, takes sa boaxjd, tfecaives, ok ·tra11spqrts ‘ {rch any fQ¥QigIlbkiHgd4}H1 or coaatsry, or {mm aaa,] any mrscm in _ any vessel, ,— for tha pizrpcss ci, holding, selling, or ‘ thetwtse g dispc>siug__cf such, as aialavé, gr to bs, held tggtvica as lsbs1·,· shall ba punished as prascxzltlad in `sécticn `of this title. (B. S. 5 .’Zw§379;` Mar. 4,- 1909,- c.} 321, § 250, 85 Stat. 1139.)  »‘ lg Q ‘ ,426; (Criminal Code, section 251.) Havering mi mist with slaves aa baard.~·y—Whasver, aging » tha captain, master, _éx· casa mamma- of any vessel muhd · in any rivet, port, Kay, harboir, or sn tha high seas, within the jurisdiction of the United Btatss, or hsvsriag pa the coast thereof, ·havi.¤g_¤¤ beard any psrsqa, for tha purpom at @11mg* auch, person as a slavé, l ax at . with intent to land such param; for any such pumass, shall be Quad not more than $10,000 and imprisoned not niére than

AND CRIMINAL PROOEDURE ~__ Q 495 __ tour years. "` (R. S. § 538<);.Mor. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 251, $5 Sm, A1138.) E - l 427. (Criminal Code, section 252.) Serving on vessels in Yslavo trado.—-Whoever, being, e. citizen of t the United Stzwa., or other person reoidi11g,,thexei1.1, voluntarily serves, ou bow;. fof any vessel employedlor mode one of ln,tho trnuoportotien or ‘ slavootrom any foreign country or `place to another, shell 2;.; , Hood not fnoro than $2,000i ond imprisoned not more than tm. years. (R. S,. §§ 5381, 5382; Mono, 19%, e. 321, § 252, » Stat.1139.))· v  ; if 1 428. .(CriminoKl Code, section 253.) Receiving or carrying; (away person tokeold or hold `so é1ave.—-—Whoever,, being me meter or owner? or perse:. having charge of any vesool, receive?. v on board any .other» person, withf the knowledge or jntem that such person is to be carried from any place subject to the , jurisdieuouéotz the 'United‘ States to any other place, to be held or 'sold as o slave, or carries away from any place sun ject to the jurisdietion ofliho United States any such, person, with the intent that he- may be so hold or eold no ~a. sieve, Shell be fined. not }m¤¤ee- than, $5,000 or imprisoned not more than Eve years, or both. (R. S. { 5524: Mor. 4, ww, c. 321, § 253, 35 Stat;1139.) " _ t · · . ,429., (Criminal Code, oeotion 254.) @¤iPPing vessel for slave trade; forfeiture; moiety to informer.·4—¥—No person heheh. — for `himéolt or for another, no master, fnetor, or owner, build. Q Ht, equip, Iced, or otherwise prepare any vesoel in eny por: or plooe within the jurisdiction of thejlnitod States, or cause Q any vessel, to soil fromnny port or place within the jorieeié- _ tion or the United States for the porpooe ot procuring any `porson from any foreign kingdom, piece, or oountry to be trees-

 ported to any portyor pin o, gyvhatooovor, to be held, sold, or

» otherwise disposed ,0f, é. slave, ori; to be held to F oervieo or T labor; o.nd;°‘t‘-ivory vessel built, Stted out, equtpned, lodon, or Y 0th.orwi$o {reputed,. vvith hor taokle, apparel, furniture, em! _ lading, Shell be forfeited; one moiety to the use oi the United _· , States and the otherto the use of the ggerson who ones for A the `forfeiture and rprooeeutee the same to efoot. (R. S.` §

5,551;nMer. 4, 1909, cg 321, .5 254, Stat. 1140.) " e

v 430. (Criminal Code, section 255.) _ Same; penalty; moiety

 to irgformer.¥+·\\’hoever oo bollds, tits out, €'€ll¥$D8, loads, or

otherwise properosbor sends nvvey any vessel, knowing or in— ° tending that the some shall he employed in such trade or ‘ business, contrary to the provlsiouo of the section lost precedf ing, or- in ,e¤y,w.y olds or obots therein, shell. besides the ‘_ forfeiture of the vessel, pny the sum ot $2,090; `oue moiety ’ thereof to the use of the United States and the other moiety ? thereof to the use of the person who sues for and prosecutes ‘ the‘oame’~to effect. (R. S. § 5552; Mer. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 255, · 35 Stat. 1140;) , - Q X ,431. (Criniinall Code, section 256.) Forfeitore of vmols 5 trnnsporting gloves: moiety to informeré-Every voeeel em-

  • ` ployed in enrying on the slave trade or on which le received
  • on transported any person froQ any roreign kingdom or coun-

¤ " try, or fromooa; forvtho pdrposeyot holding, Snelling. or other- 2 wise disposing otnuch norson an at elavo; or or holding such ’ person to 'eervlco _ or labor, shall. together with her tackle,

  • apparel, mrnlture, ond the goods ond o¤ect.s which may be

» found on board, or nhich may have been imported thereon in the game voyage, be forfeited; onejxraolety to, the use ot the n United Staten and the other to the use of the person who sues —_ for end promotes the forfeltureto e¤ect. (RQ S. Q 5553; Mar. [ , 4, IMS, c. 321, § 256, 35 Stat. 1140.) _ ~, ‘ lg —"{3,2, (Criminal Coder, section 257.) Receiving peréons on

  • , hoprd toobo sold as Slaves; penalty; moiety to i¤former.~——-—;W1m¤,

r ever, being o. citizen of the United States, tnkee on board, re- L teeivos, or transports on! person for the purpose of selling eucli n person as a slave Shall; in addition to the torteiture of the