Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/531

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517 TITLE 18.—é—UR1.¥INAL CODE A g{>V’{§§`B!R€H;t'€£ of QS W mw (mam px-spew an ¤@mm·yi¤ _(Ma.r. 3;_1%1, c. |§ 1, 4, QS Stat. 8%.) } U E l 1 742; Dcégaatiam of pe¤it~¢¤tinry im which prisoners shall be · wm§¤»éd£.-·-Thx Attmmy Gweml is Aaumqwizied tc designate to w2;i<:h nf the prisnus referred tm in section 741 of this title l

;s c-céévicted in a Bmw ¢1•=Territ0ry‘shaI1 be é&r1jied` for .

m,§;;£·ment.= _(M§r.‘ 3, ‘1@1, ·é.;%, 5 9, 28 Stat, 840.) — · # 743Q T:·a;¤spért&tion· af _ priaéhers; cipcnscs.-·-The transpow ‘ ·¥=::m·m of all United States P¥i$<>nse1•$ t:0¤vigted]0fjdriméS_agaiust 4 I my mws at the United Siétés in any Stateg District, O1e·_cP8I‘1'i·‘ _A

H§·;,;, md se11te’nc@d ntcl terms of ;`imp1'iS0!l¤3€ZBt in a_ peniten- ·
u~;»,~·g. mid t§seir · deliivéry to thé°s;;;$eri¤te
ident,- warden, or

xwmer of su¤:h'Ux1imd States Kpris<m.5,;-shall be by the marshal wi iI1e)District or Territbry when suck; conviction may 0•=:cm•. Q Tha actual expenses of stick marshal, including transportutlpnr U mad subsistwce, him`? €!‘8?I1@01't&{Zi0¤V§!Xd subsistence oL·guardn, _ U and the ifl'§iI1Sf}0l't&ti0B_ and subsistence of the coméict or cbix-‘ iécts, shall he pam, Qi the approval of theLAtt0méy General` out of tl1c’j¤diCit§g‘$* fund. {Mar. 3, 1891, c. 529, ·§ 5, * Stat. 839.} ""E K , - , .· _. A U ‘· I U #144. Empioymeat of umvicts.-v—The ccnyicts in the United States prisms sha}! lie employed exgclusively yi11`thé€manufactu1·¢ of such s·upp1i·es· mr the*~Goicmmé¤t as éa¤_ be fm£mutactured_ xviihssixt the use of machinery, hadthé prisquers shall not be? xmr~k;>d' aujéide the prison inclosqre. {Mgr. 3, 1891, c; 529,*.6 ··‘3;`?6.$·tat. @9.) I " .  » " » — * ‘ , 755. of yquthful prim¤c1t¤··v—·I¤ U the 'prisoz; build- q _in,·;·s provided fcr in secttgm 741 of this title there sh:111—.be·s1ich ; arrzxngemenf bt ceilg and yardémce as that prisoners unélcr mjem;y'years of age, shall not be in may way asméiated with

•z·is<»‘¤ex·s" abcve tlié; age, and thésmmmgement of the class

"imxlm twenty years of ageqshail be as !zi1·'aS possible reforma- _ wry. (Mm·:8, 1891, ¢. 15%; § 9, 26_S%at..840.) ‘~ A ‘ » _ 746* ’!'x·a¤¤p§;·tati¢§‘ lwme bi 'dischaigcd prispnérs; clothing ~ and n§¤¤ey.·Z·-4Every prisoner yrhen discharged f1‘0m?=‘a,.·_jail Or

 pris<»n‘(‘sl;u1l be ·fm·¤}$h@d with trmmp0rt;ation’ £0 _ the place at ,

` his Wmxidéxicc within i;h5United States ht 'tha time of his- com- . mitment undér sentc;zcé 0!’t11—¢»c0urt, spd iflthe { his imprisxmment shg.11 have been fdr one ymii Gr mom, he .hél1_ aim be fumished with suitable clothing, the mit tp exceed p $1*2, and $5 in money. {Mar. 3, 1875; ca 145, 5 2,, 18 Stat. ·i5·if3;*Biarch3,'1@1;0.-5*29, 5 6,28 Stnt._84¤04)` · v { _ _ .747. inapplicable io juvenile ¤§`e¤d¢r1n.-»—·~Sec~ti¢:»::gs 741 tu; 'i'4§ ' of tl·1is·t1tle__sh&l1‘¤i>t apply to minofs, who; in the judgment 5f the judges jpresidiég _. giver v¤uq;1}smeg courts, Sh0Hld* be mmmitted to rsgtcgmatory instit¤tipus.· (Mar. 3, 1891;* c. 529,. §8,21ss¢;1:.s40.) J yjé 748. Co¤§mm¢nt Yaf prismiers in `tl1e United. States Disci- X plinary Bktrtckb.-—·——N0thing`in·&ec_tions_ 741 to 746 Qt this title? shui! be c~0¤strued‘ asrpmhibitfhg the courts of the U¤it¢d.SLatcs . from lsamtéxacing §Q·6l’M¢0H§1iiI1gL pxfiéoners, eithét civil or `mil1· fffry, in the United States Disciplinary Barrécks at Fmft Lea¤.·enw0rth,.~Kanms,. (Mm-. 3, 18$1, c. 5’29,'§'7, 26 Stat. 846; V U Mar; 4, 1915, c. -431; §· 2, 38 Stat. 1084.*) ‘· _ · ‘ 3 749. _Fed¢:·a1 ini! nig Fart "Smith, Arkansas, made rxgti<mal` _ prima; sdmit ted.·———-—·Tbe Federal jail at the city of i For; Smith, `Arkmzsas, in gdditjcn 1:6 the purposes {cir which it was umd onmqy 17, 1898, is hmjeby decmred tu be a xmticxipl prism. And s;1id ‘ jail may glm be umd for the cam an;} cfm- . tincmemi Uct U¤1m‘$¢ms primixers in the Texarkmmi division. of the wesmhz district of Arkanmm (May 17, 1898, c. 340, JP W Stm._417‘.)_; ° U . 1 · U “ ~ ` _ " 7 59.* Salinrics of chptaimo of the witch `nnd g¤ar¢}s.--·-·~The A salaries bf the captains 0; ‘the·watch and the guards in the · Uuite<1‘Stat¤s penitentiaries shall benz pmvided imsécticm 676. cf title 5. *` *(N0—y. 4,1919, c. m, I {1, 41 Stat. 338.) ·- `

ED CRIMINAL BROGEDURE § Ghnmew 24. ·-·-··— LEAVENWGRTH, KANSAS, PENITEN'- TLQRY. Q See. , , 761,. Care md metre} et pexzitexgtiexy. 762. Perseus eenmzsed in penitentiary. 763. Laws govexjnieg penitentiary, °“ 764. Leber 0t'C0[}Vit!'tS.` _ 735. Annual estimates by Attorney Ge¤era1._ 766. Useot penitentiary renefhsattexi fog military pmpeses. 767. Transfer of pertibe of Fort Leavenwerth Miiitaey Reservation to Depagtment et Justice fm: term purposes, ‘ 768. ~Exchenge·’of· livestock. · $ ( . , 769. Factories at·pezzite:1tiary‘§ establishment and operation; t·mple¤y- D . ment efim¤até~s._ · `· ‘ ‘ ._ 7‘E'0."Seme; sale of manufacture;} articles; dispositieneef pxbeeeds. 771. Satxne; payment qt inmates fb: laber. ' · 77 2. Same; working {capita; 1'tmd. ¤ W3. Same; disbursements tnjcmvwqrklng capital fund. 774. Bane: disposition df ,pwduete of industries. 775. Same; Gcvemmentvdepanmentp to puxjcbaee predeets. 776. Sauxeyreport itc Congress of receiptsp expenditures, etc; f Section 761-. Cate and eomml of jpe¤itentiary,—The‘ I United States , penitentiary on >miIitary reservitien at Leavenworth, Kansas, authorized "_ by ·Act June 10, 18%, chapter 400, 2Q Statutes 380,.shal1 be tipder theemré mzdtceutml of the Attorney Geneml; (June 10, 1@5, c. 400, 5 1, Q 380.) ` Perseus M .pe·¤it@ti¤y.$—-fha I.»e&vemv0rt.1i Penitentiary Xsha.11 ‘ be used fer. the eenii¤emedt· at eenvictedfin the United Stateeccufts bf. erimeeagaimt the United States and sentenced to impxitsimmeet in a penitentiary. (Mar. 2, 1895,*c.- 188, 5 1, 28 Stat.»%7; Jime 10, 1896,1:. 400, § 1, %S¢¤*~'389r¥ .· ~ , » , li ’ ‘ 763}- Liws gbierhing pc¤ité¤tiarj*.··—··-—-The Luveuwerth Penitentiary ehixll carried on in ¤.é€0rd8uce_·with seciieus 741 te. 'Z43 Rtid`745 .t0 748 of this title; (Mer. 2, 18%, e. 189, §‘ 1,. 28._Stat.957.)* ° — , _  ») 3 _ _ T64. Labor of wmfi¢¢s.—-Ctmvicts in the Leavenworth Penitiebtimiy sba11 ibe emp10yed‘ou1y~in`t1;e manufacture et articles and »the·.producti0¤ et guppliee fe: the penitentiary, and in UQ e ma¤‘ufhctm§e of supplies for the Geverbment. Ckmvicts ehell not be worked '0\i&id€ the military reservation. ‘ {Mar. 2, 1895, @189. §‘1,‘2€Stat. 957.).; »_ · ·» ·< 765; Angus} estipateq by Attemei General.-#~—'I?he Attorney General ehall lanmtallyeubmit; estimates for all! expenses of maihtamiug the péxiitentiangy, including salaries bf necessary omcerej anti employees. (Mar. 2, 18%, c. 189, §_ 1, % Stat. 957; June 10,.1921gc. 18, § t~216,‘4§ Stat.`23.)l _ · _ · ~ e . _ 4 7,66. Use of penitentiary resérvatién fer military purposes.-··· The peniteutinfy reservation shall be open for military metieal putpoees, when such purposes do 1mt* interfere with the dieeipline of the penitentiary. ,(.Im1e .-10, 1896, e.__400, § 1,,*29; _ em. w0L)` . * _. _ j _ " ·’ 1767. Trxxtsfer qt mrtiem of `Fart Leavemmrth Military Reservation- tq Department af, Justice fer fem: pm·puses.——-——The Secretary of War shall tmnetet to the jurlsdietten of the Depertmexlt .01* Justice for use as A farm in emmeetieu with the United States. penitentiary, Leevenwertb, 1{ansas, ,311 of that epeftlen of the Fort Leévemwortb Military Reservation ; which lies ih the Staten! Mieseqri, and 'inclndiixg the bridge across the Miseeuri River, which bridge £··:1ml1¢be open te— use _ by tbe public under eueh ru1ee_and.regu1atier1s. as jprescribed by the Attorney General. (May 31, 1924, e. 221, 43* Stat. Dec. 5, 1924, e. 4, `§·1, 43 Stat. 687.) ‘ e ‘ , » .768.»*Exch§¤gé of li¥egt¤=¢k;~¥Bfvest0ek. belonging te my used in. the peixitgptigry maybe exchanged er traded when authorized by` the Att§§’31ey"Ge¤erel. (Mar. 4, .1921, e. 161, §,1, 41 Stat. ‘ X 1414;} Jah, $,19%, e. 21, Title 11, 42 Stat, 1085; Mey 28, 1924, ` c. ·204, Title II, 43 Stat. 222i Feb. 27, 1925,. é. 364, Title II, 43 Stat. 1031.) sl T g