Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/538

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§ 7 ‘ rfcrna za-ous `kfa k tors and such other customs omcers, laborers, and other employees as he shall deem necessary, prescribe their d68iKl18;’ tions and duties when not otllerwiw defined by law, an/641 their compensation. g He is authorized to appoint Special/agents ot the cnstoxns service in number, as otherwise lprovided by law, a ~d ax. their ·compensation, and fappolnt and ix the ` compensation ot such number of/customs attaches for duty in foreign countries and ot customs agents as he may deem necessary, all of whom shall `periorme their duties as deilncal by existing law or prescribed by the Secretary of the ,Treasury, under the immediate supervision of the director, special agency service of me-customs; Provided, That any oillcer of the customs service designated by the Secretary of the Treasury for foreign service, shall, through the Department of State, be-regularly and omcially attached to the diplomatic nllssions of the United Stales ln the countries in which they are to be {ationed, and when such otllcers are assigned to countries as vhich there is no diplomatic missions of thE°Ul1ltBd States appropriate recogni-. tion and standing with: full `faclllfies for discharging their o$cial duties shall be arrranged by t-he Department of State. The Secretary of State may reject the named of any such officer whose assignment to;. the foreign post for xwhich he has been designated vvould,¢in his judgment, be gejudiclal to the public policy of the United States. The Secretary of the Treasury shall likewise appoint and fla the compensation 'ot the clerks and other employees of the"' Board- of United States General Appraisersf The fappointtrient of such customs "oiltlcegs and employees shall be madepursnant to the civil service laws and regulations upon the noniination of fthe principal odlcer in charge of the omce to which such appointments are to be nlade. (R. S. 55 2530, 2538, -2539, 2545, 2576; Fell. 27,-,1877, c. 69,_·§ 1, · 19 {Stat. 245i Mar. 4,°“1923,‘c. 251, ,5 2, 42 Stat. 1453; Jan. 13, 1925, c.70, 43 Stat. 748.)' _ ._ E e " — 7. Assistants; solicitor to collector _ of port of New, York; alllldltment and eo¤pensst§on.··-The collectors ot customs, con1pt—rollers'Qof customs, surveyors, of customs, ( and appraisers of; merchandise, shall each, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, appoint a customs ofllcer familiar with the custonlslaws and procedure, to act and be known asthe assistant collector, the assistant comptroller, ·tl1e`assl8tant surveyor, and the chief `assistant appraiser (in lleu of the special deputies), 8!l(}' the Secretary of the Treasury. shall H; `their compensation. The collector of, customs—_at-, the port of New York, shall also, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, appoint a. customs omcer qualllled in the law- and familiar. with custonis procedure, to‘act;_and—be known as solicitor to the collector, vvhoso compensation shall likewise be llxedby the" Sec; 'retary of the Treasury. (Mar. 4, 1923,, of 251, __§ 3, 42, Statj 1-153.) _ _ . ·»,· in ` -8. Vacancies; how filled.-·-·In case ot a vacancy lu t‘h"e otllce of a collector of customs, comptroller of customs, surveyor of “' customs, on appraiser ot merchandise, such assistant collector, asslstfant comptroller, asslstanf·sul’veyor, or chic? assistant ap pralsershall give bond when required, act as such omcer, and receive the compensation . of such ofllce pntil an appointment thereto has been made and the person so appointed hasidnly qualified. 'Whenever a Avacancy occurs in the posltionot sinch

 assistants, chief assistant, and solicitor to the collector, herein

pprovldetl tor, it shall belllled, with the approval of the Secretary_of the '1‘reasury, by the promotion or transfer of a trained and qualliled_ customs ofacer, and the amtstant, chief assistant, and 'solicitor to the collector so appointed shall continue in office and shall not be reduced or removed except for cause and in laccordance with the civil servicelaws and regulations (lt. S. { 26.29; Mar. 3,~·1905,_ c. 1413, { 1, 33 Stat. 983; Mar. 4, 1923. c. 251, § 4, 42 Stat. 1453.) , 3 9. Performance of duties in casedof disability.-·-»In case ol the disability ot a collector, the duties and authorities vested

TOMS, DUTIES 524 ` 111/ him shall devolve on his assistant, if any there be at the ( time not such disability, for whose conduct the estate ot sueh disabled collector shall be liable; and, it there be no assistant they shall devolve upogn p the comptroller of the same ·dlSIl‘lClf; it any fthere be; and it there be no comptroller, they shall devolve upon the smzyeyor at the port designated as the` district headquarters, it any there be; · (R. S. ‘§ 2625; Mar. 4 1923, c.· 251,`§ 3, 42._§tat. 1453.) V - i ld. Sickness or oceasional or necessary absence of roller-, tor.-ln cases or occasional and necessary absenee, or or sinkness any collector may exercise lhis powers rand pertortn his duties by deputy, and he shall be answerable for the acts or such deputy in the execution of suchtrust. · (B; S. 5 2830; Mar, — 4, " 1923, ..c. 251, §§ 2, 3, 42 Stat. r1~53’; Jan. 13, 1925, c.· 76,~4:;l

  • 11. Sickness or occasional or necessary absence or comp.

`trollér or surveyor;-4Every comptroller and surveyor, in cases of occasional and necessary abmnce, or or sickness, and not otherwise, may respectively exercise land perform. his functions, powers, and duties by deputy, duly? constituted under their `,hi1I1dS;3Ild seals respectivelygfor wh0n:l,_· in the execution of their trust, they shall jrespectivtely be answerable, (B. S. §§ 2G31, 2632.) ·— ._ 2 , _. " i __ 12. Special agents.-g-The Secretary of the Treasury- may appoint special agents, —for"the purpoé of melting the examine-· (_ tions of the books, papers; and acc0untsiof‘colleetors andother p officers of the customs, and to -1be employed generally, mder

the direction ot ·the· Secretary, in the prevention and detection

of frauds on Q_t_he1_customs revenue; and the°expenae thereot shall be cha1%ed to the " appropriation to defray tm expense ·ot collecting, revenue from °cust0ms.*’ (Rn S. { @49.) , “ 1,3. Same} rigntber.-'£he’nuinber of special agents reirred · ‘— to in section 12 of this title shall be as follows :. { · — _ Y0nel director; special agency service, irho shall supervise and direct the’ special agents ot the i Treasury Department, one assistant ·_ director, and {thirty special agents. (Mar, 4, 1911, c. 285, § 1, 36 tat."1393`;`Mar. 4,*19%,. c. %1, li 1, 2, 5, 7, _ » [42¢Stat. ,1453, We r ‘ r l t a — ( ‘ - , 14, Sante; reguktions for and limitations ¤~`nunber· and compensation.—The. Secretary of the-1`reasuxy may, from » time to time, make such regulations not inconsistent with law, a for the government of the Special !Z8€¤l$» IS M ®€¤¤$ ¢¥P¢m€¥l€· ( and may rescind or alter regulations so made. But no wecial agent, 'in addition to. those authorized, by the preceding section, . shall be appointed or ep1ployed_ upon any business `to - thecustoms revenue; nor shall-any sun; be,paid_ toany agent _ · authorized to be employed for mileage or any other ¢XD¤¤ses r` ( exoept such as are actually incurred in theodischarge of his _ ‘0tIleial‘oduty.' (R. S. §;·;I2651.)· . » · ·. `_ ·_ li s · ‘ 15_.`-Special agents in foreign territory.-4-Forl the purpose F of better guarding against frauds upon the revenue on rorexgu . ‘merchandise transported `uetweeno the ports ot the Atlantic = and those of the Paciéc overland through any ;foreign_; terri- L tory, the Secretary oi the·Treasury_,may appoint special sworn

agents as inspectors of the customs, to ·"res§de foreign.

5 territory _·where such merchandise may be landed. or embarked, n with power to superinitend the landing or shipping of all xnern chandisc, passing coastwise between the ports oi the United -· States on the ‘Paciilo_and the Atlantie.\ it shall be their duty, L under such regulations and instructionstagthe Secretary of , the Treasury may prwcrlbe, to guard agalnsttlre perpetration n of frauds upontlne revenue. (R S. Q 2999.) ` _ _ » 16. Examiners of-New Yorlp-——·No person shall be appointed g Q examiner ot merchandise at the port of New York who is not, r at the time of his appointment, practically and moroaginy ac~· qualnted with the character, iquality, and value ot the artmla E in the. ex¤m1¤s¢1oa_a¤o, appralsement of `whlch he is to. be I employed; nor shall any such examiner enter upon the I