Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/544

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§ 101 0 aaron 19.¥——CUST¢ bers and agents of the commission, when authorised by the g commission, may administer oaths and amrmations, examine I witnesses, take testimony, and receive evidence. "` 7 Such attendance ot and the production or such » documentary evidence may be required from any place in the E United States at any designated place ot hearing. And in t ceee ot dteohedienge to a subpoena the commisécn may invoke ; the aid of any dlxrict or Territorial court of tm United ] States or the Supreme Court. of the District ot Columbia in 1 requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses and . the- q production of documentary evidence, and such court within the ty jnrimlictmn of which such inquiry is carried on may, in ease · of eontumacy or remsal to obey. a subptena issued to any cor- _; poration ger. other person, issue an order requiring. such ‘ cop { poration- or‘ other person to appear before the commission, or { to produce documentary evidence ifi so" ordered or to Yglve evidence touching the matter in question; and any failure to g obey such order of the court may be punished by such court 1 asacontempt thereof. _. _ . i f ' ii Genoa the application of the Attorney General, of . the United ( States, er the request of the commission, any such court shall- ( have jurisdiction to issue write of mendarnus commanding 3 compliance with the provisions of · this chapter, or any order . of the commission made in pnrsuunee,there0L · -’ l -t ·'1‘he commission may order testimony to be taken by deposi-- U; tion in any proceeding or ixestigationb ·pendl¤g` this 1 chapter at any stage of such p _ g or investigation; Such g depositions may .be _ taken before any permn deaignat = {

the commission and ipower to administer oaths. Such ;

testimony shall be reduced `to writing by the person taking { the deposition, or under his direction, and shall then `be sub-. E scribed by the deponent; Any person, iirm, éoparmership, eor4. . pemtion, or association, may .be compelled to appear! and S depose had to produce documentary evidence, me the same 1 manner as may be compelled to. appear and testify 1 and produce documentary evidence before the commission, as herein ore provlded.*”· . " · { · i e Wi A _ eemmoned. before the commission, shall be paid 5 the m E fees} and. mileage that are paid witnesses in the _1 courts of the United Stetu, 3316 witnesses whose depositions -24 are taken and the persons taking the eame, exceptempleyeee of the eemmlmlon, shall; severally be entitled to the same fees < and aa arepaid for' like services in the courts of the `s United States: Prouided, That no person ,shall_.,__ bé excused. 1 the greeted that ifm•y tend to lnerlminate him or subject him _] to a penalty or forfeiture,. rmt; attending and testifying, or 1 producing books, papers, documents, and other eiidence, in g oliedience to the;_subp<ena qt the commission; but"no `natural ; person shall be“proseéhted.or subjected to any penalty or for- t felture for or on account of any transaction, matter, or thing _1 as to which, in obedience to at mbptena and under oath, he may 1 so testify or produce evidence, except that ·no person shall be exempt from proseeutloe end punishment. for perjury oom- 1 mltted in so testifying; (Sept. 8, 1916, c.· 4%,. § 706,.39 Stat. e 797; Sept. 21, 1922, c. 356._'1‘i y g _I_I, Q 318(f), 42 Stat, M7.) ~ I ml. —Ceepera_tion. wit ~ Qlier y departm}ntn.—·?—-—The 1 United r Statee ';‘ari¤· Commission . appropriate matters act l ·ln conjunction and cooperation ·· th the _Tre&S¤ry A Depart- I ment, the Department ici. Comgner e the Federal/lfrade Coup ,1 mission, or any other departments, or Independent estab- e llslnments of the Government, and such deparmuts and ‘lnde~ t peudent establishments ot the Government shall 'cQ°’P°l'&t8 A fully with the commission for the purpmea of aidinf and isslstlng in its work, and, when by the President, shall q furnish to 'the commission, on its requwt., all: papers, 1 and information in their nmseeession relating to any of the `1 subjects of investigation by said commission and shall detail, 0

DHS DUTIES 530 From time to time, such omclals and employees to said com. nission as he may direct. (Sept. 8, 1916. c. 4%, Q 707, w Stat.

  1. 97.)

182. Ascertaining conversion costs undo coéts of production; selection and desctiption of repreuentative nitides; ascernining import costs and selling primes of belated irticles; sseertgining fdctsl qhowing diieremu sIe&g eaiiétitioin.- In order that the President and the Congrm mayjecure infornation and assistaméé, it shall be the duty oi the United States Daritf Commission, in addition to the duties otherwise imposed 1ponitbylaw,to— ·, . e . (1) Asceytaig conversion costs and costs of prodtzction in he principal growing, prodi1ci¤g,·or manufacturing centers xt the United. States oi articles of the United States, whenever on the opinion. ot the commission itis @ticab1e§ , e `(2)‘ Ascertaiu · goqversion costs and coéts ot. production in

he principal growing, producflbs,. or muxuiactpiing mters of

Foreign .p0untries' of articles imported Into the United States, wheneég * in the opinion of the cognmission such · conversion costs or éootg of pm0dB¢¥ii0¤ are necessary to: compax%0¤ with Souversion o®ts or costs ot. production in the United States md can be féoéonably ascertaihed; . ‘ . _ l (3) Select and describe articles which ire representative of

he classeeor kixids of articles imported into the United States

md wltichlare similar to or comparable with artlclw of the United States; select and describe articles of the United States. dmilar to or comparable with such l&ported drticle; and ob-

 nnd ilk;. samples of articles so selected, whenever the comnxssitm deem; It-•avim>1¤; .   ‘ I .   . o

(4) impott c0ots_ of such representative articles soselectedj · ·_ { (5) Ascerthiu the grower’s,_ pxodncefs, o:..m•.nufsctur¢1j’s to uzllihg prices in .tl;é__ principal. growing, producing, mj mgmt- Fscttiring centers ot the United Statw ot. the axticlq ot the Un1tedS4tates‘$osele¢ted»; ami y .. , ·· , — Z (6).,Asoe1‘t¢in all other sects will show} the n= or which competitioxt between articles of. the. United States and ‘impos.·teq_ drtioleq in the`pri;.1cipnl markets ot the United, States. (Sept. ‘2I,. 1922, c. 356, Title.`.1II; 31S(a;), [2St_at;Q46·_) .. h — I _ 5 o 103. Powers ind privilege; of ‘co¤mis餻.-——Ir1 carz·_;#i¤·g out the provisions ot section -*102 of this title, the commission shall possessdxll. the- powers _ and inrivtlmes wzonierred xpou it by other provisions of tl1is‘cInapter, and in addition it is `uuthorizéd, in order to `ascertain any-` facto mqoixed >y this section, to require guy importer and ‘ my ‘Au;oricsn

·1·IoW?*· Dt‘oducer”, `manufaéturer. or seller to me with the comnlmlori a ·st1itemeut,‘under oath, giytng his selling prices in .

she United States g of any- attlclet iqiported, grown, produced, mbrioated, `manipulated, or Qanufacttired by him. (Sept. 21, l922, c. 356, Title III, { 318(c),.42 Stat. 947.) A " , . 104. Same; <le6nitions.··-"Wlnon used in sections 93, 102, and L03·_0f thistitle-4- * V · ‘ l . The te1··m_" article " includes on; commodity, whether grown, produced, tabrlizatecl, manipulated, or qgxmifactureel ; " _ f . Thqtergzt " i&®l't·`(ZOSC."°tH108I}8 price st which an article ` s freely offéxm for sale in the-oidindry course of trade ini the nsual wholesale quantlteles tok exportation to the United States · due; whedfot included in smh price, ill `necemary expenses, exclusive go customs,brln¢lng such impoéted Lafticle xo the IIr1lt¢d,States. (Sept. 21, 1922, ¢.\356» T?itle· III, § 3'18(b), l28t¤t.947.) ~ · I I .· I # I _ N5; `lnfornstkn not to be divnljdt investigation` of Paris eeenomrpact usd other organtmkmr-——It shall be unlawful Fot day member of the ‘U¤lted States `Taflft Commisxon, or Sox airy employee, agent, ot elwk of said congmlmon, or my ·ther 'oEEu· or employee ·ot the `Unitecl Stites, to dliulge,