Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/547

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\ 533 . · TITLE 19.-—0U8< 364. Destruvtloa of abandoned or forfeited mcr¢;hs¤dlse. , 365. Proceeds of sale of unclaimed good;. _. · · F. _ °366._ Expense of__a;s¢ertai¤l¤: wig quantity, or measure of mor- $87. Partnership bond. .868. Bagan; eknmimatlcn. · ‘ · · 369. Same; ‘1'orfeft¤1jo ot articles not lrxcludcd in declaration. · —. 870. Brclziratiou and entry of certain merchandise, household goods, ` `gitu, tools ot trade; et<§; ruim and regulations. g “ l o 871. Same. · ,__· _ _ 872. Iaspectlm, examination, or appraisal; ot merchandise; packages .0: quantities to `be opened and exiuiined; articles not specified · . V fa iwmicc. _ _- * _: Q `_ 873. Dutiesof wptqisers. _ . . _ 3‘l4.' Sgme: review of reports of assistant appralserl., ___ 875. Duties ot sasintantrppralsers. _ , ." · 376_,Same; port of New York; report deemed apprhiscment. ‘ 37`E Imtles of examiners. 378. Appraiser as `meclsl éxnmiuer. 379. `Ipgtmctionn to prevent importation. 1 $$0. Acting appréisem. " . Y " 381. Appeal !o1·`re·nppr•lsem¢nt to Board ‘o! General Appraisers. ‘ ` 382. Regziintioai for appraisal, sud clusiilcstion xml assessment ofdutlcs; control of appraisers, etc. · - · Y _ _ Q 383. _Revei·.nl ormodllleation ot rulings ot Secretary ot Treuiiry. l 384. Execution of instruction! of Secretary ot Treasury: decisions ot `. Secretary bmdln:. · U · - 365. Asmssmout of •d· valorcm duties; dxities Ei coverings or cou. talriern. ~ _‘ . _ _ _ 386. Deposit of ottrmsteil duty; 'ascertainlng, llxlnz, uid llquldatlug duties. "` ‘- _ 387. Allowances on obandonment by importer, sud for decay ol or ` I injury to gxsorchuadloe. _ . 388. ‘12a:·r,An!t;, or othér lmpurltlu. 389. Duty oa eonmlnglad mqrobsaduo. ‘ 390. Hydwmeten. . J `*· 391. Aacertslmaut of dutlu o¤_ grain, . 892. Examination of lmportcrs, ooaeiguees, agents, etc. : production ot 803. Fallon to mult t• ennlntlog or produce elocuurontn; penalty; l oonclulvomnp ot ipprniseimnt; false svnqrlng. · . » 8.94. Insvisction ¤!‘ eivvrtefn hints} {allan to permit; Pwiibitlng importation; withholding dolliory of and selling more ¤dl••· ‘ hwrud. . g · ’ · . · _ »·K· . . 395. l#spe¢ti¤n ·o¢ importer? books: prohibiting Importntloh; with- Qgmlik dellvsy of said south; _ - @8. Qeposlt of moneys pu for ¤¤••¤•rt•.l¤ed· duties or antler protest. 897. Immunity of customs o&ccr•_ from llsblllty. ” . jas. Protests: necesnty tor: time for llllug; contontx: amendment. @9. Snmo; review of decldon by. collector; refunds; huallty ot deter-

  • mimtiononprowt. . 1 •··~ _

400. Complaint `by Amcrlosa manufacturer, producer. or ‘ wholesaler; `spprnised nlm of imported herchandiae; appeal for may pn!-nomoat by $¢¢retary_ ot Troupry, conslgnoo, or American manufacturer, etc; _ ‘ _ f Q Q · · . 401. Bum; clanmcsmoa ot and r•t• ot duty imposed upon imported merchandise; ’1‘¤—¢§¢]l!”!`°{ll¢!QOI!§'§f6t¢Bt by American manu- . tscturu, etc. · ~ 4Q2. Same; copies ot appeals gud protests for comignoe; `uppcaruxcc by ponslgues before Board ot General Appraisers: appeal jto ·· Court of Customs Appeals. ‘ · _ . o · 408. Sumo; inspection ot documents, eté., ot oomlgneo by American manufacturer, etc. _ . _ " · _ 404. Frivolous appeals or protests; penalty; Ming nppssl. _ ` 40:5. Board ot General .Appré.l•ors‘: members; mcs cies.: nlhrloa :, rcmoysl; oamlg powers of bond and member; thereof ;‘ presl- { dent; experrseo; retirement,. · . 406: Decisions ot general appraisers; mln; ;_ lnrpggtion: ropion for col-» . lectors ud Ser-retgryrot Treasury; publication. **1., 4 \ 407. Iicfuad ot dnmqiq md oorrectioxf otherrors in llqn.imatlo¤.· 408. Same; spproprlatloa tory —` · · 409. Liquidation ot duties; coizolu•lve¤ou;· roliquidstion. . · < {IB. Disposal ot receipts ‘1’0$· reimbursable chgrges for labor. Mtv- . " lces, etc. _ a · - 41;. Detail tromnueld rorce ot customs service for duty ln Wastv "" ·l¤3tou. _· ` · 415. Cuntomhoun hrokgrs; license. 415.. Bunk; revocation ot license. 417.i Some ;, review ot decision by ylntrlct court. ‘ 418. game; regulations. " 419. Deaultion ot “ person.? 420.5 Daqnition •t ‘* toni" `

TONS DUTIES Pam 4.-—TnArc¤r0n·rArxorr rn Bonn nm Wnnnennxne lor Mnnorunnxsa 4.51. Carriers of `bonded merchandlse;‘d<ynlgnntion;‘ bond. 452. Merchandise which may be transported in bond to port of destination. - .· . 458. Merchandise and, Mitts! which may be transported ln `bond for enportatlqng regulations. _ . - ~ ‘ 454. '1‘ransportntion_th;;ou5n contiguous countries. _ _ R L 455. - Bonded warehouses; designation; private bonded warehouses: .pubHc bonded warehouses;. bono, of owners; use of were- · houies ;‘ customs otllcer in Ioharge of. .· ~ · 458. Same; regulations by Seeretarygof Treasury; lending certificates. $57. Same; merchandise which may be deposited; ewithdrawal; de-· atruétion of merchandise. j I _ _ ‘ 458, Exportation of merchandise after release from custody of Gov- · — `_ernment;·refundn`ér drawbacks. ‘ . . `- ` 459.··Abandonment' of merchandise ln bonded warehouse; sale; diseponition of proceeds. ‘ _ . . - , _ 460. Same; retention of distilled spirits, wines, etc., in warehouse · during prohibitory period. A = , . ` 461. Lease of warehousu by Secretary-`of Treasury; restrictions on uae. ‘ by . · 462. Public gtores. ~ T · 463. Manner of withdrawal from bonded vynreheuse; rnnnlpulationin _ qrnrehouee; scouring or carbonlzlug wool, g _ ' 464. Deteriorntion of or injury to merchandise lnibended warehouses: abatement or allowances for} abandonment of merchandise by _ consignee. _ ‘ · _ . 465. 'Llen for freight, charges, or general average contribution. 465. _Cnrtnge of merchandise. ° ` · ’ ' 467.1 Deposit of imported liquors in bonded warehouse. . _ 468: Stamps and brand! etnced on emptying packages of imported . liquors. · » -_ ‘ _ 469. Dealing in or using empty stamped imported lfqrnor éontnlners. 471. ‘·iCwner•hlp of bonded warehouses by cnetemi eQcern prolalblted; - contracts torleene or use of buildings for publlcnse.: . 472. Special delivery and nppralaegnent of llnperted articles ofdlmlted value and·irelght. ·° . - ‘ · _ ‘ 478. Cnrrlert responsible under bond: return of unclaimed packages. _ 474. Merchandise cerded and nealbdg record. ' 475. Conalgninent to carrier; fnr•&c•;_ delivery. _ ~ Pn1·‘5.—-Euroacnaunt Pnomuona 48l. Boarding. vessels or vebloleag eelsun •f vessel or merchandise. 482. Search of vehlclaa und persona. ·` _ _ — · 483. forfeiture!. _ .. . _ _ 484. Examination ofpeuoul end bittttel f•¤¤!¢ i¤|l>¢¢¢¤l'|- 485. Production and éértlncation of mnnlfeetf · _ ’ * · h- 486. Failure to produce `manlfeet; penalty; merchandise not included ·ln xnanlfent; penalty ud fuffeitllm: ¤{tl¤¤ f¤l' ¤¤¤ki¤§_§ l>é¤&i€F· 481. Departure of vessel or unlxdlng of merchandise before making ` A report or entry; penalty. · _ — _ 488. Unlnirful unladlng; penalty peecldent, stress of weather, or other . ineceaslty. · - »_ . e 489. Unlawful nrnngsblpment: penalty, · ielxure and foizlture. _ 490. Evasion of lnw relating tnitransportation between; rti of United l States.; seizure and forfeiture; tonnage duty. 491. Unlawful reldndlng; penalties. z _ · ' . 499. Fnlsedrewback clalnne; punlahxnent; _ . . 493. False or fraudulent docjuxnentn, statement; or prnctleen; willful __ acts or omissions. depriving United States of duties; punishment. " ‘_`l‘ " ‘ . _ 4o4.;s¤.me; seizure of HIBNBDRRGXSQI nnésecurltyjnr Ines; relenseon- . bond. . . » 495. Ssfme; fbrfeltureibf merchandise. ` . 496. Smuggling or clandestine lmportntions; false, forged; or fraudulent lnvolcen; puninhxnent. _ _ ' ‘4;97..E‘nudulently or knowingly importing ornsslstlng ln importing 1nerchandl¤e;'buyl¤:, nlllng, transporting, or concmllng nn- . lawfully imported merchandise; punishment. · 498. _Selzure `or -forfelture`· of vmela or vehicles. ' .499. Search wnrmntsgbouses within tenfeet of boundary. 500. §ecelvln:?or ¢leponitlng·mercbnndise in bl1l]dlll§8'0D boundary ` U _ " line or carrying merchandise through same unlawfully; punish- . ment. . · . » . 501. Frnudulentl! concenllhl merézbnndlne ln, or removal from, bend#·d° ` `wnrehoum; repncklng; altering, etc., merlin or numbers; punishment. · V , 502. Customs aealn: mlxlng by unauthorized persons; false seals; renoral, injury tu, defnclng, etc.; wrongful entry of bonded were- `heune, or unlawful removal of merehnndise therefrorn 1; punish- .. ‘ xnentl ‘ ‘ 598. Customa oGce•·s not to be interested in vessel or cargo or importatm: renew- ‘ · · f—