Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/560

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§ 121 .. avsrhn 19.-om handle ot scissors —·and shears (except pruning and sheep shwrs), and an the blade or handle of pruning and sheep shwrs and clippers. · ` Pas. 358. Safety razors, and safety-razor handles and frames, 10 cents meh and 30 per centum ad valorem; razors and parts thereof, hnished or unhnished, valued at less than 75 cents pe: dozen., 18 cents each; valued at 75 cents and less than $1.50 per dozen, 25 cents each; valued at $1.50 and less than $3 per dozen, 36 cents each; valued at $3 and less than $4 per dozen, 35 cents each; valued at $4 or more per dozen, 45 cents each; and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing, 45 per centum nd valerem: Provided, That Hnished or unnuished blades for E safety razors shall pay a duty ot 1 cent each and 30 per ceutum ad valcrem: Provided further, That all articles specified in this paragraph, when imported, shall have the name h ot the maker or purchaser and beneath the same the name of the country 01 origin die sunk conspicuously and indellbly on the blade -01 shank or tang of each and e`Féry blade and on safety razors andpartathereot., , on —_ Pan. 359. Surgical instruments, unda parts' thereof, composed wholly or in part of iron, steel, copper, brass, nickel, aluminum, or other metal, mashed or mmniehed, 45 per centum ed valorem; dental instruments, and parts thereof, composed wholly or in part of iron, steel, . copper, hmm uiqkel, aluminum, 01 other metal. nnished or unilnished, 35 per centum ad ralorem: _Pfovi4ed, That all articles specified in, this paragraph, when imported, shall have the name of the maker or purchaser and beneath the mane the name of the country of origin die sunk conspicuously and in®1lhly on the outside, or it a jointed instrument cn the outside when closed. .. — O Pas. 360. Philosophical, scientmc, and laboratory instruments, apparatus, utensils, appliances (including drawing, surveying, and mathematical instruments) , and parts thereof, composed wholly or in chief value of metal, and not plated with gold, silver, or platinum, Hnlshed or nntluiahed, not specially pm vided for, 40 per centmn ad valorem; .Pi·avi@ed, 'Qhat all articles wecihed in this paragraph, when imparted, shall have the name of the maker or purchaser and beneath the name the name 01 the country of origin die sunk conspicuously and lndelibly on the . outside, or it a jointed instrument on the outside when Pu. 361. Pliers, plneers, and uippera of all kinda, nnlshed px nnnniahed, 60 per eentnxn ad valoremz Provided, That all nrtielw speqined in this paragraph, when imported, shall have the name of the maker or purchaser and beneath the the name ot the eonntry of origin die hunk consplcueuab and inclellhly on the qntdde of joint. ` - I Pan. 3@. Flin. me blanks, maps, and Beam, et whatever cnt Qi" kind, two and one·halt inches in length and under, 25 cents pei- dozen; over tm, and one-halt and not ovjer tom- and onehalt lncha in length, 41% cents per dozen; over tour and one hal! and name: seven inches in length, @%.cmta per dozen; seven inches in length and over, 77% cents per donen. P4:. Sword blaelw, and swords am side arms, irrespective of quality or use, wholly or ln part at metal, 50 pei centmn all valorem. ‘ ·  » i · _ Pu. 384. Mnzzle-lmding muaketn, shotgnns, 113%, and parts thereof, 25 per gentnxn ad valorem. " " PA:. Dnnhle or single barreled ·breech·lmding and repeating ehotgnns, risen, and combination shotgun: and rides, valma at not more than $5* meh, $1.50;,vnlned at more than $5 and not more than $10 wah, $4 eaeh; vnlned at more than $10 and not more than E5 each, $6 mh; valued at more than $25 each, $10 eneh; and lmnddition thereto, on all-ot the foregoing, 45 per eentum ad valorexn; hanrela for hreech·load· ( ing and repeating ahotgnna and, riém, further advanced in nnanufactnne than rough bored only, _$4 each; atoekay for breechloading shotguus and rides, wholly or partly manufactured, $5

STOMS DUTIES 545 . each; and in addltion thereto, on all of the foregoing, 50 pw » centum ad valorem; on all parts of such guns or rides, and nrting! for such stocks or barrels, ilnished or uudnished, 55 por , centum ad valorem: Provided, That all breech-·loa.ding shota guns and rides imported without a lock or locks or other tit. r tinge shall be subject to a duty ot $10 each and 55 per centmn r ad valorcm. v ° r Pan. 366, Pistols: Automatic, magazine, or revolving, and , parts thereof and ilttings therefor, valued at not more than

$4 each, $1.25 each; valum at more thant$4 and not more than

l “$8 each, $2.50 each; valued at more than $8 each, $3.50 each: r andl in addition thereto; on all of the foregoing, 55 per centum tv ad valorem. ‘ __;. n Pm. 367. Watch movements, whether imported in cases or r ‘otherwise, assembled or knocked down, it having less than I seven jewels, 75 cents each; having seven and not more than r eleven jewels, $1.25, each; having more than eleven and not s more than fifteen jewels, $2 each ;` having ·I!}0l‘B than hfteen and not more than- seventeen jewels, nnadjusted, $2.75 each;

 having seventeen jewels and adjusted to temperature,  

,_ each: having seventeen jewels and adjusted to three positions, - $4.75 each; having seventeen jewels and adjusted to Ave posi- V tions, $6.50 each ;, having more than seventeen jewels, adjusted r or nnadjusted, $10,75 each ;_ watéllcases and parts of watches,

chronometers, box or ship, and parts thereof, 45 per centum ad

L vnlorem ; tall jewels for use in the Jmanufactnre of watches, l clocks, meters, or. composscs, 10 per centum nd valorcm; enam-

eled dials for watches or other instruments, 3 cents per dial

- and 45 per centurn nd vnlorem: Provided, That all match and clock dials, ·whether attached to movements or not, when im- } ported shall have Yndellbly painted or printed thereon the . name ot the country of origin, and that all watch xnovemnta l and plates, assembled or knocked down, ’ and casa shall have . the name of the manufacturer or purchaser and the country - 0; manufacture cot, `engraved, or die sunk conspicuously and s lndellbly on the plate of the movement and the inside ot the e case, respectively, and the movement and platm ” shall also E have marked thereon by one ot the methods indicated the nnm- . 1 ber of jewels and adjustments, said mxmbera to he ex~, n pressed both in words and in Arabic numerals, and it the ‘ movement is not adjusted, the word “ nnadjusted ” shall be P marked thereon by one of the methods indicated, and none - of the aforesaid articles shall ·be delivered to the importer e unleaa marked in exact contomlty to this direction: `Provided » farther, `That only the number of the jewels which nerve a · mgébuniégl as trictional bmrings ahall he marked as herein provided; _ ,

' 1 Pan. `8®. Clookaand clock movements, including lever clock

s movements, and clockwork mechanisms, weed or d, ~ e whether imported complete or ln hurts, and, any device or - mechanism having __•n ementlal operadng future intended

, for meaanrfng time, distance, *0
tem, or the nowage of water,

e gas, electricity, °or mnifar nsw, or for e @lating or control· · ling the speed ofgarborn, drums,) or mmllar ones, or for F recording, indicating, or performing any operation or tnncnon at a predetermined time or any of the foregoing n whether wholly or partly complete or knocked down (tn which » cwdition shall he anpralaed at the valuation ot the com ` · plete article) ;‘ and cnatnga for clockwork mecha, , imported separately;. all the torgolng, 45 per centnm ad n valorcm; and in addition thereto, upon any of the foregoing e articles or parts thereoty having jewels, but not more than two » Jewels, in the escapernent, $1 each; having more than two but » not more than tom- jewels, $2 each; having more than fonr - jewels, $4 each; it without jewels in the escepement and l valued at not over $1.10 each,·35‘cents,_eech; valued at more · than $1.10 and not Jnore than $.25 each, 70 cents each; L valued at more than $2.25 but not more tl1an·$5 meh, $1 each;