Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/570

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§ 121 _; K,1. m1rw 19.4-vm shirt collnrs and cnffsyeompoaed wholly or in part ci liu, 40 ccntis per `dweu and 10 'por centum nd vulbrem. T g' · Pu. 1918.4 Bags or acts- made from plain woven fabrics ot single intel yarns or from twillqd Lori othar°!abrlcs'§c<;n1posed wholly o!"jutg,‘_ not bleached, printed, ptencilad, paint¢dQ colored, no: rendered nculn8ai11mablé,_1_cgnt per pcimkl and 10 per céutum ad valcresni bleached,” printed, stencllcdg A painted, · dyed, colored, or imudemd ncninilaxnmable, _1_ dent pér pdund and 15 per centum nd valorcxm I ' _ l ‘ _, ` Pm, 1019. Bagging ‘ for cottqn, gungny clntll, and- similar tab ries, s&itab1e for cdvérlng cntton, rcomposetl 05 slngle yarns made of jute, jute butts, or othefvegatable ilber, nptlbleachedg dyéd, éolcred, stained, painted, `or printed, not excéedinglslxteen threads to the square inch, counting ·tlle'warp and illling, and weighing mt less thanqhtteén ounces nor moré tlnaru thirty tw? ounces pet square yard, _ slxqtenths oi 1, cent per square yard; weighing more than thirtrtwo ounces per square yard; _three·te¤tl1s of 1 cent `per podxgd. . ` .L T ‘ Pm Linoleum, lncln § cortlcina and frzork carpet, `3§ per ceutum ad vnlcrem; door oilclqth, 20 pefceutnm hd valcrem; mats or rugs made of leum or iloqr oilcloth shall · be subject; to the samb mlm #01%; as herein provided ici 1 llnolenh or Boer oilcloth. ` ‘ g

 P4;. 1921. All woven articles, hnlahed or izniinisheézi, and al?

Mxmnutacmrm of vegetable `xlber other `_tlmn cotton, _0r 01 `ivhich auch tlbem or any of zthem is thé cqmgaycnt rmaterial dt chief value, mt specially provided tm-, 40 per centum at /va1m·qm. ` ‘ Pm. 10%. Cqrnmon China, Japan, and India straw uiatting and Hoax coverings made tlxeretmm; 3 cents per square yard carpets, carpeting, mats, matting, and rugs, gada whollf 01 cotton, dsx, hemp, or inte, or a mixture tliéreot, 35 per centuu ud valomm.; all other 500: coverings not specially pmvldéd fm! `QO per centnm ad valoremr · _ l 1 ¤” Pm? 1023. Matting made ot cocoa dber or. rattan. 8 cent: per squam yard;. mate made ot cocoa uber or rattan, 6 centi per square 1001:. ‘

 scrmnum 11.-—wo6r. Amo uhzmnnrmm nr

Pm. 1191. Wools, not lmprovgd by the admlxtugre ot maxim

  • nr English bl00d,_sucl1"as Ilonsknig native Smyrna, native $0:1:1

Amnrlmn, Cordova., ~Valparqls¤, and oirlner woolsf 01 like gba; mlm- nr dmcriptinn, and Lair at the camel; in the grehsé, 12 cents gm pnunxlz wnghcd, 18 cents per: muml; scoured, `24 cont par pound. The duty nu snch vlrocls lmpormd on the skin shnl b§’·11)i;£%BtI(f}€1‘ pgmnd: .Pz·¤v£dcd,`That such wools may be lu: porwd nude: bond in an amount t0‘Vbe nxed by thé &cxje£¤r; ns mn Trmsnry and under such regulations nb he shall pre scribe an and it within turns years from the data of impnrtatloa nr withdrawal from bonded warehouse satisfactory proof 1 fnrsalnbnd that the wools have been in the manufacture 0 rugs, ca.rpetg,~Ao1‘ may other Hécr coverlngs, the dntla shall b mmltted or retumledz Providm rurtlwr, ,'1‘l1¤t itnny such wool innported under @n cl as above prnscrimd are umd in tlmamnnn tjcture ot artlcl other `thnn rugs, mrpets, or any other doo novnrin@Q marc annll be levied, c0l1oc’t§d. and paid an any wool so umd in vlolatinn ot (lm bond, in addition to the `rgula ·· dunes provided by this paragraph, 20 cents per pound, wblcl sllnll mt be remitted or mtundecl on exportation ot the nrtlcle _ nr for any other reason. Wool: ln the gmnse shall be com nldcmil such as mall barn been éhnrn {rom the shew vrlthon V any claiming: thntls, ln their natural condltinn. Wsshg ` woqln shall be cgmsldered suéb as bnvn bmn washed with wats only nn the shgcgfs bark, cr on the skin · 1*4:.. 1102. Waals, npt smcially provided tor, and bal: ot th Angora goat, Canhmem gout, alpaca, and mlm: lik• animal: imparted in the grease or `Wil3h&d, 31 cents per pmmd of cies éoalwflt; lmportell in the lsegnnred State, 31 cents pet pound lmportnd on nlm sklu. 0 cents per pound nt cbntant.

e2·o¤s——nvs·ms 556 _ PA!.=1103, Ilany “bale or. package, containing wools, img wool waetesgor wool waste material, subject to. dllterent rates oi duty, be entered at any rate or rates lower than applicable, _; fthe highest rate applicable to any part shall apply to the enum, contents ot such Bale or package: · _ W l 1104. Secretary ot the Treasury is authorized and directed, to prescribe xnetllodsand regulatione` for carrying out. o the provisions ot this schedule 'relatlng to the duties on wom `, and hair, — " ·. ‘ n _ · p PAn._1105. Top waste, slubblng waste, roving waste, and ring r waste, 31 écents per pound; garnetted waste; 24 cents per pound; . , nolls, acarbonlzed, 24 cents per pound ; `noile, not carbonlzed, 19 - cents peripoundi thread ior yarn waste, and all othen wool, I wastes not- specially provided for, .16 cents per ponndr; shoddy, ·_ ·and"woo1, extract, 16 cents per pound; mango, woolen rags, aim l docks, 7%: cents perpound.- Wastes of the hair ot the Angora sjv goat, Cashmere goat, alpaoafand other like animals shall bo ldutiahle at the rates. provided fox? similar types of wool- wastes, i — Pan. 1106. Wool,‘ and hair of the,k1nds provided for in this · schedule, whloh has been advanced in any ngxanner or hy any l process ot manufacture beyond the washed or scoured condi- ? tion, including topo, but not further advanced than roving, 33 , cents per pound and 20 per centum ad valonem. l - 9,4.1;. 1107. Yarn, model wholly or in chief yalue ot wool, ` I valued at not more than 30 cents per pound, 24 cents per pound |_ and 3(Kper ·centum ad yalorem; valued at more than '30 cents I but not more than $1 per pound, 36_cente`per pound and 35 por centum ad valorem; valued all more than $1 por pound, 3T§_

~ cents perlpound and 40 per oentnm ad valorem. T A

3 Pan. 1108. Woyen fabricag weighing not niore than tour ‘ I ounces per square yard, wholly orplnchief value of wool, valued l at not more than S0 wmperl pound;37 cents per pound andy ‘» 50 per eenehm ad ualorempvalned at more 80 cents per pound, $5 cents per pound upon the wool content thereof and 50 F por eentum ad valorenz: Prootdod, That lt they warpootany ol B the toregolng la urholly ot cotton or other vegetable aber, the duty shall be 36 cents per pound and 50 per centum ad? valorem. PAn..1109. Wgoven fabrics, weighing more than tour ounces per square yard, wholly or in clue! value of wed, valued at not Q —_more than 60 centa per pound, 24`eenm per pound and 40 por ¤ centnm ad valorem; valued at more than 60 cents but not more ’· than 80 eenta per pound, 37 eenta per pound and 50 per centuln 2 ad ualowm; valued at more than S0 cents but not more than S $1.59 per pound, 45 cents per pound upon the wool content · J thereof and 50 per oentum sad valorem; valued at alone than ¤· $1.50 per pound, 45 cents per pound upon the wool content ! thereof and wiper centum ad valorem. . o >· Pan. 1110. Pile fabrics, out or uncut, whether or not the pile, H covere the whole surface, made wholly or ln chlet value of 8 wool, and manufactures, ln any form, made or cut from such of n pile tabrla,-40.eenta per pound and 50 per centunx ad valorexn. S Pan. 1111. Blankets and similar articles, including carriage 3 and automobile robes and mane: rugs,. made ot hlanketlng, l- wholly or in chlet value ot- wool, not exceeding three yards in I length, valued at not more than 50 cents per pound, 18 cents a per pound and 80 per eentmn ad mlorem :_ valued at more than Y 50 oentt but not morethan $1 per pound, 27`eenta per pound h and 32% per eentuxn adyalorem; valued at more than $1 but as not more than $1.50 pr pound, 86 cents per pound and 35 per i· centum ad valorem; valued at more than $1.50 per pound, 37 _ lt cents per pound and 4d per eentnra ad valorem. d ‘ Pa;. 111% Felta, not woven. wholly or in chief value ot wool, lr val@ at, not xnon than 60 cents per pound, 18 cents per pound and. 30 parcentnm ad valorem: valued at more than 50 a .e centre but not mom than $1.50 per pound, 27 cents per pound s, and 86 per centnm ad valorma: valued at more than $1.50 per n° pound, 87 cents par pound and 40 per/aentum ad valorem. n; Pu. 1118.~ Fabrics with tant emlnot exceeding twelve lnclm in width, and artiola made rom: tublngs. gutters, i