Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/572

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§ 121v - a·11*1,m‘1s.--cvs part, composed wholly or in chii fvaxue of silk, and not speg cia1ly_ provided for, 60 per centum ad `vulorem. ‘ · ` PAB. 1211. All- manufactures of silk, or of which-· silk is the component `moterial of chieyvalué, not specially provided for, G0 per centufa nd vnlorem. · . . e Pu:. 1212. Inascertaining the weight or number of silk under the provisions ‘0f__this schedule, either in the. threads, imrns, or fabrics, the weightor number shall be taken in thevjcoudition in- which found. in the goods; without deducdouiherefrom · for any dye, coloring matter, or moisture, or. other- foreign sub-,. stance or material. Thejiuumber of singfé threads to the inch in the Warp provided for in this title shall be determined by the number ot spun or reeled" singles of which such siugleor two orpmore ply threndsare composed. , ¤ ··· ) ·P1uz. 1213, _Ai·titlcinl silk waste, 10 per centum __ad volorem`; - ortiiicial silk yvaqte, not rurgner advanced than sliver 0°r roving, 20 eents per pound, but not less than 25 per ceutum nd valorem ;_ Gurus made from artincial silk waste, it singles, 25 cents per ‘ pound; it advanced beyomfthe couditionof singles by grouping or twisting two or more yarns. together, 30 centsjper pound; yarns, threads, and iilamehts of artidcial or imitation Silk, or otnrtiiicial or imitation horsehnir, . by wllatevername known land by whatever process made, ifsingles, 45 cents per pound; if advnneed beyond the condition of kingles by grouping or twisting two or more yarn; together, 50 cents per pound; products of cellulose, not compounded, whether known nwviscn, cellophane, or by any other name, such as are ordinarily used in braiding or .weaving' and in imitation oi‘silk, straw, or similar substances, _55 cents `per pound; but noneof the forcgoing yarns, threads, or filaments, or products of cellulose shall . pay ·a less rote ot duty than ,45 per centum ad valoreing Knit goods, ribbons, aud other fabrics and article composed wholly or in chief value oi any 4 ( the foregoing, 45 cents per pound and 60 per ceutum ud valo.em. scunnvur rz.-—·vAr·uus nun uooxe , mo. 1301. Printing paper, not specially provided for. we fourth of 1 per cent per pound and 10. per ceutum nd valorem: Provided, That if any country, depeudenoy, province, or other ' subdivision of government shall forbid or restrlctln any way . the exportation ot (whether by low, order,:.regulation, contrnctunl relation, or otherwise, directly or indirectly), or impose any export duty, export license fee. or other export charge ot any kind whatsoever (whether in the form of additional charge or license iq or otherwlse) uponprlntiug paper, wood pulp, or wood for use in the emuuufacture of wood, pulp, the »..,.,.o,, •resldent muy enter into uegouatleue with such country, ,de» . omgr__gubdivi$ion of government to se·· euro the removal of such ;>roh`Yl5`ftl”o°nT duty, or other export ohnrge, and if lt is not removed he m€yT"Uy· proclamation, declare such failure of negotiations, setting forth the facts. Thereupon, and until such prohibition, restriction, export; duty, or other ezrport-ohurge is removed, there shall he imposed upon printing paperyprovlded for in this paragraph, when imported either directly or indirectly from such country, dependency. province, or other subdivision not government, an additional duty of 10 per centum ad vnlorem and in addition thereto on amount equnl to the highest export duty or other export charge. lmpoéed `by such country, dependency, province, or other subdivision of government, upon either an equal amount of printing paper or nn a‘mount_o£ wood pulp or wood for use in the monufaerture of wood pulp necessary tomanufac·· ture such printing paper. A . Pm. 1302. Paper bonrd, wnllbourd, and pulpboard, includlng em·dl—»4»m·d, and leather board or compress leather, not lend-l llillvd, glazed, coated. lined, embossed, printed, decorated Gull . ornomonted in any manner, nor out into shapes for boxes orl other artleles and not speclnlly provided for, 10 per centuni ad I

FTQHS DUTIES, _ .558 valorem ;` pulpboardju roll; for use in the manufacture of wan. bbard, 5, per centum ad valorexn: Rrovided, That for the pur-, pohea ot this- chapter anyot the toregolnk less than nine- onethousuudthfg of an in thickness shallhedeemedto be paper; _ sheathing paper, roodng paper, dcadening felt, dieathlng tau, rooting felt or felt rooting, whether or not saturated or enemy w 10 per centum ad valorexn. It any country, dependency, prov. ‘ince, or other; suhdlyieion ot_ government imposes a duty on any rtlcle specified in this. paragraph, when imported the , Enited; States, in excess of the duty herein provided, there hall be imposed upon, such article, when imported either ~ di. rectly or indirectly from such country, dliliélldéllcyy Province, or 'other subdiviélcn of government, a duty equal to that imposed by such eountsry, dependency, province, or other eubdlflsion of government on such article imported from the United States, Pu. 1303. Filter mama or Glter stock, izomposed wholly or in part of wood pulp, wood Hour, cotton or other vegetable liner, 20. per centum ad valorem; indixrated hber ware, masks composed ot paper, pulp or_ papier-mdché, manufactures `ot pulp, ` and manufactures ot papier-nnuché, not specially provided tor, 25 per centimi ad- vnlorem. . , , . -’ y Pan. 1304. Papers commonly known as, tissue paper, stereotype paper, and copying. paper, India and Blhle paper, ,con— ·Aenser paper, carbon paper, coated or uucoated, blbuloua paper, pottery paper, tissue paper for waxing, and all similar to any of the foregolng,‘not specially provided for, colored or _ uncolored, whi°te or printed, weighing not over aix pounds tu the `ream of four hundred and eighty sheets on the basis of twenty by thirty inches, and whether nin reams or any other form, 6 cents perpound and 15 per centum adlvalorem; weighring over six pounds and less_ than ten pounds to the roam. 5 cents per pound and 15 per centmn {ad valorem; India and Bible paper weighing ten pounds or xpore and less than elghy `teen pounds to the ream,p_4_cents perpound and 15 per centum ad valorem ; kcrépe paper, 6 cents per pound and 15 per centmu ad vuloremj Prov—idc:d,‘ That no article composed wholly ora in chief yulue of oneaétt more of the papers speelded ln this paragraplrshall pay a less rateot duty than that imposed upon the component paper of chief value of which such article lamade. Pan, 1305. Papers with coated surface or aurtat-es., not spefqlally provided for`, 5 cents per pound and 15 per centum ud valorem; papers with coated surface or surfaces, embossed or printed otherwlao than lithographically, and papers wholly or ' partly covered with metal or its solutions (-exeept as herein provided), or with gelatin, linseed oll eexnent, or Bock, 5 cents per pound and 15 per centuin ad valorem: papers, Including wrapplng paper, with the surface orsurfuces wholly or partly decorated or covered with a design, fancy e ; pattern, or clxaraeter, except designs, fancy e¤ecta, patterns, r eharactera · odumgeg on a paper machine. without attaehm ts, or produced by Qmlta per mnndjaud ln addition thereto, if emhoaaed, orZ`printEdto thenv4seehLllg,rg_Wllth0g·ra;;h— lcally, or wholly or partly covered with metal or its solutions: or with gelatin or Huck, 17 per centum ud \·julo:·em_: Provided, That paper wholly onpartly cbveied with metal pr its solutions, and welghlng less than llfteen pounds per reaxn of four hundred and elghtysheets, on the heals of twenty by twenty·llve ixwhan, shall pay a duty ot 5 cents per pound and—'17 per centum ad

 valorem; gummed papers, not specially provided for, including

simplex deeuloomnnia paper nhl: printed, ‘5 cents per pound; clothllned orrelnturgzed paper, 5 centspper pound and 17 per eentum ad valorem; papers with parafdu or wmneoated surfnve or surfaces, · getulile parchment paper, greuseproof and iml~ tation parc nent papers which have been aupercealc··¤xde—red and rendered tr nsparent or partially en, by whatever name known. all other- , easeiproof and lxultntien parvlmxent paper, not specially pr vided for, by whatever name known, 3 eenta per pound and 5 per eentum ad vulorem: hugs, printed nnnttnr