Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/573

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. ‘ V 559 . tv rum; is.-cm otho1;_tha¤ lithographic, and all other art‘lclm;_eompo¤ed wholly nr in chief vqlue of any of the {ongoing paperb, not provided tor, and nil; boxes ofpnpor or papiei¤m8.che of wood nnyereti org with any of the :o@1¤; pnpém. gr umogmphed"pipe1‘; or covered or lined with cotton oxfothet vegetamonbo1·,’ 5_ce¤ts per pouod and 20 percentum ad n1o;·om;_ p1ain·basic folj nibumeniziug, sensitizing; barytn coating, lor for photgraphic processes by uqihg·solur"or_ar111lcial iight, 3 cents per pound and 15 per contain ed valorcm; nllmmenlzcd i or sensitized paper ei paper otherwise eurtncejcvuted for pho·_ mgmphic purpoem, 3 cents per and 20-per centmp`_ad» ·¤-nlorom; wet paper or paper prepared wholly wéith gllyeotixr or glycerin combined with other nmteridls,`icontqining the iqaprints token from lithographic 'plates or stones, 65 ¢·t·nmm£dyalonem.”’" ‘ _ . . f —P.·m. 1306Q Pictures; —cale¤dars,_. cards} labels, MDS,. cigar hands, piacavds and other articles, composed wholly or in chief l value 01f;])Q[)€l‘ lithographicnlly `prihted "in whole or in pgi·`t_ f wm Stone, xelntln, mtal} or other Q material (except. boxes, views of American scenery or objects, and rnuslc, and illustra· 4 tions when forming p¤rt_s.of‘ an periodical or newspaper, or ot; hound or unbound ebooks, accompanying the same); not spe- l cieilly provided tor, shall pay ~duty at, the following rebefs;1 Labels &¤d_¤¤¤S, printed in less than eight colors (bronze print-‘ W ing to be counted hetwo colors), but not printed in whole on “ in part in metal ·ieat,` 25 cents per pound; cigar hands of the same number of colors und prlnti¤8S» 35 cents per pound; labelsand deps printed in eight or more colors (bronm printing ho be counted as two colors), but not printed inwholo or in part in metal leaf, 35 cents per pound; cigar bands ot the same number of colots and paintings, 50 cents `pef pound; labels and laps, printed in whole or in part in metal leaf; 00 cents per pound; c-igar bands, printed in whole or in part in metal lehf, % centspor pound; all labels. dupe, and bands, not exceeding ten square inohe. cutting,ci¤e·in dimensions, it emh ; o1·`die-cut, shall pay the some 'rate of duty is hereinhetore provided for cigétj bands ot the caxne number ot colors and printingo (but‘· no oxtm duty élwll he usseésed on labels, deps, and bands tor" embossing or die·c¤ttlnz}$ fashion madadnés or periodicals, printed in whole or in part by lithographic procensyor oeoogoteo by hand, S cents per pound; decalcotnanlas in ceramic colors, weighing not over om hundred pounds per one thousand sheets on the heels of twenty hyntbirty lnohes lnvdimensious, 70 cents por; pound dud 15 per centuni- hd mlorom; weighing over one hundred pounds per one thougaud sheets on the hasle of twenty by thirty lnchm in dimensions, 23 cents per pound and 15; pl: oentum. ed velorem; if backed with metal leaf, 65 cents per pound; oil other decalcomanias; exwpt toy ldecalcomquias, 40 cents per pound; all other articles than those hereinbetore speciilcniiy provided for in this pareitupb, not oxcwding eighth one-ethqusondths of on inch in thickness. 25 cents per pound; oxceoding€,eight and not exceeding twenty onethouenndths of an; inch in thick-hex and lm than thirty-tive square inches cuttiiiglsim in di@gnsiom,l10 centa per p0¤;¤a;*e¤eoe.¤g thistyé five square inche§mI.€Y1t¤ng»oi;e_;_ln dimensions, 9% cents per pound, and in addition thereto on aIl`of;‘·s;s ld,g_1;ticles exceedingeight and not exceeding 'twenty oneitbousandths  » BTTEE ineheiild thickneos, it either dielcut or embossed,) oneéhalf of 1 cent per pound; it both digcntmand embossed, 1 cent per pound; exceeding twenty oneythousahdths ao; an inch in thickness,_7% cents por pound : “Providod, That in the cose of articles heroinbetore epeclnod i the thickness which shall determim the rate ot duty to be imposed shall, he that o{_the thinumt material found in ` the article, but for the purposes of this pamgrgph the thictnem of lithogmphs mounted or pasted upon ®paper,.catdhosrd, or other material shall be»the combined thickness of the lltho-e graph andthe foundatiowon which it is mounted or pasted,

nrous norms § 121 and the cutt.l.¤g_size shall be the area which is the product ot the greatest dimensions ot length and breadth ot the article, ind,i{ theartide made up ofmore thnh one piece, the cutting A· sizeshall be the combined cutting· sizes ot all of the lithographically printed,parts in the article, · · Pan. _.13(U. Writing,,__1etterQ note, drawing, handmade paper and paper commercially knnwnfas handmade paper and machine ‘ handmade paper, Japan paper and imitation Japan paper by

   Bristol board ot the kinds made on n

Fourdrinier machine, and `_ ledger, bond, record, tablet, ctype- d writer, manifold, pam onion skin imitation onion-skin paper, cnlendered or uncalendered, weighing seven pounds or over per team, and paper l-similar to any` of the foregoing, 3 cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valoremgbnt H any ot‘the—tore— going is i·uled,_.·bordered,` embossed, printed, lined, or decorated in any man°ner, other thanfby lithographic prow, it shall pay 10 per centum lad valoreha, in addition to the foregoing rates :` Provided, That in computing the duty on such paper every one hundred and eightieeven thousand square inches shall be-taken to_ba_¤ream. [ ’ l _ PA:. 1308. Paper envelopes not specially pro€ided for shall pay the same rate of duty as the paper from which made and in addition tbereto,`it plain, 5 percéntum ad vnlorem; if bordered, embossed, printed, tinted, decorated, or lined, `1o per

 advalorcrn; if lithographed; 30 per centum ad valorem.

Pan. 1309, Jacquard designs on rnlml paper, or cut ·0n` Jacquard cards, and ports of such designs, 35 per ccntum ad valorexn; hanging paper, not printed, lithographed, dyed, or -colored,— 10 per centunx ad valorem`; printed; llthographed, dyed, or colored, 11,5 cents per pound and 20 per ccutum ad . { valorom ;‘ wrapping paper nbt specially provided for, ,30 ~pe1· l centum nd valorem; blotting paper, 30 per centmn ad valorem; ldltering paper, 5 cents per pound and 15- pexjccntum ad` valorem; paper not specially provided for, 30 per centum ad . lvalorem., A _. PAB. 1310. Unbound. booksot all kinds, bound boo s of all kinds except those- bound wholly or in part in lcathe , sheets or printed pages of books: bound wholly or in part in eather, tpampblets; music in books or sheets, and printed matter, all the foregoing not `speclally provided tor, it of bona dde fore@ authorship, d5 per centum nd valorem; all other, not specially provided tor, 25 per centum sd valorcm;2 blanlt ‘ books, slate _ books, drawings, engravings, photogaphs, etchlngs, maps, and n charts, 251 perdcentum ad ynlorcm; book bindings or covers wholly or in part of leather, not specially provided for, 30 per centum ad yalorem-; books ot paper or other material for ch1ldren’s-use, printed 'llthoyaphically or 'otherwlse, not exceeding in weight . twentydonr oune&‘ each. with more reading xnetter than letters, numerals} or descriptive `worde, 25 per centmu ad valorexn; booklets, printed Iithograpnically or otherwise, not specially provided for, 7 cents per pound; booklets, wholly or in chief value ot paper, decorated in whole or in part by band or by sprsuting', vrhether or not printed, not specially provided for, 15 cents per pound; all post cards. (not including American, views), plain, decorated, cnnbosscd, or printed except by lithographic process, 30 per centum » ad yalorem: views ot any landscape, scene, building, place or locallt} the United States,] on cardboard or` paper, not thinner than eight one-thoush‘nd&s,,r, o;,%0ne inch, by whateveg process printed or produced, including those wholly, or in part pro~ d duced by either lithwraphic or photoeelatin process (except .- show cards), occupying thirty·§ve square inches or less of surface per view, bound or unbound, or in any other form, 15 cents pen pound and 25 per centum nd valorem; thinner than eight one-thonsandths of one inch, $2 per thousand; greeting cards, and ell other social and gift cnrdagincluding those in the form oi folders and booklets, wholly or partly manufac-