Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/58

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§ 267 TITLE 5.--—EXEOL?T1VE HJEPARTM ley the same bQfu1‘€ theiir respective Heuscs fofconsidemciou (July 7. 1884. c. 334, § 1, 23 Stat. 254.) _ » e l 267. Same; cilicers delinquent in rendering acc0unts.+·--'.l‘h< S¤.>+;:retary of The Treasury shall, on the ilrst; Monday of Janu m·y’iu_cnch yeari make report to Congress of/such officers ani mlmiuisttrative clepartmeuts 21.11dJ _¤meeSe of the Goverumenti as were, respectively. at any time during the last: preceding flsc:11 yc;1r·d0liuqu’e11t; in 1'<3IldGI;iI1g_O1` tl°£1I1S!1`Ii{t_iIl§_.," ncc01inls t0— the pmper nilices in. Waslningtonl and the lC{ll~1$Q therefor, mid Q; each case imlicuting whether the ‘de1inqu0h'cy was Wz1ived,..t0 g:e£,l1er·»witl1 suclr officcxjei, iuc1~udiug p0st111:1s¢ers and .0mC9IS~0} the Post Office Depa1*t111cu_t, as were found_up011 linal settle e ment of their accounts to `havé been imlcbtedl to -1:110 Govern ment, xs#izl1 lim _;u11om1i:· of surh· ill(l€l)Ct}€ll1OSS·*iIi each c0Qse, {mC who, at the date of‘m;1kin;g* report, had faiile_cl‘_t0 pay the same imo the Tr0:1sm·y’_0f‘ the L'x1it;ed Sta£eS.` -. (QIu1y.Q3l,’·1894, c.°1,7—1 § 12. 28 St:1t.“20l)r: May 28,,2`52Q § -1, 29 Sta,t.·_»179;.·). A , 268. Same; approprigtioxls for ,Depart m.ent,$ of \Var and lN8V)'.·—··3;11€ Secretary of the`T;¥ea{sii.1jy Slmlllgléay before-Congress ut thy;) CO!Illll9HCQHl€Ht_`·Of each regular "sesshiunl Pzxccqmpahyiug his illllilailiil statement of the public expenditure, the reports which m§y bc nude to him lb}; the ¢;»fiic·el•s (:h21fged witl1 the ` ex;1iniz1ati0u`0f the accounts of the ,Depz1rt11§e.x1ti0f.Wai and the Depzlrtrueut of Flu} Navy, '1*éspec·tivei_y,. ShO'\\;il1g`thB appli cation df-Qtlge money :1ppri>priz1t0d for those departments for the p1rec·edi11g—»year. °(R, S. § e ·* ‘ l ‘ · 269. Accounts of amRl'$Ts expended for conitihlgentixpenses cf Treasury buildings.-The Secretary of the Treasufy`slmll -t1*z1i1s1nit·t0 _C‘o1 rgro>;s, at the cmu1x1e11¢.·e111e11f of·.‘€il(f%€glll11l session, a. copy of each of the a¢·<2uu¤¤ts·1<v1>t'b5f the 0 `QCQY 01 ailiceifs designated under section 257pf tl~1__is,';iLlé°0f all amounts expended under theixhead of Ci)lltillgO21t·€’X[}BIlS€S forlthe several bureaus. of thé Department of the _Trezisury; ,:111d-‘0f_a‘11 amounts paid for furniture mad r0;'»>a1irs 6f furniture, sind ofgxlxe disposal of old furniture. (R, S. § 262.) I I l A A — 279. Quarterly publication; of statement of r_ecei_pts euindoexu

]$enditures.—-—T»l1e ·Sccretury of the Treasury air the expiration

of thirty days from the end of féacln of nartcr, shall cause to be pub1ishe<1 in suunu `x1uwspaper ateetlxe seat df gOV(F1`1lIll9Il{ :1 statcuaerit of ulQ·\’sThO!€· recl·ipLs of smiqh quurt01·, spep·if§iuglthe amount ·_1`€*(.?£}i\'g‘d fl`(lD‘l customs, Qfrginu lp1ilHTc ISIIGS, faful frmu xxniscelluxxceus sources, uml,.»ul5n,·t1w‘ whole amount of play- l 1llQlltr`·l made during the said quzu·t¢$r.j spg<·ifyiug 'the general lwml of upp?“0pt*iat;im1, v.·l1etlzc1• for me civillisf, the "Ar-my, tile Navy. Imlizm Affairs, foriitic£1tinns_, or pensions. (R. `S. § :,:66.) le e . e l l l ‘ 271. Monthly publication of yveekly statement bf Treas.- urer.·——5—-Tim S€*Cl`£}f3;l`§" ui the Treasury hsslmll cuugg to be pub— lished ill.SUBl鑧iLl\\'S[)il}l€1° at the` seat ofgoverument, ou the first day ..0f 0z1cl{‘11m1n'tln, the lust preceding weékly_sfznte;he;·ut hi? the Treasurer of the United States, Slxmviug the amount fu hie; ¢·lre·]i_t.iu.Vtlne;_difl’0re11t»b`21uk>=,`i11 tllce 1l1il1t,_ or other 'dep0sl— ' f<,·ri4·s, the axummtifur wllicln clrafté l<1avc_»b•. —ex1_ glxjeu, and tlxelse renémluing unpaid, and theVlmIz111ce remaining subject to hié draft; mul he slmll also specially ·n0§e‘ any (‘hl111§,’QS· that have been nmlle in etlle depositoerlcslllof lthe. Tre:1>s111·5·»el11rl·11g the`pre— _ccdis1g»u10utl1, and reportlo Cuugvesg, at the ccmunenncemcnnt of

 its xaexl sicssion, the reasmnns I(ll'·SllCl.l,(?ll!j.l1{“.F£?Sl (ILS. § @7.)

l· 272.`Sta)teme¤ts of reccip_tseaud expenditures in naval semice.é-—-—Ilt shall be the dmgty 0{-lthe Secretary of the 'lfreasuri to tzgxlsmi; m €0ll§.§1'¢3f5$.=·Hllll\\£1Uj’, £1.t$1YlUl&I° %§€2ltQlll§Q1}t showing in e demi! the reeelipts and egpcudltuxics in the naval service umler each epp:‘0prlatiuuQ 'asAmud0_up·eaud dcte1•mh1cd· by the‘;Gléue;·al Acccimtlug Qllice., ixp0,n· thelaecounts ectdisb14r$l:ig·oHleer$`_tendered for settl.emei;p.“ __ (Juue`19, 1878., c. 311,__§ 1,. 20 Stat.161)

 A 273. eBs le¤ces vin? henéfs of diabufsing agents; report of

ammmts lest. ci- u¤\¤¢¢¤u¤ted for.·$-—-There shall be appended to stawmmits mcum;¤¤eu_ in. seégtioul 212 of this tihelan account of

'ENTS, OFFICERS, AND EMPLOYEES 4,4 · l l . ¤ A _ ba1;mceg 1¤ thqimuds of disbursing agents? at the close of eagh. fiscal year, and a report of any £UD6UHtS lost Or, Umgcouxxted my a vouclxer. (June 19, 1878, 0.*311; § 2, 20 .St_at. 107.) ’ 1 Chapter 5.-Q-e-DEPARTMENT OFWJUSTICE. l s $¢¢· D f . Z 0 l I I 291. Establlshment'0-I department. `°€· . 3 292. Seal. - I ·‘ I l

  • 293. Solicitor General. .

1 294..Ansistant. to Attorney General, -.' " 295. Assistant Attorneys G'ene£·a1, p D ‘ ' E 296._ Assistant Attorney General in charge as custems matters; deputy· A 0 jspecial_»att0rneys.` " 'l - ‘ ; ’ 297..]S0llcitors for departments. · " _ . _ ·— 208, §peclal asslntant to A.ttoruey·‘General to assist lupostal eases. [ #299. Qfiieials mr investigatlqn o£‘.oiH_cial matters in-_Depamm~m;S Qi 3_ ·h Justice and S-tate.` A __ ‘ — W ‘ . . i Y ‘· " · p_ W300; Officials for deteétlou and- prosecution of·erimes.._

  • 0 _301.,_OtIleiaIs for investigation of omcial acts, records, and accounts of
 · __ marshalg, att0rneys,`_c1erl;S ,01*. courts, United States_cJmmi,·;-

|‘ _ _ sipnerg, referees,_a¤d- trustees. _ - — R- 302.; Traveling expense}; and subsistence pt,omeers, __v 30.3. O»pin_ionsi_and advice of Attorney General; to-President. { 304. Same; toiheads of exe?:utivedepartments.‘ _· `_ ? · 305, `Publicatjonoi opinions. _ · _

·· 3t)6..Legal service far’_tlcpnrtZment£. _ A , ‘ ,_ _

I 30"IQ Legal advice to War iand·_Navy‘~Departmen-ts. · · I _ 308;.--Reference potquestlgzsytoi subqrdlnntesi ‘ » _ -.._ . - _ _ e »3•)9.—`§Zon-dnét and argum nt of eases by _Att0rnéy General and Solleimr ?» 0 _ l_ General. i D 1 ~ ‘

 310; Conduct of leggl_proceedl·n_gs. __ __ V . `_ - »
_ 311; Performance ofduty Qlrykitheers of department.

I B12'. Counsel toaald district attorneys; —~ l- - . 313, At_tendauce <>t_»cou¤sel._ l _ _ `_ V 314Q Counsel feesl restricted. » fi .’ p _ 0 ·; _ T _3-15.4 Appointment and oath of special __att<>rneys or counacl. ·- ,·‘ ${6. Interest of t..United Btateo in pending suits; _ _ l n _ 317, Superlntendlng district attorneys and marshals. _ if

 318. Accounts et·district.u·tt0rneys._ D · ‘

[ 319. Requlsitions. — i _· ~ ‘· as .;3,‘l0, Disbiu=sen1e¤t-nLt»» ;»—»» p > 3:31. D_lsbursementb{·· salaries of judges. -_ _ 322. Records of omce of Solicitor of Tr~easury;“_ A _ » y3::s.»1;ou¤ls t¢—>r» suit; liability not district attornry <»¤.`¢€*¢¤ivi¤c< r l l 324. Qame {examination of reports of district attgrneys andgcollecton. _ »_ 325. Same ;'!alse.rep0rts<0f.» ‘ Z ‘ . l ‘ L .:s;:•:..r»m·¤»»·t>»y of frauds.- · _ _ _` 7 ° _ 3:;f·..:Su1pit·im;·,_o£ il‘reasu—ry;lrules respecting suits. " Same; `report of modern recéveredg ‘ 7 I 329. s;¤¤m»;i1¤»¢¤—¤ct1¤¤; to dlstrlctiattorneys. » - .330. Same; suits Qalving national banksg V It __ L 331. Duties ot United States attisrneysp. 7 _ ·· · 332. rm¤eeu1¤gs.1¤ equity ln cnxesnt Post Omce Department. . ' 333, R`ep0rt*?bf buslpneess and stntistles. . n D ~ 33-1. Report ohexpenditure of cfmtlngent fundr 335; I-tepnrt of; payments from apprglationsl · _ , _33`¤5. ltepurt uf·98Cl€lilI01l&I attnrneysnnd counsel employed. _` 337. RQ}jx)X`t‘0f assistaxlts_t0··;lintrict attorneys. 338,· Distribution of statutes and reportstu judges. ’* l 2.539.. Register lot statute; and reports distributed. in

 .SéCti0l§·291._E8t§b]iShl\\€f\t of depnrtnxentl-—There shall he

p at the neat at government an exeehtlve department to he lrmmjn _ 0 as the Department of Justice; and ain Attorney General, who A Shall be the head [ll§l‘BQf,· (R. S. _§I3¥16»l D , _ v l `fCross reference: Salary ot; Attorney Geuerahisee. sectian 3 at this title. _ V L l` . l · i l (292. Se6l?—~—Tlle seal heretofore provided for th? Gtlice at fll_e Attorney General sl1all_be, wltl! such ehangelns the President _érh¤l1.approv"e; the senl oi the Department- oi Justice. (R. S- 5353Lfi ·’ _~ _ 293; Solicitnr General.-—'Ilhere.isl1all lie in the Department ot J nntice an omeer pp learned in the law, to asnist the Attorney ‘ Genertal in tlxeepertnrmnnee not his idutien, lcalled thelS0liclt_0r_-_ General, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with tile advice and consent ot the Senate, nndialnall be· entitled to a salary ct $10,000 a year. g In.easet0§n vacancy in the _¤m¢§ ci Att0rney‘General, erotplzls absentee or disability, the Salicjt

 its); General shall have power tp exercise all the duties; of that