Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/589

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575 rzrw 19.#—GC · when . the articles exported are manufactured t o17_ produced in part from domestic materials, the imported merchandise shall 'St) appear completed th§tZHtb0 Yqllautityeof mQ§$- ure` wereof "may he ascertained. The drawback on ahy article . allowed under law existiné on Septerubér 21, 1922, shall he . c·01itinued·at_.the rate herein proylded. » The imported mercham I elise used in the manufacture or production" of articles entitled to drawback of customs- duties when exported · shall, in all cases where drawback of . duties paid on such merchandise is claimed, be` ldentliled, the quantity of suclrmerchaudise used and uae amount or autres pale thereon than bejaecemmee, the facts of the manufacture f or production of such articles in ` the United States and thelr exportation therefrom shall be determined, and the drawback due thereon shall be paid to the manufacturer, producer, or eiporter, fthe agent of either, pr to the person to whom such manufacturer, producer, exporter, or agent shall ln order meh draxhack paid, under such regulations as the~·Secnetary of the — ry shall prescribe. On the exportationvuf llavorlnz e;tracts,‘ medicinal or toilet preparations fincluding pcrfumery) ‘ manufactured or produced in the United Stem after September _21, 1922,, in part from domestic alcohol ouwhich an lnter¤al—revenuef.tak has been paid,. there shall be allowed- a drawback equal in amount to the . tar found to have beeu· pall on the alcohol so used. Such drawback shall be determined and paid = under such rules and d regulations, and upon the ming of such notices, bonds, bills of lading, · and other evidence of payment of tax and exportation, asthe Secrethry of the Treasury ’shall_prescrlbe.` ~ _ » Imported salt in bond maybe used ln curing deh taken by vessels licensed to eumge in the dsherles and ln curing fish on the shores of the `aavlgable waters of the United States, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; and upon proof that mit has beep used for either of the purposes herelnbefore stated, the duties on the same ` ehall , he ‘ rmitted. Upon the exportation of ·_ meats, whether packed or smoked, which- have been cured in the United States with imported salt, there shall harefunded xrom the Treasury, upon satisfactory proof, umer such Yregulatlous as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, that such meats have been cured with mported salt, the dutlm paid on the salt so used an curlng such exported meats, in amounts; not less than $100. The provlaiona of this section shall apply to materials imported and used lu the construction and equipment of vesmle built for forelzn account and owrlerehlp, or for the Government of any foreign country. uotwithstandlng that such veeaels may nm lwithln the atrtct meaning! of the term be articles exported. (Mar.°8, 1%, c. 140,, { 8, & Stat. 55: Sept. 21, 1922, c. 858, Title III, { 818, 42 Btat;`940.) c » . e ’ . ll ° 152a. Sane; articles dipped to ,Phlllpplnea.—·-All articles manufactured in bonded manufacturing warehouws in whole or ln part of imported materials, or of luaterlala subject to lntemahreveaue tax and intended for ‘ shipment from the United Qtates to the Philippine Islands, ahall, when so shipped, under such regulations aa the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, be exempt from _ lnternabrevenue tax, and ahall not be charged with duty except the duty levied upon imports lato the Philippine Island; · ° . _· · p . Where materials on which duties have been paid are used in the manufacture of articles manufactured cr produced in the United Btalm, there shall be allowed on the shipment of. said articles to the ‘ Phlllpplua Archipelago a drawback equal ln amount td the dutlw paid on the materials used, las 1 per ccutum of such duties, under such, rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. (Mar. 8, 1902, c. 140, I 8, & Stat. 55-) * " p 152h. Same; articles reexported to Phillpplnea.——·ll§erchandiee in hooded warehouse or otherwise in the custody and control of the omcers of the customs upon which duties have been

rsrous burma § 155 paid, shall be entitled, on shipment to the Philippine Islands . within three years trom the daté ot the original arrival, to a ( return of the duti¢8 less I per centum,,&ud merchandise upon which duties‘have not beenbpaid may be shipped without h the payment of duties to the}`Philippine·_ Islands within said · period, under such, rules and regulations as may be prescribed —· by the~Secretéry of the Treasury. (Mor. 8, 1902, c. 140,1 7, 32 Qtr t. · 55;) - Y . · - l ,·Rii1rn·on·rmo Exrowmn Anaucmaze h ~ ~153._· Duty; on articles reinnported after exportation free of · internal reienuei taxes.-—Upon the l rehnportetion of articles once exported, of the growth, product, pi? manufacture of the ° United States, upon ‘which no internal tex has been assessed ‘ or paid, — or upon;2 which such, tax has been paid and refunded u brallowhnce or dxyéack, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty equal to the tax imposed by the internal revenue lows upon such articlesnexcept articles manufactured in bonded wvorehouses and exported pursuant to law, which shall be sub- _ ject to the same rate of duty as if originally imported, but proof otQ the identity or such erticles, shall be made under general regulations .to be prescribed bygye. Secreteiy of the Treas- » ury. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 856, Title Ill, { 314, 42 Stat, 941.) Cross refere{¤ce.—-Reimportation of artlclea exported with benefit ot drawback of customydutlcs; see pdr¤grnph»1514 of section 121 of this titlo. » ‘ . ‘ EQUAhI5ING_PBOBUCTION Coors _ I °154.` Procedure where duties 'do not equalize dmerences in caste of production ha United Stotes and principal competing country; changes in, clnsaihestws by Prwidente-——In order to regulate the foreign commerce ot the United States ondto-put into force and e¤ect the policy of the Congrw by this chapter intended, whenever the President upon investigation `of the diderences in costs of production of articles wholly or in part the growth or product of the United Stated and ot, like or similar articles wholly or in port the growthor product ot competing foreign countries, shelf had it thereby shown that the duties hxed in this chapter do not equallse thesaid difterences in costa ‘ of production in, the ‘ United Stutu and the principal _ competing country he shell, by such lnveetigntion, ascertain sold ’ dldereucee and determine and proclaim the changes in ‘ clowncntions or increoow or. decreuees in any rote of duty provided in this chapter shown by. sold ascertained differences in such U costa ot production necusery to equalize theenme. Thirty days after the dtte ot such proclamation or proclamation such chan§@ mg claxlhcution shall take eHect, and such. increased or decrmed duties shall be levied, collected, ¤m1tps,1o‘¤n such article when imported fron}. any foreign country into the ~ United States or into any ot its poseeseions (except the Phillppine Islands, the Virgin Islands, and the islands ot Guam and _ Tutuile) ; Provided, That the total increase or decresm of ouch t rates of duty shall not exceed 50 per centum ot the rntee speci· Bed in Subtitle I of this chapter; or in eny omendntory Act. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 358, Title III, { 315(u·)q 42_Stot. 155.USsnc: value of imported articlei to be upon American selling price.-——-In order to mulnte the toreip com- P merce ot the United States end to put into force and edect the policy of the Congrem by this chapter intended, whenever the _ President, upon investigation ot the difference; ln costs ot pro- . duction of erticles provided tor. in Subtitle I ot this chapter, ` wholly or lupert th? Smwth or product ot the‘ United States and ot like or similar nrtlcles wholly or in port the growth or product ot competing torelgn countries, eholl find it thereby shown that the dutim prwcrlbed in this chapter do not equalize cold differences, end shelf further ilnd it thereby shown that the sold dwereuces ng costs ot production ln the United States and the principal competing country cen not be equelized by proceeding under the provisions of 154 of thi; title, he shall make such Endings public, together with o description ot the