Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/596

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( §‘ 235 ~ TITLE .1s.·-cvs (4) If there be any similar competitive article "manufnc-_ tured or produced in the United States 0t.a class pr kind upon which the President ings made public ajlndlng as provided in section 155 of this title, then) the~Americau selling price of such ‘ article. ° (Sept. 21,1922, c. 353, Title IV_, § 402°(a), 42 Stat. 949.) 235. Samc;` foreign value; `how ,ascertained.—e-The foreign value ofimpt>rted merchandise shall be°the market value or the price at the time of exportation of such mercbandlserto the Fxgltecl States, at which such or similar xnerphaudisé is freely offered for sale to ‘all purchasers in the principal markets ,0t the cuuntrjr from which exported, gn the usual wholesale quantities stud the`0rdig1ury courée of trade, including the cost of all cuutuiuere and coverings of whatever natureyand all other (wales. charges, and expenses incident to `plucingthe merchandise ju comlititm, packed ready for shipment td the Unite;} States;. (Sept. 21,1922, c. 356, Title LV, § 402(b); `42 Stat. 949.) , 236. Same; export value; how, ascertained.-——Thé export value df imported merchandise shall bé the market wgaluc pr the price, at- the time of expérctzltiou of such merclumdise to, the United States, abwhich suchm or similar merchandise fs freely offered for sale tu all purchasérsin- the principal markets of the country from Wh1Q4ll`€Xp01`t€d,`iH the us_ual_·wlwlesale w quantities and lu the ordiharyq course 'cf trude,`_for exportation tc the United Stz1tes,~phis, when not included in such price, the costiof all- C(.I1t3ill€1‘S ·audlc0verings.0f wlmtcvcr nuture, and all other costs, charges, uml expenses incident tot placing the °' lllQ1’(‘h£1Il§]iS€ in `CQ!fdit1OIl,· packed reuday for shipment to the. ,_ United Statcg. If in ‘»tl1e..0rdiuary cqourse _0f trade 'imported merchamlise is shipped to the lJuiwd— States tc dn agent of the seller, or to the_Scller`s branch house, pursuant to uu order `0r an agrcculcut to purchase (whether placed ur cntcredluto iu the United States or in the_forelg11 country)? fur delivery _to'tl1e purcl¤uee—r lu the United States, and if the title to §`Uch. merchandise remains in the seller until such delive1vy,_then such I~1l€1‘(.‘hil1l(ll:§£!* shall act be deemed to be freely offered: fgur sale in _tll€· principal markets of the country f1°0lll·VV_1llC‘l1 exp0rted

 for exportation to the United States, \\'i(’Hi11_ the meaning of

this section; (Sept. 21, 1922, c.r356, Title ’1,V, § 402(cr), (42 Stat. 949.) ‘ ‘ · ‘ . 237. S»amc;1United States v:zlue;` how ascerteined.;——Thej_ United States value of lmportcdlmerclzuudisen shall be the price at which jsuch cr siniilar imported merchandise is freely offered for sule, packed ready for delivery, in { the principal market of the United‘States‘t0 all purchasers, ututhe time yqf exportation of the imported merchandise, in the-usual wholmule ‘Ql1£\H* fifties and in the crgdinury course ut {rude, with ullowauceu iuadet fm- duty, cost ct transportation and insurance, and other neces— sary expenses from the piece or shlpmeintf to theplace of delivery, u commission not exceeding 6 perl ccutum, lfany·-has been paid or contractecftc be paid cm guods secured (otherwise than by purchase, or prcilts uctto exam 8 per ceutum and a. reason-— dble allowance for general expenses, not to exceed 8 `perl ceutum; cu purchased goods; (Sept, 21, 1922, c. 356, Title IV, § 402(d)," 42 Stat. 949.) . ~ · ·` . A

  • 238._Sa:ue; mst of production; haw ascertained.-—lFor the

purpose cftllls subtitle. the cost of production of imported met'- chuurllse shall be the cum 0£·-——· " , » ·_ P ‘ ' ee (1) The cast of materlulé of, uml of fabrication, mauipulw tieu, dr other proic-ces employed in manufacturing cr producing such cr similar merclmndluc, atl u time (preceding the date *0t ‘ exportation ct the particular merchandise under ccusideratiou wlxlclz would ordinarily permit the muuufecture cr predudlezu cf the particular mcrclmudisc under consideration ln the usual course of business; _ · . _ (2) The usual general expenses (net less than 10 per ceutum of such cost) in the case Gi such er similar merchum diuc; `

womsnvrms gg 582 @3) The cost of all coritainers and coverings: of whatever ture, and all other coats, charges, and expeneea incident to placing the particular `merchaindise under consideration in condition, packed readyrfor shipxzoent to the United States;- and ‘

 (4) An addition for profit (net lege than 8 per ceutum of

the sum of the amounts found xmder paragraphs (1) and (2) of; this subdivision) equal to the profit which ordinarily is added, in the case of- merchandise of the same general character as the particular » merchandise under conieideratioug by manufacturers `or producers in the- country of manufacture er production {who are engaged in the zproduction or manufacture of merchandise of the same class or lfglud'. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. ,356, Title IV; §. 402(e), 42 Stat. 949.) . “ ” l 239. Same; American sg-lling priceghow ascertained.--The American selling price of. ani article manufactured or produced in`- the United Stages shallhe the price, including the coat of all containers and coverlngsof whatever nature and allzother costs. chargea, andexpenees incident. to placing the famerclnandise ix; condition packed read? for delivery, at which such article is freely offered for sale to all purchasers in the principal market of the United States,.in the ordinary eourae of trade and in the é e yusual wholesale quantities in such market; or the price that the `matiufacturer, `producer, orowner would have received or was willing to receive for such merchandise when scid in the erdi- _ nary coarse of trade and in U18`l1S\1°8l.Wh0sl€S&IB quantities, at the tlme of exportation of the imported article: (Sept>·2fI3, IQB2, c. 356, Title IV, § 402(ff, 42 Stat. 950.)_ ¢‘ `* · 240.* Value at date of ehipngent.——Vl'heu the duty upon any .in5ports. shall be subject to ubc leviegivupon the tree market fvalue of such impcrrts ixr the principal markete·_ef·the country from `wheacegie importation: has beexf made, or` at the port of ` a exportation, the duty shall he estimated and collected*upeu the value I1. tf¤e‘~day` of actual ahipmenh whenever :.1 bill cf Llodinig shf be presented ehowkxg the date of shipment, and wh‘ich;sh ll be certided by a certidcale of the United States t30IlS\1[ or legally authorized deputy. ‘(R. S. 5 2904-.) ’ Paar 2.-—-———Revoa*r, ENTRY, Ami Umzaemo or Vrzssaea Axe » n A a 7 Vrzuxcmsp 241. Manifeats, form and c0atenta;+—-The master et every ~ veaeel arriving ia the United States and required to make entry shall have on board his vessel a manifest in a form to be pre-· ascribed by_ the Secretariat the Treasury and signed by auch master under oath as to the truth of the statements therein contained; . Such maixlteat shall) contain: a First. The I18IIlB$`0$ the ports atelilch the merchaadiee was taken outboard and the parte ot entry of the United States for which the same la deetlaed, particularly `deacrlbiag the mer- Vchandlee deetined th each eixch port,. The master of any vessel laden exclusively with @1, eager, ealt, altrates, hides., dye- c _w0oda, wool, or other merchandise in hulk {consigned ~ tc. one owner and arrivlna at a port for erders, may destme such cargo. " fer. orders," and within hfteca days thereafter, but before the unlsding ct any part- or the cargo such manifest may be amended by the master hy designating the port or ports of discharge of auch cargo, and in the ·e‘veat ot raikure a tc amend the manifest within the time mrmltted such cargo mixat he discharged at the port at which the vessel arrived and ~ entered. ‘ Q ” . ` » Second. The aame. Aeacriptic¤,L and build of the vessel,. the true measure er teenage thereof, the `pert to which auch vessel thelenga, andthe name of the master of auch veaeel. ‘ V Third. {A detailed account ot all heard eueh reaeel, with themarke and uumlxere of each package, and the number and- deacriptleut of the package&¢’_at.·cordiug —to— their