Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/599

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585 I TITLE 19.—~··C l \ l _ rq unladé merbhandlsé or baggage, Hut metchandise or baggagq so unlédezp shall bd retained ht the place of unladlng unti entry therefor is made and a permit, for its delivery granted _a¤d the owners of thé Qegsal or vehicle from whiqh· any lm ported merchandise is unladen print to entry of subh mer ehzmdisc shall be liable for the pziymgnt {ot the duties accruing on any-vpart thereof that may be removed from thqplace or unmldiug without, a’permit· therefor `h8VlDg‘P”-bééll issued. ‘An; _ merchandise or baggage so `uuladen from {ny vessel or vehich t‘m·‘which- entry is Il0t.I!l£1d€ `lwithlp f¢rty-eight hours, exclusive U1? Sunday- and Holidays, from the time of the entry of thévesse m- report of the véhicle, unless a longer tjméls granted by tim ¢·,<>llect6;·, as providedln mctl<m¤345 of {this title, shall belsen so the public stores gm} held as mxclalzfncd at the riskiane expénse otthe consignee'iia` fha case or merchandise. and ol the owner in thepase ct; lmggngen untllfehtry thereof ié Jmade ¢Sept. 21;-1922, si. 356, Title IV, l .448, 42 _Stnt. 953.) · I ~.— 261. Bbsrdingg ‘o&cets cmnyj administer onthsfccmpcnsa

tic•y.——-Lftustmrisz nméeks acting us bqagklinlg omcérs, and any cus

mms c§lce;· who may be deslgnateddoi 'that purpose fby th· ¢‘0ll€(‘t0l°’ of ·CU8{01llS,,Bl'€ authorized? to administer the oath 0; amrmaluop provided for in section 260 of t,his_‘t1tEl¤, and suc] boarding ofhcgrs shall be illpwad extra compensation for SQQV · ings in boarding vwsels at night cir on Supdays of holidays-———a the rate prescribed by the Secretary of the TTi‘88llPy as pro vided i¤ section 267 of this title, the said extra cqmpensgntim to be paid by the master, OW.Q€1‘;.:8.g’€!1t,*0l' consigriee of suc! vessels. (Feb. 13,191;, c. 46,].5 5, 36·Stét. 901; Feb;.7, 192G c. 61,- 41’Stgt. 402.) · ‘ l , _ ` 262. Ualndihgg phase; cases or c}uergency.—Except as pm vided lu sections 252 and 259 0{,.miha title, merchandise um baggage imported in any vessgl` by sca shgll f uuladen, a theport of entry td which such lvwsel is death , dxxxless (1 such vessel is compelled "by gny”trai1sc.t0 put into ther por ot entry, nmlthé collector uflsuch port issues a permit lhl unlsdlm ot such merchandise gr baggage, or (2) thé Secretar; ct (hB_T1‘®8¤¥Y,’b¢0&BSQ ot sm emergency efstlug at the po; at dmiflnntion, a`utbm·izes` such vessel. to, pr0cee<l· to axgiothe port: cfc¤§1{y.` Merchandise and baggage, sir unludéxl may b entered in t;l{a game mauneras other imported marcbapguse 0 Maxam and may be tmted gag unclaimed lmerélmndlue __o baméa and at the expense and risk cbthe owuér there (cf, or may be reladen withoqt éntry uppu the vmsel tr_¤m whlcl it was imlnden tczj transportation go its destlxmlipm (Sept 21 .,1922 c. $$6, Title (IV, Q 449,712 Stat. M4.) . -~ . . 253, Unhwss Sardar; hdidsrs or nt uint: epoch l g-··N0 morchgndlm, bagmge, or pmmngem m·rivi ng l1 me United Sum trigm my foreign port or place, [and :1 bnmdnd m®l‘®M\@is¤ or Wins transported from on part in asumthsr. Qhall be qnlndeqltmm the"cnm=yl¤s fvwewl c vehicle an Sundqy, an lmllday, as at night.; sxcepg imdcr specis licmsé granted by the collactdr imdcx such mgnxlntions as th $o¢::—·¤t;ry ot the Tmuury may prescribe. " (Sbpt. ·|21, 1921 ,_ c.§6.TltlaIV.$·“0»42·8tnt{964.) ‘ ll l , — '  » é thi special llcensm.-——Bgom any special llcenq tc imhda, ni .l¤` ot. thi! title, shall lg U Lgrautéd, the wud, owner, or. {sent, at mich vessel qt vphlcl\toglvB an lwudln mmol sumvto bé Rxcd b

the glléctm Qudmmzad to ·l¤%nlty tm Uuibw Emu for an l¤»·a¢·~liablllty_,1vhi.¤cln might mm or M ocmnland by ramp -.` fat at ¤¤4_to·pa.y the can

ié¤m¤¤¤1¤é~l¢mc¤s•¤» rx! npdl )mplo:m

wha;.-when rogulréé in- wltli laqiig nt ukht or cm Sunday im { halide; l¤ lwith the $$1 ce! tlaiiztitla. lh lw eiymc bond the aww. or at my ‘ wma! caf uhm; dr Hm c vawels axigicles may execute.; band ln, Q. mal mm tay; Q.


 fixed by the Sefcretary of the Treasmry to cover 'rmd include the

I issuance of special licenses for the unladiing of vessels or vel, hicles belonging to such line for a period ofone your fiom the ,- date thereof. _ j(Sei>t. 21, 1922, c. 356, Title IV, § 451, 42 Stat. ·· 954.) , ~· · g_ 265. Special licergse for lading af night or on Sundays or t holidays.-—-No; merchandise or baggzmxo entered for tr:ms;pormy tion under boizd or for expottation with the benedt of draw- 2 ebaek, 01* other merchanclise or baggage required to "be laden e under customs supervision. shelf be laden on one vessel me- ~l vehicleati night or on Sunday or a holiday, exeeptmndor spee cial licensehtherefbr to be issued by the collector gmdop the ’ t same conditions and limitations as perteif; to the unladim.: of 3 imported merchandise or merchandise being tmneported in f bond. (Sept;. 21, 1922, c;·_356, Title IV,] 452, 42 Stat. 955.) e e. 266, Penalty gud forfeiture for` Iadihg or unlading cem- _trary to lav.~—vIf any merchandise or heggage is `lnden oe, one unladen from, any vessel or vehiele .without\ a special license

4 or permit there1’0r· issued by the collector, the master of sue};

e. vessef or the (person in charge ot mich vehicle and every other rl perjson who knowingly is concerned, or who aids thefein, or in B removing or otherwiw seeurixnéheuch merehagidiee or homage.

  • ·· shall; each be liable to a penalty equal to the value of the

to merchandise Olf haggage so laden or zmladeh, and such mer- o >-, chandiee or—baggo_go shell be subject to forfeiture, and if the rx value thereof is $500 or niore, the vessel or vehicle oa or from nr which the same sha!} be laden or onladee shall be subject to ` D, forfeiture. (Sept. 21, 1922,1;. 358, Tit1e‘IV,§ 453, 42 Stat. 955.) { 262. Compensation for overtime “ eetiviésg Exim; working ·· e houre.——--·The Secretary or the Treasury shall iixoa rmsonahie fl rate of eitra compensation for overtime services of inspectors, =* atorekeepere, weighers, aod · other customs o§lcere and em- ) plpyeea {who may he required to pemaaiu on duty between the '£ hourg off five `o'glock postmerldiea Land eight detach automo- 6_. ridieni orioxn Suhdayo or holidays, to perform mrvicee ia coa- YK neétion with the ledixxg or'¤nladi1ig· of cergo,`o1·· the Ending; I ot eenko or merchandise ‘fo1' treospoxvpatioa in hood or toe ei" exportation in bond of for exportation with henem of draw· ¢ /hack, or in connection with the receiving oér delivery ei cargo »· 1* on or from me: wharf, or in comyeétioh with the uhlading, ` 1* `receivingp or examination mssepgerf bagage, euéh rates _ ¥·· `to M ehxed on the haste ot ohehalt day':} edditioaal for B each two hours or, traction thereof of atieex om_ heat that the L 'oveftime extend; beyond dye ofeloek postmermian (hot oot '· to exceed two and o¤e—·ha1t deys’ my for the full period from L! five o'olocl; boetmeridian fo eight e’cloeh ;ae mta¤), ami u {wie additional deyaf W? for Bomhxy or mliday ,daty.. The 0 Q eeid éxtro. eompenmtioo ehall he paid hyi the maaer, oimer. e agent, or C0!18i§B€®‘0f.··8€!¢h iehelp er other conveyance when- ·l‘ devéf such épeeial [license or, permit for IHIBQGGIQYG law; oro ll -¤éIad`ing or for lading oi mnleding at height or on Seedeya er, he holidays shell be granted to the eolleetor ot eoetome, who shun A L. pay the name. to the several omcere emldemployeea `entitled {thereto according ·to w e retee fixed therefor hy e Q Secretary ot the Treasury. Buchextre compeasetgon Skill be ge paid . if such o¤cers· or? employees have been erwied to mwft Le for duty and have eo reported. whethee acme; iedws. yo ualddiog, receiving, delivery., or examination takes p1ece"o:· y not. In ports where cuetexzeery wosking hears ere other 11 thai those hereinaboye mentioned, nthe eolleétoé of ouemms is;

· v@d with aothority to rexvlate the hopre ot momma emlb y N¤¥e¤§ so he to with {prevailing working heme in said
         in this     bé construed

so in any manger te or elier length ei an working dey ia for mmm:. employees or 'the overtime my herein exon. at (Feb. 1& 1911, e. 46, [5, 86 Stat. 991; Feb. 7, flew, c. 61, 41 ‘ ne, But; 4(R) J