Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/60

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§'r TITLE 5.-·-+EXEOUTIVEc EEPARTHEN _cra1, 8h8u_"giVt.QH";0§u1{0l1S,&Iid`_l‘0IlC1é1*.·&u §·81'Vi€% requiring c the ikiilfot persons lcumedc in thohldw to*’enob1o\thé ·

 {md hoadsot   and tho heads. of bureaus =  

o sm1—otherjo$cors in the departments, to discharge thoirigesjjeclo, tive duties; and shall, oujbcholtr ot. tho-U¤1£ed_St&te8, #procy.irc— the proper evidquico f()l‘,,I.Hd c0i1duc{;,_~prosecuto{»Vfor ·défem1.~_&ll V

 suits gmad proccéglings mk thai Supreme.   andiw in the Gqmitf

of,G1aims,*in?whIch t};e‘U¤1ted States, for guy oqcer théroor, r ouch oo@cer,o is n pm-tyFoi·· may ;Be*i1itcrostedo;'¤;toos shallo ‘ be allowed or paid to adj futher aitorneyv or 'cq_qpse}0r at claw; _ forauj service herein required ofgthebmcérs ·otvthé__Depart>+ Y méutjof Jimtioo; éxccp§ii1Yjthé cgscsi {provided By` section 312_6f »· this titles r(R.1·S._§o361..»)` , · ,_; _ *

 397.   advice to   Wir iodo ·N;vy_iDc;>art¤1cn1gs.—e\$fbon—

ever A goesfion or 1sw`·»¤ramo-m the administration or o.D_g;_ I phrtmét of ‘War or the*D¢pm*tm•.=mt of HTG Narvy,;‘theo*cogniza'ncé` * _ of wiiich is not gxvencruy étatuto to Some othér 0mCQ1'. from whomo n ° théhead; of the*depnrtmc§t rnarroquiro Yndvicc, it; shall béwrécnt ·: to the»»A{t0mcy General, to bé*(by. him refcrrcd_‘t0 the proper 4 o@cer 1¤ oms‘;o‘o¢par¢me¤¢, or}othoi*·$v1se,»disp0sed— ot as he; mhy ·

 ’(R. SQ! 857.) o, _A »    = jy —  .‘— ‘ Q   Yr c 2

_;_ o Reference of ·"qi1estions‘ to;subordimtc§;—Any' quesigiem rl of law submitted to tho Attoméy Genomic for his ¤pxm¤¤,r ex- 1 »copt;»qi:&i:i§vh,src kiuvolvi¤gP ao coxistrtnction of the Couétitution off · {hc Unitéd S;tateS.· mhibc bl ,,htm’1¢ferrcd- @0 such of his sub·c w oi·di¤q§ao1as'ho.mayV_decm appropriate, and hogmay require the Z wrigtcu opinion thércoirot the omcér towhom the same may referred. F c It- thé opihlon-~ given gsuch officer ”is. _;irpprovedT by _-1 jthB'1\tfoI*ljéY General, such npprovéi indorscd thereon sum! give 1 o rfhefopinion the same forcoand g§ect as belong toethoiopinfonsv oY`Q&c Att0i·ricy.Génoral. ‘ (R.;S. § 358.) `_ o , r ° { A

 389.  C<mduct gud argument of cases ’by_Attor1xcy General 4

V &§d~S&tor·‘Gchcral.+—Eicept when tho} Attorney General din; 4 L particular casés otherwise di»rec£s,¤ the Attorney General had _ Solicitor Bcuorul shall conduct and Qargue suits and writ; of J o B1'l‘Gf_8H¢.3[)§€Qi$*iD‘ the Supreme C()U!E·#Hd\.S1}i[S}iD the Court; 4 ot ;C1&h118__i1}·· which rho -11umi Statcscis interested, and·tho 1 o Att0mey_oGcncra1'.ma5*, -whoncvgr~ he it fo1’·_'th€°illtél‘€S4E. 4 r of the-`Unitod States, either in cpemon oondinct mid argue a1i§‘_ a cziscoiu, any court of t§1e·United. States in whiclytho United ra ·Statés is Intorestcki, or muy dire~ct pho Solicitor General or any 1 o$ccr otiotfm popartmo¤t, o{_ Justice todo so. -(R, S. §_ (359.) o ·1 ,'3l$• Cwuct of lego! pr0éééd ingi,————ThoXAttor.uey,Génoro) o may o$ccr rot the Department of Justice, ‘ or(-any iuttornoj or s wcounsolor spociziily appointed by-’ the Attorney General updcrnoa r any procisiop of low, may,‘wl1cu thQ1’€\i!’l;t0 specmcally directed 4 r by the Attorncy\ Goncro,c1, conduct any kind of legal proceeding, civil; lor, criaii-x1o,l, iuqludirig [grand; jury! procoodingsl and rpm- 1 r cccdoings boforco committing magistrates, which districi attor» {1 Yxxoys may be by law apthorizcd to conduct, whothér or `not bor ~z or they bofrcuidcms ’of the=district in which auch proceeding Xa {1 bre»ught. __(J11uo 36,1906, c. 3935, 34 Sta t.»S16.) . c _ _ _` 311. `Pcrforméncc of duty by_ o5céts of departmen»t.=--—Tho T Attorney Goncml may require ainy splcicitor cor, Qomcor fof how 1 Department o oi .J¥ust icc _'-to. perform any dtity. `rcouiorcd of gba dopoitmcm; or any officer thereof, V·(R.'S.]§ 360.} » _ { -

 312, Cormac! to aidmstrict attorney;.-—·—-The Attorney Genon-41.  

oslmil, whenever jp his opinion tho public interest requires it, oi

 employ and romih, in tho namcof tho United States, such at;  

"tomoys—·zm{1~counoolorsoo_¤ot' law qs he may think necessary. ·t’o· 4 ussiét thodistrict attorneys mjtho discharge of their duties, {md s shall stipulote with Lamch Uqsgistant uttoruoysjand counsel the 4 amount, oi compoosation, arid shall have soubervision of their E conduct q¤c1.4pmc·ocdinrgs, (R. 8; 5 363L) _~ c · · 1 i c 313. Attendaucg of éounsel,·-4-Whenever {ho head ota dee 1 Qpgitmvhut gg bureau»givos;.Q;ho At¢ornoy General duo notico that ‘ the i;1torosts·‘of_ tho Urnitod Statics rcqyxirc tho sorvico_of co11nso1 ‘• upon the examination ot witnesses touching any élaimyor upo¤ c;

ws, oprzozres, Aim EMPLOYEES ,,,,46, the lege! l tnvestigationiof any claim., pending. in such —d,epm~{;m9,,t _ qr b¤;·g3n,.—tl1g_;}\tt0r1)ey»`_GenA6ra1 shell pl‘QVldé· fol‘~8llCl1 _ (R. s. 5.884.) · 3 o { , M 5 or ·» 4 r , ‘ U 3],4; reotricted.e-eljlo compeueationi shell he {gg-, lowed_ ,tofany,pereon,- besides tlié ·rwpéctlYc ,dlstrlct.',ettoi¥¤oy3 gud hssietent tlietrict a,ttorueye~ for zoehicw ns an ettorrioy. U of cgqqgelor -6.-the United Btntw, or to any br¤¤ch1or`depertme¤sjl` or tile Government thereof. excepf, in 8peclé1lyfa,nt·houyQ€4l. by law, and [then onlyf on the ccttlhcate of the AttorneioGener&l-, that ouch services U were Actually [rendered. and that the Bama cquldi hot he ,pei·torn1ed Attorney General; j or Solicitgfhlg General, or-tlle oiilcersgot thebcpttrtment ot Justice, or thy the district ottorneye;_itt(R.tS. e» e |8€`6.)*j° i Q; ‘ 315. Aogointuent ond l¤•¢li*l6!**¤e¤¢i¤1” éttomeys or coun-

     >"‘          `1'€tl1hl£§}_ ‘

undeiré the gutliorityoof the of &i1Stlce,i to assist ine the trial Qf=§,I1)7'C8.86· in tirhlclxthe °Govél*nment is interested, shan receive s1“commission,‘·from .the;bea”d, ofench `ueoonmeht,. as gl speeiel agement. to the or to. some,-one or me éqlszrlct Attorneys, es the Vnatnre of the npeolnmeilct me require; U and Q shell taker the oetlxcreqnireéh byjlnwfto be U taken by the district U attorneys, ond shall; be subject to ·a1l‘the liabili- ll ties imposed u'pou—them bylolw. Foielgneouxele einployed ” hy the Attorney‘General #ln.°`specinl· lsllnll", not be equlred toy take tile-_o&tl1‘ roqoireq oy_tn1e,secooo.* In s. s »1¤e¤.· 1925, c. 364, Tltle§_IL 43-.Stnt..c1029.) x or { " 1 U t 316. »InterestQ.of United Stites iniméing i¤its.e—The Solicitor General; or any Qofncer of ‘ the _Dep¤u·tment‘ of instlce. nmy` be sent by the Attorney Genernl tooo: state or edletrletrine the I United Statee, to attend to the interest! of the United Statc»s f‘_onyl‘_ot» the  ot   .U¤lteo,s¢oleS,

or in the conrtsot tryoem, orto attend to any other interest ot thegUnited States. (R. S. ‘ [ l f .817. nttorneyot and mu·sh•lo.———Thc Attorney Generolj shall exercise ; genernl? tsnperlhtendence end

m·e¢uo¤_`over theattomes?si,¤Lndohl¤i¤r¤b§li3, of till diSt1‘ic¥>#

lnthe United Stotes nnctthe Territories as `totllo manner of ¤I_lecharglng,_, their respective. Gtititlkhi » ond the several »dtstrict attorneys ond marshellso,nre.reqnired for report to·>the Attorney Geneml an account otitheir omciel proceedl_ngs,` end of the slate and condition of tbelr°respecflve oQc&, ln Such time onli manner asthe ,Attorney"Genernl (R. S. `§ 362Q)”‘ ·', 318. Aecottntsoftdietrlct sttorney¤.·Q=-·-The .Attorney..Ge¤erul shall exercise general l enp§·vlsory powers over the `eocounts of odlstrimettorneys, n1atrsha)s,·clerie,` and other go$cci·sw_ of the xrourts of the United Statw. ,(R.. S.} 368:) Q * _ ` J 319. Req\Iisitig>n¤»—;+T~he Attorney General shell eign all requisitions furthe' advonce or peyment oomooeys abproprintm for ‘ the-Depertment ot Justice, out lot the Treqsory, snbject to the l same control as 'lo exercleed one like emmateo or nccouhtfl DY the General Accounting 0mce.~-(R. `S; it 369.). ‘ , l ` 320. Disbursenient of money;.~·-»<All<moneys drown out oi the U Treasury,. upon the reqnlsltionof the Attolfneyh GQ¤¢1'¤l. $@1* be dlsliuroedl, by ouch one ot the clerkaln the Deportmont ci', t Jnotlce as theAtt0rney Gonernlgmey gleolgnate, ‘.(R. ih 37l-) _ 321. Blsburnement of of judges.--Except 83 ¤¢h°¥'* wise `Qprovldedn lu eectionf 506 of Title. 28, judscso »1‘€¢‘€l*’i¤‘·! salaries from the; Treasury otlthe United Stetee shell llc l>=li¤~ tnontlily by the tllsbursing omcer of the Department 9f iJllStl<‘° and to him nllicertllicmtes of nonebeence orot tl1o‘€auS€ of ¥*h· » sence oftjucdges in the Teiwltorlee shall sent. _’Illl¢!’Sll\,YC ‘, commerce CommissionerelAZnnd U otheromcers, who OR; July $*1- U 1894 .were*puid as judges are, shell he paid monthly by lh? propcrdlsburslng otllcerjor oplcers. (July 31. »c;_l7·l·_ }13,“28 Stat; 210.) · V F _. e Y `_ _` 5 Q , l 322.1* Records of choo of Solicitnrof Treasury.--—-The Soliciwf of the Trensury Shell have charge, within the‘~DoD9.1°U¤6¤€ of , Tustlce. of the books, papers, and records formerly &lllJ€fm~i¤T