Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/602

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§ 287 X IITLB 19.--UUE • mvartlng from a` port ln. one collection district to a place lngnn- _other collection distrlet, where there is noicuetomhom, me his A manifest, and obtain a »c1e¤t·¤¤ee ln the mma rndxmer; indo mike tooth to the manifest, ·_which'1nanifest and clelxrnuce shell be delivered to the proper oEcer of customs at the `port nt which the vessel next hrriyes after leaiing: the place of datination specified in the clearance; `·(R. S. § 3118,) , ._ l' ·_ _ 287. Report and amlading of cargoes.-·—Nothing contained sections ,284 to 286 of this title exempt- xnesters of veesclél fromf reporting, `as required? by low, any uiercl1andise·des·` tined for any foreign port., No permlt shell berequired for the uuladlng of cargo brought from nn American port. (R. S. 53119.) ‘ `.._ I , v - -· ' 2884* Enrolled or liccnéed ‘vessels.¤—·Em·olled or licensed veseels engaged in the foreign andgcoasting trltdé on the northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers ’ofYtl1e' United- States, departing from or arriving at njport inloue district to pi from e port in another andialso touehingtat intermediate foreign ports, shall not thereby becomefliable ·to`~Ftl1e.paynient" of entry and clérance fees, as if from onto foreign ports-; but —suel1 vessels shall, notwithstanding, be required to enter and clear; (R. S. {2793,) J · _~ __ ‘- t ,_ .` 289. Entry of ferryhontb; vessels exempt front fee;.-·-The mneters of vessels used exclusively us ferryboats carrying pos- l sengers, baggage, and merchandise; shall not be required to pay' clea·rance‘fees. ‘ ‘ _·_ _. · `· _ ~ I Any passenger veséel engaged .u·1week1y or Qoftenér ln trade between port; of the United states; and £O1‘€l§l1,_[)Ollt8 Shall __be_ exempt from clearance fees while such service trlyvee.kly` or oftener is melntnined. (R.»S.°$'2792;°May`28,1908, 212, 5 1;._ · 35Stat.f424.) tr Q _` _ y l 290. Departure [front where there fno (custom-; house.-··-The *Hl8§¢€!"Oft any {vessel so enrolled or licensed, deer l Jtlned with on pargo fromta place ta the Unltw States, at which there may be no éuetomholtse, to a portowhere there may be a customhonse, ’ shall, Gwithin twenty-four_ =hours after 81f1'iV&l_8t' the port of destination, deliver to- thelproper omcergof the one- ` toms a manifest, subscribed by”l1lm, setting fo!’tl1LthQ' cargo laden et the of departure, of or tmlgden at eny im ternaedlate port, or place, to. the tftlth; of which manifest he shell make oath before such ollloer. It the vmel, however, nnye no cargo, the master sl1ell__not be required to dellyegsuch xnanlféet. (R.`S._| 3122.)°‘“· _' Q- ‘_ A __ ‘ ,, ` 291. Form¤.·—-·The. manifests,. certldcetee of clearance, gndf oaths, provided for by sections 284 to 287 and section 290 of this title shalllbe in eueh form, and ‘i>, Hlled , and executed lnsuoh manner as 4 the. Secretary of the Tmasw rnny from time to time prt A ibe. `· _(R. S. § 3124.) , ‘ _ l 292. Penalty for xggectw-1f the master of any. enrolled or lloeused `veeeel ehall-_neg1e<:t or fal1’to comply with any of the proyielons or requirements of eeotions 284 to 287, .290 and 291 of thistltle, euoll mneter shell forfeit and pay to the United, 'Statee the sum of Sw for each dud every failure or neglect, and for which stun the vessel shall be liable. and may be snmmonlly proceeded against. by way of libel, in any district court, of the United States. (R. S. §_3125.)_ U , ; ‘ . 293. Registered vessels V touching, at foreign P¤¤'¢¤·*··$¤¥ vessel, on being duly registered in pursunnoe of the laws of the United Stateejmny engage in trade one petit ‘in the United Staten and one -01; more ports within. the‘seme,,with»the privilege of touching at one ormore foreign ports during the voyage, and land and take in thereat xnerchandlse, passengers and their baggdge, andy letters,. and Ml·.'suoh' vgsels shall be furnished by the collectors of the ports; at which they ehull take in t11eir_corgoe§.;in_the United States, with certmed manifests, `eettlng forth , the partlculnrs of the enrgoes, the marks, number of peokages, by wh0m_ skinned, to when conslgned. at what port to be delivered: designating such · merobemltee as is entitled to drawback, or to the privilege of being

wrox; ·nU:z•msl 588 , placed hi warehouse; ang! tho masters of all such vessels shhll, J _0u‘ their? artival at soy po\rttot tbe __Unito¢l Stgtcs Iraq; any `t¤1·éig¤_pox·t at which such vowel may have touchedoas hereiq f pmvldeg}, cou£orm‘ to the laws providing for ~delivery or · gmanimots of cgrgo,a¤d paswngéiw taken oh board at such}

 (amiga p0rt,·u1d‘ all dthérlaws tegumtlngtho report md entry

Q of vmclg fr0g1_toi·e1gn_ports; and be gubject to all the penglties

therein prucrlbed. (R, S. ei 31$8t)‘     · ( · ·
 ~ ; 294t Same; no duty by roam thoreof.-—-Any t0reig¤>1k1ex··

` chuikliéé token in ét one port of United States, to (bo con- Yeiéd in registeregl Eveswls to any othe; port witgin the some, V€ithéI‘~.\1Ild€I' the ‘p1·0visionq— xelnting to warehoum or under the laws regulating tbotransportation coustiyise ot merchandise {entitled to drawback, as well as any merchandise not e;1tltled‘to drawmk, but -01; whiéh the import ameg chargeable by law ( shall hgve been duly paid, ébgll not become subject to any'_ import dgityz by 'reason -01* the‘ve·.ssél which they moby. arrive having `touched at a `toreign port during the voyage. '(R. S. 53127.) ( ` ` L PAM 3.-·ASC§'1:XIN¥E!§T, ‘C0i.Lt¤0·r1oi<r, Ash ailmcovmy or Dvwms 'Cross. rotcmuco`: Valuation of toreifn of assessment ond colleéhon of dutigs, sca bec_t1oa;.B72 ot title 31. _ o V ~ §·33l.i.Inv0icés of importéd _ metchsédiacg contents; iddi-( tional 1'¢Q¤ir¢m¢¤ts.--»All igxvoiceé ot. merchandise to be impotted mm mp United gtarésmau sét.1T¤rth——‘ _ A _ _ (Qllxllihe port ottentxjy to which the merchandise is destined; _ ;(’2)` he time when, the fplacé where; and the peréem by whom mdthe person to whom tho.mcrclix`x:edlse is sold or agreed _t0·b<-S. goldyor it·to,bé._i¤ip01tted 0t1;erw&ae_thqxr_i¤ pmsxtance of · ·a puréhnsé, the plsoe from which- shipped. thé tlmowvhen and the person to whom and person by whom it is shipped; ` _· (3) A .·&letaile~d_ de§criptiox1`_of_ the Qfncluding the (names? by--whicbfgcb item; is. known? the grado or equality, ond the marks, mimbgrs, of s;~m`bols`u1id¢r which by the ·¤éllcr—.o;· ma;it1£§cturo1j— to the, trgdo ini the éoimtry tif expofta-K tion, tog§théx· with tho ( numbers of the onckages in · which tho meijckapdieéé is ii t ";' I * ·_ Y ( , _ (4) Tho qumiQtiea»_m the fvrdnu gud .me¤s¤;r·es of the country or plgco from which the mcrchapd£m is- shipped, or. in the ‘ weights (and measures; ot the United - Statm; p · 4 (5)¥_Tho puré1ma@`i>rloe-ot mchiltem in the mir . t the purohaao, it tho ·mcrchn¤diso is sbipped (ln pumimncot b{ a ( purchase or an §m·@enftto purclmso; _ ,·- ‘ · (6)- It tho mor<:1m`ndise`~in nhippod othaiéwisotlmn in purt sutucgca ot A- D9t¢hQ.¤é»· or an qgreobwnt to ptxrclnaso; tho value for each [item, ( tho. currenqjr in which tho"? txjénsactiona are K usually made, ot, to the sbmnm of such value,` tho price , in such currency that the m¤;m£actpm¤,_.“.oe1ler, shipper, or owner would have recéivcd, og was willink" to recelvé, for such merchandise it sold in the ordinary course of trade wld in the wma! wholesale quantities ltr the country of exports 7 g _` _ (fl) The kind ctx cniixoncy, whether gold,;sil po1¤; (8) (A11 chames mick; the méxfchnmlisc, itémised by gmmc ` ( and ummm; when known totgtba seller or pblpper {or all clmrgos by name (iggludlng commissious,finsumn&e, fmight, cases, mm ttqlnérs, oovbri¤m,_s.m1..cost of packing) included·iu‘ the invoice —prico¤ when tHe ghounts for suoh charlgw are ungzigwn. yo the seller or sh¥DP6¥`3- ‘ A __ . ‘ ~ y n

_ (9) All rebates, drawbacks, and bounties, separately itemized,.

allowed upon the oxpcrmtion of the merchandise; and , (10) Any other meta deomw necessary toia proper appraisamént, oxémlpstloh, md.c1§ssi¤cation of the mexschgandiso that the Secretary ot tm Tmmny may require, (Sept. 21, .1922, c. $856, Tltlo IV, $*481(n)», 42 Stat.‘@.)` _ , · ( _ _ 832. Sumo; mddtmdiu shipped by other than manufacturer

 than by purchase.-···It tho merchandise is shipped to

4 bersoxi in tho Uniteditatos by a. person otbez· than the mgm ‘ 1'¤ctu:e».·.»_0thorwlso thunk by pux§chns%,“—s¤cb‘ person shall state