Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/621

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@7 www xs.-cve nance of may preeecuéou relxmug thermo. In order to enamel kim ies ruin tx fam, the Becretuyol the Trumry may issue a commimon te aa} spednl agent, colmtor, `member ot the Beard ot; United Statm General Appraisers, or United Stutw ccmmiwouer, to take testimony upon such pefiftcm. Nothing in this sectieu shell be construed to depdve any person of an award of compensation made befoxe the dugg ot such petition. (Sept. M, IWB, c._3&; Tlt1e FV, $ 818, 42 Stat. 987.) 533. Co¤ ti0§ td i¤fur¤ers.—-Any person notan o$cer asf me United States sho detects and seiw amy vewel, velticte, merchandise, or b@ge subject to b&zure and tortei under the customs Hwa md who teports the same to an omcer of the customs, os who furni& to a district nttomey, to the Secretary? et the Treasury, or} to any customs original information; concerning any fraud upon the customs reveum, oz- u violation of the customs laws perpetrated or contemplated, which detection and seizure or intormationjends to a recovery of any dutim withheid, or o! any Hue, penalty. or i iorfeiture mmrred, may be awarded aud, paid by the Secretary of the Trensuryn compensation & ceutum ot the pet amount recovered, wt nw to exceed 50,000 Win any case, which shell he paid out oi moneys -npprop4·!ated for that For the purposes of this secjztm, an umquntreeoyered- made; nbalil bond shall be deemed a recovery of a fine incurredf (Sept. 212 1922, c. 356, 'Bitle'IV, { 619, 42‘Stat. 988.) - . - V' ~t \_· ' $34. Sane; United States 0&¤ccr¤.>·-—-Any ofllcer qt the United States who directly or indirectly receives, accepts, or contracts fer any portion of the money which may accrue `to any person making such detmtiou and seizure, or furnishing such infor. mation, shall be éuilty of a felouyhud, upon conviction thereof,. shall be punished by a Hue of not more than $10,000, o1·~by° imprwhment for not more than two years, or both, and shall . he thereafter ineligible to tiny office of honor, tfust; or em01ni— _ ment. Any, such person who pays ato any Such_omcei·; or to `uny 'pcrson for the use of such o&cer, any` portion of such money, or npything of yalue for or because of each money, eimll béve `e right of action against sucho officer, or his Ieghl representatives, or against such person, or his legal repreSent¤tives,Y—eud shall be entitled to recover the ‘ money so paid ‘ or me thing of value geo given. ( Sept. 21, 1922, tc. 356, Title I¥V,`§ 620, 42 Stat.%88.) _ d J ‘ 2 _ . ` 535. Gompulsory production of books, invoicea,` df papers:-— In all suits and other than won! erislng under any of the revenue Lavie ot the United 8 tes; the attorney representing the Government, whenever, ¤1h his be1ietQ any business book, invoice, or paper, belongipg to or under the coutrol ot the detendauthor claima Evil} tenid to lpro$eIn¤y ceiiegatiou made by the United may- make d `written_ . motima, ,pucticu1u·ly descxibipg Zsuch book; invoice; -or—pape1j, ' nod settix forth the allegation wpicb . he expects to move { Ir and thereupon the {court in which ésuit of proceeding is pendim; muy, et. ite dlacrcticm, |,mue·Yh noticei to the defendant or claimant to produce inch book, ,1¤v¤1¤e;p».mpe» in court, et u dey end to be specmed ·in said xioticet which, toiethet with a..copy‘ot_uid motion. be served tormelly on the de- — ieudaiit or claimant by the United States ymamhet by delivering to him a certided cou: or otherwise senin: the · sense as {original notices of mif, in the name court are served: und it the dcteudnut or claimant shall tail or mtune to produce Suche book, invoice; oz paper in obmieuce to auch antics. th• ainesntions stated in the uid shim the token no-em» . teased unless his failure et m£u••1~to'prcduce the same; shall be·cxplaimd·to the .•eti¤uct1ou*cf the court. Andi! ¤¤o··‘ duced, the mild qttoruey shall be permitted, uudw tion ot the court, to make emmimtioii (at which egamigmtion the defendant or- cleimdut, me his ¤·!¤¤% may be prcewt) of it such eutrim in uid book, i¤vdce,·0¥ NPG! M relnm to or ttggarove the gltqettou utoximid. niad may edu same i¤" evidence "oii ext, Staten. M But tho Qc! ct


STOKE DUTIES § ,57} I mid books end papers, his agent or attorney, shall have, subject to the mder of the lcourt, the custody of them, except pending their examination in court as aforesaid. (June 22. 1874, e. wl, { 5, 18 Stat, 187.) _ _ 536. Limitatim of actions for peenltiu or forfeitures.-——No. eoit or action to recover any pecuniary penalty or toreiture ~ of property accruing under the customs laws shell be instituted unless such ·mit or action is commenced within hre- years after the time when such penalty or forfeiture accrued. But the time of the obuemxe from the pnited States of the person eub~· ject to such penalty or forfeiture, or of any concealment or aheuge of the property, shell not be reckoned within this \ period ;o‘r\li;_pitatiou; (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 356, Title IV, § 621, 42 Stat. 988. ___, _ — · , . 537. 0§cers, mforéers, gud defendants as w§‘¤esaes.———No omcer, or other person entitled to or claiming compeextion under any provision ‘ot this chapter, shall be thereby dBq¤¤lided from becoming a. witness in any actioo, suit., or proceeding for the recovery, mitigation, or mmmiou thereof, but shall be subject to examination and croseexemhzution in like manner with other witn%, without being thereby deprived ot any right, title, ehnre, or iuterwt in my Que, penalty, or forfeiture to which such examination may relate; and in every such case the defendant or defendants may appear and testify and be examined and cross-examined in like manner; (June 22, 1874, c. 391, { 8,18 Stat. 188.) _ ' 538. Extension of time for acts during num:} emergency of wut;-·-Wheueeccr the President shell by proclamation declare an emergency to exist by reason ot an state of war, or otherwise, hejmay authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to extend during the eoutim1ance_oi' such emergency the time prescribed in ethie Qhibter for the performance of any act. (Sept. 21, 19E, c. 356, Title IV, { 622, 42 Stat; 988.) - , 539. Gwen! rules md reg¤la.tiom.—·-In addition to the spe—j ciiic powers conferred by this, chapter, the Secretary ot- the Treasury is euthorixed to make ouch rules and regulations. no may be necessary tocarry out the provisions ot this chapterl (Sept.-Z1, 1922, c. 358, Title IV, { 623, 42 Stat, e · 540. President nay HN mitshle vueela for enforcing customs lawee-In `the execution ot laws providing for the collecq tion ot duties on imports the President, in addition to. the Coast Guard cutters in service, muy employ in aid thereof such other suitable vessels os, may, in , his judgment, be required. ‘(B;S.|5318Z) V __ _· w =i ‘ t . 541. "Smslljboatl for me ofcustom o$eials.-——-The collector of each district mn?. With the npwo of the Secretary of the Treasury, provide and employ ouch smell, open row and roll boats, andpersons toeerredn them, as shall be oecemary for the use ot the surveyors rand inspectors in going on board out vessels and otherwise, for the better detection ot frauds. ‘ (R. 8,42763;) ‘ K . » · · Y I 542, Motor best for Corpus Christi} lik elsewherex-The [ Secretary ot the c Treasury may use the gasoline motor beet provided 1'or service in the customs collection at Corpus Christi. · Texas, eleewhmo than ut Oorpus Christi no the exlgeuciec ot the mo! i1’9<lulre. (Feb. 10, 1918, c. 35, 37 Stat., 665.) _ Y Mi , Pwr Piovueioxs, _

  • 511. Elect. of repeals or nodiiegtiom umu rigliti and liobilitiu.-'1.‘h• of law! in force and effect, prior to Sepi

wher 21, 1922;. oqinodmcutioue thereof embraced, in this chop-_ ter shall not •Eect dom, nor our might accruing or accmedgnor enyeult or proceeaieg had or commenced in any civil — or prior to enid repeal or modldcutiougn, but ell llabllimn under said lows bball continue addi may be enforced in the a¤m_mmmer* as it uid repul or modidcotious hed not

 All   committed and all penalties, forfeioturen, or linbllidea i.¤¢urrM__·prior to thetalting effect herei?