Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/647

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633 TITLE 21.--1**00. umler the control and s¤pervis`io¤__0f the Burwix of Animal lmlustry af · the Agrlcultuml Igmpartment {fmt the, puqmsea of >u¤·h ilispcctimx. {Feb. 2,1903, `c. 349, §_1, 32 Stat. 791.)}, t 122. {Ewan; malii.-·eAuy person, company, or corrmatiem kgwwingly yi<§1&§¤§‘ the pmvisions ‘·0£ sectimw 111, 120, 01·.121 , asf this title or the wdcrs or regulatiéus made in pursuance, ml—;·c~mf. shall be guilty of Q misd ;1c1·, ind on glmvictlcu Qlllrl be pllhished by A 818,% of tact iw tlm¤`$1l00·n0x· mage than . " $1.000, or by imprisonment not more than one your, or by ‘ mln luck time and imprism:met1t._ (Feb. 2,.1993, c.— 3-19, Q 3, 32j Sl11l.7`92.)· V: · _ 123. Quanatine.-—f1‘he Secretary bf Agriculture is authorized ` and directed to q1fdx·autli1e any Stateiqrj Territory 91* the Disxtriet of Calmébia, or ans? portion 0t,_any` Stéte 0: Territory my rim District of _(}0!:1mhia,`w!1<>q he Qin!] determine thé taht, stmt cattle or other _ livestock ix; such Stuté or Territory __01‘> msrrict of Galumlxla sre··aEé<:tcd with any contagious, iuféc- aims; or ·é0m£m1¤lc¤»lxle diwse ; gall Secretary ·0t= Agricul- _ mrc- is directed uxgive writtéé or §u*iméd notice of the esmby ’}§>2llI}3i;*Bt af quéramtine tc the mbps! 0&er3 of nil1·€>a5l,· steaml¤¤a,t,, or other tr£§s;wrtati®·‘ ni<és doing in 01% ___ :lm>u;:li‘ any q;mra:1ti1aed· Shiite 01·_Térrit0ry or the _District·_ of? ltulumlmiu, and toypulzlish in `xiew@pérs in thé quiixiané 'aimui State or of the. _Distri(·t of Columbia, gs the, secretary. of Agriculture Qqy , ¤0§ce· Gt the establish ‘ml·m; of qgamatinef (Mar, 3, 1305, c, 1498, § 1, 33 Stat, 1264:) t 124. Trsdpéaftition or dchwtery Qthergfsr fmitr State ar Territory or portimx- thereafa .¤$ livestsclx, fqnfliidden.-;—‘ Zio milrmd coming; tw; the qwslém " 0:. mqsters gf. my ategm, lm- sailing or other *€S8•3i:01'.·b08{ shall x·ecéive· 'tra11sportd4` aim; or Imm. any qtmriutlueii State or- Territory or we I)isti1·§ct_£2»¥ Columbia, or"f1$om the quarantined portion, of may State or or the.··Di&rlct of Cdlumbia,. inte any lather State or Territory or thé Diétrict QI Cqlumbia, any c&tlé or other livmtcck, except, ais. hereinafter provided; nor shall any person, company, or corporation dcliwtcr fdr such ;tr§t1spor4j { miitml to Qnny rgilréml campmay, br to the, mastat or owueilof any bcat oryvéssel, any eattlq oxfcther livestock, except as hwg- iuaftcr provided; not- shall guy person, company, or corporamm drive pn mist, or cause tc `bc drlirtm an toct, ‘o1·—tra;;sp0rt in private caqicyniwe ér causétc tmwspcrtcgl in prlvhte c¢m·— ’s·eey¤u¢e, fmm a quarantined Stnté or ··Térrltcry. 0~1·’tbe_Dié·-_· trict of Golumbid, 01·"fi·0m the rguarantlnail portion qt any State cr Territory sr the District act" Gblémbin. intéjtny qther. State Q! Tenitory on the District of Gélumbih, any qattlc or ‘ miller lijvemack, emept asxhereluhftet pmvidedl (Mar., 3, 1905,, c. 1496, § 2, 38lStat, _ · `l_` > . I 125. Regmlations ··fm· inspection, §i餣pction, gud certik-

 and dcliva! JM éipieat of livxtackt fran quardmilueé

State at *f¤·ritm·y;····¢It Khalil be the dutyfpt the Sacretelry of Azriculmre, and he is authorized md directed, Whé;1 the.publlc` safety will permit, to fmalw and promulgate rules and regulaq tisms which shall permit-‘ and gcvgzrh the iuspectipu, dislufectim, cértmcatiad, tratmesat, héndllug, gm; method mud man-

 new of delivery and shipment at mttle mt other livestock from

” a qugmxitlued State or Tériitary or thé Diztrikrt. of Columbia, and fmm ¢m,q¤¤m¤¢1¤¤q—p¤¤i¤¤—,¤2 any State or Tmitory dr, the District qt Golgmbia, iizto any ethz; Qtate QI Tettltory or the District of Cclumlrih; and the Sebretary ct Agrtcunqum slmll give notlqe of such m~l® and r¢gum:m¤s_ in the‘· mahuew pmvid‘ed· in mlm 124 ot this tim tor. xwttw qt gstqbllshment of qummmlge, (Mu, 3,1906, 1406, § 3, M Sts.t.;,'1&85.) ~ A 126. Having livatad, fms q¤¤riut§¤¢d State tu Turiwry, lmglezi rqulatiqma-Cattle or other 'livatcck- may be moved from n quargéztzinw Stgte c1·~'I'¢zrritm·y ér me ét_·· ,

 mj {wm the qudrggtléed parting: of my Stnta at 'lwwttary  

cr the Distriqt at Columbia, into any; lathe: State :11* Territory? qr the 'District or Columbia,. under and in eohnwiaace with the §

0 Ayn mwcs l .§ 130 rules and regulations of tho Secretary of Agr·icultm·e, madé and promgxlogated in pursuance of lhé provisions of seotioo 125 of this titlo;..but it aha;} he unlawful to mové, or to allow to] be moved, cattle oi·‘*other livcestock from my épmrautixiéd State of Territory or zyho Distscict of Columbia, or from the qimrzmti-ned pottion of `any Sthté or Territory or. tho Distriét of Columbia, into any o§;l1er_·$t$te or Territory of the Distrlcé of Columbia, mannor 0:.: method onj umgter conditions other. than {those présérlhed by the Secretgry of Anicultumo. (Mar. 3, I905,`c. 1496; »§ 4, 33 Stgt;1265.) · , { '_ 127; Transportation fiom qxrérgutind Stat;. Territory, and? no forth; ,pe¤alty._j-—;Aoy person, qompwmy, or corwmtfon violatihg the proiri3ions of Sections 124 or 136 of this title shall Abc guilty of sg mis<leme;1I10r,‘ mid on conviction shall be pumshcd `fby 21 . Hue of not QIes=~rtlm¤ $100 noi ’mo:ré than $1,090, or {xy imprisonment not more thor? one year, of by, wthtmch mxaarnd ; imprisonment. 5 (Mai. 3, 1905;; ·_1496, _§~6, 33"_Stst.` l, ‘ _. 128, Extoéaimniéf law to ii loomuggrtc.-T-;’1*ho provisions ot sections 123 to _127 ot this ~tme* fond of seotioll 118 of/Titlo·18`·shall.apply tohny railroad company or. otiierjcommon cartieggwhose mad on line iorw my » port of} route over which cattle other Eivestoék are transportod in' "thé —`oours~o of ,$higmmt‘ from any quafnutihw State Zo; Térrito1fy‘_o1·».l.ho»Distrir3t of Coluimbio; or from the quamixtizied portion ot only State or Territory or ,the ·_District. of cqmmmo;. mm guy le>me;·· smtg or Territory me Distiict of Columbia, {June 30,‘_1314, c.·131, 38 Stal;. im;) _ _ `_129»L Payment for nnimalé puirthzseé; 'wmputaiie of vafue; grid"smount‘ paid}-In caséoij aiiemergoncy arising out of the oxistenoo- ~o£~ fooleondriasiouth disease, 1*ioudérpes¢,i lconlapom gglguropineximonia, *0; lotherx cohtagiohs for i¤Iecli¤¤S` of

  • gnimals 'whlch, _ in the 0pi_ui<m ofothé So<;rem`ry»`of Agrigolture, ,

threatens the) liveotock industry of the coun~ti·yQ·,ho expend. iu; lhel ci1jy·.·of Washington or Qelécwhete, the sum of `$16,%0; together [with guy uuoxpénded balguces of appropriatiosg made prior to ,Febz·u¤ry 10, 19%; for thié pmtpoée fin érrestf and mradicaglou ot any such dtseuse, nimzluding the° paymcht of élaims‘ growing out; of pa.§t.jand.futu1·é [lQ1’€l}1&SéS_8' ; destrnc-· yuQl1,‘;iI1 coopordtionj with thoistates, o£°·g;1imals u¤éctod_by· or exposed to, or of matérials contqwmated by or c a  »=· to, any `lsniclx disease, whoreéor found ond irrospcotive of ownership,] ll under ,1iko>0r·subSta¤€-ally similar` .circumsta¤€w whoa such Q owxmt has complied with , dll ~ lawful qxmm:xti¤a ·rggu1ation so

 The paymxmt for animals purchased may be made od n;ipi—aise·
 moot based on tho moat, glairj, o1·»·b:;ee¢iug value, But; in case

{ ot_ oppmilsomk·nf boxed l_ on` broodixig vxlloe Quo appmwmemz of ¤ only {animal shall exceed three tiages its mentor dairy value; gud except in msc of in oxtfoordluaxy emorgnéy, to be deterjminod by Secretary o£ Ag°I.’i€‘§lltH1`§$g,` the payment by the United Statos·Go¥ermnem: for guy animal élmlil not onelmlf of any sixch aip;$;·gnisomen|;g.l (Mar. 4, 1917,(€.q IN,} 39 Stat. `· 1167 ;) May 1,1, 1922, é. 185, 42 Stat; 533; Feb- 26; 13%, c; HQ, 42 Slat. 1318 ; Apr. 2, 1924, c. 81; § 1; 43 Stat; 40; Joao 5, 1924.. c. 266, 43 Stat. 458; Dec. h5, 1924, c. 4, { 1, ·§_Stat.·6S3; Feb. 10,. 1925, c.—200, 43 'Stht. 851.) · · · ·` _ l .130. Plwropnopmmia in District of C¢hxnNa; duées of c0¤misd0¤<m·¤.—%;·\Vhouover any conmgloos, Ainteotious, or c<»m~ ·mm1icéa:blc diseése affecting domestic pnoimols, and especially tho disoaée known Ss pIeux·op¤cumonia,” Shall be lxrotnght into of shall ·~‘b1*oa_k out ip thé 'Di¤trl¢tQ fof Columbia, it shall b¤·> tho . duty of the commissioners or _ said: District to take —meosure·.s

  • 0 BUDPFQSS the ·6&¤~1¤_ lH‘0mpt1y and to prevent the same from

spreading; mtxdl for this pmépogse the said commissiooqm— um empoweted\t0,· ordex ond z·equixio."that day prenwes, farm, For 'farms whore disease exists, or has existed. be por in quér- Antiue; to order all or may animals coming intolzhe District to - be detained at anj pludo or ·planc€·s for the Diirpoéq ot! iospeectlosx Kami examination`; to px·¢i:scl·i¥bo x·og·uloti<m.;¢ fux•`&;1d`_t0 mquire