Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/680

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, \ \ § 7 · rtree as.-- Benere any projects are approved in any State, such State, u1l`0\$§h'itS"S$8t€,high$¥&? department, shall select or dealwte a system ot highways not to exceed 7 eentmn of the total highway mileage of each State ae shown hy the records of the State highway department on November 9, ISS]. I · ‘ ‘· Upon this system all Fetlerabald apwrtionments shall be Hlghwayewhlch may receive Federal a§ shall he divided into two oiawwyoue ot whichshall he known as primary or intel? state·hl¢ways, am shall not exceed threeeevwths of the total mileage wfhich may receive Federal aid, and the other whieh / shall ooanétor correlate therewith and he known as secondary or interoouuty highways, and shall- consist of thegremalnder of the mileage `ivhleh may receive. Federalaaid, ~. ( _ ' The Secretary of Agriculture shall have anthorltyto approve nin whole or in part the systems as designated or to require modiucations or revisions- thereof: That the 4, States shall submit to the Secretary of Agriculture for his approval) any pro@d revisions of the designated systems] of ·highwa`§*s above provided tor, _ _ S ’ · l j. Not more than 69 per Zceutum ot. all- Federal aid allotted to any State lshall be expended upon the primary , or interstaté highways until provision has been made for the improvement of the entire system; of such highways _: Provzkled, That ‘ with the awroval of any State highway- department the Secretary of Agriculture may, approve the enpeuqiture, of more than per eentum of the Federal aid apportioned to such State upon the primary or interstate highways insuch State; _ ‘ Q , — · The Secretary of Agriculture may approve projects submittetl by the State highway departments prior to the selection, desig4 nation, ‘ and approval of the system ot Federal-aid highways herein provided for it he may reasonably anticipate that, such. projects will become a part ot such system. 1 ~ Y Whenever provision has been made by any State for the com-,

 and maintenance otna system of primary or interstate

and secondary or interoounty highways equal to`_7 per centum of the total, mtleage ot such `State, as required by this chapter, mid. Stateghrough its State highway_`denai·ttnent, by and with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture, laauthorized add to- the hileage ot primary or `interstate and secondary or lntercounty systems as funds become available l yfor. the c0n~ sanction and, maintenance of such addltional hxllwge. (Nov. 9, 19%, c. 119,, §, 8, 42 Stat. 213.) ‘ i “ 7._ State fads to be proviud.-Q;-"Betore any project shall be approved `by the Secretary ot Agriculture for anyj State such Stateshall make proywlons for State required each y_ear‘ of such Statm by this chapter i'er,eoust1‘nctten,‘ reconstruction,) and maintenance ot all Fetleral-aid highways. 1yrlt.hin.the State, which funds shall be under, the odirectycontrol ot the State high-‘ way department. (Nov; 9, 1921, c. 119, §_ 7, 42 Stat; 214;,) 1 I 8. Character of eonatruction, ete;,_ required; approval of Secretary of Agriculture.--0nly such durable types ot surface and kinds of materials shall be adopted for the construction and reconstruction of any highway which is a part ot_ the primary or interstate and aeeonilary or lntercounty systems hs will adequately meet theexletlng and probable future tra@c needs and oonditions thereon. The Secretary ot Agriculture shall approye the types and width of eonstructiou and- lieconstrnctien .. and the character ot inmprovement, repair, and maintenance in each case, consideration being given to the type and character which shall be best suited foreach locality and to the probable character land extent ot the future tra$c. (Nov. 9, 1921, c. 119, §8,42‘8£¤t.214·)” 'K u , ·. I 9, Freedm from tolls.-All highways constructed or regenatructed uuéer the provisions ot this chapter shall be free from tolls of all kinda (Nov. 9, 1921, e. 119, { 9, 42 Stat. 214.) 19. Width of right of way and wearing eul•faee.———·All highways in the primary m· lntermate ayetem constructed after

QHIGHWAYI 556 Novcmbcr 9, 1921, shall have a right of way of imple width % aaa •, wcagiagavsurtaco of an adequate width which shall not _ Q 'k las than c&htcc¤ tact, mlm, in the ognmn ot the Seem- ‘ tary of Agriculture; it is rendered immactimble by physical couditi@ www costsQ_ pwbtblo &izementa, up lcgal obstacles. (Nov. 9,.1921, c. 119, { 9, 42¤Stat. 214.) _ 11. spportioled §9·$¢•£¤; thm p¤¥¤&.·—-·Whc¤ my- Statc shall have met {the od t& &aptm·,

,mtary·of tho Treasury, npotyroccibt tv! ¢€"l"t{@@0¤ from me S

govérhor ot such Stato to smch cdoct, approved by the Secretary of Agriculture, shall ·tm1.¤cdlst&y hike available to srrch M _ State; ioxithe purpose set forth in this chapter, the sum ·appq»;. tioucd to such State as hcreih prorl®d., (N6?} 9,*1921, 4;, 119,`§10,42St8t,214.) Q _‘ Q \ . E ‘ Q 12. Shbmigha ofproiactystatemeatn; a@al; sewn; aside ‘—-share •f.·Fcdc1•a] Statethavihg wwed with the pmvtsiona ot this chapter, and to avail itself of the lmao- ` its thereof, shall by its·Sta£e highway submit m the Sccrctary oi Agriculture project statcmcataj acttiu forth proposed construction or reconstruction of my primary or iutcrstate or ééconddry or ihtcrcouaty highway It the Secretary of . agriculture approve the the State-` highway, démrtmcrrt shallifumish to him wch .mvcys, plans, specifications, ahd estimates thereior ashe may rmulrc; items 4`includcd for `wginccring, bgférmwa contin- S gcnclos Shall not exceed 10 per Céhttim of the total utimatcd cost of its construction; ‘ · S _ · · Whcgr the Secretary ot Agriculture approves meh surveys, . ··p1m, specihcations; he shall the State highway Qépartment and immediately certify the tact to the Secretary of the _Trcasury. The of the Treasury S shall thereupon set aside the share of United &at& pay- _ able this chaptenon accoant M mw mojecta www shall not exceed 50 per ccutpml of the total coat thereof,. S exceptthat ind thegcaso of any State ¤aa tatcd `publicr lands. and .ho1itaxable·‘ Ihdiaa ki i&d¤l and ‘ tribal, exceeding 5 rpér ccnthm of thetoul ara oi all lands _ in the State, tho share ot the United ·_&atcs parable under this chapter on account of meh projccm shall. not exceed C€IltHlll`0*f the total oétlmatcd cost themof plum a ot Such estimated cost cqual to ohcyhalf ot the _ tage which the amaT¤:· the ¤¤m¤~¤·¤pr1•m¤ lands, ma aoazakmo Indiap lands, individual and: tribal, in such State beam to the 1 total ams of "auch. State: That the limitation ot pay— ments not to cxcood $15,800 per mile, under existing law; which . t the _-Secrctary ot may make, is increased in propor- 1 tion to the- incrcmd pércchtago of Fed@. aid authorised by this section. (Nov; 9, 1921, c. 119, { 11, 42 Stat. 214; Joao 19, 1922, c. 227; 5 4, `par. 4, 42 Stat. 660; Feb. 12, 1925, c. 219, . $4, 43 Stat. 890.) _ ·1_ _ _ _ " 13. Construction and reconstruction work; how md¤cted.—··· » The construction and reconstruction of the highways orparts of highways uhdcr the provisions of thk chapter, md all pon- * ‘ truct:.·s; plans, spccihcations, and cstimateo mlatlng thereto, shall bc_·m1dcrtakeh by tho Statohlghwsy demttments sobjcct to the approval of the Secretary ot Agriculture. The construction and réconstruction pwork and labor hr each State = éhall be done ip accordance with its laws am under the direct supervision of the State highway department, 'subject to the lnspoctloh and approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and in accordance; with tho rulca had regulations pursuarit to this chapter. (Nov. 9, 1921, c. 119, { 12, 42-Stat. 215.) 14. Paymét to States of Federal aid;. time md manner of making.4-—\Vhc¤ the Sccrétary ot.Agrlc¤lture shallhud that any project approved by him has been , conatr¤cted· or reconstructed ih compliance with said plana and apecidcationa, be shall cans; I `to be paid to the proper authorities o!. said Stgte tho amount —— act aside for aaidproject.