Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/683

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I 669 `~ rrrna aa.--, that thesamobtacreaa•dmt rtiontto&¤!n&·easadpuconmgp or madualaid a¤@h¤d by auction 3:*19, c. ®; { 5, 49 IMI; Ima 19, n  ;’‘ c. 27, I 4,-par. 4. 4:3 Stat. dw.,) —. . ` 43. Tigapf M nrbg$qpJgp¤gry]_,pm@d- im: the G! Jana 80,, me of A-lfilfulwfh shall ei several smtes. as it www ¤, we authorised so- each Roca! year. (Fw. 1%, c. 218, Stat. I I 44. Apweytl of HVFWIII Secretary or Aglcnltnre shall act upon proiecm submtted to ,him sneer his a@tloa@t or tm a lations authorized, by 1 mation 1 of the Act of 12, 19% (cmpter 219, Forty- tmrd Statutm, page’8&), and bla approval of any sam project ! \\;lllll!1 three ymrs shall berdemd a contractual obligation ot me Federal Government for the payment of hits proportional a {-mm·ihutSion`thereto. (Feb. 12, 19%, c. S 1, 43 Stat. 889.) Q 45. Approwiallons as 8bH§8¥i0l\8•·····Th0 appropriations now or herwfter made j for the of carrying out me provisions of section 23 of chapter 1. and statutes?

.;m·ndatory thereof and supplemental thereto shall be eqn-

sillered available for the purpom of discharglm the obligations m·.lted_ by the approval of (Jan. 2, 1923, c. 29, 42 smt..11ov.> ’ _ , . , 1 I ~ 1 gi 46. False xatenmts,. etc., as to highway projectsgl peni-:1 sity.--It any omcer, agent, or mployee of the United States, ur any omcer, agent, or employee of guy} State. or §‘er·· it ritory, ornany persm, association, ¤rm,‘or corporation or any l saucer or agent of anypersong association, nun, or `corporation shall knowingly make any false statement, false represmtation, or false report as to the waracter, Tqmllty, quantity, or of the used or to be need, or- quantity or quality of me work performd orto be or tho costs in connection with the snowman of plans, maps, contracts, or of constrmtion of any project submitted for approval to the Secretari of Aniwltum the or chapter 1 or uns ans, or nun lrnoimgny mrs my false statement, false repreaentatlm, or orclalxn tor work or .mterial.s for the of any ap-.. proved by the of Agrlcnlturoannderl chapter 1' of this title, and all awdments thereto, for shall knowingly make any false °stat t or representation ln any report required to be made; ggqer chapter rof thistitle orstatutss snpplemmtary tmreto with the lntmt to defraud the United States, he shall, upon conviction thereof,be by imprlsonl ment not to exceed Bye years.·or"by a une not to exceed $10,000, or by both nne and lmprisonwt within said limits. (Jane 19,1e2c.27.§4,.par,6,42»StatQ 661.) . . _ 47. as for employment one roads of soldl¢l'§,$\i$Bl'BI!iI€.···N00m—£0f€llIlStBdIll&!l0ttB0 Army, Navy, or Marine. shall. be detailed for work on the roads which como within tho provisions. of the Act of February %, 1919, chapter &,_ Fortleth Statutes 1282, except by. his own consent. '(Feb. 28, 1919, ‘c. _®, I 9, 40 Stat. 48. of row maintain the roads under the pros . . of the Act of July 11, mw temper 241, rnlm-nlntn st•tutes‘ raise 855), mtu be, the dnty of the States, or civil according to the laws ot the several Statw. If at anyftime the Secretary,. of Agriculture shall had that any State structed nndertbe. ot said Act els not being propq orlymalntalnad he give of meh fact to the hishway doparmlent of anon State and lf within tour months from tnereeelptofaald nmooaald rmd has not bewpntin ¤l>¤‘<>ner@l¤onofmaintmnoethen theBecreitaryotAgrt- . cultnremall thereattm- to approve any proiect for road constrnmoninsald8tata,c•·tl;sc1vll¤nbdlylalontllueo£,aa

monwus § 52 0 l th mdamsy be whose ouzyr lt is to maintain me mee until it hu been pot ln,• cmdltion ot proper (July U-»I916»¤.$!i1,|7._c¤,S¤t.8¤S.) Q _—· 49. M &o& of The of may exehang xkterioreted eréixf ploslvea or exuodve by transfer P _ the Secretary ot War for distribution the Statm and for

 in the improvement of roo&   his direct supervision,

for exillmivu or products in condition for immediate use; The of h further enthorlzed,’_by_ contract or otherwise, to reclaim` by reworking, rwdltioning, mrtridglng, or otherwise converting into meble tormi meh deteriorated explodves. or explosive componenw is can not be sdgexclmuged, and to pay tbe_.cost· tbwtoot ot available administrative authorised, by .1- od thm title and stntutm amendatory or mpp@1entary The Secretary ot.Aglcn1¢¤1‘e$ Yip may, tranuer to any ` deiwartment or agenq- of the Federal ‘Gove t such of the

     such exchanges, and also such of the

exploslyw lor explosive components as may be rwrorked, reconditioned, ·@rtridged, or otherwise converted hereunder, as may be. by any such department or agjencyrtor `nse in its authorized activities :_ Provided, That the,.Qchsr@ lneldent to tm storage, handling, I protection, exchme, reworking, reconditioning, conversion ot. such explosives or ex? l pl0sive'components esrmoy be icertlded by the Secretary or °Ag»

 to have°b'eén` incurred   sold a  N l   tive

funds shall be said pro rata by the dmre ment or agency of the Federal the State, or other agency receiving sud explosives or explosive (Feb.

 19%, '¢; 219. I 3. 43. S¤¤L·@0·) 1 p" ·` _

· 50. of tractors.-·The Secretary of War is authorised and empowered, at.his_dlscrotton, and rules and legumnons-_bs.m_my pl·e¤¢m»,·m_.l¤s¤ to mysme or me `Unlqn., when by thv , of ee Ststefsuch tgaqtoréeé are emer-

 51.,.62. 01*58 for nsetn   by

the ‘highway·depal‘ment_ of State: @@4, That all expenses for and nweep ot trqctors so loaned and the expenses pot loading and trelgbt shall he paid by the Sute, been in ¤;¤;mre¤·.to.the sum andfthe mmm-to the amy. (Mar. 1.1921, c. 88; { 2, 41 Stdt. 1155.) _- l " 51. Tnnder of netore yéidljilé ¤¢¤¤¤* W hugh; to¤MiBt•ry to of,Agrie¤l· lure; p¤ scf.--’1‘be·é_S ry_.o£ Warts en@lxed and directed to transter sneh motor—propelled v&l& and motor equipment, lnclmlng sparemarts, » # to the Military Establishment as are or 'may bereotter be found to be surplus and 110 longa for military , M ¤#¤— » to the Department ot. Agriculture, for nse`1n‘ the improvement ot highways and roads under: the provisions Io! eeetion 7 of Actreproved Febmiam 28, 1919, entitled f‘ An Act appropriations for the or the Pmt_Omce;Depnrment, for tm` Hscal year.19m, And for-other ’?:, Provided, Bosocoor, That no more motoepropelled motm· eonlmwt, and other war material, eqnipnmt, suppllm wander. of which ls,auth0ri¤8d"in section .51 or 52 shall be to the Department of Agriculture for the named in me tion 7 ot- mid Act than said Department oi wl!

   be emclently (used for sneh pnrpoms   a ree- _

soluble tme after suchftrrnster. (Har. 15, Hm, c. 100, { 1,- 41Stst. 530.) .— _° ‘ ‘ ~ _ ° i 52. Transfer of var material, eqnlpmmt; and mpma for improvement of highways and Seeretsry bt War is mtlxorlsed end directed to to u1Q_-D€®!'t- ment ot under the provisions of section 7 of the . Act spproveo February ${1019, entitled "An Actinaklos ap-

 for the service ot the Post Omoo Deperment for ·