Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/69

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A A 55 TITLE 5.—··EXECUT1 VE - DEPA RTMENTS, W. ·;,,»;5;m1ng of each regular session thereof, in addition to the p

 ,5,,., _,;g_m(-Cd to be made as aboye, a_ detailed statement show- iteria

mg qw amount expended from each of the -appropriati-ons for mon ,3,,. ;·{=p;1ir of e\‘€:I‘)’A$i1ill \\`il€l‘€AASi,ltfh 1'e11:“li1‘S exceed. forA-any (mg exp. _.,;,, ,;,0 sum of $300, any one nscnl year. (Mar. 2, 1907, Lsub; ,.1 35};}, 34 Stat. ·—11·95; Mar-3, 1999,-C. 255, 35_Stat. 769; Aug. 1 cou . :;,_ litlti,-Q. 417, 39 Stat. 605.) A ’ A A Jun “(—<;.spte·r 8.-DEPARTABIENT or INTERIOR. he; A s· ~i·.· · Aden gs}, llstablishment. .. - _ _ G0, ~~·· First Assistant and Assistant Secretaries of Interior. A -_ . A

 $:13110; d\1ii€S of AS$i$t8Dt SQCI‘0f3,1'Y..* _ A  

z— 1. Chief clerk. · I A0I‘»< ,~r., Duties et Secretary. p V ._ , ·r a p . [ ing 1;-..;__ semetsry to exercise certain powers {over the Territories. c Gael 4·.7, 1-:xpcnditures'ot department.- a ‘ » A _ 45s, i{et·0l'dS; CODi€S·‘ ·· _ , my same; inspection and copying. . , j A {Tm .;;_·r•_ Same;. authenticated copiesas evidence. ._ Q A- blu .401, same; attestation of copies by odicial seal. by .4A1¤3_ same; dispositionof receipts. — ·- . ·_ . Vfee 493. Agents or attorneys representing clalmantsbefore department. , __ .,o1_ xcxelmnger of-automobiles; 1 _ y - A A A ‘ . Ye? mr., ,mn.ua1..repgrts of departmentfand its_·b_ureaus. p . - .Thzoo. Purchase of supplies and equipment or procu;refment_ ._qt~ services COD _ for bureaus. and “0Qces of l‘nteri0r_I)epartmont. · ·‘ 1 ·_._ of · Section 481.Establishment.-+There -_ shall be `atthe seat of.: {gp g;‘u\'t’l'!1lI1{£Ilt an execnitive deps-rtment to Abe known Aas.the_ De-A Op p2ll`illl(;‘lliZ ofcthelnterior, and --aA Secretary of the ‘Interi.or, who typ Aséiitlii be the head·‘thereof.· (R. 54437.)* A . A ‘ j . 4 Cross reference: Salary of Secretary ; fsee section $»of this title. _ A AA fg A 482. First.Assist•nt and Assistant Secretaries of Interior.-+— in

  • 1‘1.1»z·e"s1iall.Acbe- in the Department of·the Interior a First Assist- . , toj

mn Secretary of the Interior, and an Assistant Secretary of the got 1uh·rior, who shall. be appointed by the 1’reside nt, by and with .__its the advice and consent of. the Senate. A (R.-~ S; §' 438; Mar.- 3, ing l»5,A AZ3TStiitTA`—?f97AA{“ANiHF.A$*3, tl`` `1A9A1A7,A `S`' A1(i$:A'§AAA”1TA$§AAAAS’t“a”t._ ini} ‘ 483. Same; duties not Assistant Secretary.;——-The Assistant rio Set-i·t.~tary,o£*..theA Interior shall perform such, duties in the De-A gt ,]l2li'iillt’i1LAOf__tii€ Interior asishall·be_;1r·‘escribed the ·Secre· cat tary, or may be required by i¤w.·f11e»;1s authorized ·_ to sign mh sn<~h‘uliicial papers and documents as the Secretary may direct. 24, {lt. S. § 439; Mar. 28, 1918, c. 29,. 40 Stat._4}.l9_.) . - A I A 481. _Chief clerk.--The chlet clerk pt the Department, of the Wh l ¤.h·ri.•»r shall be the Chief executive office1·*ofAt11_edepartment sh: sm! may be designated by the ,SecretAary to sign‘o$cia1 papers. wh ii***i.(i0<*\\l1lQl1t8,- including A the authoriza,tion_A-of expenditures. c.: l`¤·.»m the contingent. and other appropriations °forA the depart! ment, its bureaus and officés. Section ‘B75’_Aof Title 31 ·AtoA the< <·•mt1·:u·y1n ·$rithstanding._ (May 24, 1922., c. 199, 42 Stat. 552; A tht ·l:in.··2-l, 1t¤..:3,_...c. .42, 42 Statl 1114; .JuneA5,1_ 1924, c..__264, 43 191 Slut. 391; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 4Q2,,-43_ Stat..1142A.) p · A A A` _ A · 485. Duties of Secretary.--—-The Secretary. ot? the Interior is · de ··1¤:u·gct1 with the supervision of public business relating to the an _f¤»i1uwi1lg subjectsl · e_ ’ A " ~ A OY l·`iu·sv; The public lands, including mines. an V Scwond. The Indinlw. . pi A 1 . A Ai fol 'iVhir<l. 1’ension‘sA and Aibounty-lands. ,, _ thl·7onrt.lxEducation. _ 1 c `go A }r`iHh.A St. Elizaheths Hospital. , _, _. a th< Sixth. Columhia Institution for ADoaf._ A. (R. S. 5 441: Feb..14, cio l€»·»¤%.,¢+. ssa, 5 1.2, easter. 830.-1 , — A y 1 c` Atic

 l!S1i.’Secretary to exercise certain powers over the Terri- op

tori•·s.y——-Time Secretary of the Interior shall exercise all the pr

··»m·rs. and perfornn Aalljtlle duties in relation to the Terri- to

i••l'ii.`*; 0i’Atl1e»United States that were. prior tolilarch 1, 1873,; to by law or by custom exercised andperformed by the Secretary wi of State. (lt. "1t.· § 442.) ‘ · ' A A th

, ozrzrzomts, AND 1—JMPLOYnEs` 493 §7. Eirpenditures of department.——Th,e Secretary of the ln-- orshall sign ull requisitions fornthe adijanlce poiipa-yment of r ley, out- of the Treasury, upon estimates or accounts for enditures upon businessiassigned by laaito his departnicnt; ject, ihoweyer, ‘to·adjustn1ent and control by the proper acnting officers-of the (general Accounting Oilice. {ILS. § 444; ,e».*10, 1921, c. 18, § -304,42 Sta_t.—2—i.) s i i V, •· a 88Q -Records_;, copies.-eThej Secretary ot the Interior, the duet anyibureaujoffice, or institution, or any otiicer of that artment, may, when not .prejudicial~ to the interests of the _ rernmient, furnish_‘a_ut.henticated or cunauthenticated copies r" any =ofiicial”bo0ks,‘7 records, papers, documents, _-maps. plats, . ZliV{lg}Y$1IllS.\‘l'ltl1lIl_hlS— custody, and charge thereforthe follow- 9 --fees:;For all written copies, at the rate; of _15_ cents for h hundred _,words therein; for each photolithographic copy, Cents ,where` such copies'arre“autlrorized by law; for phototphic copies, cents fort each · sheet; and _-for tracings or ·. e nrintsuthe cost;of.·the production thereof to be determined a the ollicer furnisliingsuch copies, and in- addition fto these s the sum of 25 cents shall,--he charge@for each certiticate-of giiicationy" and the- sealy, attached 9 to authenticatetl copiesp ere shall be no fcharge for tlre`,maki_ng;oryerification- of lies required _ for,__offici'al`use by the officers of any branch the Governnrent'. yOnly iai charge. of :25_cents shall be made furnishing authenticated copies of any rules, regulations, »instructions.printedby the Qoyermiient fongratuitous disbution`; (Aug. 2il,1912,· c.`370,·§ 1, 37 Stat. 497,) ~ " c _ LS9; Same; inspection copying.--Nothlng` in sections 488 `492 of tliisyttitleqshall be construed to limit or rest-riot any manner the authority ofZthe Secretary, of the Interior ‘ prescribefsucli rules 8-ll(ii1’(}g,lll&tl0l1S as he may deem proper ‘eru_iug‘the, ins;>ection of the records ofsaid- department and various bureaus by the general public, and any person hav_-»

9 any particular inte}·4e·s_t_M_ig_i_,_atny of such crecorels maybe pertted to taltie copies of._such`.records, under suchtrules and

rulations- as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Inte- ·

 (Augj 2·i,i1_912,c. 370, § 2, 37 Stat. 498;), - u l ‘

i90. Same ;‘ authenticated copies as eyidence.————A,ll authenti-

ed copies furnished under section 488 of thisstitle shall he ·_

mittcd in evidence-iequallyiwitlr the originals thereof; (Aug, _ 1912,%. 370, § 3,37 Stat,`_498.·) · —— · 9 l ·· u `_ _ ‘ y {91. Same; `attestation of copies they-omcial seal.————All officers no fuirnish authenticated copies under section 4°4S8·_o`t thisvtltle ill attest, their authentication by lthe use of an iotllcial seaf, lichi is hereby authorizediifor thatpurpose, r_ (Aug, 24, 1912,. ’ 370, §_4,»37;tat. 498.), . i 1 p _ u 2 < . 492, Same, disposition of;receipts.—a-~All sums receiyed under e provisions of section _‘ 488 of this tltlershall be deposited in Q Treasury to the cretlltvof miscellaneous receipts. __ (Aug. 24, l2,ic.`370,,§ 0, 37 Stat,. 498.) . u n I `, _ 493. Agents or , attorneys representing claimants before pertinent.--·—The Secretary of the Interior may prescribe rules d regulations governing the recognition of. agents, attorneys, other. persons represen.ting1 clalmants.before` his&partxnont, tl may require of such persons, agents, audi at neys, bere belngrccognized, as representatives of claimants,-r that ey shall show that they are of good moral character aaa. in od repute, possessed of the necessary cqualidcatlous to enable u em to rendersuch claimants Valuable service, and otherwise mpetent; to advise and assist such claimants in the presentaln of tliclrt claims and such Secretary may, artermtaee and portunity for aheurlng, »susp”end` or exclude from further »act1ce~l»ctal·e his department any such -person,_ agent or atrney shown to spe incompetent, disreputahle, or who refuses ·i c0_1IlDly with the said rules and regulations,‘ or who shall Lth intent tofdefraud in any manner, deccire, mislcadi or reaten any claimant, orprospective claimant, by word, cir-